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The Monthly Projected Soil Moisture at Bottom Layer (SMBT) data sets are part of the downscaled global climate models created for the 2008 California climate change assessment. These files are made from daily data and are monthly mean values in millimeters. SMBT layers have been created through a Bias Corrected Statistical Downscaling (BCSD) approach and are currently available for the cnrmcm3, gfdlcm21, ncarccsm3, and ncarpcm1 models under the A2 and B1 scenarios. The BCSD data cover 31.9375N to 43.9375N and 124.5625W to 113.0625W. The VIC grid is a 1/8th degree grid so this makes a "box" of 93 longitudes by 97 latitudes. The VIC computations are done over land only. For the 93x97 box there would be a total of...
This data set represents the spatial distribution of the commercial halibut fishery within the International Pacific Halibut Commission's statistical areas for British Columbia and was provided by the IPHC. The statistical areas were digitized by the IPHC and most vertices coincide with the historical IPHC areas. For accurate digitization, additional vertices were inserted by referring to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and CHS (Canadian Hydrographic Survey) Mercator projected charts. The BCMCA used the statistical areas to join the aggregated catch information from 1991-2006, also provided by the International Pacific Halibut Commission. Catch data is assigned to statistical areas using (in...
The Towboat reserves were put in place at the request of the Council of Marine Carriers (CMC) to protect harbours along the BC Coast to ensure harbours of refuge (temporary shelter during inclement weather or when waiting for favorable tides) remained available for commercial marine traffic - eg. tugs towing booms and barges up and down the coast. These harbours needed to be of adequate size, be located along commercial navigation routes and provide adequate shelter to accommodate the tug and the load being towed. Certain harbours were identified as critical harbours because they meet the size, location and shelter criteria required. To ensure the harbour remains available as a harbour refuge, shoreline development...
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project assembling and analyzing spatial information about Canada's Pacific Ocean. The overall goal of the BCMCA is to identify marine areas of high conservation value and marine areas important to human use. Results of the project are intended to inform and help advance marine planning initiatives in BC by providing collaborative, peer-reviewed scientific analyses based on the best ecological and socio-economic spatial data at scales relevant to a BC coast-wide analysis.
This data represents the location of coastal British Columbia coastal campsites, kayak use sites and kayak staging areas.
This set of files includes downscaled projections of decadal means of annual mean temperatures (in degrees Celsius, no unit conversion necessary) for each decade from 1910 - 2006 (CRU TS 3.0) or 2009 (CRU TS 3.1) at 771x771 meter spatial resolution. Each file represents a decadal mean of an annual mean calculated from mean monthly data. The spatial extent includes Alaska. Each set of files originates from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU, TS 3.0 or 3.1 dataset. TS 3.0 extends through December 2006 while 3.1 extends to December 2009. ============================= Downscaling: These files are bias corrected and downscaled via the delta method using PRISM (
This set of files includes downscaled projections of decadal means of monthly mean temperatures (in degrees Celsius, no unit conversion necessary) for each month of every decade from 2010 - 2100 (see exceptions below) at 771x771 meter spatial resolution. Each file represents a mean monthly mean in a given decade. The spatial extent includes Alaska. ========= Overview: Most of SNAP’s climate projections come in multiple versions. There are 5 climate models, one 5 model average, 3 climate scenarios, 12 months, and 100 years. This amounts to 21,600 files per variable for monthly data. Some datasets are derived products such as monthly decadal averages or specific seasonal averages, among others. This specific dataset...
Climate data (NCEP: Average Annual Temperature, 1968-1999) have been generated using a regional climate model called RegCM3 using boundary conditions from observations or general circulation models for historical conditions, and from GCM projections for future conditions. Regional climate model description: RegCM3 is the third generation of the Regional Climate Model originally developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Details on current model components and applications of the model can be found in numerous publications (e.g., Giorgi et al, 2004a,b, Pal et al, 2007), the ICTP RegCNET web site (, and the ICTP RegCM publications...
