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These data were collected to quantify oak mortality during the 2014-2017 drought. 30 tenth hectare drought plots were established throughout the blue oak woodland of Sequoia National Park. Information on species, size, and mortality were collected for all standing trees in each plot. In addition, two long-term 2.25 ha plots were established, in which the same data were collected. These data are associated with the following publication: Das, A.J., Ampersee, N.J., Pfaff, A.H., Stephenson, N.L., Swiecki, T.J., Bernhardt, E.A., Haggerty, P.K. and Nydick, K.R., 2020. Tree mortality in blue oak woodland during extreme drought in Sequoia National Park, California. Madroño, 66(4), pp.164-175.
These data describe tree mortality and the factors associated with tree mortality for a variety of plots in Sequoia National Park. Most of the data were collected between 2014 and 2017 (during an extremely severe drought), along with some comparison data from 2004 to 2007. These data support the following publication: Stephenson, N.L., Das, A.J., Ampersee, N.J., Bulaon, B.M., and Yee, J.L., In review. Which trees die during drought? The key role of insect host-tree selection, Journal of Ecology
These data represent stem growth from whitebark pine at 27 sites in the Sierra Nevada of California. Values for stem growth were derived from increment cores, processed following standard methods. Samples were also compared against a genomic data collected at the same trees. These data support the following publication: van Mantgem, P.J., Milano, E.R., Dudney, J., Nesmith, J.C.B, Vandergast, A.G., and Zald, H.S.J., 2023. Growth, drought response, and climate-associated genomic structure in whitebark pine in the Sierra Nevada of California. Ecology and Evolution.
This dataset contains data pertaining to chaparral vegetation dieback based on the difference or change in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) prior to and 6 years into an extensive drought before the 2017 Thomas and 2018 Woolsey Fires in southern California. The difference in mean NDVI is provided for 9322 study plots as are values for a number of physical and climatological variables and burn severity following the two fires. These data support the following publication: Keeley, J.E., Brennan-Kane, T.J., and Syphard, A.D., 2022. The effects of prolonged drought on vegetation dieback and megafires in southern California chaparral. Ecosphere, 13(8), e4203.
This dataset records mortality-- including involvement of bark beetles-- and burn severity information for trees in long term forest dynamics plots in Sequoia National Park and Yosemite National Park that experienced fire. These data support the following publication: Furniss, T.J., Das, A.J., van Mantgem, P.J., Stephenson, N.L. and Lutz, J.A., 2021. Crowding, climate, and the case for social distancing among trees. Ecological Applications, p.e2507,
This release consists of data collected from 26 plots in two national parks over a 19-year period. The data consists of plot-level seed counts for three genera, number of seed traps, live tree basal area, plot area, and climate metrics from the gridmet gridded data set, the daymet gridded data set, the PRISM gridded data set, and two nearby COOP stations.
Technological advancements in Global Positioning System (GPS) telemetry markers allow almost real-time observation of waterfowl movements and habitat selection. Telemetry data on ducks marked with GPS transmitters can be used to evaluate performance of remote sensing data (for example, dynamic open-water maps produced by Point Blue Conservation Science) for classifying habitats that are flooded and available for waterfowl. Translating dynamic open-water maps to waterfowl-relevant habitat maps provides a major improvement for wildlife researchers and managers to assist in their assessments of the areas and habitats used by waterfowl as hydrologic conditions change, both temporally and spatially. Suitable habitat...
These data represent stem growth, needle length growth, and carbon stable isotope ratios from whitebark pine at 27 sites in the Sierra Nevada of California. Values for stem growth were derived from increment cores, processed following standard methods. Needle characteristics were captured for individual trees across all years needles were present on the internodes. Needle length was measured in the lab for three healthy needles per tree and initiation year. For stable carbon isotopes, samples were pulverized in the lab and then were sent to the Analytical Laboratory at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) for weighing and encapsulation. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic values were estimated by the Stable Isotope...
These datasets provide spatially-explicit estimates of the magnitude of giant sequoia foliage dieback along selected trail corridors in Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks, California, from 2014 through 2017. They additionally provide giant sequoia tree-ring measurements, through the year 1989, for two locations in the Giant Forest grove, Sequoia National Park, California. These data support the following publications: Nathan L. Stephenson, Adrian J. Das, Nicholas J. Ampersee, Kathleen G. Cahill, Anthony C. Caprio, John E. Sanders, A. Park Williams, Patterns and correlates of giant sequoia foliage dieback during California’s 2012–2016 hotter drought, Forest Ecology and Management, Available online 7 November...
