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The Central Mojave Vegetation Map (mojveg.e00) displays vegetation and other land cover types in the eastern Mojave of California. Map labels represent alliances and groups of alliances as described by the National Vegetation Classification. The nominal minimum mapping unit is 5 hectares. Each map unit is labeled by a primary land cover type and a secondary type where applicable. In addition, the source of data for labeling each map unit is also identified in the attribute table for each map unit. Data were developed using field visits, 1:32,000 aerial photography, SPOT satellite imagery, and predictive modeling.
At the direction of the ACC, the 99th Civil Engineering Squadron, Natural and Cultural Resources Flight (99 CES/CEVN) has prepared an Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan (INRMP) to serve as a practical management guideline for the day-to-day operations and management of the natural resources on NAFB and NTTR. The INRMP incorporates natural resource management policies, available regulatory guidance documents, and current natural resource data for NAFB and NTTR to produce a practical guidance document that recognizes and respects the goals and objectives of the Nellis mission while conserving and sustaining the natural resources of both areas. To meet that end, the INRMP provides simple natural resource management...
The Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP) is an update of the Gap Analysis Program’s mapping and assessment of biodiversity for the five-state region encompassing Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. It is a multi-institutional cooperative effort coordinated by the U.S. Geological Survey Gap Analysis Program. The primary objective of the update is to use a coordinated mapping approach to create detailed, seamless GIS maps of land cover, all native terrestrial vertebrate species, land stewardship, and management status, and to analyze this information to identify those biotic elements that are underrepresented on lands managed for their long term conservation or are “gaps.”
Executive Summary: Evolution of policies that guide operation of individual reservoir systems begins with a relative flurry of activity associated with building of dams. Over perhaps a ten year period, operations are proposed in anticipation of construction, implemented when a dam is complete, and then modified as the effects, capabilities, and limitations of the project become better understood. After these initial adjustments, the policy process slowly begins to simmer. Operational changes are the driven by short-term influences that are largely episodic (e.g. droughts and floods) and long-term influences (e.g. social and economic factors) that affect operations more gradually.
Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is essential for assessments of water balance and hydrologic responses to forest restoration treatments in uplands adjacent to the Desert LCC. As part of the Four Forests Restoration Initiative, a new paired watershed study is being planned to assess the hydrologic effects of mechanically thinning and restoring a more frequent fire regime to the ponderosa pine forests of Arizona. Water and energy balances will be measured and modeled in these paired watersheds to help inform and better plan for the hydrologic responses of future forest restoration actions. Researchers at Northern Arizona University have collected six years of eddy covariance measurements of ET in the...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, All tags...
The purpose of the plowprint is to track annual grassland conversion to cropland across the Mississippi River Basin and Great Plains region, and to provide a way to measure the loss of this important habitat type, against which annual changes can be compared. This report tracks changes at the sub-regional scale, as well as in the context of the broader geography, and highlights key elements of change each year. The focus of this report is on changes in grassland conversion from 2014-2015, based on data from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Cropland Data Layer and the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Annual Crop Inventory. For this analysis, cropland is defined as any annually planted agricultural...
El estado de Chihuahua es el más extenso de la República Mexicana, representa el 12.6% del territorio del país (INEGI, 2001) y posee una amplia gama de recursos naturales de los que se desprenden diversas actividades económicas (INEGI, 2003), por lo anterior resulta indispensable la disponibilidad de información eficiente de los recursos naturales que permita el manejo adecuado de los mismos. La ley forestal de nuestro país, señala que la evaluación de los recursos naturales debe integrar “información estadística y cartográfica”, que permita conocer la dinámica del cambio de vegetación forestal, para poder evaluar las tasas de deforestación y sus principales causas (CONAFOR, 2010). Actualmente la cartografía...
A combination of citizen science inventories and expert assessments will be used to collect critical baseline information on known spring and seep resources using the Spring Ecosystem Inventory and Assessment Protocols and adapting them as needed for the unique arid Sky Island ecosystems. The assessment will collect information on channel morphology, riparian and wetland vegetation, water quality, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and wildlife. This information will be combined with historic data from cooperating agencies (Pima County, Santa Cruz County, USFS, NPA, USGS, USFWS, BLM, and AGFD) in a regional, on-line database to provide a landscape level context for managing resources, which was previously unavailable due...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2011, AZ-02, AZ-03, Arizona, Arizona, All tags...
The importance of riparian ecosystems in semiarid and arid regions has generated interest in understanding processes that drive the distribution and abundance of dominant riparian plants. Changes in streamflow patterns downstream of dams have profoundly affected riparian vegetation composition and structure. For example, in the southwestern United States, flow regulation has contributed to the replacement of many riparian forests historically dominated by the native Populus fremontii (Fremont Cottonwood) and Salix gooddingii (Goodding’s Willow) by the exotic species Tamarix spp. (Salt Cedar). The proposed project will help guide reservoir release decision making to enhance downstream recruitment of native cottonwood...
These heatmaps show a top 3 stressor or service, as ranked by participants, and the concentration of participants who reported as working in each municipality or county who also voted for that stressor or service across the landscape. This map shows the percentage of participants from each county and municipality who ranked Pinon Juniper as a top 3 ecosystem stressor in the Montane Invasive Plant category in their region. Symbology represents the percentage of participants with 0% = dark green, 0.0001 % - 24.99% = light green, 25% - 49.99% = yellow, 50% - 74.99% = orange, 75% - 100% = red. All counties and municipalities identified by participants as areas where they work were given a tally for each of the top 3...
