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The Dungeness Crab catch and effort grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Shellfish Stock Assessment harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS). The dataset has been modified to meet the sensitive nature of the data as per the Access to Information Act20(1)(b,c); which specifies that Fisheries and Oceans Canada will not disclose to a third party confidential information that may prejudice the competitive position of the fisher, in which fishing location has been identified as one of the entities to be protected. There was a 4km x 4km grid used in the desensitization process as well information was limited to total Effort (# traps and soak time) and total Catch (calculated lbs...
Distribution of Alcid habitat in coastal British Columbia showing relative abundance (RA) by season and overall relative importance (RI). RI is based on project region and not on the province as a whole. British Columbia has been collecting coastal resource data in a systematic and synoptic manner since 1979. Resource information is collected using peer-reviewed provincial Resource Information Standards Committee which include standards for data management and analysis
The Shrimp Trawl catch and effort grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Shellfish Stock Assessment harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS). The dataset has been modified to meet the sensitive nature of the data as per the Access to Information Act20(1)(b,c); which specifies that Fisheries and Oceans Canada will not disclose to a third party confidential information that may prejudice the competitive position of the fisher, in which fishing location has been identified as one of the entities to be protected. There was a 4km x 4km grid used in the desensitization process as well information was limited to total Effort (tow hrs) and total Catch (lbs). The dataset is comprised...
This dataset identifies the location of exploratory wells drilled off the coast of British Columbia. Exploratory wells are generally drilled as part of the exploration process to test for the presence of oil and gas reserves. It should be noted that data derived from onshore wells (not included with these data) are also relevant to the evaluation of the offshore potential.
This set of files includes downscaled historical estimates of decadal means of annual total precipitation (in milimeters, no unit conversion necessary) for each decade from1910 - 2006 (CRU TS 3.0) or 2009 (CRU TS 3.1.01) at 2x2 kilometer spatial resolution. Each file represents a decadal mean of an annual total calculated from monthly totals. The spatial extent includes Alaska, the Yukon Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Each set of files originates from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU, TS 3.0 or 3.1.01 dataset. TS 3.0 extends through December 2006 while 3.1.01 extends to December 2009. ============================= Downscaling: These files are bias...
This data was produced in collaboration with The Wilderness Society. This set of files includes downscaled historical estimates of monthly total potential evapotranspiration (in millimeters, no unit conversion necessary) for each month of every year from January 1901 - December 2006 at 2x2 kilometer spatial resolution. Each file represents a single month in a given year. The spatial extent includes Alaska. These potential evapotranspiration (PET) estimates were produced using the Hamon equation (Lu et al. 2005), which calculates PET as a function of temperature and day length. Potential evapotranspiration may also be influenced by cloud cover, humidity, and wind speed. The Hamon equation can not explicitly...
This dataset contains polygons describing photo interpreted map classifications of the Tongass National Forest developed in 1978. The dataset's primary objective was to delineate major land types and their attributes. The land types were mapped at a polygon level - areas generally homogenous in character. Mapping was done to a 10 acre minimum except for non-commercial and non-forest types which were mapped to a 5 acre minimum. The classification identifies water as well as land. It segregates land into non-forest and forest. Polygons in forested areas were assigned a single, representative set of attributes; species composition, age, and volume class. Tim86 was updated in the 1980's (mostly in 1986) to reflect timber...
Two future climate change scenarios at a resolution of 0.5 degree latitude/longitude for the conterminous United States were used in the Vegetation Ecosystems Modelling Analysis Project (VEMAP): a moderately warm scenario produced by the general circulation model from the Hadley Climate Centre [Johns et al., 1997; Mitchell and Johns, 1997], HADCM2SUL (up to a 2.8oC increase in average annual U.S. temperature in 2100) and a warmer scenario (up to a 5.8oC increase in average annual U.S. temperature in 2100), CGCM1, from the Canadian Climate Center [Boer et al., 1999a, 1999b; Flato et al., 1999]. Both general circulation models (GCMs) included sulfate aerosols and a fully dynamic 3-D ocean. Both transient scenarios...
