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In this study, we develop urban ecosystem accounts in the U.S., using the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EEA) framework. Most ecosystem accounts focus on regional and national scales, which are appropriate for many ecosystem services. However, ecosystems provide substantial services in cities, improving quality of life and contributing to resiliency for substantial parts of the population. Our models estimate energy savings for indoor cooling resulting from heat mitigated by trees and rainfall intercepted by trees. Both models cover major cities in the contiguous U.S. and report the results through physical supply and use tables for multiple accounting periods...
Water provides society with economic benefits that increasingly involve tradeoffs, making accounting for water quality, quantity, and their corresponding economic productivity more relevant in our interconnected world. In the past, physical and economic data about water have been fragmented, but integration is becoming more widely adopted internationally through application of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounts for Water (SEEA-Water), which enables the tracking of linkages between water and the economy over time and across scales. In this paper, we present the first national and subnational SEEA-Water accounts for the United States. We compile accounts for: (1) physical supply and use of water, (2) water...
The Bing Maps team at Microsoft released a U.S.-wide vector building dataset in 2018, which includes over 125 million building footprints for all 50 states in GeoJSON format. This dataset is extracted from aerial images using deep learning object classification methods. Large-extent modelling (e.g., urban morphological analysis or ecosystem assessment models) or accuracy assessment with vector layers is highly challenging in practice. Although vector layers provide accurate geometries, their use in large-extent geospatial analysis comes at a high computational cost. We used High Performance Computing (HPC) to develop an algorithm that calculates six summary values for each cell in a raster representation of each...
Migratory species provide important benefits to society, but their cross-border conservation poses serious challenges. By quantifying the economic value of ecosystem services (ES) provided across a species’ range and ecological data on a species’ habitat dependence, we estimate spatial subsidies–how different regions support ES provided by a species across its range. We illustrate this method for migratory Northern Pintail ducks in North America. Pintails support over $101 million annually in recreational hunting and viewing and subsistence hunting in the U.S. and Canada. Pintail breeding regions provide nearly $30 million in subsidies to wintering regions, with the “Prairie Pothole” region supplying over $24 million...
Carbon storage by ecosystem type and protection status was derived from total ecosystem carbon estimates provided by Sleeter et al. 2018 and used to estimate terrestrial carbon storage in developed, forested, shrub/scrub, grassland/herbaceous, and agricultural land in the Southeast United States. It does not include estimates for wetland carbon storage. Sleeter, B.M., Liu, J., Daniel, C., Rayfield, B., Sherba, J., Hawbaker, T.J., Zhu, Z., Selmants, P.C. and Loveland, T.R., 2018. Effects of contemporary land-use and land-cover change on the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 13(4), p.045006.
Migratory species provide ecosystem goods and services throughout their annual cycles, often over long distances. Designing effective conservation solutions for migratory species requires knowledge of both species ecology and the socioeconomic context of their migrations. We present a framework built around the concept that migratory species act as carriers, delivering benefit flows to people throughout their annual cycle that are supported by the network of ecosystems upon which the species depend. We apply this framework to the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) migration of eastern North America by calculating their spatial subsidies. Spatial subsidies are the net ecosystem service flows throughout a species’...
Public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) is increasingly used in coastal settings to inform natural resource management and spatial planning. Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES), a PPGIS tool that systematizes the mapping and modeling of social values and cultural ecosystem services, is promising for use in coastal settings but has seen relatively limited applications relative to other PPGIS approaches; it has also to our knowledge not yet been applied in a barrier island setting. In this study, we surveyed two visitor groups and residents living near Cape Lookout National Seashore (North Carolina, USA) to understand social values they hold for the area in the context of the park’s management...
Mapping the spatial dynamics of perceived social value across the landscape can help develop a restoration economy that can support ecosystem services in the region. Many different methods have been used to map perceived social value. We used the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) GIS tool, version 3.0, which uses social survey responses and various environmental variables to map social value. In the social survey distributed by the Borderlands Restoration Network (BRN) in May 2017, the respondents were asked to consider twelve different social values and map locations on a map where they perceived those social values to be. Additionally, they were asked to weigh each social value using a total of 100...
Total recreational birding activity (by state and year) estimated by the National Survey for Fishing, Hunting, and WIldlife-Associated Recreation was spatially distributed using birding observations reported through the eBird citizen science database and summarized by land cover type for each analysis year (2001, 2006, and 2011).
These layers cover conterminous U.S.; The file format is raster IMG; and the cell size is 30m. Files are: (1) total footprint coverage, [Conterminous_US_Building_Total_Area] (2) number of unique buildings intersecting each cell, [Conterminous_US_Building_Count] (3) number of building centroids falling inside each cell, [Conterminous_US_Building_Centroid_Count] and (4) average area of the buildings that intersect each cell, [Conterminous_US_Building_Average_Area]; (5) area of the smallest building that intersects each cell, [Conterminous_US_Building_Min_Area]; and (6) area of the largest building that intersects each cell [Conterminous_US_Building_Max_Area].
Note: this version has been superseded by version 2.0: Warnell, K., Boos, E., and Olander, L.P., 2020, Testing ecosystem accounting in the United States: A case study for the Southeast - 2022 Updates (version 2.0, February 2023): U.S. Geological Survey data release, Ecosystems benefit people in many ways, but these contributions do not appear in traditional national or corporate accounts so are often left out of policy- and decision-making. Ecosystem accounts, as formalized by the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Experimental Ecosystem Accounts (SEEA EEA), track the extent and condition of ecosystem assets and the flows of ecosystem services they provide to people...
