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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > Southwest CASC > FY 2012 Projects ( Show direct descendants )

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We used WARMER, a 1-D cohort model of wetland accretion (Swanson et al., 2014), which is based on Callaway et al. (1996), to examine the effects of three SLR projections on future habitat composition at each study site. Each cohort in the model represents the total organic and inorganic matter added to the soil column each year. WARMER calculates annual elevation changes relative to MSL based on projected changes in relative sea level, subsidence, inorganic sediment accumulation, aboveground and belowground organic matter inputs, soil compaction, and organic matter decomposition for a representative marsh area. Cohort density, a function of soil mineral, organic, and water content, is calculated at each time step...
Abstract (from This paper provides an overview of climate change impacts on tribal water resources and the subsequent cascading effects on the livelihoods and cultures of American Indians and Alaska Natives living on tribal lands in the U.S. A hazards and vulnerability framework for understanding these impacts is first presented followed by context on the framework components, including climate, hydrologic, and ecosystem changes (i.e. hazards) and tribe-specific vulnerability factors (socioeconomic, political, infrastructural, environmental, spiritual and cultural), which when combined with hazards lead to impacts. Next regional summaries of impacts...
To assess the current topography of the tidal marshes we conducted survey-grade elevation surveys at all sites between 2009 and 2013 using a Leica RX1200 Real Time Kinematic (RTK)Global Positioning System (GPS) rover (±1 cm horizontal, ±2 cm vertical accuracy; Leica Geosystems Inc., Norcross, GA; Figure 4). At sites with RTK network coverage (San Pablo, Petaluma, Pt. Mugu, and Newport), rover positions were received in real time from the Leica Smartnet system via a CDMA modem ( At sites without network coverage (Humboldt, Bolinas, Morro and Tijuana), rover positions were received in real time from a Leica GS10 antenna base station via radio link. When using the base station, we adjusted...
To understand potential climate change impacts on ecosystems, water resources, and numerous other natural and managed resources, climate change data and projections must be downscaled from coarse global climate models to much finer resolutions and more applicable formats. This project conducted comparative analyses to better understand the accuracy and properties of these downscaled climate simulations and climate-change projections. Interpretation, guidance and evaluation, including measures of uncertainties, strengths and weaknesses of the different methodologies for each simulation, can enable potential users with the necessary information to select and apply the models.
Abstract (from A new technique for statistically downscaling climate model simulations of daily temperature and precipitation is introduced and demonstrated over the western United States. The localized constructed analogs (LOCA) method produces downscaled estimates suitable for hydrological simulations using a multiscale spatial matching scheme to pick appropriate analog days from observations. First, a pool of candidate observed analog days is chosen by matching the model field to be downscaled to observed days over the region that is positively correlated with the point being downscaled, which leads to a natural independence of the downscaling results...
This dataset contains inputs for a numerical groundwater-flow model of the Upper San Pedro Basin in southeastern Arizona and Northern Sonora, Mexico.
The overarching goal of this research was to use site-specific data to develop local and regionally-applicable climate change models that inform management of tidal wetlands along the Pacific Northwest coast. The overarching questions were: (1) how do tidal marsh site characteristics vary across estuaries, and (2) does tidal marsh susceptibility to sea-level rise (SLR) vary along a latitudinal gradient and between estuaries? These questions are addressed in this data collection with three specific objectives: (1) measure topographical and ecological characteristics (e.g., elevation, tidal range, vegetation composition) for tidal marsh and intertidal mudflats, (2) model SLR vulnerability of these habitats, and (3)...
Categories: Data; Types: Citation, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, Bolinas Lagoon, CA, CASC, California, All tags...
This presentation provides an overview of the year-round migrations of the Cui-ui and Lahontan cutthroat trout within Pyramid Lake. This was developed for the "Climate Change Vulnerability of Native Americans in the Southwest" research project, funded by the USGS Southwest Climate Science Center.
Abstract (from In this study (Part I), the mid-twenty-first-century surface air temperature increase in the entire CMIP5 ensemble is downscaled to very high resolution (2 km) over the Los Angeles region, using a new hybrid dynamical–statistical technique. This technique combines the ability of dynamical downscaling to capture finescale dynamics with the computational savings of a statistical model to downscale multiple GCMs. First, dynamical downscaling is applied to five GCMs. Guided by an understanding of the underlying local dynamics, a simple statistical model is built relating the GCM input and the dynamically downscaled output. This statistical...
Applies to: File Title: HumboldtDEM, SanPabloDEM, BolinasDEM, MorroDEM, PtMuguDEM, NewportDEM, TijuanaDEM File Description: All of these files are digital elevation models (DEM, rasters) in .tif format. Created from shapefiles of RTK elevation survey data.
All of these files are Microsoft Excel format files that contain Surface Elevation Table (SET) data. We installed deep rod surface elevation tables (SETs) to quantify the relative contributions of surface and subsurface processes to present-day elevation change (i.e., root growth, decomposition, compaction, water flux), shallow subsidence (accretion – elevation), and shallow subsidence between shallow (root zone) and deeper (to >10 m) portions of the soil profile. We installed four SETs at each marsh site, following methods described by Cahoon et al. 2002 and Webb et al., 2013. We established two SETs in low marsh and two in high marsh at each site after visual assessment of vegetation composition and distance from...
The goal of this project was to examine how temperature and precipitation could change by the mid 21st century over the greater Los Angeles region. Major findings for temperature are: (1) large variability in the magnitude exists among downscaled global climate model projections over LA, but all predict warming; (2) warming is smaller over the ocean and coastal zone, but larger in the mountain areas and inland; (3) ensemble mean warming in all parts of the domain is significantly outside the range of historical variability, meaning the change will be detectable. Major findings for precipitation are: (1) large variability in both sign and magnitude exists among downscaled global climate model precipitation projections...
In California, the near-shore area where the ocean meets the land is a highly productive yet sensitive region that supports a wealth of wildlife, including several native bird species. These saltmarshes, mudflats, and shallow bays are not only critical for wildlife, but they also provide economic and recreational benefits to local communities. Today, sea-level rise, more frequent and stronger storms, saltwater intrusion, and warming water temperatures are among the threats that are altering these important habitats. To support future planning and conservation of California’s near-shore habitats, researchers examined current weather patterns, elevations, tides, and sediments at these sites to see how they affect...
Categories: Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, Bolinas Lagoon, CA, CASC, California, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Analysis of Downscaled Climate Simulations and Projections and Their Use in Decision Making for the Southwest Effects of Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Storms on California Coastal Habitats: Part 1 Approved DataSets Groundwater flow model of the Upper San Pedro basin by Pool and Dickinson, 2007 Humboldt, California: Tidal Marsh Digital Elevation Model SLR Projections, Tijuana, Calif., 2010-2060 Tidal Marsh Surface Elevation Table data Sea-level rise projections for and observational data of tidal marshes along the California coast Climate Change in the Los Angeles Region: Temperature and Precipitation SLR Projections, Tijuana, Calif., 2010-2060 Humboldt, California: Tidal Marsh Digital Elevation Model Groundwater flow model of the Upper San Pedro basin by Pool and Dickinson, 2007 Climate Change in the Los Angeles Region: Temperature and Precipitation Sea-level rise projections for and observational data of tidal marshes along the California coast Effects of Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Storms on California Coastal Habitats: Part 1 Tidal Marsh Surface Elevation Table data Analysis of Downscaled Climate Simulations and Projections and Their Use in Decision Making for the Southwest