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From August 2018 to October 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey collected spatially high-resolution water quality data as part of five shoreline synoptic surveys around the perimeters of Owasco, Seneca, and Skaneateles Lakes within the Finger Lakes Region of New York. Water-quality data were collected just below water surface utilizing YSI EXO2 multiparameter sondes and portable nitrate sensors paired with real-time GPS data as part of a HABs monitoring program in the Finger Lakes. In October 2019, water-quality data collection was paired with discrete phytoplankton grab samples on Owasco Lake and Seneca Lake. Phytoplankton grab samples were collected just below water surface with a peristaltic pump at twelve locations...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Contaminants, HABS, Finger Lakes, Limnology, New York, All tags...
This study deployed acoustic telemetry at the Fox River Navigational System Authority (FRNSA) in lock #2 and the upstream and downstream pools in Kaukauna, WI to document movements and behavior of telemetered fish species in response to injection of carbon dioxide. Telemetry equipment was setup in the test area for approximately 2 months during the summer of 2019. CSV metadata includes telemetry data with position estimates for fish during this time.
This dataset provides results for the following: (1) metals concentrations in soils surrounding breeding song bird nest sites; (2) metals concentrations in invertebrates (earthworm and grub composites) collected near nest sites; (3) metals concentrations and delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity in avian blood samples; and (4) metals concentrations, indicators of oxidative stress and DNA damage, and histopathology in liver and/or kidney tissues collected from breeding song birds.
This data release contains data associated with the journal article "Modeling the maturation history of the stacked petroleum systems of the Williston Basin, USA". Collectively, the data release includes 13 child items and metadata files that provide detailed descriptions of the attributes, processing steps, and original data sources. There is also a data table, "Williston_Basin_Data_Release_Overview.csv" that describes how all the child items are linked with one another.
These BioLake raster data provide global estimates (~10.0 x 12.4 km resolution) of twelve bioclimatic variables based on estimated lake temperature. Eleven of these twelve variables (BioLake01 - BioLake11) are estimated for each of three lake strata: lake mix (surface) layer, lake bottom, and total lake water column. These eleven variables correspond to CHELSA (Climatologies at high resolution for the earth's land surface areas) bioclimatic variables BIO1 - BIO11, except that these BioLake variables are based on lake water temperature and CHELSA BIO1 - BIO11 variables are based on air temperature. CHELSA BIO is also calculated a finer spatial resolution (~1 x 1 km). The twelfth variable (BioLake20; months with non-zero...
Globally, groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are increasingly vulnerable to groundwater extraction and land use practices. Groundwater supports these ecosystems by providing inflow, which can maintain water levels, water temperature, and chemistry necessary to sustain the biodiversity that they support. Many aquatic systems receive groundwater as a portion of base flow, and in some systems (e.g., springs, seeps, fens) the connection with groundwater is significant and important to the system’s integrity and persistence. Groundwater management decisions for human use may not consider ecological effects of those actions on GDEs, which rely on groundwater to maintain ecological function. This disconnect between...
Grouse: These data on sharp-tailed grouse survival times are provided for individuals wanting to run an age-period survival analysis. Entry and exit times are expressed in integer days from the start of the study. Entry age and exit age expressed in integer days are also included. Data are structured to implement survival analysis. White-tailed Deer: These data on white-tailed deer survival times are provided for individuals wanting to run an age-period survival analysis. Entry and exit times are expressed in integer weeks from the start of the study. Entry age and exit age expressed in integer weeks are also included. Data are structured to implement survival analysis. Only adult female individuals that were chronic-wasting...
We developed and tested neural network-based models to recognize and count emigrating juvenile river herring in continuous video. Continuous video was collected from an underwater camera installed at Great Herring Pond in Bourne, Massachusetts (USA) between June and November 2017. Our algorithm extracts video frames to assess presence/absence of fish and count numbers of fish emigrating. We used extracted video frames to assess model performance. Provided datasets include information about extracted frames that were used for model assessment. This data release includes four datasets that were used to test model performance and select the best fitting model. (1) The “Model Evaluation Dataset” includes count and presence/absence...
