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The U.S. Great Plains is known for frequent hazardous convective weather and climate extremes. Across this region, climate change is expected to cause more severe droughts, more intense heavy rainfall events, and subsequently more flooding episodes. These potential changes in climate will adversely affect habitats, ecosystems, and landscapes as well as the fish and wildlife they support. Better understanding and simulation of regional precipitation can help natural resource managers mitigate and adapt to these adverse impacts. In this project, we aim to achieve a better precipitation downscaling in the Great Plains with the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model and use the high quality dynamic downscaling results...
RiverWare simulated daily averaged surface water permit requested diversions and diversions modeled in the spatially refined model region within the Red River Basin. Values reported are for 18 different climate projection scenarios and a historical scenario, from 2010 through 2099 and 1976 through 2005, respectively. The RiverWare model was used to determine the impacts on regulated flows, resevoir levels, and water permit reliability. RiverWare was used for this project because of its ability to simulate water use, reservoir operations, and local/interstate regulations.
A monthly water balance model (MWBM) was driven with precipitation and temperature using a station-based dataset for current conditions (1949 to 2010) and selected statistically-downscaled general circulation models (GCMs) for current and future conditions (1950 to 2099) across the conterminous United States (CONUS) using hydrologic response units from the Geospatial Fabric for National Hydrologic Modeling (Viger and Bock, 2014). Six MWBM output variables (actual evapotranspiration (AET), potential evapotranspiration (PET), runoff (RO), streamflow (STRM), soil moisture storage (SOIL), and snow water equivalent (SWE)) and the two MWBM input variables (atmospheric temperature (TAVE) and precipitation (PPT)) were summarized...
This data set includes a dropped-edge analysis of grassland and forest networks in the South Central United States based on land cover data from 2006 and graph theory to evaluate Landscape Resistance to Dispersal (LRD). LRD represents the degree to which habitat availability limits species movement. LRD decreases as habitat availability increases and increases as habitat availability decreases. This data set includes a range of LRD thresholds to represent species with different dispersal abilities and responses to landscape structure. A threshold indicates the highest LRD that still allows dispersal by a particular group of species. LRD thresholds are included in the data set, with low values representing connectivity...
The development of a hydrologic foundation, essential for advancing our understanding of flow-ecology relationships, was accomplished using the high-resolution physics-based distributed rainfall-runoff model Vflo. We compared the accuracy and bias associated with flow metrics that were generated using Vflo at both a daily and monthly time step in the Canadian River basin, USA. First, we calibrated and applied bias correction to the Vflo model to simulate streamflow at ungaged catchment locations. Next, flow metrics were calculated using both simulated and observed data from stream gage locations. We found discharge predictions using Vflo were more accurate than using drainage area ratios. General correspondence...
This data set includes bi-monthly data on submerged aquatic vegetation species composition, percent cover, above and below ground biomass and environmental data at coastal sites across the fresh to saline gradient in Barataria Bay, LA. This project was co-funded by the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center and the Gulf Coast Prairie and the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. An alternate reference to this product can be found here.
This dataset contains the result of the bioclimatic-envelope modeling of the three amphibian species -- the Sacramento Mountain Salamander (Aneides hardii), the Jemez Mountains Salamander (Plethodon neomexicanus), and the Chiricahua Leopard Frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis) -- in the South Central US using the downscaled data provided by WorldClim. We used five species distribution models (SDM) including Generalized Linear Model, Random Forest, Boosted Regression Tree, Maxent, and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and ensembles to develop the present day distributions of the species based on climate-driven models alone. We then projected future distributions of the species using data from four climate...
This dataset contains the result of the bioclimatic-envelope modeling of the two reptile species -- Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi) and Gray-Checkered Whiptail (Aspidoscelis dixoni) -- in the South Central US using the downscaled data provided by WorldClim. We used five species distribution models (SDM) including Generalized Linear Model, Random Forest, Boosted Regression Tree, Maxent, and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and ensembles to develop the present day distributions of the species based on climate-driven models alone. We then projected future distributions of the species using data from four climate models: Community Climate System Model version 4 (CCSM4), Hadley Centre Global Environment...
Create an inventory of water-related models that have been developed for the Rio Grande/Bravo basin. The summary includes a description of model river extent, spatial and temporal resolution, time period, model type, and their possible application for testing environmental flows or climate change future alternatives.