Ecosystem accounts link national-scale environmental and economic trends, offering an internationally standardized approach to tracking sustainability. We compile ecosystem accounts for Rwanda over a 25-year period, and demonstrate that despite strong economic growth, social development, and high-level commitment to environmental goals, ecosystem services fundamental to Rwanda's well-being have declined substantially during this period. Conversion of forests and other natural ecosystems to cropland are the primary drivers of these trends. Ecosystem accounts are particularly important for tracking sustainability in African nations with high levels of economic and population growth and rapid environmental change....
Although ecosystem service (ES) modeling has progressed rapidly in the last 10-15 years, comparative studies on data and model selection effects have become more common only recently. Such studies have drawn mixed conclusions about whether different data and model choices yield divergent results. In this study we apply inter- and intra-model comparisons to address these questions at national and provincial scales in Rwanda. We compare results of (1) carbon, annual, and seasonal water yield using InVEST and WASSI models, and the above plus the InVEST sediment regulation model using (2) 30- and 300 m resolution data and (3) three different input land cover datasets. For the inter-model comparison, we found the two...
Coastal zones are popular recreational areas that substantially contribute to social welfare. Managers can use information about specific environmental features that people appreciate, and how these might change under different management scenarios, to spatially target actions to areas of high current or potential value. We explored how snorkelers’ experience would be affected by separate and combined land and marine management actions in West Maui, HawaiĘ»i, using a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) and a spatially explicit ecosystem services model. The BBN simulates recreational attractiveness by combining snorkelers’ preferences for coastal features with experts’ opinions on ecological dynamics, snorkeler behavior,...
Each state has a zipped folder that contains six Geotiff files: 1- <StateName>_avg.tif ===> The value of each cell in this raster layer is the avarage area of all buildings that intersect the cell. The unit is sq meter. 2- <StateName>_cnt.tif ===> The value of each cell in this raster layer is the number of buildings that intersect the cell. 3- <StateName>_max.tif ===> The value of each cell in this raster layer is the maximum of area of all building that intersect the cell. The unit is sq meter. 4- <StateName>_min.tif ===> The value of each cell in this raster layer is the minimum of area of all building that intersect the cell. The unit is sq meter. 5- <StateName>_sum.tif ===> The value of each cell in...
Semi-arid urban environments are undergoing an increase in air temperatures, both in average temperatures and in the frequency and intensity of extreme heat events. Within cities, different varieties of urban landcovers (ULC) and their densities influence local air temperatures, either mitigating or increasing heat. Currently, understanding how various combinations of ULCs influence air temperature at the block to neighborhood scale is limited due to the complexities of urban energy balances at small scales. We quantified how ULC influences air temperature at 60 m resolution for day and nighttime climate normals and heatwaves, by integrating data from microclimate temperature sensor networks and high-resolution...
Wild insect pollination has significant positive effects on pollinator-dependent crop production. To assess the spatial distribution of potential wild insect pollination, we mapped the supply of potential wild pollinator habitat (forest, grassland, wetland, and shrubland land cover types) and the demand for pollination (directly pollinator-dependent crops). A foraging travel distance for temperate native bees (1308 meters) was used to identify wild pollinator habitat that is within foraging range of pollinator-dependent crops, and pollinator-dependent crops that are within foraging range of pollinator habitat.
Natural land cover can remove pollutants from runoff water by slowing water flow and physically trapping suspended particles. We identified natural land cover in the Southeast US potentially contributing to water purification due to its location in the flowpath between sources of nonpoint-source pollution and waterways.

    map background search result map search result map Data release for Quantifying ecosystem service flows at multiple scales across the range of a long-distance migratory species Data Release for The sensitivity of ecosystem service models to choices of input data and spatial resolution (ver. 1.1, June 2020) Data Release for Toward ecosystem accounts for Rwanda: Tracking 25 years of change in ecosystem service potential and flows Data release for ecosystem service flows from a migratory species: spatial subsidies of the northern pintail A national dataset of rasterized building footprints for the U.S. Data release for Integrating physical and economic data into experimental water accounts for the United States: lessons and opportunities Perceived Social Value of the Sonoita Creek Watershed using the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) Tool, Arizona, U.S.A. Data Release for Testing ecosystem accounting in the United States: A case study for the Southeast Data release for Linking land and sea through an ecological-economic model of coral reef recreation Total ecosystem carbon storage in the Southeast United States Supply of and demand for wild pollinator habitat in the Southeast United States Recreational birding in the Southeast United States Supply of and demand for water purification of nonpoint source pollutants in the Southeast United States Data release for Piloting Urban Ecosystem Accounting for the United States Spatial social value distributions for multiple user groups in a coastal national park Urban landcover differentially drives day and nighttime air temperature across a semi-arid city Data release for Linking land and sea through an ecological-economic model of coral reef recreation Urban landcover differentially drives day and nighttime air temperature across a semi-arid city Perceived Social Value of the Sonoita Creek Watershed using the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) Tool, Arizona, U.S.A. Spatial social value distributions for multiple user groups in a coastal national park Data Release for Toward ecosystem accounts for Rwanda: Tracking 25 years of change in ecosystem service potential and flows Data Release for The sensitivity of ecosystem service models to choices of input data and spatial resolution (ver. 1.1, June 2020) Data Release for Testing ecosystem accounting in the United States: A case study for the Southeast Total ecosystem carbon storage in the Southeast United States Supply of and demand for wild pollinator habitat in the Southeast United States Recreational birding in the Southeast United States Supply of and demand for water purification of nonpoint source pollutants in the Southeast United States A national dataset of rasterized building footprints for the U.S. Data release for Quantifying ecosystem service flows at multiple scales across the range of a long-distance migratory species Data release for ecosystem service flows from a migratory species: spatial subsidies of the northern pintail Data release for Integrating physical and economic data into experimental water accounts for the United States: lessons and opportunities Data release for Piloting Urban Ecosystem Accounting for the United States