Data presented are results of surveys and monitoring for San Diego Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) in southern San Diego County. These data were collected to assess Cactus Wren population status following 3 years of drought and determine the relationships between specific elements of habitat quality, food availability, and Cactus Wren productivity and survival. Surveys were conducted periodically at 35 plots that were last surveyed in 2012. A subset of Cactus Wren territories were monitored in the Otay and Sweetwater/San Diego genetic clusters to ascertain Cactus Wren breeding productivity, survival, and associated vegetation composition and structure. Nesting data were compiled to present seasonal...
Wildfire events are becoming more frequent and severe on a global scale. Rising temperatures, prolonged drought, and the presence of pyrophytic invasive grasses are contributing to the degradation of native vegetation communities. Within the Great Basin region of the Western United States, increasing wildfire frequency is transforming the ecosystem toward a higher degree of homogeneity, one dominated by invasive annual grasses and declining landscape productivity. Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage-grouse) are a species of conservation concern that rely on large tracts of structurally and functionally diverse sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) communities. Using a 12-year (2008-2019) telemetry...
These data represent tree diameter, species, mortality status, and plot attributes from 164 plots in Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks, California. Plots were matched with local records of recent fire history to determine burn status and year burned if applicable. These data support the following publication: van Mantgem, P.J., Caprio, A.C., Stephenson, N.L. and Das, A.J., 2021. Forest Resistance to Extended Drought Enhanced by Prescribed Fire in Low Elevation Forests of the Sierra Nevada. Forests, 12(9), p.1248.
The sensitivity of tidal marshes to environmental changes that result from sea-level rise or drought conditions is uncertain. We used a controlled greenhouse experiment and factorial flooding x salinity treatments to explore the differential responses of three tidal marsh plant species. Each species exhibited unique responses, with negative responses to increased salinity and longer flooding, but only limited evidence for interactive effects. These data support the following publication: Buffington, K.J., Goodman, A.C., Freeman, C.M. and Thorne, K.M., 2020. Testing the interactive effects of flooding and salinity on tidal marsh plant productivity. Aquatic Botany, p.103231.
Shrublands have seen large changes over time due to factors such as fire and drought. As the climate continues to change, vegetation monitoring at the county scale is essential to identify large-scale changes and to develop sampling designs for field-based vegetation studies. This dataset contains two raster files that each depict the height of vegetation. The first layer is restricted to actively growing vegetation and the second is restricted to dormant/dead vegetation. Both layers cover open space areas in San Diego County, California. Height calculations were derived from Lidar data collected in 2014 and 2015 for the western two-thirds of San Diego County. Lidar point clouds were pre-classified into ground and...
This dataset describes tree growth and site characteristics for 26 monitoring plots in 3 sites in Redwood National Park in California, USA. One site (A972) was established and sampled in 2007, 2008, and 2013 (Dagley and others, 2023). Two sites (Holter Ridge and Whiskey 40) were established and sampled in 2009 (van Mantgem and Das, 2014). Six existing plots in the Holter Ridge and Whiskey 40 sites were resampled for this study in summer of 2014 and winter of 2015. Tree growth data represent basal area increments at core height. Site characteristics include treatment histories and harvest year. Plot characteristics for the resampled sites are also presented, including location, stand age since harvest, stand age...
Many coastal dune ecosystems have been degraded by non-native dune vegetation, but these systems might still provide valuable habitat for some taxa, including amphibians. Because restoration of degraded dune systems is occurring and likely to continue, we examined the occurrence of amphibians in drainages associated with a coastal dune ecosystem degraded by invasive plants (European Beachgrass, Ammophila arenaria, and Iceplant, Carpobrotus edulis). We found that occupancy of three amphibian species (California Red-legged Frog, Rana draytonii; sierran treefrog, Pseudacris sierra; and Rough-skinned Newt, Taricha granulosa) among 21 coastal dune drainages was high, with most coastal dune drainages occupied by all three...
These datasets contain the attributes of individual trees located in and around Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks. Attributes include remote sensing indices, terrain characteristics, and-- for the calibration data-- tree size and growth rates. Calibration data (mixedconifervulnerability_calibrationdataset.csv) were collected in long term research plots where trees are visited annually to check for mortality and periodically re-measured for diameter to capture growth. Validation data (mixedconifervulnerability_validationdataset.csv) were collected as part of a randomized sample located within a remote sensing 'flight box'. Remote sensing indices and terrain variables for both datasets were extracted from National...
These data were collected as part of a trapping effort for endangered threespine stickleback in Soledad Canyon, Santa Clara River watershed in California. The two-year survey effort took place in 2021 and 2022. We reported survey reach identities, stream sections, and numbers of fish captured per trapping effort.
Most of these data were collected in order to create a database of tree locations for use in calibrating remote sensing tools and products, particularly dead tree detection tools and canopy species maps. Data include tree locations, species identification, and status (live, dead, and, if dead, sometimes includes information on foliage and twig retention). They are a collection of different sampling efforts performed over several years, starting in a period of severe drought mortality. One csv table is included that shows data and validation results for an additional dataset that was used to test the NAIP derived dead tree detection model that is associated with this data release. Locations are not included for that...