Petroleum within unconventional source-rock reservoirs is hosted in organic matter and mineral pore space as well as in voids and microfractures. Recent work has shown that for source-rock reservoirs in the dry gas window, significant portions of methane (CH4), the main component of petroleum at elevated maturities, can be stored within fine organic matter porosity. However, within reservoirs at lower thermal maturities (e.g., peak oil or wet-gas conditions), the distribution and behavior of CH4 and the higher alkanes that comprise gas condensates across pore sizes is unclear, especially for fine pores with diameters <50 nm. Understanding CH4 within these settings provides insight for petroleum generation, movement,...
Groundwater age distributions and susceptibility to natural and anthropogenic contaminants were assessed for selected wells, streambed piezometers, and springs in southeastern Minnesota. The data provide information to understand how long it will take to observe groundwater quality improvements from best management practices implemented at land surface to reduce losses of nitrate (and other chemicals) from agricultural practices. Nineteen water samples were collected from ten wells, three streambed piezometers, and four springs between August 2020 and September 2022. Two of these samples are field replicate samples collected from a spring site and a well site. A child item contains historical data from 15 water...
The data contained in child items of this page were developed to support the Species Status Assessments conducted by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and conservation planning for State, Federal, and non-government researchers, managers, landowners, and other partners for five focal herpetofauna species: gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), southern hognose snake (Heterodon simus), Florida pine snake (Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus), gopher frog (Lithobates capito), and striped newt (Notophthalmus perstriatus). These data were developed by the USGS Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Georgia in collaboration with other partners. The three child items contain the following data: (1)...
These data address experimental evaluations of dietary preference by captive brown treesnakes on Guam. Snakes were collected from the wild in areas with birds present and in areas without birds present 2018–2019. Snakes were then run through preference trials during which they were offered first live lures (mouse and finch) in snake traps on opposite sides of the arena. On the second night, snakes were offered dead carrion (baits) of each prey type (mouse, chicken chick) equal to 30% of their mass. Choices were monitored overnight using game cameras and then transcribed the following day. Individuals were classified as BIRD or NOBIRD snakes based on whether they had birds in their gut contents at the time of capture....
This data release includes data and metadata on 1) the coverage and composition of plants 2) species specific plant traits 3) sampling locations and 4) environmental data. All sites were within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on Hawaii Island. Plant cover data were obtained from National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program. Plant trait data was collected for these plots in 2014. This study aims to evaluate how traits of native and exotic plant species change along environmental gradients and what this suggests for plant competition and invasion.
We examined Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus semotus) presence and foraging activity at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge and Lāupahoehoe Forest Reserve on Hawai‘i Island during the 2013 koa moth (Geometridea: Scotorythra paludicola) outbreak. Hawaiian hoary bat echolocation vocalizations were recorded at seven acoustic stations between 1069 and 1200 m above sea level that operated nightly from May 2013 through September 2013. We compared these data to data collected at similar locations during 2007-2011 to determine the response of bats to increased moth abundance during 2013. In this abstract we refer to the Hawaiian hoary bat as a full species, Lasiurus semotus, following updated taxonomy for Hawaiian hoary...
This data release includes data and metadata on tree and shrub basal area as well as bird-mediated and passive seed rain for sites selected to have a range of understory cover under canopy trees (Metrosideros polymorpha and Acacia koa). It also includes seedling germination and survival data for a large-scale seed addition and grass removal experiment that varied both seed rain and grass cover. All sites were within Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge on Hawaii Island. Broadly, this study asks what thresholds of seed rain and native and exotic plant cover are needed for passive forest regeneration.
A previously published MODFLOW-NWT groundwater-flow model for the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma (using 1 steady state stress period followed by 444 monthly stress periods representing 1979-2015; Ellis, 2018a) was used as the basis of several groundwater-use scenarios. The model is a 3-layer model including the Cloud Chief formation (confining unit of the Rush Springs aquifer), alluvial and terrace deposits, and the Rush Springs aquifer. The scenarios were used to assess the effects of increasing groundwater withdrawals from the Rush Springs aquifer on base flows to streams that flow into Fort Cobb Reservoir to address concerns over groundwater use reducing inflows to the lake. The effects of groundwater...
The Louisiana State Legislature created the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes mosaicked aerial photographs for the Freshwater Introduction South of Highway 82 (ME-16) project for 2018. This data is used as a basemap land-water classification. It also serves as a visual tool for project managers to help them identify any obvious problems or land loss...
The Louisiana State Legislature created the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes mosaicked aerial photographs for the Oyster Bayou Marsh Creation and Terracing (CS-59) project for 2018. This data is used as a basemap land-water classification. It also serves as a visual tool for project managers to help them identify any obvious problems or land loss within...
