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Conclusions:Wetlands were found to work best, in terms of providing ecosystem services, as spatially distributed systems. Wetland value was also found to be highly depended on its hydrogeomorphic position in the landscape relative to other landscape features and human settlements. Wetlands should comprise 3-7% of temperate watersheds for flood control and improved water qualityThresholds/Learnings:Wetlands should comprise 3-7% of temperate watersheds for flood control and improved water quality
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Midwestern USA and Scandinavia,
Natural cover amount,
ecosystem services,
wetland position,
Conclusions:Wetlands and riparian zones should be strategically placed in watersheds to optimize nitrogen removal, as, for example, in tile-drained farmlands prone to high concentrations of nitrateThresholds/Learnings:Restoring 10 million hectares of riparian zones and wetlands, representing 3.4% of the Mississippi River basin, would reduce nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin and its tributaries by an average of 40%
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Illinois,
Land use configuration,
Landscape fragmentation,