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Physical and biogeochemical characteristics of the aquatic environment that affect growth dynamics of phytoplankton and the zooplankton communities that depend on them may also affect uptake of methylmercury (MeHg) into the pelagic food web of oligotrophic reservoirs. We evaluated changes in the quality and quantity of suspended particulate material, zooplankton taxonomy, and MeHg concentrations coincident with seasonal changes in water storage of a mining-impacted reservoir in northern California, USA. MeHg concentrations in bulk zooplankton increased from 4ng·g-1 at low water to 77± 6.1ng·g-1 at high water and were positively correlated with cladoceran biomass (r = 0.66) and negatively correlated with rotifer...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Characterization of uptake and loss dynamics is critical to understanding risks associated with contaminant exposure in aquatic animals. Dynamics are especially important in addressing questions such as why coexisting species in nature accumulate different levels of a contaminant. Here we manipulated copper (Cu) stable isotopic ratios (as an alternative to radioisotopes) to describe for the first time Cu dynamics in a freshwater invertebrate, the bivalve Corbicula fluminea. In the laboratory, Corbicula uptake and loss rate constants were determined from an environmentally realistic waterborne exposure to 65Cu (5.7 microg L(-1)). That is, we spiked deionized water with Cu that was 99.4% 65Cu. Net tracer uptake was...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Animals,
Copper: pharmacokinetics,
Isotopes: pharmacokinetics,
Four sampling trips were coordinated after planned levee breaches that hydrologically reconnected both Upper Klamath Lake and Agency Lake, Oregon, to adjacent wetlands. Sets of nonmetallic pore-water profilers were deployed during these trips in November 2007, June 2008, May 2009, and July 2009. Deployments temporally spanned the annual cyanophyte bloom of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) and spatially involved three lake and four wetland sites. Profilers, typically deployed in triplicate at each lake or wetland site, provided high-resolution (centimeter-scale) estimates of the vertical concentration gradients for diffusive-flux determinations. Estimates based on molecular diffusion may underestimate benthic flux...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Executive Summary Five sampling trips were coordinated in April, May and August 2006, and May and July 2007 to sample the water column and benthos of Upper Klamath Lake, OR (Fig. 1; Table 1), before, during and after the annual cyanophyte bloom of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). A pore-water profiler was designed and fabricated to obtain the first high-resolution (centimeter-scale) estimates of the vertical concentration gradients for diffusive-flux determinations. Estimates based on molecular diffusion may underestimate benthic flux because solute transport across the sediment-water interface can be enhanced by processes including bioturbation, bioirrigation and ground-water advection. Water-column and benthic...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Within the longitudinal chemical-concentration gradient in Coeur d‘Alene Lake, generated by inputs from the St. Joe and Coeur d‘Alene Rivers, two dominant algal species, Chlorella minutissima and Asterionella formosa, were isolated and cultured in chemically defined media to examine growth response to a range of dissolved orthophosphate concentrations and zinc-ion activities representative of the region within- and up-gradient of the Coeur d‘Alene River inlet to the lake. Although zinc is an essential micronutrient, the toxicity of algal species to elevated concentrations of uncomplexed zinc has been demonstrated, and affects the metabolism of phosphorus (Kuwabara, 1985a; Kuwabara and others, 1986), the limiting...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Guadalupe Reservoir (GUA), California, and Lahontan Reservoir (LAH), Nevada, U.S. are both affected either directly or indirectly by the legacy of gold and silver mining in the Sierra Nevada during the nineteenth century. Analysis of total mercury in fish from these lentic systems consistently indicate elevated concentrations (>1 ?g·g-1 wet weight; hereinafter, all concentrations are reported as wet weight unless indicated otherwise) well above the U.S. Environmenal Protection Agency's human consumption advisory level for fish (<0.3 ?g·g-1). Replicate X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) analyses on largemouth bass and hybrid striped bass from GUA and LAH were performed to determine predominant chemical...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Concentrations of many anthropogenic contaminants in the San Francisco Estuary exist at levels that have been associated with biological effects elsewhere, so there is a potential for them to cause biological effects in the Estuary. The purpose of this paper is to summarize information about biological effects on the Estuary's plankton, benthos, fish, birds, and mammals, gathered since the early 1990s, focusing on key accomplishments. These studies have been conducted at all levels of biological organization (sub-cellular through communities), but have included only a small fraction of the organisms and contaminants of concern in the region. The studies summarized provide a body of evidence that some contaminants...
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Types: Citation
Field and laboratory studies were conducted in April and November 2003 to provide the first direct measurements of the benthic flux of dissolved mercury species (total and methylated forms) between the bottom sediment and water column at two sampling locations within the southern component of San Francisco Bay, California (hereafter referred to as South Bay): one within the main channel and the other in the western shoal area. Because of interest in the effects of historic mercury mining within watersheds that drain into South Bay, the solutes of primary interest were dissolved-mercury species and the predominant ligands that often control mercury speciation (dissolved sulfide and dissolved organic carbon). Benthic...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Three collecting trips were coordinated in April, May, and August 2006 to sample the water column and benthos of hypereutrophic Upper Klamath Lake (OR, USA) through the annual cyanophyte bloom of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. A pore-water profiler was designed and fabricated to obtain the first high-resolution (centimeter-scale) estimates of the vertical concentration gradients of macro- and micronutrients for diffusive-flux determinations. A consistently positive benthic flux for soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) was observed with solute release from the sediment, ranging between 0.4 and 6.1 mg/m2/d. The mass flux over an approximate 200-km2 lake area was comparable in magnitude to riverine inputs. An additional concern...
