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This data set includes results for hormone and pharmaceutical compounds analyzed in environmental and quality-control samples collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project during 2013 through 2015 for a study of groundwater resources used for drinking-water supply across the United States. Hormone and pharmaceutical results are provided for environmental samples collected at 1,120 wells or springs; selected ancillary data, such as principal aquifer, well depth, and land-use information also are provided for the sampled sites. The types of quality-control samples included in this data set are blanks, matrix spikes, and replicates collected at field sites or field offices. Included in this data...
The temperature and surface geophysical data contained in this release have primarily been collected to support groundwater/surface water methods development, and to characterize the hydrogeological controls on native brook trout habitat. All data have been collected since 2010 along the Quashnet River corridor located on Cape Cod, MA, USA. Cape Cod is a peninsula in southeastern coastal Massachusetts, USA, composed primarily of highly permeable unconsolidated glacial moraine and outwash deposits. The largest of the Cape Cod sole-source aquifers occupies a western (landward) section of the peninsula, and is incised by several linear valleys that drain groundwater south to the Atlantic Ocean via baseflow-dominated...
This dataset consists of a series of rasters covering the conterminous United States. Each raster is a one kilometer (km) grid for 18 selected Census of Agriculture statistics mapped to land use pixels for the time period 1950 to 2012. A supplemental set of 9 statistics mapped at the entire county level are also provided as 1-km rasters. The rasters are posted as ArcGIS grids. The statistics represent values for crops, livestock, irrigation, fertilizer, and manure usage. Most statistics are mapped for all 14 Census of Agriculture reporting years in that time frame: 1950, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1978, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007, and 2012.
This product consists of time-series calculations of anthropogenic characteristics derived for 16 data themes for multiple scales covering the conterminous United States. The characteristics are those which (a) have consistent data sources, and (b) have the potential to affect the water quality of streams and rivers. All 16 data themes are provided for Hydrologic Unit Code level-10 (HUC-10) boundaries (n = 15,458). Additionally, measures of land use and imperviousness are provided for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Level 4 ecoregions (n = 967) and for U.S. counties (n = 3,109). The data may be scaled up to broader areas; that is, HUC-10 data may be scaled up to HUC-8, 6, 4, or HUC-2 areas, Level 4...
This metadata record describes monthly input and output data covering the period 1900-2015 for a water-balance model described in McCabe and Wolock (2011). The input datasets are precipitation (PPT) and air temperature (TAV) from the PRISM group at Oregon State University. The model outputs include estimated potential evapotranspiration (PET), actual evapotranspiration (AET), runoff (RUN) (streamflow per unit area), soil moisture storage (STO), and snowfall (SNO). The datasets are arranged in tables of monthly total or average values measured in millimeters or degrees C and then multiplied by 100. The data are indexed by the identifier PRISMID, which refers to an ASCII raster of cells in an associated file named...
This dataset includes all of the variables that were used in predictive models to estimate nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use from commercial fertilizer sales data at the catchment/county level for the Conterminous U.S. for the year 2012. The dataset includes model input at the catchment/county level. A companion USGS Scientific Investigations Report describes the methods and subsequent results of two models developed for estimating elemental nitrogen and phosphorus commercial fertilizer use on agricultural lands for the conterminous US at the catchment/county scale for the year 2012. A companion data release provides catchment-level estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use, for agricultural lands,...
This data set contains example data for exploration of the theory of regression based regionalization. The 90th percentile of annual maximum streamflow is provided as an example response variable for 293 streamgages in the conterminous United States. Several explanatory variables are drawn from the GAGES-II data base in order to demonstrate how multiple linear regression is applied. Example scripts demonstrate how to collect the original streamflow data provided and how to recreate the figures from the associated Techniques and Methods chapter.
This data release documents three Microsoft Excel tables (and corresponding comma separated data files) that contain estimates of tritium in precipitation data for the continental United States. Versions of this data release contain additional tritium data for more recent years. The current version has tritium data through 2022. Table 1 contains estimates of tritium in precipitation for precipitation stations located in the continental United States. Measured precipitation data are formatted in regular font while correlated data are italicized. Table 2 contains tritium in precipitation for ninety-six 2-degree latitude by 5-degree longitude quadrangles covering the continental U.S. Latitudes are north of the equator...
In 2015, the second of several Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA) was done in the southeastern United States. The Southeast Stream Quality Assessment (SESQA) was a study by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) project. One of the objectives of the RSQA, and thus the SESQA, is to characterize the relationships between water-quality stressors and stream ecology and subsequently determine the relative effects of these stressors on aquatic biota within the streams (Van Metre and Journey, 2014). To meet this objective, a framework of fundamental geospatial data was required to develop physical and anthropogenic characteristics of the study region, sampled sites and corresponding...
