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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal > North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative > NPLCC Projects > FY2012 ( Show direct descendants )

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These layers were produced as part of the WGA/LCC Riparian Mapping Project, which identified riparian location, condition, and climate adaptation potential, for the Pacific Northwest, USA. These layers identify potential riparian areas (i.e., near-stream valley bottoms; Theobald et al. 2013) that span large temperature gradients, have high canopy cover, low solar insolation, and low levels of human modification – characteristics expected to facilitate climate-induced species range shifts and provide micro-climatic refugia from warming. Detailed description of the project rationale, methods, and resulting layers may be found in Krosby et al. (2014). References: Krosby, M., Norheim, R., Theobald, D. M., and B. H....
This project initiated the first large-scale Tribal government discussions on the relationship of scientific research and traditional knowledge in the activities of the NPLCC. The project: 1. Reviewed existing approaches and protocols related to scientific research and traditional knowledge in the Pacific Northwest, characterized different types of traditional knowledge and the contexts in which these are encountered; 2. Initiated discussions among the 21 member Tribes of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (all other Tribes are welcome to join); 3. Reported on their views; 4. Proposed a framework for the use of TK based on discussions and presented it for a possible consensus by all participants; and 5. Conducted...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, Academics & scientific researchers, Decision Support, Federal resource managers, Informing Conservation Delivery, All tags...
The project had 2 broad objectives. The first objective was to meet the needs of the Yurok Tribe in collecting and documenting TEK to inform tribal planning related to climate change impacts to culturally significant wildlife and habitats that support these species. This information is crucial to informing Yurok Tribe resource managers and the Yurok Council as it embarks on climate change adaptation planning. The Yurok Tribes Council and Environmental, Forestry, Wildlife, Fisheries and Cultural Resources Programs will benefit from the knowledge and wisdom gained from the project as the Tribe prepares for climate change impacts. The second objective was to assist the NPLCC in its efforts to integrate Tribal TEK into...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, Academics & scientific researchers, CA-2, CA-2, California, All tags...
This project will utilize traditional ecological knowledge to establish traditional gathering practices. Interviews will be conducted with traditional gatherers (a.k.a. subsistence) over the last two generations to get baseline data. The project will have a direct focus on the four (4) federally recognized Tribes on Prince of Wales Island (Craig, Hydaburg, Kasaan and Klawock).
Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Central Council) assisted the Organized Village of Kasaan (OVK) in their NPLCC grant, Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change project. A survey was developed and used to interview traditional gathers on the time of year they did subsistence gathering.
This project obtained information regarding past catastrophic events, such as tsunamis, and TEK through oral history interviews with Tolowa elders regarding the effects of climate change and tsunamis on traditional smelt fishing camps; generated a GIS model of coastal inundation due to sea level rise and overlaid that with known archaeological and ethnographic resources; generated a final report with detailed information of past tsunami events, and modeled the potential effects of climate change and sea level rise on archaeological and ethnographic Tolowa sites using TEK and GIS based upon the results of this study.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, CA-2, CA-2, California, California, All tags...
The project incorporates Heiltsuk Traditional Knowledge and Values into ecosystem-based management planning within Strategic Landscape Reserve Design (SLRD) Landscape Units. The SLRD process seeks to identify areas to set aside from logging (harvesting) over short and long term timeframes. Heiltsuk Traditional Use Studies (HTUS) identify harvesting and other types of cultural sites that are important to Heiltsuk well-being. HTUS data that were incorporated into a Geographic GIS was drawn on for this project, where Heiltsuk members collected spatial and photographic data so that culturally important sites and forest resources could be buffered from forestry and other development activities. The base-line study, Map...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, British Columbia, British Columbia, Change in air temperature and precipitation, Climate Change, All tags...
A combination of focus groups and usability tests were used to explore the needs and preferences of a variety of NPLCC stakeholders as regards data management platform content, format, and features. This information was used to inform NPLCC decisions about how best to meet needs not currently met by LC MAP through adjustments or enhancements to LC MAP itself or by connecting stakeholders with other platforms or portals.
The Cascadia Parner Forum fosters a network of natural resource practitioners working with the NPLCC and GNLCC to guild the adaptive capacity of the landscape and species living within it. This project supported three complementary transboundary climate adaptation and habitat connectivity activities in the Cascadia region: 1) Transboundary Climate Analysis by the Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Group, 2) WildLinks workshop, and 3) Cascadia Partner Forum.

map background search result map search result map Final Report: NPLCC Data Management Platform Focus Groups and Usability Testing Utilizing Yurok traditional ecological knowledge to inform climate change priorities Gathering Our Thoughts: Tribal recommendations on a traditional knowledge management framework for the NPLCC - Tulalip Tribes of WA Karuk Preserving Tribal Self-Determination and Knowledge Sovereignty While Expanding Use of Tribal Knowledge and Management in Off Reservation Lands in the Face of Climate Change Implementing ecosystem-based management in the central coast of British Columbia: Support for Heiltsuk participation in strategic landscape reserve design process Using TEK to model the effects of climate change and sea-level rise on coastal cultural resources at Tolowa Dunes State Park, Del Norte County, California Wildlinks 2013: A Workshop of the Cascadia Partner Forum Summary Report Final Report: Determine if climate change can affect the gathering calendar and natural resources of Kasaan Village and nearby Tribes on Prince of Wales Island NPLCC Traditional Knowledge Final Report- Engaging SE Alaska Tribes on TEK, though Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of AK Utilizing Yurok traditional ecological knowledge to inform climate change priorities Using TEK to model the effects of climate change and sea-level rise on coastal cultural resources at Tolowa Dunes State Park, Del Norte County, California NPLCC Traditional Knowledge Final Report- Engaging SE Alaska Tribes on TEK, though Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of AK Karuk Preserving Tribal Self-Determination and Knowledge Sovereignty While Expanding Use of Tribal Knowledge and Management in Off Reservation Lands in the Face of Climate Change Final Report: Determine if climate change can affect the gathering calendar and natural resources of Kasaan Village and nearby Tribes on Prince of Wales Island Implementing ecosystem-based management in the central coast of British Columbia: Support for Heiltsuk participation in strategic landscape reserve design process Final Report: NPLCC Data Management Platform Focus Groups and Usability Testing Gathering Our Thoughts: Tribal recommendations on a traditional knowledge management framework for the NPLCC - Tulalip Tribes of WA Wildlinks 2013: A Workshop of the Cascadia Partner Forum Summary Report