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This data set includes results for hormone and pharmaceutical compounds analyzed in environmental and quality-control samples collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project during 2013 through 2015 for a study of groundwater resources used for drinking-water supply across the United States. Hormone and pharmaceutical results are provided for environmental samples collected at 1,120 wells or springs; selected ancillary data, such as principal aquifer, well depth, and land-use information also are provided for the sampled sites. The types of quality-control samples included in this data set are blanks, matrix spikes, and replicates collected at field sites or field offices. Included in this data...
A digital model of the sedimentary Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system is composed of 20 rasters and hydrogeologic unit extent polygons. Rasters describe the top elevations of regional aquifers and confining units at a resolution of 2640 feet (1/2 mile). The rasters are clipped to the extent polygons, which represent the spatial extents of the hydrogeologic units onshore and several miles offshore. This three-dimensional hydrogeologic model was constructed as part of a U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program study of groundwater availability in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain (NACP) aquifer system, including parts of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina....
Groundwater-quality data were collected from 502 wells as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Project of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Project and are included in this data release. Most of the wells (500) were sampled from January through December 2015 and 2 of them were sampled in 2013. The data were collected from five types of well networks: principal aquifer study networks, which are used to assess the quality of groundwater used for public water supply; land-use study networks, which are used to assess land-use effects on shallow groundwater quality; major aquifer study networks, which are used to assess the quality of groundwater used for domestic supply; enhanced trends networks,...
In 2015, the second of several Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA) was done in the southeastern United States. The Southeast Stream Quality Assessment (SESQA) was a study by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) project. One of the objectives of the RSQA, and thus the SESQA, is to characterize the relationships between water-quality stressors and stream ecology and subsequently determine the relative effects of these stressors on aquatic biota within the streams (Van Metre and Journey, 2014). To meet this objective, a framework of fundamental geospatial data was required to develop physical and anthropogenic characteristics of the study region, sampled sites and corresponding...
Ecological assessment data from the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Program and the USEPA National River and Stream Assessment were reviewed and records were retained from sampling sites co-located with active USGS stream gages. A limited amount of ancillary data, including location, physical watershed features, and basic water chemistry data for each site were also retained.
This data set includes sample information and results for third-party performance assessment samples analyzed for hormones and pharmaceuticals during the same general time period as environmental samples collected by the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project for a study of groundwater resources used for drinking-water supply across the United States, 2013 through 2015. Hormone and pharmaceutical results are provided for spiked and unspiked samples submitted by the Quality Systems Branch (QSB) Organic Blind Sample Project (OBSP), providing information regarding analyte recovery and occurrence of false positive and false negative results. Included in this data release are the following data tables: Table...
This dataset is comprised of water quality data and benthic macroinvertebrate data collected from basins in Colorado, USA, and Finland. The data includes ancillary water quality characteristics but also a suite of trace metals observed at each site. Also included are modeled outputs that characterize the bioavailability of each trace metal to a biotic ligand. These data were used to explore the importance of metal toxicity and pH as stressors on benthic macroinvertebrates characterized as the number of unique Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera genera observed at each site. An interpretive summary of the work follows. One of the primary goals of biological assessment of rivers is to identify whether contaminants...
The CBTN_v5 and CBTP_v5 SPARROW models were developed to support inferences about causes of observed changes in nitrogen and phosphorus (respectively) fluxes in Chesapeake Bay tributaries between 1992 and 2012. Model inputs and outputs are included in three files, which are described below. Detailed documentation of the SPARROW modeling technique is available at
Evaluating Decadal Changes in Groundwater Quality: Groundwater quality data were collected from 5,000 wells between 1988-2001 (first sampling event) by the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water-Quality Assessment Project. Samples are collected in groups of 20-30 wells with similar characteristics called networks. About 1,500 of these wells in 67 networks were sampled about 10 years later between 2002-2012 (second sampling event) to evaluate decadal changes in groundwater quality. Between 2012 and 2014 (third sampling event), a subset of these networks has been sampled again, allowing additional results to be displayed on the web page: Decadal changes in groundwater quality. Changes to this web page are referred...
Groundwater-quality data were collected from 559 wells as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Project of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Program from January through December 2014. The data were collected from four types of well networks: principal aquifer study networks, which assess the quality of groundwater used for public water supply; land-use study networks, which assess land-use effects on shallow groundwater quality; major aquifer study networks, which assess the quality of groundwater used for domestic supply; and enhanced trends networks, which evaluate the time scales during which groundwater quality changes. Groundwater samples were analyzed for a large number of water-quality...