This dataset depicts the Difference for Average Summer Temperature for Jul-Sep for 2045-2060 compared to 1968-1999 for GFDL. These data have been generated using a regional climate model called RegCM3 using boundary conditions from observations or general circulation models for historical conditions, and from GCM projections for future conditions. Regional climate model description: RegCM3 is the third generation of the Regional Climate Model originally developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Details on current model components and applications of the model can be found in numerous publications (e.g., Giorgi et al, 2004a,b, Pal et al, 2007), the ICTP RegCNET...
Change in the majority generalized vegetation type for each HUC5 watershed between historical (1971-2000) and future (2071-2100) time periods. The MC1 dynamic vegetation model was run under the CSIRO, MIROC, and Hadley climate change projections and the A2 anthropogenic emissions scenario. Majority generalized vegetation type was determined for each HUC5 watershed from from original ~ 4 km raster data. Generalized vegetation types were assigned by combining detailed MC1 vegetation classes into four general catagories: desert, grassland, shrubland, and forest. Watersheds represent 5th level (HUC5, 10-digit) hydrologic unit boundaries and were acquired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Background:...
This dataset represents the average amount of live tree carbon for each HUC5 watershed, simulated by the model MC1 for the 30-year period 1971-2000. Simulated mean live forest carbon (output variable C_Forestyr in MC1 version B60, which includes both above and below-ground tree carbon) was determined for each HUC5 watershed. Units are grams per square meter. Watersheds represent 5th level (HUC5, 10-digit) hydrologic unit boundaries and were acquired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Background: The dynamic global vegetation model MC1 (see Bachelet et al. 2001) was used to simulate vegetation dynamics, associated carbon and nitrogen cycle, water budget, and wild fire impacts for OR, WA, AZ and...
Percent change in the mean area burned per year (per ~4 km pixel) for each HUC5 watershed between historical (1971-2000) and future (2071-2100) time periods. The MC1 dynamic vegetation model was run under the CSIRO, MIROC, and Hadley climate change projections and the A2 anthropogenic emissions scenario. Mean area burned per year per ~4 km pixel (in square meters), was determined for each HUC5 watershed. Watersheds represent 5th level (HUC5, 10-digit) hydrologic unit boundaries and were acquired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Background: The dynamic global vegetation model MC1 (see Bachelet et al. 2001) was used to simulate vegetation dynamics, associated carbon and nitrogen cycle, water...
Simulated Surface Runoff by the biogeography model MAPSS using S. Hostetler's (USGS) climate data (detailed information available at, created using RegCM3 with GFDL boundary conditions. MAPSS (Mapped Atmosphere-Plant-Soil System) is a static biogeography model that projects potential vegetation distribution and hydrological flows on a grid ( MAPSS has been used widely for various climate change assessments including the 2000 National Assessment Synthesis Team's report. MAPSS uses long term, average monthly climate data (mean monthly temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed, and precipitation) as well...
This dataset contains all National Forest Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) for the Alaska Region (R10). The IRA data was originally submitted to GSTC by all national forests through their Regional Offices for the Forest Service's Roadless Area Conservation Initiative. The data was consolidated at the GSTC and used in the Draft Environment Impact Statement. Between the draft and final stages of the Environmental Impact Statement, the data was updated by the forests to reflect any corrections to Inventoried Roadless Areas that were based on their existing forest plan. The data was also supplemented to include Special Designated Area information and to include Inventoried Roadless Areas within Special Designated...
This data series contains 2868 temporal datasets.These data are climate model outputs that have been downscaled to 4-km spatial resolution using the Bias Corrected Statistical Downscaling (BCSD) method. Moore and Walden have modified the BCSD method described by Wood et al (2002), Long-range experimental hydrologic forecasting for the eastern United States. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 107: 4429-4443 and Salathe (2005), Downscaling simulations of future global climate with application to hydrologic modeling. International Journal of Climatology 25: 419-436. The modifications include a different interpolation scheme between GCM grid cells and a different approach to dealing with extreme values (Z-scores...