The threat of droughts and their associated impacts on the landscape and human communities have long been recognized in the United States, especially in high risk areas such as the southcentral region. This project examines whether existing drought indices can predict the occurrence of drought events and their actual damages, how the adaptive capacity (i.e., resilience) varies across space, and what public outreach and engagement effort would be most effective for mitigation of risk and impacts. The study region includes all 503 counties in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. This data set was created to assess the community resilience to the drought hazards using the Resilience Inference Measurement...
This project facilitated the implementation of a multiyear project to understand how climate variability and management practices influence soil microbial and nutrient dynamics within a no-till cotton production system with stubble management. Three fields at the R.N. Hooper farm in Petersburgh, TX were used for this project and continue to be monitored with funds from Cotton Inc. The three fields are center-pivot irrigated to compensate for rainfall variability as needed and depending upon water availability. The three fields were planted into the following crops for 2017 : Field 1 – corn following cotton; Field 2 – cotton following corn, and Field 3 – Wheat/mixed summer cover following wheat. The sizes of the...
A dataset of the macroinvertebrates collected for a trout production study from August 2017- August 2018 in northern New Mexico. The invertebrates are sampled from the benthos, drift, and trout stomachs (via gastric lavage). The drift and benthic invertebrate data represent subsampled individuals. There is a separate file that documents the percent of original sample. The diet samples were not subsampled. The dataset includes individual invertebrates identified to taxonomic Order, lifestage, habitat, their measured lengths, and regressed dry masses.
THE CHICKASAW NATION HOSTED THIS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM ON MARCH 22-24, 2022, HELD AT THE CHICKASAW RETREAT AND CONFERENCE CENTER IN SULPHUR, OK. After the Climate Workshop for The Chickasaw Nation in 2019, the Tribal managers discussed the need to include culture in conservation efforts and decided to seek a grant for culturally significant plants. This event was organized and led by the Chickasaw Nation and was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey through the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center. There were 106 attendees with 75 Native representatives from 21 different tribes. There were 11 student attendees. Attendees came from all across the United States including Maine, New York, Michigan, Montana,...
Data were used for a total of 97 climate projection scenarios in this study. These scenarios show monthly and annual streamflow in the Rio Grande main channel at the pair of USGS gauges at San Marcial, representing the inflows to Elephant Butte reservoir from 2022 to 2099. Townsend and Gutzler (2020) developed an adjustment procedure to convert natural flows projected by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation at the Elephant Butte dam to realistic flow values at San Marcial (at the upstream end of Elephant Butte Reservoir) to account for upstream water management. The scenarios cover a range of dry (average annual projected flow less than the historical value) to wet (average annual projected flow higher than the historical...
The use of streamflow simulations from the Vflo model and subsequent calculation of streamflow metrics to investigate flow-ecology relationships may be hindered by our inability to accurately model flow variability and extreme flows of the arid Great Plains. The Canadian River and other rivers in the Great Plains tend to have highly variable flows and harsh environmental conditions. The combination of these environmental conditions makes semi-arid and arid regions difficult to represent with a hydrologic model, especially extreme events. In some cases, overestimating flows may be acceptable to water managers (e.g., vulnerability of infrastructures), but could greatly affect estimates of fish species persistence....
The U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) was used to assess the effects of changing climate and land disturbance on seasonal streamflow in the Rio Grande Headwaters (RGHW) region. Three applications of PRMS in the RGHW were used to simulate 1) baseline effects of climate (see, 2) effects of bark-beetle induced tree mortality (see, and 3) effects of wildfire (see, on components of the hydrologic cycle by hydrologic response unit (HRU) and subsequent seasonal streamflow runoff from April through September for water years 1980 through 2017. PRMS input files (control, climate-by-hru, data, parameter, dynamic...
The South Central U.S. is one of the main agricultural regions in North America: annual agricultural production is valued at more than $44 billion dollars. However, as climate conditions change, the region is experiencing more frequent and severe droughts, with significant impacts on agriculture and broader consequences for land management. For example, in 2011 drought caused an estimated $7.6 billion in agricultural losses in Texas and an additional $1.6 billion in Oklahoma. Although there are many drought monitoring tools available, most of these tools were developed without input from the stakeholders, such as farmers and ranchers, who are intended to use them. The goal of this project is to assess the information...
