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__National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
___Southwest CASC
____FY 2012 Projects
_____Effects of Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Storms on California Coastal Habitats: Part 1
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Applies to: File Title: HumboldtDEM, SanPabloDEM, BolinasDEM, MorroDEM, PtMuguDEM, NewportDEM, TijuanaDEM File Description: All of these files are digital elevation models (DEM, rasters) in .tif format. Created from shapefiles of RTK elevation survey data.
All of these files are Microsoft Excel format files that contain Surface Elevation Table (SET) data. We installed deep rod surface elevation tables (SETs) to quantify the relative contributions of surface and subsurface processes to present-day elevation change (i.e., root growth, decomposition, compaction, water flux), shallow subsidence (accretion – elevation), and shallow subsidence between shallow (root zone) and deeper (to >10 m) portions of the soil profile. We installed four SETs at each marsh site, following methods described by Cahoon et al. 2002 and Webb et al., 2013. We established two SETs in low marsh and two in high marsh at each site after visual assessment of vegetation composition and distance from...
To assess the current topography of the tidal marshes we conducted survey-grade elevation surveys at all sites between 2009 and 2013 using a Leica RX1200 Real Time Kinematic (RTK)Global Positioning System (GPS) rover (±1 cm horizontal, ±2 cm vertical accuracy; Leica Geosystems Inc., Norcross, GA; Figure 4). At sites with RTK network coverage (San Pablo, Petaluma, Pt. Mugu, and Newport), rover positions were received in real time from the Leica Smartnet system via a CDMA modem ( At sites without network coverage (Humboldt, Bolinas, Morro and Tijuana), rover positions were received in real time from a Leica GS10 antenna base station via radio link. When using the base station, we adjusted...
We used WARMER, a 1-D cohort model of wetland accretion (Swanson et al., 2014), which is based on Callaway et al. (1996), to examine the effects of three SLR projections on future habitat composition at each study site. Each cohort in the model represents the total organic and inorganic matter added to the soil column each year. WARMER calculates annual elevation changes relative to MSL based on projected changes in relative sea level, subsidence, inorganic sediment accumulation, aboveground and belowground organic matter inputs, soil compaction, and organic matter decomposition for a representative marsh area. Cohort density, a function of soil mineral, organic, and water content, is calculated at each time step...
We used WARMER, a 1-D cohort model of wetland accretion (Swanson et al., 2014), which is based on Callaway et al. (1996), to examine the effects of three SLR projections on future habitat composition at each study site. Each cohort in the model represents the total organic and inorganic matter added to the soil column each year. WARMER calculates annual elevation changes relative to MSL based on projected changes in relative sea level, subsidence, inorganic sediment accumulation, aboveground and belowground organic matter inputs, soil compaction, and organic matter decomposition for a representative marsh area. Cohort density, a function of soil mineral, organic, and water content, is calculated at each time step...
Decomposition of plant matter is one of the key processes affecting carbon cycling and storage in tidal wetlands. In this study, we evaluated the effects of factors related to climate change (temperature, inundation) and vegetation composition on rates of litter decay in seven tidal marsh sites along the Pacific coast. In 2014 we conducted manipulative experiments to test inundation effects on litter decay at Siletz Bay, OR and Petaluma marsh, CA. In 2015 we studied decay of litter in high and low elevation marshes at seven Pacific coast sites. These data support the following publication: Janousek, C.N., Buffington, K.J., Guntenspergen, G.R., Thorne, K.M., Dugger, B.D. and Takekawa, J.Y., 2017. Inundation, vegetation,...
We used WARMER, a 1-D cohort model of wetland accretion (Swanson et al., 2014), which is based on Callaway et al. (1996), to examine the effects of three SLR projections on future habitat composition at each study site. Each cohort in the model represents the total organic and inorganic matter added to the soil column each year. WARMER calculates annual elevation changes relative to MSL based on projected changes in relative sea level, subsidence, inorganic sediment accumulation, aboveground and belowground organic matter inputs, soil compaction, and organic matter decomposition for a representative marsh area. Cohort density, a function of soil mineral, organic, and water content, is calculated at each time step...
We used WARMER, a 1-D cohort model of wetland accretion (Swanson et al., 2014), which is based on Callaway et al. (1996), to examine the effects of three SLR projections on future habitat composition at each study site. Each cohort in the model represents the total organic and inorganic matter added to the soil column each year. WARMER calculates annual elevation changes relative to MSL based on projected changes in relative sea level, subsidence, inorganic sediment accumulation, aboveground and belowground organic matter inputs, soil compaction, and organic matter decomposition for a representative marsh area. Cohort density, a function of soil mineral, organic, and water content, is calculated at each time step...
Abstract (from SpringerLink): The distribution patterns of sessile organisms in coastal intertidal habitats typically exhibit vertical zonation, but little is known about variability in zonation among sites or species at larger spatial scales. Data on such heterogeneity could inform mechanistic understanding of factors affecting species distributions as well as efforts to assess and manage coastal species and habitat vulnerability to sea-level rise. Using data on the vertical distribution of common plant species at 12 tidal marshes across the US Pacific coast, we examined heterogeneity in patterns of zonation to test whether distributions varied by site, species, or latitude. Interspecific zonation was evident at...