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Types: Citation
This report documents water quality in Camp Far West Reservoir from October 2001 through August 2003. The reservoir, located at approximately 300 feet above sea level in the foothills of the northwestern Sierra Nevada, California, is a monomictic lake characterized by extreme drawdown in the late summer and fall. Thermal stratification in summer and fall is coupled with anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion. Water-quality sampling was done at approximately 3-month intervals on eight occasions at several stations in the reservoir, including a group of three stations along a flow path in the reservoir: an upstream station in the Bear River arm (principal tributary), a mid-reservoir station in the thalweg (prereservoir...
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Types: Citation
The water columns of four reservoirs (Almaden, Calero, Guadalupe and Lexington Reservoirs) and an abandoned quarry pit filled by Alamitos Creek drainage for recreational purposes (Lake Almaden) were sampled on September 14 and 15, 2004 to provide the first measurements of mercury accumulation by phytoplankton and zooplankton in lentic systems (bodies of standing water, as in lakes and reservoirs) within the Guadalupe River watershed, California. Because of widespread interest in ecosystem effects associated with historic mercury mining within and downgradient of the Guadalupe Riverwatershed, transfer of mercury to lower trophic-level organisms was examined. The propensity of mercury to bioaccumulate, particularly...
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Types: Citation
Within the longitudinal chemical-concentration gradient in Coeur d‘Alene Lake, generated by inputs from the St. Joe and Coeur d‘Alene Rivers, two dominant algal species, Chlorella minutissima and Asterionella formosa, were isolated and cultured in chemically defined media to examine growth response to a range of dissolved orthophosphate concentrations and zinc-ion activities representative of the region within- and up-gradient of the Coeur d‘Alene River inlet to the lake. Although zinc is an essential micronutrient, the toxicity of algal species to elevated concentrations of uncomplexed zinc has been demonstrated, and affects the metabolism of phosphorus (Kuwabara, 1985a; Kuwabara and others, 1986), the limiting...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
A mathematically linked mercury transport, speciation, kinetic, and simple biotic uptake (BIOTRANSPEC) model has been developed. An extension of the metal transport and speciation (TRANSPEC) model, BIOTRANSPEC estimates the fate and biotic uptake of inorganic (Hg(II)), elemental (Hg(0)) and organic (MeHg) forms of mercury and their species in the dissolved, colloidal (e.g., dissolved organic matter [DOM]), and particulate phases of surface aquatic systems. A pseudo-steady state version of the model was used to describe mercury dynamics in Lahontan Reservoir (near Carson City, NV, USA), where internal loading of the historically deposited mercury is remobilized, thereby maintaining elevated water concentrations....
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Bioaccumulation,
Sampling trips were coordinated in the second half of 2008 to examine the interstitial water in the sediment and the overlying bottom waters of three shallow (average depth <1 meter) ponds adjacent to the southern reach of San Francisco Bay (herein referred to as South Bay), which were previously used in commercial salt production. In recent years, the ponds were modified for wetland restoration and management as part of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project. A pore-water profiler, modified for dissolved-oxygen sampling, was used to obtain the first centimeter-scale estimates of the vertical concentration gradients for diffusive-flux determinations. This study, a collaboration between scientists from two disciplines...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Two sets of sampling trips were coordinated in late summer 2008 (weeks of July 8 and August 6) to sample the interstitial and overlying bottom waters at 10 shallow locations (9 sites <3 meters in depth) within the northern component of the San Francisco Bay/Delta (herein referred to as North Bay). The work was performed to better understand sources of biologically reactive solutes (namely, dissolved macronutrients and trace metals) that may affect the base of the food web in this part of the estuary. A nonmetallic pore-water profiler was used to obtain the first centimeter-scale estimates of the vertical solute-concentration gradients for diffusive-flux determinations. This study, performed in collaboration with...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
Importance of Sediment–Water Interactions in Coeur d’Alene Lake, Idaho, USA: Management Implications
A field study at Coeur d’Alene Lake, Idaho, USA, was conducted between October 1998 and August 2001 to examine the potential importance of sediment–water interactions on contaminant transport and to provide the first direct measurements of the benthic flux of dissolved solutes of environmental concern in this lake. Because of potential ecological effects, dissolved zinc and orthophosphate were the solutes of primary interest. Results from deployments of an in situ flux chamber indicated that benthic fluxes of dissolved Zn and orthophosphate were comparable in magnitude to riverine inputs. Tracer analyses and benthic-community metrics provided evidence that solute benthic flux were diffusion-controlled at the flux-chamber...
Field measurements and bioassay experiments were done to investigate the effects of arsenic and phosphorus interactions on sorption of these solutes by the benthic flora (periphyton and submerged macrophytes) in Whitewood Creek, a stream in western South Dakota. Short-term (24-hour) sorption experiments were used to determine arsenic transport characteristics for algae (first-order rate constants for solute sorption, biomass, and accumulation factors) collected in the creek along a transect beginning upstream from a mine discharge point and downgradient through a 57-kilometer reach. Temporal changes in biomass differed significantly between and within sampling sites. Arsenic concentrations in plant tissue increased...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
A pore-water profiler and method for sampling pore water. The pore-water profiler includes a sample intake probe that receives the fluid to be sampled. A clog-resistant first filter filters the fluid as it enters the sample intake probe. A second filter, which has a pore size less than the pore size of the first filter, filters the fluid a second time before the fluid enters a sample container. A sample triggering system connected to the sample container initiates sampling by causing the fluid to be drawn into the sample intake probe. The profiler provides high-resolution (centimeter-scale) vertical pore-water profiles. The sequential filtration of the pore water avoids the problem of sample-circuit clogging, even...
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Types: Citation