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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center ( Show direct descendants )

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DC Resitivity Methodology Direct current (DC) resistivity transects were surveyed using an IRIS Syscal Pro Switch 96 instrument (IRIS Instruments, Inc., Orléans, France). Steel electrodes were hammered into the ground at a fixed distance along the profile. These were connected to the instrument using copper wires and junction boxes. The number of electrodes on each profile and their spacing is shown below: Line 1: 180 electrodes, 5 meter spacing Line 2: 48 electrodes, 2 meter spacing Line 3: 48 electrodes, 2 meter spacing Line 4: 24 electrodes, 2 meter spacing Line 5: 36 electrodes, 2 meter spacing On Line 1, the roll-along method was used to extend the line to its full extent. In this method, 48 electrodes...
Categories: Data
FDEM Methodology For this project frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) data were collected with a GEM-2, a broadband, multifrequency, fixed-coil electromagnetic induction unit (Geophex, 2015). Both in-phase and quadrature data were collected on 15 channels from a frequency of 810 Hz to 66,090 Hz. This system was carried along profiles that followed the axis of the dam and along tie lines that were perpendicular to the axis of the dam. Each data point was located using a backpack mounted GPS. To correct the drift of the instrument, a base station was established on the east side of the dam. Each survey started and ended with an occupation of the base station. These occupations occur as even line numbers...
Categories: Data
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
Groundwater is an often overlooked freshwater resource compared to surface water, but groundwater is used widely across the United States, especially during periods of drought. If groundwater models can successfully simulate past conditions, they may be used to evaluate potential future pumping scenarios or climate conditions, thus providing a valuable planning tool for water-resource managers. Quantifying the groundwater-use component for a groundwater model is a vital but often challenging endeavor. This dataset includes groundwater withdrawal rates modeled for the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system (Ozark system) from 1900 to 2010 by groundwater model cell (2.6 square kilometers) for five water-use divisions: agriculture...
The Bonnet Carré Spillway (BCS), located about 28 miles northwest of New Orleans, was constructed by the US Army Corp of Engineers in the early 1930s as part of an integrated flood-control system for the lower Mississippi River (MR). The BCS control structure consists of 350 individual bays that can be opened to divert water from the river to Lake Pontchartrain to relieve pressure on downstream levees. Lake Pontchartrain (LP) is hydrologically connected to the Mississippi Sound (MS Sound) and the Gulf of Mexico and is more accurately characterized as an estuarine embayment. BCS openings have occurred twelve times prior to 2019 because of high Mississippi River stages, typically in late spring. In 2019, the spillway...
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
GNSS Method A benchmark monument was set at each end of the earthen dam in accordance with (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2002). A level II survey (Rydlund & Densmore 2012) was conducted on each monument to establish control. Two 4-hour observations were conducted with a staggered approach for each monument, with one 4-hour session in the morning of the first day and one 4-hour session in the afternoon of the second day. Once elevational control was established, a Real Time Kinematic (RTK) system was set up with base on the monument that had the best observations. Using this system, a point cloud survey was conducted along the top and face of the dam using both a monopod and an All-Terrain Vehicle. A Global...
Categories: Data
FDEM Processing The frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) data were downloaded from the GEM-2 instrument and aggregated into a single data file. The data were manually despiked and smoothed to remove negative values and the effects of metallic objects. A drift correction was applied by finding the average in-phase and average quadrature values for each frequency transmitted each time the base station was occupied. This average value was then used to calculate a linear trend of the data in time and the linear trend was subtracted from the data set. After the data were drift corrected, the data was leveled by calculating the arithmetic mean of the survey data subtracting that value from the dataset to level...
Categories: Data
Datasets are inputs and outputs of Aquaculture and Irrigation Water Use Model (AIWUM) 2.0. AIWUM 2.0 employs remote sensing data sets and machine learning utilizing Distributed Random Forests, an ensemble machine learning algorithm to estimate annual and monthly groundwater use for irrigation and aquaculture (2014–20) throughout this region at 1 km resolution, using annual pumping data from flowmeters in Mississippi and real-time flowmeters in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. Aquaculture and irrigation estimates contained in this data release are representative of groundwater withdrawal for six different categories: aquaculture, cotton, corn, rice, soybeans, and other crops. Model results...
This data release consists of three different types of data: including direct current (DC) resistivity profiles, frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) survey data, and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) coordinate data of the geophysical measurement locations. A data dictionary is included along with the data and defines all of the table headings, definitions, and units. Earthen dams are common on lakes and ponds, but characteristics of these structures such as construction history, composition, and integrity are often unknown for older dams. Geophysical surveying techniques provide a non-invasive method of mapping their lithology and structure. In particular, DC resistivity and FDEM methods can,...
FDEM Methodology For this project frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) data were collected with a GEM-2, a broadband, multifrequency, fixed-coil electromagnetic induction unit (Geophex, 2015). Both in-phase and quadrature data were collected on 15 channels from a frequency of 810 Hz to 66,090 Hz. This system was carried along profiles that followed the axis of the dam and along tie lines that were perpendicular to the axis of the dam. Each data point was located using a backpack mounted GPS. To correct the drift of the instrument, a base station was established on the east side of the dam. Each survey started and ended with an occupation of the base station. These occupations occur as even line numbers...
