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This data release includes 2016-2019 soil moisture timeseries for two drainage basins (“Arroyo Seco” and “Dunsmore Canyon”) that burned during the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County, California, USA. The Arroyo Seco (0.01 km2) and Dunsmore Canyon (0.5 km2) drainages include two soil pits, one located near the drainage divide and another near the basin outlet. Following the naming convention established by Smith et al. (2019), we refer to the soil pits near the Arroyo Seco drainage divide and basin outlet as “AS1” and “AS3,” respectively. Similarly, we refer to the soil pits near the Dunsmore Canyon drainage divide and basin outlet as “DC1” and “DC3,” respectively. The coordinates of AS1 and AS3 are, respectively,...
Lidar data was collected on 24 and 25 May 2017 at the USGS debris-flow flume to monitor two gate-release debris flow experiments. A static prism of sediment was emplaced behind a gate at the top of the flume. Water was added via sprinklers to the surface and also via pipes to the subsurface, in order to saturate the sediment mass. The sediment mass moved down the flume as a debris flow when the gate was opened. Lidar data were collected from a Riegl VZ-400 terrestrial laser scanner to capture the mass failure. The laser scanner was modified, so that rather than scanning in a 360 degree motion, as it is designed, it only scanned a narrow swath (approximately 1 mm) along the full profile of the constructed sediment...
Note: this data release is currently being revised and is temporarily unavailable. This data release contains two point clouds derived from structure-from-motion photogrammetry. The first survey was conducted on 10 September 2015 and the second survey was conducted on 1 June 2016. Each survey was designed to capture a 35-meter channel reach using digital photos (1187 photos were taken in the first survey and 1085 photos were taken in the second survey). Twenty-five bolts were drilled into the bedrock channel to serve as ground control points. We used a local coordinate system to create a reference frame, but the location of all of the ground control points are attached in the file called: GCPs_exported.txt. Agisoft...
The data presented in this data release represent observations of postfire debris flows that have been collected from publicly available datasets. Data originate from 13 different countries: the United States, Australia, China, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, South Korea, and Japan. The data are located in the file called “PFDF_database_sortedbyReference.txt” and a description of each column header can be found in both the file “column_headers.txt” and the metadata file (“Post-fire Debris-Flow Database (Literature Derived).xml”). The observations are derived from areas that have been burned by wildfire and are global in nature. However, this dataset is synthesized...
This data release includes time-series data from a monitoring site located in a small (0.12 km2) drainage basin in the Las Lomas watershed in Los Angeles County, CA, USA. The site was established after the 2016 Fish Fire and recorded a series debris flows in the first winter after the fire. The station is located along the channel at the outlet of the study area (34 9’18.50”N, 117 56’41.33”W, WGS84). The data were collected between November 15, 2016 and February 23, 2017. The data include two types of time series: (1) continuous 1-minute time series of rainfall and flow stage recorded by a laser distance meter suspended over the channel (LasLomasContinuous.csv), and (2) 50-Hz time series of flow stage and flow-induced...
This data release includes time-series data from two monitoring stations in drainage basins burned in the 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California. Both stations are located near the upper boundary of their respective watershed and were installed to study the effects of vegetation recovery on hillslope hydrology and debris-flow occurrence. The coordinates of the Arroyo Seco site are 34°14'13.10"N, 118°11'44.72"W. The coordinates for the Dunsmore Canyon hillslope site are 34°15'54.27"N, 118°14'14.41"W. The data include 1-minute time series of rainfall, soil water content, soil temperature, and soil matric potential recorded at two locations at both stations: AS1, AS2, DC1, DC2. The two locations at each...
Lidar data were collected on 17 May 2017 at the USGS debris-flow flume (44.215, -122.254) to monitor the movement of a constructed landslide experiment. A static prism of sediment was emplaced behind a retaining wall at the top of the flume. Water was added via sprinklers to the surface and also via pipes to the subsurface, in order to saturate the sediment mass. The sediment mass eventually failed as a debris flow and moved down the flume. Lidar data were collected from a Riegl VZ-400 terrestrial laser scanner to capture the mass failure. The laser scanner was modified, so that rather than scanning in a 360 degree motion, as it is designed, it only scanned a narrow swath (approximately 1 mm) along the full...
This is a dataset of location and photo data for the debris flow deposits measured in the Tadpole Wildfire. The data were collected using the ArcGIS Collector application by multiple individuals. The original data are stored in a geodatabase here, and the geodatabase has the following fields: Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Elevation (meters), GlobalID (a unique ID), CreationDate, Creator, EditDate, Editor, and Notes. Each point in the geodatabase represents an observation (either a debris flow deposit or a wood measurement), and most points also include associated photos of the deposit/wood. An opensource version of the geodatabase is provided as a shapefile, containing the same fields...
