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Burn probability (BP) for Fireline Intensity Class 6 (FIL6) with flame lengths in the range of 3.7-15 m predicted for the 2080-2100 period in the Rio Grande area. This raster dataset was generated using: 1) data developed from the 2014 Fire Program Analysis (FPA) system; 2) geospatial Fire Simulation (FSim) system developed by the US Forest Service Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory to estimate probabilistic components of wildfire risk (Finney et al. 2011); and 3) climate predictions developed using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA) method (Abatzoglou and Brown 2011) which downscaled model output from the GFDL-ESM-2m global climate model of the Coupled Model Inter-Comparison Project 5 for the 8.5...
Burn probability (BP) raster dataset predicted for the 2080-2100 period in the Rio Grande area was generated using: 1) data developed from the 2014 Fire Program Analysis (FPA) system; 2) geospatial Fire Simulation (FSim) system developed by the US Forest Service Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory to estimate probabilistic components of wildfire risk (Finney et al. 2011); and 3) climate predictions developed using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA) method (Abatzoglou and Brown 2011) which downscaled model output from the GFDL-ESM-2m global climate model of the Coupled Model Inter-Comparison Project 5 for the 8.5 Representative Concentration Pathway.
Gulf Coast Prairie LCC Broadly Defined Habitats created from the LANDFIRE Ecological Site Potential data.
GCP LCC Focal Habitats created from the Texas Ecological Systems Map
Estimated number of breeding pairs of LeConte's sparrow based on the amount of grass, trees, and/or hay in the landscape. Landscape scale varied from 1/4- to 2-mile radius depending on the species. Pair estimates were calculated for grass patches >=1 ha, extrapolated to 40-ac cells, then smoothed by averaging over a 1-mile radius. Models were based on point count surveys conducted in 2003-2005 throughout the Tallgrass Prairie Pothole Region. Point count locations were stratified by cover type, the amount of grass in the landscape, and USFWS Wetland Management District boundaries. Landcover data were derived from 2000 Thematic Mapper imagery. Grid values = number of breeding pairs per 30-m pixel.
Estimates of county tile drainage in the Mississippi River Basin. Data Sources: 2012 USDA NASS Census of Agriculture; World Resources Institute. 2008. Assessing Farm Drainage; USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. 2014. Assessment of agricultural subsoil pattern tile drainage on wetland hydrology and ecosystem services in the Prairie Pothole Region. Field Description tiled_acre Acres drained by tile (NASS Census of Agriculture, 2012) or drainage permit acres in Dakotas (NPWRC, 2014), whichever is higher. pct_tile Percent of county drained by tile (tiled_acre/cty_acr*100) prmtac2 Acres under drainage permit in North or South Dakota (NPWRC, 2014). Best_Guess Acres drained by tile (WRI - Assessing...
Combined core and corridor areas used to identify the landscape context of potential implementation opportunities in terms of enhancing functional connectivity. Data generated by The Conservation Fund as part of the Midwest Wind Energy Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) and NiSource MSHCP green infrastructure network design processes.
Mainstem Mississippi River bottomlands. Derived by combining the Mississippi alluvial plain with natural floodplains created by the Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team for the Upper Mississippi. While the Mississippi alluvial plain is not entirely bottomland (e.g. Crowley's Ridge), excluding these non-bottomland areas from analysis would exclude opportunities to expand existing forest patches and enhance connectivity.
Percent Cultivated derived from the Cropland Data Layer Dataset by HUC 12
Important Forest Resource Areas are those landscape areas that are considered to be of high program potential or priority by State Forest Action Plans, and as defined by National Forest Stewardship Program Standards and Guidelines. This dataset contains the combined areas for Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin within the Mississippi River Basin. Grid Value "1": Stewardship Potential - Areas within a state that are eligible for Forest Stewardship and Rural Forestry Assistance Program delivery, but are not considered a priority. Grid Value "2": High Stewardship Potential - Priority areas within a state that are eligible for Forest Stewardship and Rural Forestry Assistance Program delivery.
This is a subfolder of the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SRLCC) community in ScienceBase. For more information about the SRLCC, see the SRLCC website or the U.S. Department of Interior’s website describing the LCCs.
This dataset contains the predicted probability of occurrence for modeled distributions of smallmouth bass. The species distribution model incorporated metrics describing the topography, hydrology, land use, climate, and biogeography of the basin to model predicted probability of occurrence.