We developed the North American Freshwater Migratory Fish Database (NAFMFD) that synthesizes current knowledge of migratory status, pattern, and behavior for native and non-native freshwater fish species throughout North America, including 1,241 species representing 79 families and 322 genera.
This data set consists of digital data describing wetlands and uplands habitats for the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program (MsCIP) area, consisting of Cat, Ship, Horn and Petit Bois Islands for the year 2020. Wetlands were classified using the Cowardin, et al., wetlands classification scheme to the level of freshwater and tidal, salinity modifiers. Uplands were classified using a customized classification scheme which can be cross-referenced to Anderson, et. al. For this dataset, upland dunes were delineated as areas at or above 1.524 meters (5 feet) as determined in the Lidar data that was referenced without modification for this classification. With this elevation criteria some delineated upland dune features...

map background search result map search result map Range-wide habitat suitability maps for at-risk species in the longleaf system Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Plant Trait, Percent Cover, and Environmental Data 2014 Hakalau Forest NWR seed rain, seedling, and plant data for 2017-2019 Hawaii Island, Hawaiian hoary bat acoustic data pre- and post-koa moth outbreak, 2007-2013 High-resolution spatial water-quality and discrete phytoplankton data, Owasco Lake, Seneca Lake, and Skaneateles Lake, Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2018-2019 Freshwater Introduction South of Highway 82 (ME-16): 2018 land-water classification Data on dietary preference by brown treesnakes on Guam Oyster Bayou Marsh Creation and Terracing (CS-59): 2018 land-water classification The North American Freshwater Migratory Fish Database (NAFMFD): Characterizing the migratory life histories of freshwater fishes of Canada, the United States, and Mexico Groundwater data and age information from samples collected in Minnesota (ver. 2.0, January 2024) February 2020 National Wetlands Inventory, Mississippi Barrier Islands Habitat Classification: (Cat Island, Ship Island, Petit Bois Island and Horn Island) White-tailed deer and sharp-tailed grouse data used in constrained generalized additive models to enhance survival analyses and incorporate ecological theory Distribution Models Predicting Groundwater Influenced Ecosystems in the Northeastern United States MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate groundwater withdrawal scenarios for the Rush Springs aquifer upgradient from the Fort Cobb Reservoir, western Oklahoma, 1979-2015, including streamflow, base flow, and precipitation statistics Acoustic Telemetry Evaluation of Invasive Carp in Kaukauna, Wisconsin (Summer 2019) Data release for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA Total neutron scattering of methane in Niobrara Formation samples at the wet-gas maturity level Data used to test a video monitoring and computational system for estimating juvenile fish abundance Breeding songbird tissue analysis and metal concentrations in tissues, soil and invertebrates collected near nesting sites within the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District, 2016-19 Total neutron scattering of methane in Niobrara Formation samples at the wet-gas maturity level Oyster Bayou Marsh Creation and Terracing (CS-59): 2018 land-water classification Data used to test a video monitoring and computational system for estimating juvenile fish abundance Hakalau Forest NWR seed rain, seedling, and plant data for 2017-2019 Acoustic Telemetry Evaluation of Invasive Carp in Kaukauna, Wisconsin (Summer 2019) Hawaii Island, Hawaiian hoary bat acoustic data pre- and post-koa moth outbreak, 2007-2013 Freshwater Introduction South of Highway 82 (ME-16): 2018 land-water classification Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Plant Trait, Percent Cover, and Environmental Data 2014 Data on dietary preference by brown treesnakes on Guam High-resolution spatial water-quality and discrete phytoplankton data, Owasco Lake, Seneca Lake, and Skaneateles Lake, Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2018-2019 Breeding songbird tissue analysis and metal concentrations in tissues, soil and invertebrates collected near nesting sites within the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District, 2016-19 MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate groundwater withdrawal scenarios for the Rush Springs aquifer upgradient from the Fort Cobb Reservoir, western Oklahoma, 1979-2015, including streamflow, base flow, and precipitation statistics Data release for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA Groundwater data and age information from samples collected in Minnesota (ver. 2.0, January 2024) Distribution Models Predicting Groundwater Influenced Ecosystems in the Northeastern United States Range-wide habitat suitability maps for at-risk species in the longleaf system The North American Freshwater Migratory Fish Database (NAFMFD): Characterizing the migratory life histories of freshwater fishes of Canada, the United States, and Mexico