On September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria hit the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico as a category 4 storm. Heavy rainfall caused landslides in mountainous regions throughout the territory. This data release presents geospatial data describing the concentration of landslides generated by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. We used post-hurricane satellite and aerial imagery collected between September 26, 2017 and October 8, 2017 to visually estimate the concentration of landslides over nearly the whole territory. This was done by dividing the territory into a grid with 4 square km cells (2 km x 2 km). Each 4 square km grid cell was classified as either containing no landslides, fewer than 25 landslides/ square km or more than...
This data release supports the analysis of the recurrence interval of post-fire debris-flow generating rainfall in the southwestern United States. We define the recurrence interval of the peak 15-, 30-, and 60-minute rainfall intensities for 316 observations of post-fire debris-flow occurrence in 18 burn areas, 5 U.S. states, and 7 climate types. These data support the analysis described in Staley et al. (2020). Debris flow occurrence data and corresponding peak rainfall intensities are from Staley et al. (2016). Recurrence interval data are from NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 1: semiarid southwestern United States (Bonnin et al., 2004), Volume 6: California (Perica et al., 2014) and Volume 8: Midwestern States (Perica...
This dataset contains lidar digital elevation models (DEMs). The lidar data were collected before (2016) and after (2021) the Grizzly Creek Fire, which occurred in 2020. The 2016 lidar was collected during a series of flights between 10 June and 7 October 2016. The 2021 lidar flight was conducted in full on 24 August 2021. The files are named with the following convention: Vendor_Year_Resolution_merged_Watershed. The vendor is either Merrick (2016 data) or Sanborn (2021), the year is either 2016 or 2021, the resolution is 1 meter in both cases, and the watershed is labeled as HUC1, HUC2, HUC3_N_side, or HUC3_S_side. Additionally, the files from the individual vendors are stored in two separate compressed folders:...
The data presented in this data release represent the records from a rain gage near Black Hollow, CO, a watershed that is tributary to the Cache La Poudre River. On 20 July 2021 a large rainstorm moved over the watershed and generated a large debris flow that destroyed several homes, resulting in four fatalities. The watershed had been burned prior to the rainstorm during the Cameron Peak wildfire (13 August – 2 December 2020). Here we present time-series data the Dry Creek rain gage, which captures the storm that triggered the Black Hollow debris flow. Latitude and Longitude data are included in the header. The timezone of the timestamp is in Mountain Standard Time, note that the storm occurred when the local...
One of the grand challenges of Earth Surface Science and Natural Resource Management lies in the prediction of mass and energy transfer for large watersheds and landscapes. High resolution topography (lidar) datasets show potential to significantly advance our understanding of hydrologic and geomorphic processes controlling mass and energy transfer because they represent features at the appropriate fine scale on which surface processes operate. While lidar datasets have become readily available across the United States, challenges remain in extracting accurate and objective information relevant for hydrologic and geomorphic research, modeling, and prediction, as well as watershed management. We primarily focus our...
This dataset contains 286 landslide polygons mapped after a rainstorm on 16-17 January 2019. The majority of the landslides are located in the burn areas of the 2016 San Gabriel Complex fire, the 2014 Colby fire, and the 2009 Morris fire. A smaller number of additional landslides were located in nearby unburned areas. More information about the burn perimeters associated with this inventory and their spatial information can be found at:
These lidar data are derived from two airborne lidar surveys: a 2016 Los Angeles Region Imagery Acquisition Consortium (LARIAC) survey, and a 2019 National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) survey. These data were reclassified in order to improve the classification of ground points, and to make the classification of both datasets as consistent as possible. The NCALM data had their position shifted slightly to more closely align with the LARIAC data. The data are organized into two "Child Items": Reclassified lidar point clouds from 2016 LARIAC collection near Malibu, California and Reclassified lidar point clouds from 2019 NCALM collection near Malibu, California. The point clouds are available as ~1 square...
On 9 January 2018, intense rain above Montecito, California triggered a series of debris flows from steep catchments in the Santa Ynez Mountains. These catchments were burned three weeks earlier by the 1140 km2 Thomas Fire. After exiting the mountain front, the debris flows traveled over 3 km down a series of alluvial fans, killing 23 people and damaging over 400 homes. To understand the flow dynamics and damage of the debris flows and to provide a data set for testing debris-flow runout models, we mapped the inundation characteristics of the five main debris-flow runout paths in Montecito. Here we present our map data on the boundaries of debris-flow inundation, flow depth, and deposit characteristics and link...