This dataset contains small cutthroat trout lakes within Southeast Alaska. These are smaller lakes that do not produce cutthroat trout large enough to reach the 11-inch regional minimum size limit. Each of these lakes has a 9-inch minimum size limit, and bait is prohibited. Regionwide limits of 2 per day and 2 in possession apply. Currently there are seven lakes in Southeast Alaska with the small cutthroat lake designation. Please verify fishing regulations with current Alaska Department of Fish and Game Sport Fishing Regulations at the following link:
BLM Resource Area Boundaries within the Western Oregon Plan Revision (WOPR) Proposed Resource Management Plan (PRMP) boundary. These resource area boundaries were modified along edges of the Western Oregon Plan Revision updated Analysis of Mangement Situatiion (AMS) project boundary and are intended for use in analytical summaries.BLM: (Bureau of Land Management) WOPR: (Western Oregon Plan Revision), POL: (Political) PRMP: (Proposed Resource Mangement Plan) AMS: (Analysis of Management Situation) RAB: (Resource Area Boundary) LUP: (Land Use Planning)
This dataset represents recreation trails within the Western Oregon Plan Revision (WOPR) boundary.BLM (Bureau of Land Management) WOPR (Western Oregon Plan Revision) PRMP: (Proposed Resource Management Plan) REC: (Recreation)
Outstanding Natural Areas within Western Oregon. This theme represents the third iteration of the effort to arrive at a preferred approach to the management of the recreation resource. This theme reflects the management approach approved in the Record of Decision.BLM (Bureau of Land Management), WOPR (Western Oregon Plan Revision) ADS (Automated Digitizing System), MOSS (Map Overlay Statistical System) PRMP (Proposed Resource Management Plan) This data is a PRMP release version of the data. The original name of the dataset is:lup_aa_a_ona_poly

map background search result map search result map Small Cutthroat Trout Lakes Tow Boat Reserves bcmca_hu_tenures_featurecount_data Coastal Campsites and Kayak Use Sites Sea Kayaking Routes 4KM Original: Average Summer Temperature (1968-1999) from NCEP-driven RegCM3 climate model (Western US) 4KM Difference: Average Summer Temperature for Jul-Sep (2045-2060) from GFDL-driven RegCM3 climate model (Western US) Simulated change in generalized vegetation types between historical and future time periods under three climate change projections for OR and WA, USA Simulated historical live forest carbon (1971-2000) for OR and WA, USA Simulated percent change in area burned between historical and future time periods under three climate change projections for OR and WA, USA 4KM Results: Surface Runoff (2045-2060) simulated by MAPSS using RegCM3 with GFDL boundary conditions United States Forest Service (USFS) Inventoried Roadless Areas for Alaska (USA) Downscaled Climate Model Output for the Contiguous United States from IPCC AR4 Scenarios [Bias Corrected Statistical Downscaling (BCSD) Method] Cal-Adapt Monthly Projected Soil Moisture at Bottom Layer (1950-2099) WOPR Outstanding Natural Areas (Polygon) WOPR Recreation Trails Arc WOPR Resource Area Boundaries Polygon Tow Boat Reserves WOPR Recreation Trails Arc WOPR Outstanding Natural Areas (Polygon) Small Cutthroat Trout Lakes WOPR Resource Area Boundaries Polygon Simulated percent change in area burned between historical and future time periods under three climate change projections for OR and WA, USA Sea Kayaking Routes Coastal Campsites and Kayak Use Sites Cal-Adapt Monthly Projected Soil Moisture at Bottom Layer (1950-2099) Simulated change in generalized vegetation types between historical and future time periods under three climate change projections for OR and WA, USA Simulated historical live forest carbon (1971-2000) for OR and WA, USA United States Forest Service (USFS) Inventoried Roadless Areas for Alaska (USA) bcmca_hu_tenures_featurecount_data 4KM Original: Average Summer Temperature (1968-1999) from NCEP-driven RegCM3 climate model (Western US) 4KM Difference: Average Summer Temperature for Jul-Sep (2045-2060) from GFDL-driven RegCM3 climate model (Western US) 4KM Results: Surface Runoff (2045-2060) simulated by MAPSS using RegCM3 with GFDL boundary conditions Downscaled Climate Model Output for the Contiguous United States from IPCC AR4 Scenarios [Bias Corrected Statistical Downscaling (BCSD) Method]