To assess the current topography of the tidal marshes we conducted survey-grade elevation surveys at all sites between 2009 and 2013 using a Leica RX1200 Real Time Kinematic (RTK)Global Positioning System (GPS) rover (±1 cm horizontal, ±2 cm vertical accuracy; Leica Geosystems Inc., Norcross, GA; Figure 4). At sites with RTK network coverage (San Pablo, Petaluma, Pt. Mugu, and Newport), rover positions were received in real time from the Leica Smartnet system via a CDMA modem ( At sites without network coverage (Humboldt, Bolinas, Morro and Tijuana), rover positions were received in real time from a Leica GS10 antenna base station via radio link. When using the base station, we adjusted...
We performed bathymetric surveys using a shallow-water echo-sounding system (Takekawa et al., 2010, Brand et al., 2012) comprised of an acoustic profiler (Navisound 210; Reson, Inc., Slangerup, Denmark), Leica RTK GPS Viva rover, and laptop computer mounted on a shallow-draft, portable flat-bottom boat (Bass Hunter, Cabelas, Sidney, NE; Figure 7). The RTK GPS obtained high resolution elevations of the water surface (reported precision 10 cm water depth. We recorded twenty depth readings and one GPS location each second along transects spaced 100 m apart perpendicular to the nearby salt marsh. We calibrated the system before use with a bar-check plate and adjusted the sound velocity for salinity and temperature differences....
Applies to: File Title: Mad River Elevation Points, San Pablo Elevation Points, Bolinas Elevation Points, Morro Bay Elevation Points, Pt Mugu Elevation Points, Newport Elevation Points, Tijuana Elevation Points File Description: All of these files are shapefiles created from RTK elevation surveys.
We used WARMER, a 1-D cohort model of wetland accretion (Swanson et al., 2014), which is based on Callaway et al. (1996), to examine the effects of three SLR projections on future habitat composition at each study site. Each cohort in the model represents the total organic and inorganic matter added to the soil column each year. WARMER calculates annual elevation changes relative to MSL based on projected changes in relative sea level, subsidence, inorganic sediment accumulation, aboveground and belowground organic matter inputs, soil compaction, and organic matter decomposition for a representative marsh area. Cohort density, a function of soil mineral, organic, and water content, is calculated at each time step...
To assess the current topography of the tidal marshes we conducted survey-grade elevation surveys at all sites between 2009 and 2013 using a Leica RX1200 Real Time Kinematic (RTK)Global Positioning System (GPS) rover (±1 cm horizontal, ±2 cm vertical accuracy; Leica Geosystems Inc., Norcross, GA; Figure 4). At sites with RTK network coverage (San Pablo, Petaluma, Pt. Mugu, and Newport), rover positions were received in real time from the Leica Smartnet system via a CDMA modem ( At sites without network coverage (Humboldt, Bolinas, Morro and Tijuana), rover positions were received in real time from a Leica GS10 antenna base station via radio link. When using the base station, we adjusted...
Core names are in the format: SitecodeYear-Core#, i.e. TJE12-01 is Tijuana, 2012, 1st core. cm are the lower depth interval of the cm from which sample was taken, i.e. a sample from 50 cm would be from 49-50 cm depth. Radiocarbon data processed at the UCI Keck CCAMS Laboratory, Earth System Science Department, 2222B Croul Hall, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, +1 949 824 3674. 137 Cs activity data analysis by Core Scientific International, 154 Red Lily Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3X 0G1, (204) 479-9821, (204)694-4130. Site Codes: TJE - Tijuana Estuary, UNB - Upper Newport Bay, SB - Seal Beach, MGL - Mugu Lagoon, MOB - Morro Bay, BOL - Bolinas Lagoon, BOD - Bodega Bay, JCB - Jacoby Marsh...

map background search result map search result map Bolinas, Tidal Marsh Elevation Points San Pablo, Tidal Marsh Elevation Points Tijuana, Tidal Marsh Elevation Points Newport, California: Tidal Marsh Bathymetry Digital Elevation Models Tidal Marsh Soil Surveys SLR Projections, Humboldt, Calif., 2070-2110 SLR Projections, Morro Bay, Calif., 2010-2060 SLR Projections, Pt. Mugu, Calif., 2010-2060 SLR Projections, Newport, Calif., 2010-2060 SLR Projections, Tijuana, Calif., 2070-2110 Tidal Marsh Surface Elevation Table data Decomposition of plant litter in Pacific coast tidal marshes, 2014-2015 Tijuana, Tidal Marsh Elevation Points SLR Projections, Tijuana, Calif., 2070-2110 SLR Projections, Newport, Calif., 2010-2060 SLR Projections, Pt. Mugu, Calif., 2010-2060 SLR Projections, Humboldt, Calif., 2070-2110 Bolinas, Tidal Marsh Elevation Points SLR Projections, Morro Bay, Calif., 2010-2060 Newport, California: Tidal Marsh Bathymetry Digital Elevation Models Tidal Marsh Soil Surveys Tidal Marsh Surface Elevation Table data Decomposition of plant litter in Pacific coast tidal marshes, 2014-2015