This data release contains data summarizing observations within and adjacent to the Tadpole Fire, which burned from 6 June to 4 July 2020 in the Gila National Forest, NM. This monitoring data were focused on debris flows triggered on 8 September 2020 in four drainage basins (TAD1, TAD2, TAD3, and TAD4). Rainfall data (1a_rain_geophones.csv) are provided in a comma-separated value (CSV) file. The columns in the csv file are: Index, GaugeID (name of rain gauge), StormID (the storm number starting at the first record, where a new storm is defined by 8 hours with no rainfall), TimeStamp (local time), Bin Accum (mm) (The total accumulated rainfall between timesteps in units of millimeters), TotalAccum (mm) (the cumulative...
During the spring and early summer of 2012, approximately 1,200 square kilometers of Gila National Forest in southwestern New Mexico, including the upper portions of the Whitewater Creek watershed, were burned by the Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire. The following September 12-17, 2013, a near-record, one-week long storm event produced widespread, historic rainfall amounts throughout the southwest U.S. in four distinct pulses. Data published here include GIS shapefiles of documented erosional features associated with the September 2013 storms and associated rainfall data. Data files are numbered 1-9. Shapefiles provided in this data release include: 1) polygon of the study area; 2) point locations of 688 debris-flow...

map background search result map search result map Map data showing concentration of landslides caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico Hillslope hydrologic monitoring data following the 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2015 to June 2017 Post-wildfire debris-flow monitoring data, Las Lomas, 2016 Fish Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2016 to February 2017 Debris-flow inundation and damage data from the 9 January 2018 Montecito debris-flow event Post-wildfire debris flow and rainfall data, Whitewater-Baldy complex fire, southwestern New Mexico Lidar data for natural release experiment at the USGS Debris Flow Flume 17 May 2017 Lidar data for gate release experiment at the USGS Debris-Flow Flume 24 and 25 May 2017 Inventory of landslides triggered by rainfall on 16-17 January 2019, Los Angeles County, CA Data supporting an analysis of the recurrence interval of post-fire debris-flow generating rainfall in the southwestern United States Soil moisture monitoring following the 2009 Station Fire, California, USA, 2016-2019 Reclassified lidar point cloud data from 2016 LARIAC and 2019 NCALM collections covering part of the Woolsey wildfire near Malibu, California Rainfall data near the Black Hollow Debris Flow, Larimer County, Colorado 20 July 2021 Tadpole Fire Field Measurements following the 8 September 2020 Debris Flow, Gila National Forest, NM Tadpole Fire Debris Flow and Wood Collector Measurements May 2021 Airborne Lidar Data (2016 and 2021) Capturing Debris Flow Erosion and Deposition after the Grizzly Creek Fire in Glenwood Canyon, Colorado Postfire Debris-Flow Database (Literature Derived) Chalk Cliffs Channel Surveys derived from Structure-from-Motion (Under Revision) Post-wildfire debris-flow monitoring data, Las Lomas, 2016 Fish Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2016 to February 2017 Lidar data for natural release experiment at the USGS Debris Flow Flume 17 May 2017 Chalk Cliffs Channel Surveys derived from Structure-from-Motion (Under Revision) Tadpole Fire Debris Flow and Wood Collector Measurements May 2021 Lidar data for gate release experiment at the USGS Debris-Flow Flume 24 and 25 May 2017 Hillslope hydrologic monitoring data following the 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2015 to June 2017 Tadpole Fire Field Measurements following the 8 September 2020 Debris Flow, Gila National Forest, NM Rainfall data near the Black Hollow Debris Flow, Larimer County, Colorado 20 July 2021 Inventory of landslides triggered by rainfall on 16-17 January 2019, Los Angeles County, CA Debris-flow inundation and damage data from the 9 January 2018 Montecito debris-flow event Airborne Lidar Data (2016 and 2021) Capturing Debris Flow Erosion and Deposition after the Grizzly Creek Fire in Glenwood Canyon, Colorado Reclassified lidar point cloud data from 2016 LARIAC and 2019 NCALM collections covering part of the Woolsey wildfire near Malibu, California Soil moisture monitoring following the 2009 Station Fire, California, USA, 2016-2019 Post-wildfire debris flow and rainfall data, Whitewater-Baldy complex fire, southwestern New Mexico Map data showing concentration of landslides caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico Data supporting an analysis of the recurrence interval of post-fire debris-flow generating rainfall in the southwestern United States Postfire Debris-Flow Database (Literature Derived)