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This dataset represents untransformed average annual daily traffic (AADT), or vehicles per day, throughout the Northeastern United States circa 2010. Detailed documentation for the methods to derive the dataset are available from the Ancillary Data document: This dataset was developed as part of the Designing Sustainable Landscapes project led by Professor Kevin McGarigal of the University of Massachusetts and sponsored by the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative; for more information about the entire project see: Important steps in developing the dataset include: 1) Obtained raw road traffic...
As the climate continues to change, vulnerable wildlife species will need specific management strategies to help them adapt to these changes. One specific management strategy is based on the idea that some locations that species inhabit today will remain suitable over time and should be protected. The climate conditions at those locations will continue to be good enough for species to survive and breed successfully and are referred to as climate refugia. Another management strategy is based on the idea that species will need to shift across the landscape to track suitable conditions and reach climate refugia locations as climate and land uses change over time. The more opportunities we can give species to safely...
This dataset depicts imperviousness for the Northeastern United States. Imperviousness is the percentage of the ground surface area that is impervious to water infiltration. Development such as roads and buildings increase imperviousness, which can have large effects on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.The dataset is derived from two sources: 1) the 2006 National Land Cover Database (NLCD 2006), percent impervious product, and 2) OpenStreetMaps ( The NLCD 2006 was developed by the Multi-Resolution Land Cover Consortium (MRLC), which makes available metadata for the NLCD 2006 , NLCD 2001, and other information that describes how the imperviousness product was developed (
Abstract (from Springer Link): Conservation planning is increasingly using “coarse filters” based on the idea of conserving “nature’s stage”. One such approach is based on ecosystems and the concept of ecological integrity, although myriad ways exist to measure ecological integrity. To describe our ecosystem-based index of ecological integrity (IEI) and its derivative index of ecological impact (ecoImpact), and illustrate their applications for conservation assessment and planning in the northeastern United States. We characterized the biophysical setting of the landscape at the 30 m cell resolution using a parsimonious suite of settings variables. Based on these settings variables and mapped ecosystems, we computed...
This dataset estimates the probability of road-crossing mortality to wildlife for roads throughout the Northeastern United States circa 2010. It is based on a model that relates traffic rate to wildlife mortality developed by Gibbs and Shriver (2002) for turtles and therefore the estimates are expected to be most accurate for relatively small, slow-moving wildlife species. Units are probability, 0-1 (e.g., a value of 0.25 is equivalent to an estimated 25% chance of mortality to wildlife that attempt to cross the road at that location.)Detailed documentation for the methods to derive the dataset are available from: DSL_traffic_documentation_07-2013.pdf . This dataset was developed as part of the Designing Sustainable...
This dataset measures the total amount of above-ground live biomass in forested systems, which is an important attribute of forested communites and an indicator of successional development, and an important habitat attribute for many forest-associated wildlife species. The dataset is derived from a combination of remote sensing products derived from multi-temporal Landsat TM data and Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plot data and forest succession models derived from FIA plot data. It is expected this dataset will be useful for distinguishing early successional from mature forests as they existed in approximately 2012. Units are in kilograms/meters squared times 10. To create this dataset, the Woods Hole North...
Abstract (from Science Direct): Urban development is a principal driver of landscape change affecting the integrity of ecological systems and the capacity of the landscape to support species. We developed an urban growth model (SPRAWL), evaluated it with hindcasting, and used it to simulate urban growth across the northeastern United States between 2010 and 2080 under four alternative scenarios. In the model, urban growth is constrained by demand for new development for each time step at the subregional scale. Demand is subsequently allocated to local application panes (5 km on a side within 15 km window) using a unique landscape context matching algorithm, such that the more historical development that occurred...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation.This dataset represents a scaled version of the headwater stream temperature tolerance index based on a model developed by Dr. Ben Letcher and associates at the USGS Conte Anadromous Fish Lab, which is a measure of the relative sensitivity of stream temperatures to rising air temperatures. Specifically,...

    map background search result map search result map Imperviousness, Northeast U.S., 2010 Risk of Road Crossing Mortality to Wildlife - 2010 Road Traffic, Northeast 2012 Forest Above-ground Biomass, Northeast USGS Stream Temperature Tolerance, CT River Watershed Mapping Connections across Ecosystems in the Northeast to Inform Climate Refugia USGS Stream Temperature Tolerance, CT River Watershed Mapping Connections across Ecosystems in the Northeast to Inform Climate Refugia Imperviousness, Northeast U.S., 2010 Risk of Road Crossing Mortality to Wildlife - 2010 Road Traffic, Northeast 2012 Forest Above-ground Biomass, Northeast