This data release documents eight Microsoft Excel tables; four which contain data for understanding groundwater ages in the South East Coastal Plain (SECP), Coastal Lowlands (CLOW) and Mississippi Embayment and Texas Coastal Uplands (METX) aquifer systems and four that describe the data fields. Results described include dissolved gas modeling results, environmental tracer concentrations (tritium, tritiogenic helium-3, sulfur hexafluoride, and radiogenic helium-4), mean age and age distribution, and carbon-14 geochmical modeling results Dissolved gas modeling results (DGmodel) contains detailed information on the calibration of dissolved gas models to dissolved gas concentrations (neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and...
In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began a study of more than 50 major river basins across the Nation as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) project of the National Water-Quality Program. One of the major goals of the NAWQA project is to determine how water-quality conditions change over time. To support that goal, long-term consistent and comparable monitoring has been conducted on streams and rivers throughout the Nation. Outside of the NAWQA project, the USGS also has collected long-term water-quality data to support additional assessments of changing water-quality conditions. These data have been combined to provide insight into how natural features and human activities have contributed...
Ecological assessment data from the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Program and the USEPA National River and Stream Assessment were reviewed and records were retained from sampling sites co-located with active USGS stream gages. A limited amount of ancillary data, including location, physical watershed features, and basic water chemistry data for each site were also retained.
The National Water Quality Network (NWQN) for Rivers and Streams includes 113 surface-water river and stream sites monitored by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Program (NWQP). The NWQN represents the consolidation of four historical national networks: the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project, the USGS National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN), the National Monitoring Network (NMN), and the Hydrologic Benchmark Network (HBN). The NWQN includes 22 large river coastal sites, 41 large river inland sites, 30 wadeable stream reference sites, 10 wadeable stream urban sites, and 10 wadeable stream agricultural sites. In addition to the 113 NWQN sites, 3 large inland river...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Program (NWQP) provides an understanding of water-quality conditions; whether conditions are getting better or worse over time; and how natural features and human activities affect those conditions. The Surface Water Trends (SWT) project of NWQP evaluates the directions, periods, and statistical significance of trends in water quality in streams and rivers. This data release was generated for SWT and provides annual agricultural pesticide use (1992-2014) for selected watersheds where long-term water quality is measured and where subsequent trend analysis will be conducted. County-level pesticide use estimates for 33 compounds were allocated to agricultural...
This data set includes sample information and results for third-party performance assessment samples analyzed for hormones and pharmaceuticals during the same general time period as environmental samples collected by the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project for a study of groundwater resources used for drinking-water supply across the United States, 2013 through 2015. Hormone and pharmaceutical results are provided for spiked and unspiked samples submitted by the Quality Systems Branch (QSB) Organic Blind Sample Project (OBSP), providing information regarding analyte recovery and occurrence of false positive and false negative results. Included in this data release are the following data tables: Table...
Continuous monitoring and discrete water-quality sampling were coupled in a karst aquifer to assess drivers and timescales of water-quality change. Water-quality data included environmental tracers of groundwater age (tritium [3H], tritiogenic helium-3 [3He-trit], sulfur hexafluoride [SF6], carbon-14 [14C], and radiogenic helium-4 [4He-rad]). All water quality data is available from the U.S. Geological Survey NWIS database (U.S. Geological Survey, 2019). Groundwater ages were estimated by calibration of environmental tracers to lumped parameter models of groundwater age for multiple samples collected at six groundwater wells using the program TracerLPM (Jurgens and others, 2012). The final estimates for mean groundwater...
This dataset contains catchment-level estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use, for agricultural lands, for the conterminous U.S., for 2012. An approach was developed to relate farm commercial fertilizer sales data from the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) to a set of explanatory variables using spatially-referenced modeling methods. Separate models for nitrogen and phosphorus are developed to estimate elemental fertilizer use on agricultural lands for the conterminous U.S. at the National Hydrography Dataset Plus version 2 (NHDPlusV2) catchment scale. The approach builds on earlier efforts that use Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) data on fertilizer...
This dataset is comprised of water quality data and benthic macroinvertebrate data collected from basins in Colorado, USA, and Finland. The data includes ancillary water quality characteristics but also a suite of trace metals observed at each site. Also included are modeled outputs that characterize the bioavailability of each trace metal to a biotic ligand. These data were used to explore the importance of metal toxicity and pH as stressors on benthic macroinvertebrates characterized as the number of unique Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera genera observed at each site. An interpretive summary of the work follows. One of the primary goals of biological assessment of rivers is to identify whether contaminants...
Detecting trends in biological attributes is central to many stream monitoring programs; however, understanding how natural variability in environmental factors affects trend results is not well understood. We evaluated the influence of antecedent streamflow and sample timing (covariates) on trend estimates for fish, invertebrate, and diatom taxa richness and biolgical condition from 2002 to 2012 at 51 sites distributed across the conterminous United States. This data release contains all of the input and output files necessary to reproduce the results presented and discussed in the associated journal article.