This dataset represents the average carbon consumed by fire for each HUC5 watershed, simulated by the model MC1 for the 30-year period 1971-2000. Carbon in biomass consumed by fire, in g m-2 yr-1, was determined for each HUC5 watershed. Watersheds represent 5th level (HUC5, 10-digit) hydrologic unit boundaries and were acquired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Background: The dynamic global vegetation model MC1 (see Bachelet et al. 2001) was used to simulate vegetation dynamics, associated carbon and nitrogen cycle, water budget, and wild fire impacts for OR, WA, OR and WA, for a project funded by the USDA Forest Service (PNW 09-JV-11261900-003). The MC1 model was run using historical data...
This dataset represents the average annual precipitation for each HUC5 watershed, simulated by the model MC1 for the 30-year period 1971-2000. Mean annual precipitation (in mm H2O yr-1), was determined for each HUC5 watershed by averaging values of original ~ 4 km raster data. Watersheds represent 5th level (HUC5, 10-digit) hydrologic unit boundaries and were acquired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Background: The dynamic global vegetation model MC1 (see Bachelet et al.2001) was used to simulate vegetation dynamics, associated carbon and nitrogen cycle, water budget, and wild fire impacts for OR, WA, AZ and NM, for a project funded by the USDA Forest Service (PNW09-JV-11261900-003). The MC1...
This dataset represents the historical majority vegetation type (30 year mode), for each HUC5 watershed, simulated by the model MC1 for the 30-year period 1971-2000. Majority vegetation type was determined for each HUC5 watershed by calculating the 30 year mode from original ~ 4 km raster data. Watersheds represent 5th level (HUC5, 10-digit) hydrologic unit boundaries and were acquired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Background: The dynamic global vegetation model MC1 (see Bachelet et al.2001) was used to simulate vegetation dynamics, associated carbon and nitrogen cycle, water budget, a nd wild fire impacts for OR, WA, AZ and NM, for a project funded by the USDA Forest Service (PNW09-JV-11261900-003)....
Simulated Surface Runoff by the biogeography model MAPSS using S. Hostetler's (USGS) climate data (detailed information available at, created using RegCM3 with GENMOM boundary conditions. MAPSS (Mapped Atmosphere-Plant-Soil System) is a static biogeography model that projects potential vegetation distribution and hydrological flows on a grid ( MAPSS has been used widely for various climate change assessments including the 2000 National Assessment Synthesis Team's report. MAPSS uses long term, average monthly climate data (mean monthly temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed, and precipitation) as well...
This dataset portrays 28 forest type groups across the contiguous United States. These data were derived from MODIS composite images from the 2002 and 2003 growing seasons in combination with nearly 100 other geospatial data layers, including elevation, slope, aspect, ecoregions, and PRISM climate data. The dataset was developed as a collaborative effort between the USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis and Forest Health Monitoring programs and the USFS Remote Sensing Applications Center.
This data series contains 540 temporal datasets. Wildfire adheres to meteorological enablers and drivers across a spectrum of timescales. However, a majority of downscaling methods are ill suited for wildfire application due the lack of daily timescales and variables such as humidity and winds that are important for fuel flammability and fire spread. Two statistical downscaling methods, the daily Bias-Corrected Spatial Downscaling (BCSD) and the Multivariate Adapted Constructed Analogs (MACA), that directly incorporate daily data were validated over the Western United States with reanalysis data. While both methods outperformed the null interpolation only method, MACA exhibited additional skill in temperature, humidity,...
Buffered Special Status Species (amphibians, reptiles, birds, invertebrates and mammals) GeoBOB observation points and sites with the status of BLM Sensitive or Bureau Assesment. Buffer size is determined by species.BLM (Bureau of Land Management), GeoBOB (geographic Biotic Observations) ISMS (Interagency Species Management System) WOPR (Western OregonPlan Revision) SSP (Sensitive Species) Fauna RTV (Red Tree Vole) This data is a PRMP release version of the data. The original name of the dataset is:wld_m3_sspfaunabuff_BLM_poly. Please note, wpr_sspfaunabuff_BLM_poly and wpr_sspfaunabuff_FED_poly must be used in conjuction with wpr_sspfauna_BLM_poly, wpr__sspfauna_BLM_point, and wpr_sspfauna_FED_point in a visual...
