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This dataset contains chemical and isotopic data from 39 produced water samples collected from sealed separators containing water from horizontal hydrocarbon wells in the lower Eagle Ford Group. The samples were collected from Lavaca and Gonzales counties, Texas in December, 2015. All wells had been in production for longer than 6 months and had produced more than 10,000 barrels (~160,000 liters) of water.
Temporal and spatial sources of silica for chert remain poorly constrained. Modern sources to the worlds oceans include silica in rivers > aeolian (dust) deposition > sea floor vents and submarine weathering. However, changes in aridity and dust flux during the Phanerozoic may explain variations in the ocean silica cycle and times and places of chert formation. The chemistry of fine quartz dust (FQD) provides a chemical mechanism for the transformation of FQD to polymorphs of silica in chert; FQD is readily dissolved, then reprecipitated as Opal-A by either biotic or abiotic processes. An unequivocal relation between increases in dust flux and biogenic opal-A in the western Pacific Ocean during the past 200 kyr...
The dataset consists of site identification, location, temperature and CO2 flux from diffuse emission measurement at the Tiptop fire. A total of 40 CO2 flux measurements were made at 27 locations, including five points (seven measurements) outside of the active coal fire area.
To test if reflectance increases to sedimentary organic matter (vitrinite) caused by broad ion beam (BIB) milling were related to molecular aromatization and condensation, we used Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies to evaluate potential compositional changes in the same vitrinite locations pre- and post-BIB milling. The same locations also were examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) to determine topographic changes caused by BIB milling (as expressed by the areal root-mean-square roughness parameter Rq). Samples consisted of four medium volatile bituminous coals. We used a non-aggressive BIB milling approach with conditions of [(5 min, 4 keV, 15°incline, 360° rotation at 25 rpm and 100%...
Solid organic matter (OM) in sedimentary rocks produces petroleum and solid bitumen when it undergoes thermal maturation. The solid OM is a 'geomacromolecule', usually representing a mixture of various organisms with distinct biogenic origins, and can have high heterogeneity in composition. Programmed pyrolysis is a common conventional method to reveal bulk geochemical characteristics of the dominant OM while detailed organic petrography is required to reveal information about the biogenic origin of contributing macerals. Despite advantages of programmed pyrolysis, it cannot provide information about the heterogeneity of chemical compositions present in the individual OM types. Therefore, other analytical techniques...
At recent technical conferences, many coal geoscientists in academia and government institutions as well as in industry organizations have expressed concern about the dwindling number of students and young staff members interested in careers in coal geoscience. To better understand what is driving these trends and to identify potential ways that the community can increase interest and participation in coal geoscience, two different surveys were sent to 94 coal geoscientists who were current or past members of The Society of Organic Petrology (TSOP) in February 2020. As the trends and perceptions in industry and government organizations may be different than in universities, one distinct survey was sent to members...
Inorganic compositions of flowback and co-produced waters from hydrocarbon extraction have been studied directly and through laboratory experiments that seek to replicate subsurface water-rock interaction. Here a broad analysis is made of compositions from the U.S. Geological Survey Produced Waters Database (v2.3) and leachates (water, hydrochloric acid, artificial brine) for 12 energy-resource related shales from across the United States. The database illustrates common ranges for 26 elements in 4 produced water types and enhanced solubility with increasing ionic strength is observed for Al, Ba, Fe, Li, Mn, Rb, Sr, and possibly 11 other elements. Differences are observed between laboratory leachates and produced...
The organic composition of produced waters (flowback and formation waters) from the Bakken Formation and the Three Forks Formation in the Williston Basin, North Dakota were examined in this study in order to aid in the remediation of surface contamination due to spills during transport and help develop treatment methods for recycling. Twelve produced water samples were collected from wells in the Bakken and Three Forks Formations at the well head and analyzed for non-purgable dissolved organic carbon (NPDOC), acetate, and extractable hydrocarbons. NPDOC and acetate concentrations from sampled wells from ranged from 33-190 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and 16-40 mg/L, respectively. Concentrations of individual extractable...
These data represent laboratory reflectance measurements conducted on a suite of sandstone, tuffaceous mudstone and claystone rocks and sediment, which are known host and source materials for roll front Uranium deposits mined throughout the South Texas Coastal Plains. Visible through Near Infrared through Shortwave Infrared (~0.4 - 2.5 microns) reflectance were measured using an artificial light source attached to an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) spectrometer. A total of 125 spectra were measured and analyzed, representing samples from nine former open-pit mine sites excavating rocks from four different mapped geologic units, including rocks and sediments from the Jackson Group, Catahoula, Oakville and Goliad...