The National Water Quality Network (NWQN) for Rivers and Streams includes 113 surface-water river and stream sites monitored by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Program (NWQP). The NWQN represents the consolidation of four historical national networks: the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project, the USGS National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN), the National Monitoring Network (NMN), and the Hydrologic Benchmark Network (HBN). The NWQN includes 22 large river coastal sites, 41 large river inland sites, 30 wadeable stream reference sites, 10 wadeable stream urban sites, and 10 wadeable stream agricultural sites. In addition to the 113 NWQN sites, 3 large inland river...

map background search result map search result map National 1-kilometer rasters of selected Census of Agriculture statistics allocated to land use for the time period 1950 to 2012 Pesticide concentration and streamflow datasets used to evaluate pesticide trends in the Nation’s rivers and streams, 1992-2012 Watershed Boundaries for the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Network Disentangling the effects of low pH and metal mixture toxicity on macroinvertebrate diversity: data sets Agricultural Pesticide Use Estimates for the USGS National Water Quality Network, 1992-2014: Version 2 Agricultural Pesticide Use Estimates for Selected Watersheds of the Surface Water Trends Project, 1992-2014, National Water Quality Program Geospatial database of the study boundary, sampled sites, watersheds, and riparian zones for U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Stream Quality Assessment Water Balance Model Inputs and Outputs for the Conterminous United States, 1900-2015 Matched ecological assessment and stream gaging data for the CONUS Changes in anthropogenic influences on streams and rivers in the conterminous U.S. over the last 40 years, derived for 16 data themes Environmental and Quality-Control Data Collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water Across the United States, 2013-15 Temperature and geophysical data collected along the Quashnet River, Mashpee/Falmouth MA (ver. 2.0, March 2020) Third-party performance assessment data encompassing the time period of analysis of groundwater samples collected for hormones and pharmaceuticals by the National Water-Quality Assessment Project in 2013-15 Data for Groundwater Age and Susceptibility of Poorly Consolidated Sedimentary Aquifers of the United States Gulf Coast: Results from the Southeast Coastal Plain (SECP), Coastal Lowland (CLOW), Mississippi Embayment and Texas Coastal Upland (METX) Principal Aquifer Networks Dataset used for estimating catchment-level nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use from commercial fertilizer sales data for the Conterminous U.S., 2012 Catchment-Level Predictions of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Use from Commercial Fertilizer Sales Data for the Conterminous U.S., 2012 An example data set for exploration of Multiple Linear Regression Data for timescales of water-quality change in a karst aquifer, south-central Texas Data for Tritium deposition in precipitation in the United States, 1953 - 2023 (ver. 2.0, May 2023) Temperature and geophysical data collected along the Quashnet River, Mashpee/Falmouth MA (ver. 2.0, March 2020) Data for timescales of water-quality change in a karst aquifer, south-central Texas Geospatial database of the study boundary, sampled sites, watersheds, and riparian zones for U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Stream Quality Assessment Data for Groundwater Age and Susceptibility of Poorly Consolidated Sedimentary Aquifers of the United States Gulf Coast: Results from the Southeast Coastal Plain (SECP), Coastal Lowland (CLOW), Mississippi Embayment and Texas Coastal Upland (METX) Principal Aquifer Networks Pesticide concentration and streamflow datasets used to evaluate pesticide trends in the Nation’s rivers and streams, 1992-2012 Matched ecological assessment and stream gaging data for the CONUS An example data set for exploration of Multiple Linear Regression Data for Tritium deposition in precipitation in the United States, 1953 - 2023 (ver. 2.0, May 2023) Dataset used for estimating catchment-level nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use from commercial fertilizer sales data for the Conterminous U.S., 2012 Catchment-Level Predictions of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Use from Commercial Fertilizer Sales Data for the Conterminous U.S., 2012 Changes in anthropogenic influences on streams and rivers in the conterminous U.S. over the last 40 years, derived for 16 data themes Environmental and Quality-Control Data Collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water Across the United States, 2013-15 Water Balance Model Inputs and Outputs for the Conterminous United States, 1900-2015 Third-party performance assessment data encompassing the time period of analysis of groundwater samples collected for hormones and pharmaceuticals by the National Water-Quality Assessment Project in 2013-15 National 1-kilometer rasters of selected Census of Agriculture statistics allocated to land use for the time period 1950 to 2012 Agricultural Pesticide Use Estimates for Selected Watersheds of the Surface Water Trends Project, 1992-2014, National Water Quality Program Disentangling the effects of low pH and metal mixture toxicity on macroinvertebrate diversity: data sets Watershed Boundaries for the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Network Agricultural Pesticide Use Estimates for the USGS National Water Quality Network, 1992-2014: Version 2