Daily streamflow and reservoir water elevation data for modeled locations in the Red River Basin. Values reported are for 18 different GCM (Global Climate Model) / RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) / GDM Downscaling scenarios. Climate data from each scenario was input into a Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model, that output flow values. These values were then input into RiverWare, to determine the impacts on regulated flows, lake levels and water availability. RiverWare was used for this project, because of its ability to simulate water use, reservoir operations, and local/interstate regulations.
We used land cover projections for 2011 and 2050 of two scenarios derived from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES). Scenario A1B emphasizes economic growth with a global orientation and scenario B2 focuses on environmental sustainability with a regional view. Our study area included counties within the southern Great Plains ecoregion in Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. We calculated changes in landscape connectivity (dECA) between 2011 and 2050 for different species groups and landscape scenarios. We also calculated changes in habitat suitability (dA). We assessed the degree to which changes in landscape connectivity were influenced by changes in grassland...

map background search result map search result map Monthly Water Balance Model Futures RiverWare Daily Simulated values of Streamflow from 2006-2099: Louisiana Projected future bioclimate-envelope suitability for amphibian species in South Central USA Combined county-level drought incidence, damage, and census data Projected future bioclimate-envelope suitability for reptile species in South Central USA Submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental data along a salinity gradient in Barataria Bay, Louisiana (2015) River extent of water related models in the Rio Grande/Bravo basin Rio Grande-Rio Bravo Basin Subset Data Drought Indicators of the South Central Plains (1981-2014) Future changes in landscape connectivity for grassland species in the southern Great Plains based on a scenario of future land-use change that focuses on environmental sustainability with a regional view Dropped-edge analysis of terrestrial connectivity of grassland and forest networks in the South Central United States based on the National Land Cover Database from 2006 Very High-Resolution Dynamic Downscaling of Regional Climate for Use in Long-term Hydrologic Planning along the Red River Valley System Fish Data Collection and Streamflows on the Canadian River 1995-2015 Point locations of daily flow rates in the Canadian River watershed derived from hydrologic modeling 1994-2013 Model input for Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System simulations in the Rio Grande Headwaters, Colorado, for water years 1980 through 2017 Initiating the Development of Regional Demonstration Fields for Implementing Soil Practices That Maximize Soil Health and Drought Resilience: Understanding Microbial-Temperature Dynamics 2017 Drift, Benthic, and Trout Diet Invertebrates from streams in New Mexico Simulated Daily Surface Water Permit Requested Diversions and Diversions for Southeast Oklahoma Evaluation Responses for Research Symposium: Culturally Significant Plants and Climate Change Streamflow Projections in Rio Grande at San Marcial Gauges Derived from CMIP5 Global Climate Models Coupled to VIC Surface Hydrology Model from 1950 - 2099 Model input for Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System simulations in the Rio Grande Headwaters, Colorado, for water years 1980 through 2017 Streamflow Projections in Rio Grande at San Marcial Gauges Derived from CMIP5 Global Climate Models Coupled to VIC Surface Hydrology Model from 1950 - 2099 RiverWare Daily Simulated values of Streamflow from 2006-2099: Louisiana Simulated Daily Surface Water Permit Requested Diversions and Diversions for Southeast Oklahoma 2017 Drift, Benthic, and Trout Diet Invertebrates from streams in New Mexico Point locations of daily flow rates in the Canadian River watershed derived from hydrologic modeling 1994-2013 Fish Data Collection and Streamflows on the Canadian River 1995-2015 Projected future bioclimate-envelope suitability for amphibian species in South Central USA Projected future bioclimate-envelope suitability for reptile species in South Central USA Submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental data along a salinity gradient in Barataria Bay, Louisiana (2015) Initiating the Development of Regional Demonstration Fields for Implementing Soil Practices That Maximize Soil Health and Drought Resilience: Understanding Microbial-Temperature Dynamics Future changes in landscape connectivity for grassland species in the southern Great Plains based on a scenario of future land-use change that focuses on environmental sustainability with a regional view River extent of water related models in the Rio Grande/Bravo basin Rio Grande-Rio Bravo Basin Subset Data Drought Indicators of the South Central Plains (1981-2014) Dropped-edge analysis of terrestrial connectivity of grassland and forest networks in the South Central United States based on the National Land Cover Database from 2006 Evaluation Responses for Research Symposium: Culturally Significant Plants and Climate Change Combined county-level drought incidence, damage, and census data Monthly Water Balance Model Futures Very High-Resolution Dynamic Downscaling of Regional Climate for Use in Long-term Hydrologic Planning along the Red River Valley System