Political ecology is a holistic mode of inquiry that applies political analysis to resource use and access by actors and organizations interacting in defined social and cultural contexts. This thesis uses a political ecology perspective to reveal how the Atna' Athabaskan people of South central Alaska use their knowledge of their environment to articulate a specific claim to Copper River salmon. Three case studies of Atna' public activism are presented demonstrating Atna' practice in governmental regulatory process. The position of the Atna' in the Copper River salmon fishery is contrasted with three other north Pacific Native American salmon regimes in order to demonstrate the special features of the Atna' context.
Adaptive Capacity Fields: Count_: Number of mapped karst formations in watershed, 0 - 112 Count1: Number of springs in watershed, 0 - 25 PctNatCov: Percentage of watershed covered by natural vegetation, 18 - 100 PctGAP1_2: Proportion of watershed managed to maintain biodiversity and a natural state 0 - 1 Karst_code: Indicator that karst or pseudokarst is present in watershed, Count_ > 0 = 1 Sprin_code: Indicator that springs are present in watershed, Count1> 0 = 1 NatCo_code: Indicator of high native cover of watershed, PctNatCov ≥ 95% = 1 GAP12_code: Indicator of land managed for biodiversity and a natural state, PctGAP1_2 ≥ 70% = 1 SumACCode: Sum of coded adaptive capacity indicators, 0 - 4 ACscale: Reclassified...

map background search result map search result map GPC LCC Focal Habitats - Texas Ecological Systems Map (TX only) Smallmouth Bass Predicted Probability of Distribution Burn Probability for Fireline Intensity Class 6, predicted for 2080 to 2100 for Rio Grande study area Burn Probability predicted for 2080 to 2100 for Rio Grande study area GCP LCC Broadly Defined Habitats (LANDFIRE Ecological Site Potential) GCP LCC Percent Cultivated Area by HUC 12 (CDL 13) - DRAFT Mainstem Floodplains - Large Bottomland Ecological System Important Forest Resource Areas UMRGLR JV - Wetland Breeding Bird Habitat Priorities HAPET Breeding Pairs - LeConte's sparrow Combined Green Infrastructure Corridors County Tile Drainage - Mississippi River Basin Dip nets, fish wheels, and motor homes: The Atna', traditional ecological knowledge, and resource management in the Copper River fishery, Alaska Satellite boreal measurements over Alaska and Canada during June-July 2004: Simultaneous measurements of upper tropospheric CO, C2H6, HCN, CH3Cl, CH4, C2H2, CH3OH, HCOOH, OCS, and SF6 mixing ratios (DOI 10.1029/2006GB002795) EFFECTS OF HISTORICAL TIMBER HARVESTING PRACTICES ON CARIBOU FORAGE LICHEN ABUNDANCE NEAR MARSH LAKE, YUKON  -  PHASE 1 FINAL REPORT Range ecology of the Porcupine caribou herd in Canada Riparian Corridors Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version EFFECTS OF HISTORICAL TIMBER HARVESTING PRACTICES ON CARIBOU FORAGE LICHEN ABUNDANCE NEAR MARSH LAKE, YUKON  -  PHASE 1 FINAL REPORT Dip nets, fish wheels, and motor homes: The Atna', traditional ecological knowledge, and resource management in the Copper River fishery, Alaska Burn Probability for Fireline Intensity Class 6, predicted for 2080 to 2100 for Rio Grande study area Burn Probability predicted for 2080 to 2100 for Rio Grande study area Riparian Corridors Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version HAPET Breeding Pairs - LeConte's sparrow Range ecology of the Porcupine caribou herd in Canada Smallmouth Bass Predicted Probability of Distribution GPC LCC Focal Habitats - Texas Ecological Systems Map (TX only) GCP LCC Percent Cultivated Area by HUC 12 (CDL 13) - DRAFT GCP LCC Broadly Defined Habitats (LANDFIRE Ecological Site Potential) UMRGLR JV - Wetland Breeding Bird Habitat Priorities Important Forest Resource Areas Satellite boreal measurements over Alaska and Canada during June-July 2004: Simultaneous measurements of upper tropospheric CO, C2H6, HCN, CH3Cl, CH4, C2H2, CH3OH, HCOOH, OCS, and SF6 mixing ratios (DOI 10.1029/2006GB002795) Mainstem Floodplains - Large Bottomland Ecological System Combined Green Infrastructure Corridors County Tile Drainage - Mississippi River Basin