This dataset includes ten years of emissions and sequestration estimates (2005-2014) in two separate tables, 1) the combustion and extraction of fossil fuels on Federal lands and 2) processes from the ecosystems on those Federal lands. The fossil fuel related estimates include the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), and the ecosystems estimates include only CO2. The results are presented by State and year, including the Pacific and Gulf offshore areas in the fossil fuel associated estimates. In addition to total emissions, the estimates are broken into categories by the sector of the economy where the combustion or extraction related emissions occurred or the biologic process...
Recent production of light sweet oil from shallow (~2,000 ft) horizontal wells in the Upper Devonian Berea Sandstone of eastern Kentucky and historical oil production from conventional wells in the Berea of adjoining southern Ohio has prompted re-evaluation of Devonian petroleum systems in the central Appalachian Basin. Herein, we examined Upper Devonian Ohio Shale (lower Huron Member) and Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale organic-rich source rocks from eastern Ohio and nearby areas using organic petrography and geochemical analyses of solvent extracts. The data indicate the organic matter in the Ohio and Marcellus Shales was primarily derived from marine algae and its degradation products including bacterial biomass....
For sample mounting, organic petrology laboratories typically use cold-setting epoxy-resin (e.g., 40°C, used by Oklahoma Geological Survey, OGS) or heat-setting plastic (e.g., 180°C, used by U.S. Geological Survey, USGS). Previous workers have suggested a systematic vitrinite reflectance (VRo) increase was associated with the thermoplastic preparation process, relative to epoxy mounting, which was attributed to moisture loss from the transient high temperatures of plastic mounting. In this study, we evaluated thermal effects to low maturity organic matter from transient exposure to elevated temperatures. A subbituminous coal sample was subjected to long-term (4 to 38 weeks) exposure to temperatures of 85 to 120°C...
As part of a larger study, organic petrographic features of Leonardian Wolfcamp A repetitive siliceous and calcareous mudrock and fine-grained carbonate lithofacies cycles occurring in the R. Ricker #1 core from Reagan County, Midland Basin, Texas were evaluated. The objectives of the petrographic investigation were to estimate thermal maturity, identify organic matter types and abundances, and identify the presence or absence of migrated hydrocarbons. An integrated analytical program included geochemical screening [total organic carbon (TOC) content by LECO, programmed pyrolysis by HAWK, including from solvent-extracted samples], X-ray diffraction mineralogy, organic petrography, SEM-EDS including correlative light...
The U.S. Geological Survey assessed undiscovered unconventional hydrocarbon resources reservoired in the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa marine shale (TMS) of southern Mississippi and adjacent Louisiana in 2018. As part of the assessment, oil- source rock correlations were examined in the study area where operators produce light (38-45° API), sweet oil from horizontal, hydraulically-fractured wells in an overpressured ‘high-resistivity’ (>5 ohm-m) zone (HRZ) at the base of the TMS. Our initial characterization of TMS samples indicated overall low organic carbon (avg. TOC ~1.0%) and dominance of a gas-prone Type III or mixed Type II/III kerogen, potentially inconsistent with a self-sourced petroleum system model for...
This data release serves as a model archive associated with an upcoming journal article. It contains all the input and output files from, as well as explanatory information about, numerical simulations that were conducted as part of a study of a site in Kemper County, Mississippi where deep geologic injection of CO2 has been proposed. The simulations represent groundwater flow within a portion of the deepest potential underground source of drinking water (USDW) at the site; the Eutaw aquifer. Simulations tested various hypothetical leakage rates from one of the two proposed CO2 injection wells, and analyzed detection of the dissolved CO2 plume at the other wells at the site. Simulations also tested the effect of...
This dataset includes eighteen years of emissions and sequestration estimates (2005-2022) in two separate tables. Table 1 includes the greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion and extraction of fossil fuels on Federal mineral lands. Table 2 is the emissions and sequestration from ecosystem processes on Federal surface lands. The fossil fuel related estimates include the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), and the ecosystems estimates include only CO2. The results are presented by State and year, including the Pacific and Gulf offshore areas in the fossil fuel associated estimates, and only the conterminous United States for ecosystems. In addition to total emissions,...
The Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center (GEMSC) is a research center within the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) that conducts comprehensive, interdisciplinary research, assessments, and surveys of the origin, occurrence, distribution, quantity, composition, and environmental effects of geologic energy materials, minerals, associated deposits, and waste materials. Additionally, GEMSC scientists are working on a broad range of current and emerging geology, energy, and minerals issues including evaluating waters produced during oil and gas extraction; identifying wastes that can be recovered or repurposed and used in new processes; conducting studies and assessments of critical minerals and rare earth elements;...
This study describes the application of organic petrology techniques to quantify the amount of coal and carbonaceous combustion by-products (i.e., coke, coal tar/pitch, cenospheres) in sediments taken from the Kinnickinnic River adjacent to the former site of the Milwaukee Solvay Coke and Gas Company. The site produced metallurgical coke and coal-gasification by-products from 1902-1983 and was assessed in 2001 as a potential Superfund site in part due to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which readily absorb to coal and combustion by-products.
