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__Conservation Planning along the Colorado River in Utah
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Final models for riparian overstory plus all model component layers. For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at
Riparian Understory final models (one with tamarisk included, the other without tamarisk). For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at
Final model of estimated cost of restoration plus all model component layers. For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at
This short reach (3 km) extends from the downstream limit of McGraw Bottom (Bkm 178) to the mouth of the Dolores River (Bkm 175). This reach is nearly straight (average sinuosity – 1.1) and has a relatively low gradient (0.08%). It flows through a shallow, north-south trending valley that cuts across northeast dipping sandstones and shales of the Cedar Mountain, Dakota and Morrison formations. This reach is dominated by shrub species: tamarisk (14%), willow (12%), xeric shrubs (7%) and sumac (2%). Cottonwoods comprise 6 percent of the bottomland cover, with only 4% in non-native herbaceous cover, mostly associated with agricultural activities (6 ha). Ownership is mostly State (71%), with some private (20%) and...
The Gold Bar reach extends for 20 km from The Portal (Bkm 120) to approximately 1 km upstream of Potash (Bkm 100). This reach consists of two large meander bends with an average sinuosity of 2.4. The reach flows through a somewhat variable canyon, 120 to 245 m deep and 760 to 1070 m wide and cuts across gently east-dipping strata of the Glen Canyon Group. The average gradient along this reach is approximately 0.03% slope. Vegetation cover in the Gold Bar reach is mostly shrubs: tamarisk (15%), willow (9%), desert olive (3%), and native xeric species (3%). Cottonwood are present but not abundant (3%); many other tall woody cover types are present but rare (Gooding’s willow, hackberry, invasive trees and Gambel...
The lower Meander Canyon reach extends for 18 km the upstream end of The Loop (Bkm 40) to the confluence with the Green River (Bkm 22). The sinuosity of this reach is highly variable. Sinuosity within the tightly meandering Loop is approximately 6; in contrast, the remainder of the reach downstream from The Loop is nearly straight with an average sinuosity of 1.15. This deep symmetric canyon trends generally northeast-southwest across broadly folded, sub-horizontal strata of the lower Cutler Formation and Cedar Mesa Sandstone. The canyon is symmetric in cross-profile, 610 to 914 m wide and 245 to 274 m deep. The average gradient along this reach and throughout Meander Canyon is approximately 0.02% slope. ...
This set of maps shows relative habitat quality for snakes that prefer the rocky outside margin of the bottomland area. Component layers (type and count of cover types, distance to bottomland boundary and distance to permanent water) are included, as are associated layers of channel boundaries, reaches, and bottomland kilometers.
This dataset represents the presence/absence of non-native, woody and herbaceous cover types in vegetation patches, as mapped from high resolution imagery from 2010. Each type (woody or herbaceous) requires different techniques, equipment and approaches, impacting treatment costs. This mapping was conducted as part of the Colorado River Conservation Planning Project, a joint effort between the National Park Service, The Nature Conservancy, US Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management, and Utah Forestry Fire and State Lands.
This dataset represents the prevalence of native trees as mapped along the Colorado River bottomland from the Colorado state line (San Juan and Grand Counties, Utah) to the southern Canyonlands NP boundary, as of September 2010. This mapping was conducted as part of the Colorado River Conservation Planning Project, a joint effort between the National Park Service, The Nature Conservancy, US Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management, and Utah Forestry Fire and State Lands.
This dataset represents the prevalence of tamarisk as mapped along the Colorado River bottomland from the Colorado state line (San Juan and Grand Counties, Utah) to the southern Canyonlands NP boundary, as of September 2010. photos, this cover layer reflects conditions that existed when the imagery was collected (September, 2010). This mapping was conducted as part of the Colorado River Conservation Planning Project, a joint effort between the National Park Service, The Nature Conservancy, US Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management, and Utah Forestry Fire and State Lands.
This is a fire risk model for riparian trees on the Colorado River bottomland in Utah. The model incorporates the prevalence of riparian trees and tamarisk, and proximity to human caused ignition sources (campgrounds and roads). See Open File Report, Rasmussen and Shafroth, Colorado River Conservation Planning, for geoprocessing details.
Layers used in construction of the General Diversity Model. For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at
Riparian Overstory final models (one with tamarisk included, the other without tamarisk). For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at
All layers used in construction of the Bat Feeding Model. For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at
This dataset represents the variety (count of unique classes within 1 ha) of vegetation communities, river channel and bare areas (often sand bars) mapped along the Colorado River bottomland from the Colorado state line (San Juan and Grand Counties, Utah) to the southern Canyonlands NP boundary, as of September 2010. Traditional image interpretation cues were used to develop the polygons, such as shape, size, pattern, tone, texture, color, and shadow, from high resolution, true color, aerial imagery (0.3m resolution), acquired for the project. Additional, public available aerial photos (NAIP, 2011) were used to cross-reference cover classes. As with any digital layer, this layer is a representation of what is actually...
This collection of maps shows relative habitat quality for a suite of species that use riparian overstory habitats. Component layers include: tree patch size, presence and complexity of riparian understory, and abundance of tamarisk. Associated layers such as river channels at high flow and bottomland reaches are included for reference.

map background search result map search result map Riparian Overstory Model and Component Layers Rocky Fringe Snakes Model and Component Layers Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Diversity of All Cover Types for General Diversity Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Structural Types of Non-Native Species for Relative Cost of Restoration Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Density of Native Riparian Trees for Fire Risk Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Density of Tamarisk for Fire Risk Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Fire Risk Model with Human Ignition Sources Output Data for Colorado River in Utah Rocky Fringe Snakes Model and Component Layers Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Structural Types of Non-Native Species for Relative Cost of Restoration Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Diversity of All Cover Types for General Diversity Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Density of Tamarisk for Fire Risk Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Density of Native Riparian Trees for Fire Risk Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Fire Risk Model with Human Ignition Sources Output Data for Colorado River in Utah Riparian Overstory Model and Component Layers