In 2013, the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency characterized water-quality stressors and ecological conditions in 100 wadeable streams across the Midwestern United States. The goal of the study was to determine the relative effects of multiple ecological stressors – contaminants, nutrients, sediment, and habitat – on ecological communities in the streams. The Midwest is an intensely agricultural region where pesticides in streams pose risks to aquatic biota, but temporal variability in pesticide concentrations makes characterization of their exposure to organisms challenging. To compensate for the effects of temporal variability, we deployed polar organic chemical integrative samplers...
Widespread nitrate contamination of groundwater in agricultural areas poses a major challenge to sustainable water resources. Efficient analysis of nitrate fluxes across large regions also remains difficult. This study introduces a method of characterizing nitrate transport processes continuously across regional unsaturated zones and groundwater based on surrogate, machine-learning metamodels of an N flux process-based model. The metamodels used boosted regression trees (BRTs) to relate mappable variables to parameters and outputs of a “vertical flux method” (VFM) applied in the Fox-Wolf-Peshtigo (FWP) area in Wisconsin. In this context, the metamodels are upscaling the VFM results throughout the region, and the...
Groundwater samples were collected from domestic and public-supply wells in the Eagle Ford study area in 2015–16, in the Fayetteville study area in 2015, and in the Haynesville study area in 2014–15. One sample of produced water was collected from a gas well in the Haynesville  Shale in Rusk County, Texas in 2010, and 5 samples of produced water were collected from oil and condensate wells in the Eagle Ford Shale in Gonzales and Lavaca Counties, Texas in 2015. Groundwater samples were analyzed for major ions, nutrients, and trace elements; methane, methane H and C isotopic compositions, and C1-C5 gas composition; H and O isotopic composition of water; noble gas concentrations and isotopic compositions; tritium,...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Angelina County, Texas, Atascosa County, Texas, Benzene, Bienville County, Louisiana, Bossier County, Louisiana, All tags...
This release contains geophysical data from the Kuparuk aufeis associated with the manuscript "Seasonal thaw dynamics of an aufeis feature inferred from surface geophysical methods." Data were collected in two campaigns in September 2016 and April 2017 with the purpose of investigating freeze-thaw dynamics below the aufeis feature during maximally frozen and maximally thawed conditions. Ground penetrating radar common offset data from both campaigns (160MHz and 80MHz) is presented, including interpreted depths to interfaces (permafrost, ice-frozen ground interface, and talik surface). Surface nuclear magnetic resonance data and inverse results are also included from April 2017 as well as interpreted talik thicknesses....
The United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) model was developed to aid in the interpretation of monitoring data and simulate water-quality conditions in streams across large spatial scales. SPARROW is a hybrid empirical/process-based mass balance model that can be used to estimate the major sources and environmental factors that affect the long-term supply, transport, and fate of contaminants in streams. The spatially explicit model structure is defined by a river reach network coupled with contributing catchments. The model is calibrated by statistically relating watershed sources and transport-related properties to monitoring-based streamflow...
This dataset contains generalized lithologic classes (rocktypes) as reassigned from the USGS state geologic map compilation for the conterminous United States (Schweitzer, 2011). Lithology was classified into 12 generalized categories using the fields LITH62 and LITH62MINO available in Schweitzer (2011). Geospatial and tabular data associated with the generalized lithologic classes (rocktypes) are included in the data release. References: Schweitzer, Peter N., 2011, Combined geologic map data for the conterminous US derived from the USGS state geologic map compilation: U.S. Geological Survey, available at
This dataset includes example data used for demonstration of the moisturEC program. This includes inverted electrical resistivity data, model resolution from the inversion, point moisture information, and conductivity-saturation calibration information. The data are from a field site in Coventry, CT outfitted with five, Decagon 5TE moisture probes, arranged along a 28 m transect at different depths. The data represent a slice in time after irrigating the soil for 12 hours.
This data set includes results for hormone and pharmaceutical compounds analyzed in laboratory quality-control samples associated with environmental samples collected by the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project during 2013 through 2015 for a study of groundwater resources used for drinking-water supply across the United States. Hormone and pharmaceutical results are provided for laboratory set blanks and reagent spikes analyzed during a time period that encompasses laboratory analysis of the environmental samples collected by NAWQA. Included in this data release are the following data tables: Table 1. Hormone results for laboratory set blanks, December 18, 2012 through March 7, 2016. Table 2. Pharmaceutical...
This dataset contains annual peak-flow data, PeakFQ specifications, and results of flood-frequency analyses of annual peak flows for 368 selected streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the Great Lakes and Ohio River basins. "PeakFQinput_all.txt" contains annual peak-flow data, ending in water year 2013, for all 368 streamgages in the study area. Annual peak-flow data were obtained from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) database ( "PeakFQspec_all.psf" contains PeakFQ specifications for all 368 streamgages in the study area. The specifications were developed by hydrologists in the various USGS Water Science...
