Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > North Central CASC > FY 2012 Projects > Projecting the Future Encroachment of Woody Vegetation into Grasslands of the Northern Great Plains by Simulating Climate Conditions and Possible Management Actions ( Show direct descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers ___North Central CASC ____FY 2012 Projects _____Projecting the Future Encroachment of Woody Vegetation into Grasslands of the Northern Great Plains by Simulating Climate Conditions and Possible Management Actions Filters
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This data set contains output from the dynamic vegetation model MC1, as modified to simulate future woody encroachment in the northern Great Plains, for 23 monthly variables, 63 yearly variables, and 31 multi-year variables. Variables include simulated plant (by growth form) and soil carbon stocks, net primary production, vegetation type, potential and actual evapotranspiration, stream flow, and fuel mass and moisture. Model output is provided for the EQ, Spinup, Historical, and Future stages of MC1 runs; future stages were run for four climate projections crossed with 10 or 11 fire X grazing X CO2 concentration scenarios for the western and eastern portions of the study area, respectively.
This data set contains output from the dynamic vegetation model MC1, as modified to simulate future woody encroachment in the northern Great Plains. Simulations were done for the historical period (1895-2005) and the future period (2006-2100). Separate simulations were done for eastern and western portions of the region, with the eastern simulations using model parameters appropriate for Juniperus virginiana as the major evergreen needle-leaf life form, and the western simulations using model parameters appropriate for Pinus ponderosa as the major evergreen needle-leaf life form. Simulations in each portion were run for two A2 emissions scenario climate projections (CSIRO, representing moderate temperature increases...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Grasslands and Plains,
North Central CASC,
Pinus ponderosa,
The dynamic global vegetation model MC1 simulates plant growth and biogeochemical cycles, vegetation type, wildfire, and their interactions. The model simulates competition between trees and grasses (including other herbaceous species), as affected by differential access to light and water, and fire-caused tree mortality (Bachelet et al., 2000; 2001). MC1 projects the dynamics of lifeforms, including evergreen and deciduous needleleaf and broadleaf trees, as well as C3 and C4 grasses. However, the model can also be parameterized for a particular dominant species of the associated lifeform. For this project we used two versions of MC1, both of which modified the standard code to improve the simulation of potential...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Grasslands and Plains,
North Central CASC,
climate change,
dynamic vegetation model,
Assessments of vegetation response to climate change have generally been made only by equilibrium vegetation models that predict vegetation composition under steady-state conditions. These models do not simulate either ecosystem biogeochemical processes or changes in ecosystem structure that may, in turn, act as feedbacks in determining the dynamics of vegetation change. MC1 is a new dynamic global vegetation model created to assess potential impacts of global climate change on ecosystem structure and function at a wide range of spatial scales from landscape to global. This new tool allows us to incorporate transient dynamics and make real time predictions about the patterns of ecological change. MC1 was created...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Grasslands and Plains,
Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/WICA/NRTR—2014/918
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Grasslands and Plains,
Natural Resource Managment,
North Central CASC,
climate change