Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > Northwest CASC > FY 2011 Projects ( Show direct descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers ___Northwest CASC ____FY 2011 Projects
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Abstract (from While the effects of land use change in urban areas have been widely examined, the combined effects of climate and land use change on the quality of urban and urbanizing streams have received much less attention. We describe a modelling framework that is applicable to the evaluation of potential changes in urban water quality and associated hydrologic changes in response to ongoing climate and landscape alteration. The grid-based spatially distributed model, Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model-Water Quality (DHSVM-WQ), is an outgrowth of DHSVM that incorporates modules for assessing hydrology and water quality in urbanized watersheds...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Data Visualization & Tools,
Northwest CASC,
Rivers, Streams and Lakes,
Science Tools For Managers,
Resource managers, policymakers, and scientists require tools to inform water resource management and planning. Information on hydrologic factors – such as streamflow, snowpack, and soil moisture – is important for understanding and predicting wildfire risk, flood activity, and agricultural and rangeland productivity, among others. Existing tools for modeling hydrologic conditions rely on information on temperature and precipitation. This project sought to evaluate different methods for downscaling global climate models – that is, taking information produced at a global scale and making it useable at a regional scale, in order to produce more accurate projections of temperature and precipitation for the Pacific...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2011,
Climate Change,
Data Visualization & Tools,
Cheatgrass began invading the Great Basin about 100 years ago, changing large parts of the landscape from a rich, diverse ecosystem to one where a single invasive species dominates. Cheatgrass dominated areas experience more fires that burn more land than in native ecosystems, resulting in economic and resource losses. Therefore, the reduced production, or absence, of cheatgrass in previously invaded areas during years of adequate precipitation could be seen as a windfall. However, this cheatgrass dieoff phenomenon creates other problems for land managers like accelerated soil erosion, loss of early spring food supply for livestock and wildlife, and unknown recovery pathways. We used satellite data and scientific...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2011,
Climate Change,
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is a candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act because of population and habitat fragmentation coupled with inadequate regulatory mechanisms to control development in critical areas. In addition to the current threats to habitat, each 1 degree celsius increase due to climate change is expected to result in an additional 87,000 km2 of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) that will be converted to unsuitable habitat for sage-grouse. Thus, the future distribution and composition of sagebrush landscapes is likely to differ greatly from today’s configuration. We conducted a large, multi-objective project to identify: (1) characteristics of habitats required by sage-grouse,...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Birds,
Centrocercus urophasianus,
Endangered Species Act,
Grasslands and Plains,
Greater Sage-Grouse,
This dataset provides an estimate of 2015 cheatgrass percent cover in the northern Great Basin at 250 meter spatial resolution. The dataset was generated by integrating eMODIS NDVI satellite data with independent variables that influence cheatgrass germination and growth into a regression-tree model. Individual pixel values range from 0 to 100 with an overall mean value of 9.85 and a standard deviation of 12.78. A mask covers areas not classified as shrub/scrub or grass/herbaceous by the 2001 National Land Cover Database. The mask also covers areas higher than 2000 meters in elevation because cheatgrass is unlikely to exist at more than 2% cover above this threshold. Cheatgrass is an invasive grass that has invaded...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Bromus tectorum,
Northwest CASC,
The Northwest Climate Conference (formerly called the Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference) is the premier climate science event for the region, providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to share scientific results and discuss challenges and solutions related to the impacts of climate change on people, natural resources, and infrastructure in the Northwest. Conference participants include policy- and decision-makers, resource managers, and scientists from academia, public agencies, sovereign tribal nations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. More information can be found at the conference website: The Second Annual Pacific Northwest Climate...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2011,
Climate Change,
We mapped eleven years of cheatgrass dieoff in the northern Great Basin. If we estimated that a dieoff occurred in a pixel anytime during that eleven year period, then the pixel was coded as dieoff. If no dieoff occurred, the pixel was coded as a non dieoff. The cheatgrass dieoff probability map was produced by inputting the coded data into a decision-tree model along with topographic data, edaphic data, land cover data, and climate data. A proxy for latitude was included. The resulting model was input into a mapping application that generated a map of cheatgrass dieoff probability.
This archive contains daily dynamically downscaled climate projections and simulated land surface water and energy fluxes for the northwestern United States and part of southern British Columbia (N of about 38 degrees N and W of about 105 degrees W) at 1/16th (0.0625) degree resolution. Climate and hydrologic variables (21 total) are as follows: precipitation, temperature (avg./max./min.), outgoing longwave radiation, incoming shortwave radiation, relative humidity, vapor pressure deficit, evapotranspiration, runoff, baseflow, soil moisture (3-layers), snow water equivalent, snow depth, and potential evapotranspiration (5 vegetation references). The downscaling is based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
NetCDF OPeNDAP Service,
Tags: climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
Data Sources, inputs, parameters, and code for the MACA-VIC project final report. Consists of 3 tasks: 1. Consists of comparing results of the indexing method MTCLIM to estimate incoming short and long wave radiation, to observations, to BSRN station data, and to three Ameriflux towers in the Pacific Northwest. 2. Reports on forcing VIC with downscaled GCM forcings, with variations in two forcing variables: downward shortwave radiation (rad) and specific humidity (qair). For this task we consider the MACA downscaling method. Three cases are reported: a) both variables are downscaled; b) rad is indexed and qair is downscaled; c) rad is downscaled and qair is indexed. 3. Reports on forcing VIC with downscaled...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Data Visualization & Tools,
Northwest CASC,
Rivers, Streams and Lakes,
Science Tools For Managers,
Variable Infiltration Capacity,
Global evaluation of MTCLIM and related algorithms for forcing of ecological and hydrological models
We assessed the performance of the MTCLIM scheme for estimating downward shortwave (SWdown) radiation and surface humidity from daily temperature range (DTR), as well as several schemes for estimating downward longwave radiation (LWdown), at 50 Baseline Solar Radiation Network stations globally. All of the algorithms performed reasonably well under most climate conditions, with biases and mean absolute errors generally less than 3% and 20%, respectively, over more than 70% of the global land surface. However, estimated SWdown had a bias of −26% at coastal sites, due to the ocean's moderating influence on DTR, and in continental interiors, SWdown had an average bias of −15% in the presence of snow, which was reduced...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Data Visualization & Tools,
Northwest CASC,
Rivers, Streams and Lakes,
Science Tools For Managers,
Water, Coasts and Ice,
This GIS dataset is the primary data product produced for the NW Climate Science Center-funded project, "Rangewide climate vulnerability assessment for threatened Bull Trout" (FRESC Study ID 851). We used predictions of temperatures in streams across approximately two-thirds of the species' range in the U.S. to map coldwater streams or “patches” suitable for spawning and early rearing of Bull Trout. Each patch consists of streams with contiguous reaches of cold water. Patches were delineated using medium resolution National Hydrography Dataset streams containing modeled temperatures available at 1 km intervals, as provided by the NorWeST project ( the...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Bull trout,
Clark Fork River,
Clearwater River,
Climate change,
Columbia River,
Whitefish strontium otolith readings from Benjamin et al. (2014) "Spatio-temporal variability in movemnt, age, and growth, of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in a river network based upon PIT tagging and otolith chemistry." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2014, 71(1): 131-140, 10.1139/cjfas-2013-0279
Categories: Data;
Tags: Data Visualization & Tools,
Methow River,
Northwest CASC,
Rivers, Streams and Lakes,
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