These snag (dead tree) fall data were collected as part of long term forest dynamics data. Tree fall data were collected non-systematically as text comments until 2013, after which explicit snag fall data were collected on an annual basis. This particular dataset includes data from 23 plots in old-growth mixed conifer and montane conifer forests in Sequoia-Kings Canyon and Yosemite National Parks. The plots range in size from 0.9 ha to 2.5 ha and were established from 1982 to 2001. We used demography plot data through 2021 (collected before the extensive KNP Complex wildfire burned many of the plots). Before 2021, four of the 23 plots had experienced relatively recent prescribed burns or wildfires. When established,...

map background search result map search result map Surveys and Monitoring of Coastal Cactus Wren in Southern San Diego County (ver. 4.0, February 2024 ) Sequoia foliage dieback and tree-ring data from Sequoia National Park Tree mortality in Sequoia National Park from 2004 to 2007 and during severe drought in 2014 to 2017 Tree mortality in blue oak woodlands in Sequoia National Park during extreme drought Seed Source, Not Drought, Determines Patterns of Seed Production in Sierra Nevada Conifers (ver. 2.0, January 2023) Pacific Northwest tidal marsh plant biomass from a 2017 greenhouse experiment with flooding and salinity manipulations Classification of Waterfowl Habitat, and Quantification of Interannual Space Use and Movement Distance from Primary Roosts to Night Feeding Locations by Waterfowl in California for October - March of 2015 through 2018 Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks Mortality and Fire Data (1990-2019) for Competition-Fire-Drought Interaction Analysis Forest Structure Data for Burned and Unburned Sites at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Calibration and Validation Data and Model Coefficients for Mixed Conifer Vulnerability Project from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park 2015 to 2019 Growth, Drought Response, and Genomic Structure Data for Whitebark Pine in the Sierra Nevada of California (ver. 2.0, May 2023) The Effect of Prolonged Drought on Chaparral Dieback within the Perimeters of the Thomas and Woolsey Fires in Southern California, USA Vegetation Height in Open Space in San Diego County, Derived from 2014 NAIP Imagery and 2014/2015 Lidar Stem and Needle Growth for Whitebark Pine in the Sierra Nevada Greater Sage-Grouse Adult and Nest Observations Before and After Wildfire in Northwest Nevada (2008-2019) Dead Tree Detection Validation Data from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Snag Fall Data from Long Term Forest Dynamics Plots in the Sierra Nevada of California through 2021 Tree Growth at Redwood National Park from 1970 to 2015 Threespine Stickleback Trapping Data for Soledad Canyon, Santa Clara River Watershed (2021-2022) Threespine Stickleback Trapping Data for Soledad Canyon, Santa Clara River Watershed (2021-2022) Pacific Northwest tidal marsh plant biomass from a 2017 greenhouse experiment with flooding and salinity manipulations Tree mortality in blue oak woodlands in Sequoia National Park during extreme drought Surveys and Monitoring of Coastal Cactus Wren in Southern San Diego County (ver. 4.0, February 2024 ) Tree mortality in Sequoia National Park from 2004 to 2007 and during severe drought in 2014 to 2017 Dead Tree Detection Validation Data from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Tree Growth at Redwood National Park from 1970 to 2015 Forest Structure Data for Burned and Unburned Sites at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Calibration and Validation Data and Model Coefficients for Mixed Conifer Vulnerability Project from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park 2015 to 2019 Sequoia foliage dieback and tree-ring data from Sequoia National Park The Effect of Prolonged Drought on Chaparral Dieback within the Perimeters of the Thomas and Woolsey Fires in Southern California, USA Greater Sage-Grouse Adult and Nest Observations Before and After Wildfire in Northwest Nevada (2008-2019) Vegetation Height in Open Space in San Diego County, Derived from 2014 NAIP Imagery and 2014/2015 Lidar Seed Source, Not Drought, Determines Patterns of Seed Production in Sierra Nevada Conifers (ver. 2.0, January 2023) Snag Fall Data from Long Term Forest Dynamics Plots in the Sierra Nevada of California through 2021 Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks Mortality and Fire Data (1990-2019) for Competition-Fire-Drought Interaction Analysis Stem and Needle Growth for Whitebark Pine in the Sierra Nevada Growth, Drought Response, and Genomic Structure Data for Whitebark Pine in the Sierra Nevada of California (ver. 2.0, May 2023) Classification of Waterfowl Habitat, and Quantification of Interannual Space Use and Movement Distance from Primary Roosts to Night Feeding Locations by Waterfowl in California for October - March of 2015 through 2018