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Data on 17 metrics of shale gas development in the Pennsylvania portion of the Upper Susquehanna River basin that was collated from a variety of sources and summarized at the upstream catchment scale. Data were also standardized by upstream area and transformed into rank scores based on metric distribution and then summarized into a Disturbance Intensity Index (DII). See Maloney et al. 2018 for detailed descriptions of each data sets and limitations of data. (Maloney, K. O., J. A. Young, S. P. Faulkner, A. Hailegiorgis, E. T. Slonecker, and L. E. Milheim. 2018. A detailed risk assessment of shale gas development on headwater streams in the Pennsylvania portion of the Upper Susquehanna River Basin, U.S.A. Science...
This data release links benthic macroinvertebrate sites to both the NHDPlus Version 2 and NHDPlus High Resolution Region 02 networks, hereafter referred to as V2 and HR, using the hydrolink methodology. Linked benthic macroinvertebrate sites are those included in the Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide Index of Biotic Integrity (Chessie BIBI) developed by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) and available from the Chesapeake Bay Program ( The data set contains a unique sample identifier created by ICPRB, survey program, coordinates of sample, linked V2 COMID and HR Permanent Identifier, and information regarding uncertainty in the attribution. We strongly...
These tabular data are the summarization of land use/land cover related variables within the Chesapeake Bay watershed using the xstrm methodology bringing these data to the 1:24,000 scale. Variables being counted as land use/land cover related include all land use and land cover data. This also contains datasets that are split off or combined from source data (eg. agriculture or impervious only datasets combined from agriculture or impervious land use/land cover classes). Outputs consist of tabular comma-separated values files (CSVs), and parquet formatted files for both the local catchment and network summaries linked to the National Hydrography Dataset Plus High-Resolution (NHDPlus HR) framework by NHDPlus ID....
These tabular data are summaries of climate related variables within catchments of the Chesapeake Bay watershed at the 1:24,000 scale using the xstrm methodology. Variables being counted as climate related include temperature and precipitation by both annual and monthly timesteps. Outputs include tabular comma-separated values files (CSVs) and parquet files for the local catchment and network summaries linked to the National Hydrography Dataset Plus High-Resolution (NHDPlus HR) catchments by NHDPlus ID. Local catchments are defined as the single catchment the data is summarized within. Network accumulation summaries were completed for each of the local catchments and their network-connected upstream catchments for...
This dataset consists of historical estimates and future projections of land use and climate data summarized within the 1:100,000 National Hydrography Dataset Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) framework for catchments and upstream accumulated watersheds. Historical land use data are for the year 2005 and future land use projections are for the years 2030, 2060, and 2090. The projections offer a unique combination of thematic detail (17 land-use and land-cover classes). Historical climate estimates are averaged over the time period 1980-1999 and future climate projections are averaged over 20-year periods centered around the years 2030, 2060, and 2090. Climate data include seasonal measures of average air temperature (℃) and...
This data release links fish survey data from a suite of programs in the Chesapeake Bay watershed as well the benthic macroinvertebrate sites included in the Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide Index of Biotic Integrity (Chessie BIBI) developed by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) and available from the Chesapeake Bay Program ( The data set contains site name, survey program, coordinates of sample, and ancillary information such as sample date and site location information where available. It also includes the NHDPlus V2.1 unique identifier, COMID, as well as a confidence classification category for each of these assignments based on a set of pre-determined...
This dataset consists of several measures of landscape characteristics, each of which is summarized from raster data within spatial polygons. These spatial polygons represent the land area upstream of sampled stream reaches. These stream reaches were sampled by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for the Maryland Biological Stream Survey program during survey rounds one, two, and four. Landscape characteristics summarized here are either represented by continuous or discrete raster layers which are summarized as the average value of a given characteristic (continuous data) or the area occupied by each class (discrete data). The continuous datasets summarized included percentage of area occupied by tree...
