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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative
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An estimated value for the ability of managers to dirct actions to protect, restore, or mitigate species and habitats. We recognize that our preliminary estimates are arbitrary and fairly approximate, but argue that making these explicit within a framework will enable stakeholders and managers to conduct subsequent analyses to better support their decision making.
The Southern Rockies LCC is home to narrowleaf cottonwood (Populus angustifolia), common at elevations above 1800 m, and Fremont cottonwood [a common name regionally attached to the ecologically very similar Populus fremontii subsp. fremontii S. Watson and P. deltoides subsp. wislizenii (S. Watson) Eckenwalder, as well as their intergrades], which is typically found at elevations below 1800 m. This geographical information system (GIS) contains the data sets used in an assessment of the amount and character of native Fremont cottonwood forest remaining on the mainstem floodplains in 26 subbasins in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB), published in 2007 (Andersen, D.C., D.J. Cooper, and K. Northcott. 2007. Dams,...
Riparian ecosystems are vital components of the semi-arid landscape because woody riparian plants provide resources that are absent in adjacent vegetation types. Historically, flood played a key role in shaping the composition and structure of riparian forests. In recent decades, however, the frequency and magnitude of floods has decreased and the timing of peak discharge has been altered. In addition, wildfire has increased in importance as an agent of disturbance along many streams. We initiated this study to increase our understanding of fire, flood, and drought processes at our Middle Rio Grande study sites and develop tools that managers of other systems can use to project the response of riparian trees to...
Since the last reporting period, the project team has been focused on conducting spatial analyses of habitat complexity at tributary junctions and finalizing the decision support model and report on the Colorado River. The decision support model was completed and report finalized and designed to inform restoration opportunities on the Colorado River corridor in Utah. The final draft of the CO report is awaiting final USGS review and layout for publication as an Open File Report. Results of the study were presented at the USGS River Restoration workshop in Flagstaff, AZ, June 23-24. As per USGS requirements, spatial datasets (the decision support tool) will be made public when the Open File Report is available for...
For the Green River Basin Landscape Conservation Design (GRB LCD) assessment, we mapped the vulnerability of riparian habitat for terrestrial species and process. Using a vulnerability framework, we defined Sensitivity (S) as the percent riparian vegetation within the valley bottom and Exposure (E) as the amount of human modification within the valley bottom. For each 12-digit hydrologic unit code within the GRB LCD we summarized the riparian sensitivity and exposure to human modification. We also computed Potential Impact (PI), and Adaptive Capacity (AC) metrics at the HUC12 level. PI is the square root transformed product of human modification exposure and riparian sensitivity. AC for riparian exposure to human...
This cookbook describes the basic inputs required for Marxan, outlines the processing steps for deriving these inputs and running Marxan, and working with the output.
For the Green River Basin Landscape Conservation Design (GRB LCD) assessment, we mapped the vulnerability of the critical habitat for threatened and endangered fish species to oil and gas development for each 12-digit hydrologic unit. The following threatened and endangered fish species were included in this vulnerability assessment: Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius), Bonytail Chub (Gila elegans), Humpback chub (Gila cypha), and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus). Using a vulnerability framework, we defined Sensitivity (S) as the average combined area of critical fish habitat within HUC12 polygons. Exposure (E) to oil and gas development was quantified the log transformed upstream flow accumulation of...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Colorado, Colorado, EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > LANDSCAPE, Green River Basin, Green River Basin, All tags...
Fishes of the Upper Colorado River Basin have one of the highest levels of endemism in the United States. The range and abundance of these fish has declined over the last century and continues to decline as a result of legacy impacts from past management practices, current water management, interactions with non-natives, and other impacts. Seven of these fish are considered imperiled by the American Fisheries Society and four are listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. We applied a complementarity-based approach to develop priority ranks (0 – 1; low to high) for catchments in the Upper Colorado River Basin. We used methods and a framework that we had previously developed for the Lower Colorado...
This USGS Energy Resources Program website contains news, research and links related to energy in the Colorado Plateau region.
Categories: Web Site
Survey data was integrated within a GIS by georeferencing observations to an existing national spatial framework (National Hydrography Dataset), which allows for broader transferability to watersheds shared with neighboring states, creating a seamless layer not limited by state boundaries. Addressing the management and conservation challenges for native fishes will require the ability to “data mine” the extensive existing information on distribution and abundance of species available from aquatic survey programs. Results from such syntheses can be used to assess the current conservation status of native fishes, quantify the extent of species invasions, and establish baseline distributions with which to evaluate...
Exposure Fields: Sum_MAch20: Number of stream segments in watershed with projected decrease mean annual flow volume between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0 - 68 Sum_MSch20: Number of stream segments in watershed with projected decrease in mean summer flow volume between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0 - 75 Sum_CFMc20: Number of stream segments in watershed with change in projected center of flow mass timing date between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0 - 79 RVD: Ratio of remote-sensed to predicted riparian cover, used as an index of departure from natural conditions, 0 - 1052 Count_: Number of major dams in watershed, 0 -...

map background search result map search result map Adaptive Capacity, Low Range Upper Colorado River Basin River Thalweg Sonoran Sucker Occurrence in the Verde River Basin Vulnerability of Riparian Habitat to Land Uses in the Green River Basin Vulnerability of Critical Fish Habitat to Oil and Gas Development in the Green River Basin Sagebrush Ecosystem Adaptive Capacity data and scores for the Four Corners Region Final Version Riparian Corridors Exposure Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Sonoran Sucker Occurrence in the Verde River Basin Upper Colorado River Basin River Thalweg Sagebrush Ecosystem Adaptive Capacity data and scores for the Four Corners Region Final Version Vulnerability of Critical Fish Habitat to Oil and Gas Development in the Green River Basin Vulnerability of Riparian Habitat to Land Uses in the Green River Basin Riparian Corridors Exposure Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Adaptive Capacity, Low Range