Categories: Data
The Bonnet Carré Spillway (BCS), located about 28 miles northwest of New Orleans, was constructed by the US Army Corp of Engineers in the early 1930s as part of an integrated flood-control system for the lower Mississippi River (MR). The BCS control structure consists of 350 individual bays that can be opened to divert water from the river to Lake Pontchartrain to relieve pressure on downstream levees. Lake Pontchartrain (LP) is hydrologically connected to the Mississippi Sound (MS Sound) and the Gulf of Mexico and is more accurately characterized as an estuarine embayment. BCS openings have occurred twelve times prior to 2019 because of high Mississippi River stages, typically in late spring. In 2019, the spillway...
In 2013, water-quality and age-date tracer samples were collected at wells located along two flow paths in the Memphis aquifer, southwest Tennessee, as part of the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project of the National Water-Quality Program to better understand the vulnerability of the aquifer to contamination.. Each flow path began in the aquifer outcrop area (shallow well depths) and ended at public supply wells (deep well depths) in Memphis, TN in the confined parts of the aquifer. This data release includes results for samples collected as part of this study and information for additional wells that provided supplemental data near the end of each flow path to support the findings in "Fraction of young...
DC Resitivity Methodology Direct current (DC) resistivity transects were surveyed using an IRIS Syscal Pro Switch 96 instrument (IRIS Instruments, Inc., Orléans, France). Steel electrodes were hammered into the ground at a fixed distance along the profile. These were connected to the instrument using copper wires and junction boxes. The number of electrodes on each profile and their spacing is shown below: Line 1: 180 electrodes, 5 meter spacing Line 2: 48 electrodes, 2 meter spacing Line 3: 48 electrodes, 2 meter spacing Line 4: 24 electrodes, 2 meter spacing Line 5: 36 electrodes, 2 meter spacing On Line 1, the roll-along method was used to extend the line to its full extent. In this method, 48 electrodes...
Categories: Data
The Bonnet Carré Spillway (BCS), located about 28 miles northwest of New Orleans, was constructed by the US Army Corp of Engineers in the early 1930s as part of an integrated flood-control system for the lower Mississippi River (MR). The BCS control structure consists of 350 individual bays that can be opened to divert water from the river to Lake Pontchartrain to relieve pressure on downstream levees. Lake Pontchartrain (LP) is hydrologically connected to the Mississippi Sound (MS Sound) and the Gulf of Mexico and is more accurately characterized as an estuarine embayment. BCS openings have occurred twelve times prior to 2019 because of high Mississippi River stages, typically in late spring. In 2019, the spillway...
DC Resistivity Processing Data were imported into the Workbench Electrical Resistivity Tomography Module (Aarhus Geophysical, Inc.; version using the “Syscal” data import options. The data were then manually despiked and any negative resistivity values were removed. The data were subsequently inverted using “Aarhus 2D” inversion option. The “Smooth” Inversion setting was chosen with model converging to the L2 norm. The number of layers of the starting model was set to 20. The vertical model discretization was set to the default for each given combination of line length and electrode spacing. The starting value was set to “Auto”. The lateral and vertical constraints were set to the “Medium” settings....
Categories: Data
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
This data release has three components for each of the eight surveys that were conducted in 2018: 1) a geospatial dataset of the processed data; 2) tabular data of the processed waterborne resistivity profiling data and associated water-quality data; 3) tabular data of the raw waterborne resistivity data and associated water-quality data. In addition to the newly collected data from 2018, the waterborne resistivity data from 2016 (Miller and others, 2016) is included and has been re-processed to be consistent with the processing steps currently utilized and described herein. In fresh water aquifers, the geoelectric resistivity of earth materials commonly has a positive correlation with hydraulic conductivity (Faye...
A hydrogeologic framework was constructed for the Coastal Lowlands aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana. Data from previous hydrogeologic and geologic studies were synthesized and expanded using 2,242 geophysical logs to map four hydrogeologic units: the Chicot aquifer system, Evangeline aquifer, Jasper aquifer system, and Catahoula aquifer. Raster surfaces were created for the base and thickness of each unit to provide a generalized framework to support regional groundwater studies. A table of the well information and point data used to generate the raster surfaces is included in this data release.

map background search result map search result map Public supply, non-agriculture, livestock, and agriculture groundwater withdrawal rates from the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system, 1900 to 2010 Well characteristics, water quality and age-date tracer data for wells along two regional flow paths in the Memphis aquifer, southwest Tennessee Geophysical surveys and geospatial data for Bob Kidd Lake, Washington County, Arkansas Waterborne resistivity surveys for streams and reservoirs in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, 2016 and 2018 Mississippi Sound Periphyton Data Mississippi Sound Phytoplankton 2019 Mississippi Sound Particulate Toxins Altitudes and thicknesses of hydrogeologic units of southwestern Louisiana Cowan, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Jasper, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Woodbury, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Vanleer, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Aquaculture and Irrigation Water Use Model (AIWUM) 2.0 input and output datasets Geophysical surveys and geospatial data for Bob Kidd Lake, Washington County, Arkansas Vanleer, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Jasper, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Cowan, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Woodbury, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Well characteristics, water quality and age-date tracer data for wells along two regional flow paths in the Memphis aquifer, southwest Tennessee Mississippi Sound Periphyton Data Mississippi Sound Phytoplankton 2019 Mississippi Sound Particulate Toxins Waterborne resistivity surveys for streams and reservoirs in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, 2016 and 2018 Altitudes and thicknesses of hydrogeologic units of southwestern Louisiana Public supply, non-agriculture, livestock, and agriculture groundwater withdrawal rates from the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system, 1900 to 2010 Aquaculture and Irrigation Water Use Model (AIWUM) 2.0 input and output datasets