This data release contains predictions of stream biological condition as defined by the Chesapeake basin-wide index of biotic integrity for stream macroinvertebrates (Chessie BIBI) using Random Forest models with landscape data for small streams (≤ 200 km2 in upstream drainage) across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW). Predictions were made at eight time periods (2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, and 2019) according to changes in landcover using the National Land Cover Database (NLCD). The Chessie BIBI data used were provided by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin. Uncertainty was calculated using model prediction intervals. For complete data descriptions and data interpretation see associated...
These tabular data are the summarization of natural environment related variables within catchments of the Chesapeake Bay watershed at the 1:24,000 scale using the xstrm methodology. Variables being counted as natural environment related include soils/geology, lithology, elevation, slope, stream gradient, landform (geomorphon) and others. Outputs include tabular comma-separated values files (CSVs) and parquet files for the local catchment and network summaries linked to the National Hydrography Dataset Plus High-Resolution (NHDPlus HR) catchments by NHDPlus ID. Local catchments are defined as the single catchment the data is summarized within. Network summaries are summaries for each of the local catchments and...
This data release contains calculated metrics which summarize various biodiversity and functional/life history trait information about fish communities sampled across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed as well as ancillary data related to time/place of sampling and sampling methodology. The fish sampling data used to compute these metrics were compiled from various fish sampling programs conducted by state and federal agencies, county governments, universities, and river basin commissions across the watershed. Prior to computation of community metrics data from individual fish sampling programs were investigated for completeness and data entry errors. Subsequently, desired fields were extracted from each individual dataset...
This data release links habitat assessment sites to both the NHDPlus Version 2 and NHDPlus High Resolution Region 02 networks using the hydrolink methodology. Linked habitat sites are those compiled by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) during creation of the Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide Index of Biotic Integrity (Chessie BIBI) for benthic macroinvertebrates ( The data set contains a unique sample identifier created by ICPRB, survey program, coordinates of sample, linked V2 COMID and HR Permanent Identifier, and information regarding uncertainty in the attribution. We strongly caution the use of sampling points with attribution uncertainty...
Natural resource managers worldwide grapple with protecting aquatic environments and species in the face of intensifying land use and climatic changes. The hierarchical landscape theory suggests that a species distribution is impacted by multiple series of environmental factors affecting the species at multiple spatial resolutions. For a species to inhabit an area, it must pass through these environmental filters similar to a set of sieves. Utilizing this theory as a modeling framework, we created Nested Ensemble Species Distribution Models (NESDMs). This approach assesses species distributions at multiple spatial scales, consecutively limiting the predicted habitat range as it passes through a series of static...
The dataset contains long-term and short-term summaries of streamflow alteration and measures of biological condition (fish multi-metric index). Streamflow alteration metrics include the magnitude, duration, frequency, and seasonality of high and low flow streamflow. Biological condition was estimated from the National Rivers and Streams Assessment and National Water Quality Assessment fish sampling programs. Using fish samples, a fish multi-metric index was calculated and categorized into altered versus non-altered fish communities.
Degraded physical habitat is a common stressor affecting river ecosystems and a primary focus of management activities, including stream restorations. In order to assess regional conditions and help prioritize management efforts, there is an ongoing need to provide estimates of different aspects of instream physical habitat conditions at spatially continuous scales. We utilized over 16,000 unique habitat assessments from multiple jurisdictions across the Chesapeake Bay watershed and created a spatially continuous nontidal habitat assessment using predictive random-forest modeling based on landscape attributes. Through this work, we produced predictions for the twelve rapid habitat metrics contained within the EPA...
This data release links fish survey data from a suite of programs in the Chesapeake Bay watershed to the NHDPlus High Resolution Region 02 networks, hereafter referred to as NHDPlusHR. The data set contains site name, survey program, coordinates of sample, ancillary information such as sample date and site location information where available, and HR Permanent Identifier. It also includes a confidence classification category for each of NHD assignment based on a set of pre-determined rules. In total there were 15 confidence categories ranging from high confidence to low confidence. We caution the use of sampling points which were given anything other than "high" confidence in their assignment to a given NHD catchment/flowline...