The ascii grids associated with this data release are model inputs representing the Central Valley aquifer, California, and predicted nitrate concentrations (as NO3-N, mg/L) at two depth zones associated with private and public drinking water supply wells, respectively. The model input and prediction grids are bound by the alluvial bed boundary that defines the Central Valley. The prediction grids were produced with Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) modeling methods within a statistical modeling framework using the statistical modeling software R (R Core Team, and linear interpolation within Oasis Montaj software (Geosoft, version 9.0.2). The response variable was a set of nitrate concentrations...

map background search result map search result map Pesticides in polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) for 97 Midwest U.S. streams, 2013 Digital elevations and extents of regional hydrogeologic units in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system Datasets from Groundwater-Quality Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January through December 2014 and Select Quality-Control Data from May 2012 through December 2014 Water-quality and streamflow datasets used for estimating long-term mean daily streamflow and annual loads to be considered for use in regional streamflow, nutrient and sediment SPARROW models, United States, 1999-2014 Disentangling the effects of low pH and metal mixture toxicity on macroinvertebrate diversity: data sets Methane and benzene in drinking-water wells overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale hydrocarbon production areas Groundwater nitrate data and ascii grids of predicted nitrate and model inputs for the Central Valley aquifer, California, USA Geospatial database of the study boundary, sampled sites, watersheds, and riparian zones for U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Stream Quality Assessment Matched ecological assessment and stream gaging data for the CONUS Generalized lithology for the conterminous United States Inputs and Selected Predictions of the CBTN_v5 and CBTP_v5 SPARROW Models for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Datasets from Groundwater-Quality and Select Quality-Control Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January through December 2015 and Previously Unpublished Data from 2013-2014 Data Release for Metamodeling and Mapping of Nitrate Flux in the Unsaturated Zone and Groundwater, Wisconsin, USA Data from Decadal Change in Groundwater Quality Web Site, 1988-2014, Version 2.0 Example data from MoisturEC: a new R program for moisture content estimation from electrical conductivity data 2016-2017 Geophysical data from the Kuparuk aufeis, North Slope, AK Environmental and Quality-Control Data Collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water Across the United States, 2013-15 Laboratory Quality-Control Data Associated with Groundwater Samples Collected for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals by the National Water-Quality Assessment Project in 2013-15 Third-party performance assessment data encompassing the time period of analysis of groundwater samples collected for hormones and pharmaceuticals by the National Water-Quality Assessment Project in 2013-15 Annual peak-flow data, PeakFQ specification files and PeakFQ output files for 368 selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Great Lakes and Ohio River basins that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows Example data from MoisturEC: a new R program for moisture content estimation from electrical conductivity data 2016-2017 Geophysical data from the Kuparuk aufeis, North Slope, AK Pesticides in polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) for 97 Midwest U.S. streams, 2013 Data Release for Metamodeling and Mapping of Nitrate Flux in the Unsaturated Zone and Groundwater, Wisconsin, USA Groundwater nitrate data and ascii grids of predicted nitrate and model inputs for the Central Valley aquifer, California, USA Inputs and Selected Predictions of the CBTN_v5 and CBTP_v5 SPARROW Models for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Digital elevations and extents of regional hydrogeologic units in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system Geospatial database of the study boundary, sampled sites, watersheds, and riparian zones for U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Stream Quality Assessment Methane and benzene in drinking-water wells overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale hydrocarbon production areas Annual peak-flow data, PeakFQ specification files and PeakFQ output files for 368 selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Great Lakes and Ohio River basins that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows Matched ecological assessment and stream gaging data for the CONUS Water-quality and streamflow datasets used for estimating long-term mean daily streamflow and annual loads to be considered for use in regional streamflow, nutrient and sediment SPARROW models, United States, 1999-2014 Datasets from Groundwater-Quality and Select Quality-Control Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January through December 2015 and Previously Unpublished Data from 2013-2014 Generalized lithology for the conterminous United States Data from Decadal Change in Groundwater Quality Web Site, 1988-2014, Version 2.0 Laboratory Quality-Control Data Associated with Groundwater Samples Collected for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals by the National Water-Quality Assessment Project in 2013-15 Environmental and Quality-Control Data Collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water Across the United States, 2013-15 Datasets from Groundwater-Quality Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January through December 2014 and Select Quality-Control Data from May 2012 through December 2014 Third-party performance assessment data encompassing the time period of analysis of groundwater samples collected for hormones and pharmaceuticals by the National Water-Quality Assessment Project in 2013-15 Disentangling the effects of low pH and metal mixture toxicity on macroinvertebrate diversity: data sets