The purpose of this project is to use existing climate change datasets from the Climate Impacts Group (CIG) to summarize the the projected climate change impacts to United States Forest Service (USFS) lands in Oregon and Washington (Figure 1). Stakeholders in the Forest Service of this region were particularly interested in the variables that are likely to impact freshwater aquatic species, including projected changes in water availability, snowpack, and flood and low flow severities. Our objective is to summarize climate and hydrologic projections for USFS lands in Oregon and Washington. Since individual national forests may contain numerous distinct ecological regimes and cross hydrologic boundaries, averaging...
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) produces current geospatially referenced information on the status, extent, characteristics and functions of wetland, riparian, deepwater and related aquatic habitats in priority areas to promote the understanding and conservation of these resources. The Emergency Wetland Resources Act of 1986 directs the Service to map the wetlands of the United States. Congressional mandates also require the NWI to produce status and trends reports to Congress at ten-year intervals. In 1984, the NWI published the first comprehensive and statistically valid estimate of the status of the Nation’s wetlands and wetland losses. The first wetlands status and trends...
Generally, the mapping of land cover is done by adopting or developing a land cover classification system, delineating areas of relative homogeneity (basic cartographic objects), then labeling these areas using categories defined by the classification system. More detailed attributes of the individual areas are added as more information becomes available, and a process of validating both polygon pattern and labels is applied for editing and revising the map. This is done in an iterative fashion, with the results from one step causing re-evaluation of results from another step. In its coarse filter approach to conservation biology (e.g., Jenkins 1985, Noss 1987), gap analysis relies on maps of dominant natural land...
ASTER is capable of collecting in-track stereo using nadir- and aft-looking near infrared cameras. Since 2001, these stereo pairs have been used to produce single-scene (60- x 60-kilomenter (km)) digital elevation models (DEM) having vertical (root-mean-squared-error) accuracies generally between 10- and 25-meters (m). The methodology used by Japan's Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) to produce the ASTER GDEM involves automated processing of the entire ASTER Level-1A archive. Stereo-correlation is used to produce over one million individual scene-based ASTER DEMs, to which cloud masking is applied to remove cloudy pixels. All cloud-screened DEMS are stacked and residual bad values and outliers...

map background search result map search result map AK National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) OR Climate Change Projections for USFS Lands in Oregon and Washington Alcids - Coastal Resource Information Management System (CRIMS) Aggregated Crab Catch and Effort Grid 2000-2004 Aggregated Shrimp Trawl Catch and Effort Grid 1996-2004 Ocean Energy - Exploratory Wells Tongass National Forest Timber Classification Projected annual average temperature (degrees C) under CCC future climate scenario 2070-2099 (VEMAP version) Simulated average carbon consumed by fire (1971-2000) for OR and WA, USA Simulated historical annual precipitation (1971-2000) for OR and WA, USA Simulated historical majority vegetation type (1971-2000: 30 yr mode) for OR and WA, USA 4KM Results: Surface Runoff (2015-2060) simulated by MAPSS using RegCM3 with GENMOM boundary conditions US Forest Service - Forest Type Groups (Western US) Downscaled Climate Model Output for the Western United States from IPCC AR4 Scenarios [Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) Method] WOPR Bureau Sensitive and Bureau Assessment Species Buffers Polygon WOPR Bureau Sensitive and Bureau Assessment Species Buffers Polygon Ocean Energy - Exploratory Wells Tongass National Forest Timber Classification Climate Change Projections for USFS Lands in Oregon and Washington Aggregated Shrimp Trawl Catch and Effort Grid 1996-2004 Alcids - Coastal Resource Information Management System (CRIMS) Aggregated Crab Catch and Effort Grid 2000-2004 Simulated average carbon consumed by fire (1971-2000) for OR and WA, USA Simulated historical annual precipitation (1971-2000) for OR and WA, USA Simulated historical majority vegetation type (1971-2000: 30 yr mode) for OR and WA, USA US Forest Service - Forest Type Groups (Western US) Downscaled Climate Model Output for the Western United States from IPCC AR4 Scenarios [Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) Method] 4KM Results: Surface Runoff (2015-2060) simulated by MAPSS using RegCM3 with GENMOM boundary conditions AK National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Projected annual average temperature (degrees C) under CCC future climate scenario 2070-2099 (VEMAP version)