This data release contains predictions of selected  fish community metrics and fish species occurrence using Random Forest models with landscape data for inland reaches across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW). Predictions were made at four time intervals (2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016) according to changes in landcover using the National Land Cover Database (NLCD). The fish sampling data used to compute these metrics were compiled from various fish sampling programs conducted by state and federal agencies, county governments, universities, and river basin commissions across the watershed. Community metrics describe composition, tolerances, habitat preferences, and functional traits of fish communities (and were derived...
Note: This data release is currently being revised and is temporarily unavailable. These tabular data are the summarization of human related variables within the Chesapeake Bay watershed using the xstrm methodology bringing these data to the 1:24,000 scale. Variables being counted as human related include agriculture, barriers, road density and road/stream crossing data. Outputs include tabular comma-separated values files (CSVs), and parquet formatted files for both the local catchment and network summaries linked to the National Hydrography Dataset Plus High-Resolution (NHDPlus HR) catchments by NHDPlus ID. Local catchments are defined as the single catchment the data is summarized within. Network accumulation...

    map background search result map search result map Shale gas data used in development of the Disturbance Intensity Index for the Pennsylvania portion of the Upper Susquehanna River basin in Maloney et al. 2018 Chesapeake Bay Watershed historical and future projected land use and climate data summarized for NHDPlusV2 catchments Land Cover, Climate, and Geological conditions summarized within Maryland DNR Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) Catchments Attribution of benthic macroinvertebrate and fish sampling data to NHDPlusV2 Catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (ver. 2.0, March 2022) Community metrics from inter-agency compilation of inland fish sampling data within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Fish community and species distribution predictions for streams and rivers of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model predictions of biological condition for small streams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA “ChesBay 24k – CL": Climate Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024) “ChesBay 24k – LU": Land Use/Land Cover Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024) “ChesBay 24k – NE": Natural Environment Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024) Data from Assessing the added value of antecedent streamflow alteration in modelling stream condition Attribution of benthic macroinvertebrate sampling data to NHDPlus V2 and NHDPlus HR catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Attribution of fish sampling data to NHDPlus HR catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Predicted Physical Habitat Metrics for the Chesapeake Bay watershed at the 1:100k scale, 2001-2019 Attribution of stream habitat assessment data to NHDPlus V2 and NHDPlus HR catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Patuxent River Basin Environmental Variable Rasters: Climate, Topography, Land Use and Land Cover “ChesBay 24k – HU": Human Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024) Patuxent River Basin Environmental Variable Rasters: Climate, Topography, Land Use and Land Cover Land Cover, Climate, and Geological conditions summarized within Maryland DNR Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) Catchments Shale gas data used in development of the Disturbance Intensity Index for the Pennsylvania portion of the Upper Susquehanna River basin in Maloney et al. 2018 Attribution of benthic macroinvertebrate and fish sampling data to NHDPlusV2 Catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (ver. 2.0, March 2022) Attribution of benthic macroinvertebrate sampling data to NHDPlus V2 and NHDPlus HR catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Attribution of fish sampling data to NHDPlus HR catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Attribution of stream habitat assessment data to NHDPlus V2 and NHDPlus HR catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed “ChesBay 24k – CL": Climate Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024) “ChesBay 24k – LU": Land Use/Land Cover Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024) “ChesBay 24k – NE": Natural Environment Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024) “ChesBay 24k – HU": Human Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024) Chesapeake Bay Watershed historical and future projected land use and climate data summarized for NHDPlusV2 catchments Predicted Physical Habitat Metrics for the Chesapeake Bay watershed at the 1:100k scale, 2001-2019 Fish community and species distribution predictions for streams and rivers of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model predictions of biological condition for small streams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA Community metrics from inter-agency compilation of inland fish sampling data within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Data from Assessing the added value of antecedent streamflow alteration in modelling stream condition