Article Abstract: Although riparian and aquatic ecosystems make up a small fraction of the area in arid and semi-arid lands, they are critical for the survival of desert life. There are, however, few compendia of efforts to define the quantity of water needed to maintain these ecosystems and understand the risks and stressors to them. Through our analysis we found that 62% of the rivers examined in the deserts of the U.S. and Mexico have had just one study over the past four decades and 67% of studies used qualitative methods. Furthermore, only one-third of the 312 species catalogued in our work have been studied more than once and only 5% have been considered five or more times. The most common risks or stressors...
The Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative (Desert LCC) is designing a process that will: produce spatially explicit data and information about focal resources, chosen by the Desert LCC partners; seek to understand the effects of climate change and other landscape stressors on natural resources; integrate social and economic information to understand what these resources might look like in the future; and look at specific focal areas to develop collaborative adaptation responses that are useful and implementable by our partners.Where this work is being done: Dos Rios Eastern Mojave Desert Madrean Watersheds In the face of rapid climatic shifts, natural resource managers and conservation practitioners...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...
Our mission is to develop and maintain a cost-effective, central information source and inventory of the locations, biology, and status of all threatened, endangered, rare, and at-risk plants and animals in Nevada. We use the best available biological data to continually evaluate conservation priorities for over 700 native animals, plants, and vegetation types, focusing on those that are at greatest risk of extinction or serious decline. As a non-regulatory, independent resource for scientifically objective data, environmental review, and technical assistance and expertise, we support the needs of diverse planning, conservation management, research, education, and economic development activities in Nevada. The...
Texas is home to tens of thousands of native animal and plant species. These species form the fabric of over 800 habitat types, from bottomland hardwood forests, big tooth maple canyons, to black grama grasslands. Hundreds of these species occur only in Texas and nowhere else in the world. The Wildlife Diversity Program works to conserve this fabric for the benefit of current and future generations. Our team includes experts in botany, ornithology, herpetology and invertebrate biology that provide leadership on the conservation of rare species and areas with high conservation value across the state. Regional diversity biologists provide a local resource for landowners as well as leadership within local research,...
In regulated rivers of the southwest, reduced flooding and the invasion of tamarisk contributes to accumulation of greater fuel loads and increased riparian fire frequency. As a result, some desert riparian areas, historically considered barriers to wildfire, have been converted into pathways for wildfire spread. Fire-smart management strategies are needed to protect sensitive riparian species and reduce fire risk from increased fire frequency due to interactions of climate change, tamarisk invasion, and tamarisk beetle activity. Fire niche simulations will be used to project impacts of fire frequency and climate change, which can be used to highlight areas of the Desert LCC where Southwestern Willow Flycatcher,...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...
These heatmaps show a top 3 grassland ecosystem functionality stressor, as ranked by participants, and the concentration of participants who reported as working in each municipality or county who also voted for that stressor across the landscape. Symbology represents the percentage of participants with 0% = dark green, 0.0001 % - 24.99% = light green, 25% - 49.99% = yellow, 50% - 74.99% = orange, 75% - 100% = red. All counties and municipalities identified by participants as areas where they work were given a tally for each of the top 3 stressors that participants chose. Counties with a small number of participants were not adjusted for small sample size. These results were shared via a webinar hosted by the Desert...

map background search result map search result map Springs and Seeps Inventory, Assessment, and Management Planning Project Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems Fire-smart Southwestern Riparian Landscape Management and Restoration of Native Biodiversity in View of Species of Conservation Concern and the Impacts of Tamarisk Beetles Central Mojave Vegetation Map Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project Nevada Natural Heritage Program Desert LCC Landscape Conservation Design Bureau of Land Management California GeoSpatial Data Downloads Papel hidrológico-ambiental de pastizales nativos e introducidos en la cuenca alta del río Chuvíscar, Chihuahua, México Cartografía de Uso de Suelo y Vegetación del Estado de Chihuahua Nellis Air Force Base Plan 126-4 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Diversity Program The Great Plains PlowPrint Environmental flows in the desert rivers of the United States and Mexico: Synthesis of available data and gap analysis Resources: Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems USGS Streamflow Gauge Locations Ecosystem Functionality Stressors for Grasslands in the Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands - Ecosystem Stressor Heatmaps Montane - Invasive and Problematic (Native and non-native) Plants - Pinon Juniper Papel hidrológico-ambiental de pastizales nativos e introducidos en la cuenca alta del río Chuvíscar, Chihuahua, México Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems Resources: Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems USGS Streamflow Gauge Locations Nellis Air Force Base Plan 126-4 Springs and Seeps Inventory, Assessment, and Management Planning Project Central Mojave Vegetation Map Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Cartografía de Uso de Suelo y Vegetación del Estado de Chihuahua Nevada Natural Heritage Program Bureau of Land Management California GeoSpatial Data Downloads Ecosystem Functionality Stressors for Grasslands in the Chihuahuan Desert Montane - Invasive and Problematic (Native and non-native) Plants - Pinon Juniper Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Diversity Program Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project Environmental flows in the desert rivers of the United States and Mexico: Synthesis of available data and gap analysis Desert LCC Landscape Conservation Design Fire-smart Southwestern Riparian Landscape Management and Restoration of Native Biodiversity in View of Species of Conservation Concern and the Impacts of Tamarisk Beetles The Great Plains PlowPrint