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___Understanding Fluid Injection Induced Seismicity
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Geomechanical modeling of induced seismicity source parameters and implications for seismic hazard assessment, credited to Goertz-Allmann, BP, published in 2012. Published in Geophysics, volume 78, issue 1, in 2012.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation; Tags: Geophysics
Operations including borehole fluid injections are typical for exploration and development of hydrocarbon or geothermic reservoirs. Microseismicity occurring during such operations has a large potential for understanding physics of the seismogenic process as well as in obtaining detailed information about reservoirs at locations as far as several kilometers from boreholes. We propose that the phenomenon of microseismicity triggering by borehole fluid injections is related to the process of the Frenkel-Biot slow wave propagation. In the low-frequency range (hours or days of fluid injection durations) this process reduces to the pore-pressure diffusion. We search for diffusion-related features of induced micro seismicity....
Hydromechanical characterization of CO2 injection sites, credited to Vilarrasa, Víctor, published in 2012. Published in International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, in 2012.
IS PURE SHEAR STIMULATION ALWAYS THE MECHANISM OF STIMULATION IN EGS?, credited to McClure, M, published in 2013. Published in PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2013, in 2013.
The northeastern Ohio earthquake of 31 January 1986: Was it induced?, credited to Nicholson, C, published in 1988. Published in Bulletin of the …, volume 78, issue 1, on pages 188 - 217, in 1988.
PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE NORTHSTAR 1 CLASS II INJECTION WELL AND THE SEISMIC EVENTS IN THE YOUNGSTOWN , OHIO , AREA Ohio Department of Natural Resources, credited to Resources, Natural, published in 2012.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
An experiment in an oil field at Rangely, Colorado, has demonstrated the feasibility of earthquake control. Variations in seismicity were produced by controlled variations in the fluid pressure in a seismically active zone. Precise earthquake locations revealed that the earthquakes clustered about a fault trending through a zone of high pore pressure produced by secondary recovery operations. Laboratory measurements of the frictional properties of the reservoir rocks and an in situ stress measurement made near the earthquake zone were used to predict the fluid pressure required to trigger earthquakes on preexisting fractures. Fluid pressure was controlled by alternately injecting and recovering water from wells...
Fluid transport in the earth's crust is either extremely rapid, or extremely slow. Cracks, dikes and joints represent the former while tight crystalline rocks and impermeable fault gouge/seals represent the latter. In many cases, the local permeability can change instantaneously from one extreme to the other. Instantaneous permeability changes can occur when pore pressures increase to a level sufficient to induce hydro-fracture, or when slip during an earthquake ruptures a high fluid pressure compartment within a fault zone. This 'toggle switch' permeability suggests that modeling approaches that assume homogeneous permeability through the whole system may not capture the real processes occurring. An alternative...
Large areas of the United States long considered geologically stable with little or no detected seismicity have recently become seismically active. The increase in earthquake activity began in the mid-continent starting in 2001 ( 1) and has continued to rise. In 2014, the rate of occurrence of earthquakes with magnitudes ( M) of 3 and greater in Oklahoma exceeded that in California (see the figure). This elevated activity includes larger earthquakes, several with M > 5, that have caused significant damage ( 2, 3). To a large extent, the increasing rate of earthquakes in the mid-continent is due to fluid-injection activities used in modern energy production ( 1, 4, 5). We explore potential avenues for mitigating...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Source characteristics of seismicity associated with underground wastewater disposal: A case study from the 2008 Dallas-Fort Worth earthquake sequence, credited to Reiter, D, published in 2012. Published in The Leading Edge, in 2012.
Integrated modeling and field study of potential mechanisms for induced seismicity at The Geysers Goethermal Field, California, credited to Rutqvist, Jonny, published in 2006.
Interpreting tracer tests in the enhanced geothermal system (EGS) of Soultz-sous-Forêts using the equivalent stratified medium approach, credited to Radilla, Giovanni, published in 2012. Published in Geothermics, volume 44, on pages 43 - 51, in 2012.
State of stress in the earth's crust, credited to McGarr, A, published in 1978. Published in Annual Review of Earth and Planetary …, in 1978.
With the beginning of the new century, the European EGS Project got into its decisive state by reaching the final reservoir depth of 5 km. The three boreholes, GPK2, GPK3 and GPK4 have been successfully targeted at their predefined reservoir positions. Improvement of the reservoir conditions by stimulation with a minimized seismic risk represents now a primary challenge to enable economic operation and future extension. In this context, the new HEX-S code has been developed to simulate the transient hydro-mechanical response of the rock matrix to massive hydraulic injections. The present paper describes the successful forecast of the pressure response and shearing locations for the GPK4 stimulation in September...
A reservoir analysis of the Denver earthquakes: A case of induced seismicity, credited to Hsieh, Paul a., published in 1981. Published in Journal of Geophysical Research, volume 86, issue B2, on pages 903 - 903, in 1981.
Poroelastic stressing and induced seismicity near the Lacq gas field, southwestern France, credited to Segall, Paul, published in 1994. Published in Journal of Geophysical Research, volume 99, issue B8, on pages 15423 - 15423, in 1994.
On the state of lithospheric stress in the absence of applied tectonic forces, credited to McGarr, A, published in 1988. Published in Journal of Geophysical Research, volume 93, issue 3, on pages 609 - 617, in 1988.
It has recently been shown that rather small perturbations in effective stress due to fluid injection or withdrawal may trigger microseismic events. Such events, typically in the magnitude range below magnitude 4 M-L, have similar characteristics to normal tectonic earthquakes, with double-couple focal mechanisms implying a dominant shear motion at the source. In this paper we examine the nature of this mechanical fluid-rock interaction for the case of fluid injection in a hydrocarbon reservoir. Our model is based on the combination of a model of seismicity in dry rocks and a model of pore fluid pressure diffusion. The former involves a finite difference approximation of the equation of motion, and the latter follows;a...
Hydromechanical coupling in geologic processes, credited to Neuzil, C. E., published in 2003. Published in Hydrogeology Journal, volume 11, issue 1, on pages 41 - 83, in 2003.