The nanoscale molecular composition of kerogen is a challenging parameter to characterize given the chemical and structural complexity exhibited by this important biopolymer. However, kerogen composition will strongly impact its reactivity and so is a critical parameter to understand petroleum generation processes during kerogen catagenesis. The recent advent of tip-enhanced analytical methods, such as atomic force microscopy-based infrared spectroscopy (AFM-IR), has allowed for the major compositional features of kerogen to be elucidated at spatial resolutions at or below 50 nm. Here we apply AFM-IR to examine inertinite, an important kerogen maceral type, from an immature Eagle Ford Shale sample. Our data show...
Solid bitumen is a petrographically-defined secondary organic matter residue produced during petroleum generation and subsequent oil transformation. The presence of solid bitumen impacts many shale reservoir properties including porosity, permeability, and hydrocarbon generation and storage, amongst others. Furthermore, solid bitumen reflectance is an important parameter for assessing the thermal maturity of formations with little to no vitrinite. While the molecular composition of solid bitumen will strongly impact associated parameters such as the development of organic matter porosity, hydrocarbon generation, and optical reflectance, assessing the molecular composition of solid bitumen in situ within shale reservoirs...

map background search result map search result map Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration in the United States: Estimates 2005-14 - Data Release Site identification, location, temperature and CO2 flux from diffuse emission measurement at the Tiptop coal mine fire, Kentucky (2009) The chemistry of eolian quartz dust and the origin of chert Data release for Organic geochemistry and petrology of Devonian shale in eastern Ohio: implications for petroleum systems assessment (2018) Analyzing Heterogeneity in Artificially Matured Samples of Bakken Shales (2018) Organic Petrography and Diagenesis of Leonardian Mudrocks and Carbonates, Midland Basin, Texas (2018) Chemical and isotopic composition of produced waters from the lower Eagle Ford Group, south-central Texas Organic Analysis of Oilfield Produced Water from the Williston Basin, North Dakota Oil-source rock correlation studies in the unconventional Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa marine shale petroleum system, Mississippi and Louisiana, USA (2019) Sample mounting for organic petrology: no thermal effects from transient exposure to elevated temperatures (2019) Investigating the effects of broad ion beam milling to sedimentary organic matter Nanoscale Molecular Composition of Solid Bitumen from the Eagle Ford Group Across a Natural Thermal Maturity Gradient Organic petrographic evaluation of carbonaceous material in sediments of the Kinnickinnic River, Milwaukee, WI, U.S.A. Results of leaching experiments on 12 energy-related shales from the United States Atomic Force Microscopy-based Infrared Spectroscopy Data within Immature Eagle Ford Shale at the Nanometer-scale Results from surveys to academic and industry and government geoscientists on the future of coal geoscientists Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) and Short Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) Spectra of Select Rock Cores and Waste Material from Nine Uranium Mine Sites in Karnes and Live Oak Counties, Texas Simulations of hypothetical CO2 leakage and hydrological plume management in an underground source of drinking water at a proposed CO2 storage facility, Kemper County, Mississippi, USA Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration in the United States: Estimates 2005-22 - Data Site identification, location, temperature and CO2 flux from diffuse emission measurement at the Tiptop coal mine fire, Kentucky (2009) Organic Petrography and Diagenesis of Leonardian Mudrocks and Carbonates, Midland Basin, Texas (2018) Simulations of hypothetical CO2 leakage and hydrological plume management in an underground source of drinking water at a proposed CO2 storage facility, Kemper County, Mississippi, USA Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) and Short Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) Spectra of Select Rock Cores and Waste Material from Nine Uranium Mine Sites in Karnes and Live Oak Counties, Texas Chemical and isotopic composition of produced waters from the lower Eagle Ford Group, south-central Texas Oil-source rock correlation studies in the unconventional Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa marine shale petroleum system, Mississippi and Louisiana, USA (2019) Organic petrographic evaluation of carbonaceous material in sediments of the Kinnickinnic River, Milwaukee, WI, U.S.A. Data release for Organic geochemistry and petrology of Devonian shale in eastern Ohio: implications for petroleum systems assessment (2018) Atomic Force Microscopy-based Infrared Spectroscopy Data within Immature Eagle Ford Shale at the Nanometer-scale Analyzing Heterogeneity in Artificially Matured Samples of Bakken Shales (2018) Investigating the effects of broad ion beam milling to sedimentary organic matter Results of leaching experiments on 12 energy-related shales from the United States Sample mounting for organic petrology: no thermal effects from transient exposure to elevated temperatures (2019) Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration in the United States: Estimates 2005-22 - Data Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration in the United States: Estimates 2005-14 - Data Release Results from surveys to academic and industry and government geoscientists on the future of coal geoscientists The chemistry of eolian quartz dust and the origin of chert