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The data document the results of several microbe bioassays performed by the USGS on Phragmites australis plants, including those performed on mature leaves, seedlings, and dead leaf tissues exploration of the literature to find accounts of microbes associated with Phragmites worldwide. For the bioassays, we prepared 162 pure cultures isolated from Phragmites plants in North America along the east coast, Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Great Lakes area, 125 of which were from a previous study, and 38 represent new collections. The DNA sequences used to identify the 37 new collections are included. Microbes were isolated from plants collected from 2015-2018. We performed assays using both North American plant...
This Benthic Invertebrate Community Analysis dataset, a conceptual subgroup of the Lake Erie Ecological Investigations (LEEI) dataset, focuses on the benthic invertebrates sampled at Areas of Concern (AOCs) on Lake Erie. Per the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), the invertebrate samples were taken from sediments remaining from the sediment analysis. Identification of the invertebrates was completed by the same invertebrate taxonomist for both the 1998-2000 evaluation and 1986-87 historical evaluation (Smith et al. 1994) for increased consistency. Oligochaetes were identified to species if possible, chironomids were identified to genus, as adult specimens are needed for specific identification, and other taxa...
Categories: Data; Tags: AOCs, Ameiurus nebulosus, Ashtabula, Ashtabula River, Black River, All tags...
This dataset describes the hydrogeomorphic structure and lake-tributary mixing in three intermediate-sized Lake Michigan rivermouths: Ford River, Manitowoc River, and Pere Marquette River. Data were collected from May to October 2011. Water chemistry variables were measured with a multiparameter sonde along longitudinal, lateral, and vertical transects. Magnesium, boron, and stable water isotope concentrations were also determined from grab water samples at particular depths.
All gillnet data represented here expand upon vessel operations (OP table) data, all of which are collected by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and its partners. The Gillnet Tables contain data collected from the research vessel deploying various gear used for gillnet data collection. The database uses sample_type to indicate the gear deployed. The tables relating to Gillnet are: GN_Annulus.csv, GN_Catch.csv, GN_Effort.csv, GN_Fish.csv, GN_L, GN_LF.csv, GN_OP.csv, GN_Prey.csv, GN_Stomach.csv, LMMB_Fish_Prey.csv, and LMMB_Invert_Prey.csv Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database at the time of release. Some data quality checks are still being...
Categories: Data; Tags: Alewife, Bathythermograph, Benthos, Bloater, Cisco, All tags...
Zebra and quagga mussel veligers were exposed to eleven distinct cultures (isolates) of cyanobacteria representing Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Dolichospermum, Microcystis, and Planktothrix species and the cyanotoxin microcystin to determine the lethality of cyanobacteria on dreissenid veligers. Six-day laboratory bioassays were performed in microplates using dreissenid veligers collected from the Detroit River, Michigan, USA. Veligers were exposed to increasing concentrations of cyanobacteria and microcystin using the green algae Chlorella minutissima as a control. Raw data were fit to dose response curves formulated from a Probit model to calculate LC50 values. This data release presents the raw data summarized and...
This dataset is part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative. These data represent the flowline network in the Green Bay Restoration Assessment (GBRA). It is attributed with the number of disconnections (e.g., road crossings) between the reach and Lake Ontario. The more road crossings on a flowline the more disconnected that area is from the lake and the less suitable it will be for restoration. These data help identify the condition of hydrologic separation between potential restoration areas and Lake Ontario. Low numbers represent fewer disconnections, such as culverts, between the reach and the water body requiring no flow network modification...
These data consist of a multi-trophic, day vs. night, nearshore to offshore transect approach for data collection for this Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative effort at two northwestern Lake Huron sites near Hammond Bay and Thunder Bay, Michigan. Zooplankton and Mysis samples were collected monthly from April-October while benthos and prey fish samples were collected seasonally during Spring, Summer, and Fall. Invertebrate taxa (zooplankton, Mysis, benthic macroinvertebrates) were identified, enumerated, and measured using a dissecting microscope. Diet items of the prey fish were processed similarly to the other samples in terms of taxonomy. These data were used to calculate densities of fish prey items...
This dataset contains all the layers associated with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative for the Green Bay Restoration Assessment (GBRA) which aims to identify and rank coastal areas with the greatest potential for wetland habitat restoration. Each layer has a unique contribution to the identification of restorable wetlands. The 7 parameters (Parameter 0: Mask, Parameter 1: Hydroperiod, Parameter 2: Wetland Soils, Parameter 3: Flowlines, Parameter 4: Conservation and Recreation Lands, Parameter 5: Impervious Surfaces, and Parameter 6: Land Use) and Index Composite directly correlate to areas that are recommended for restoration. The dikes, degree flowlines,...
This dataset contains all the layers associated with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative for the Upper Peninsula Restoration Assessment (UPRA) which aims to identify and rank coastal areas with the greatest potential for wetland habitat restoration. Each layer has a unique contribution to the identification of restorable wetlands. The 7 parameters (Parameter 0: Mask, Parameter 1: Hydroperiod, Parameter 2: Wetland Soils, Parameter 3: Flowlines, Parameter 4: Conservation and Recreation Lands, Parameter 5: Impervious Surfaces, and Parameter 6: Land Use) and Index Composite directly correlate to areas that are recommended for restoration. The dikes, degree...
These datasets represent the wetland restoration composite index for the GLCWRA Lake Ontario Restoration Assessment study area. The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) is an over $4B U.S. congressional investment in the restoration of Great Lakes ecosystems. Restoration goals of the GLRI include the functional restoration of Great Lakes coastal wetlands (Great Lakes Restoration Initiative 2010; 2014). The data were collected in order to model, using a geodesign approach, the restorability of coastal wetlands and to help managers prioritize future restoration projects. The restorability model developed by New College and USGS uses a detailed terrain, historical lake levels, national soils, wetlands, land use,...
Assessing the distribution and abundance of both predator and prey (forage) fish species is a cornerstone of ecosystem-based fishery management, and supports decision making that considers food-web interactions. In support of binational Great Lakes fishery management the objectives of this survey were to: provide estimates of densities of key forage and predator species in the western basin of Lake Erie, to assess seasonal and spatial distributions of fishes in tandem with water quality information, and to assess year class strength. A systematic grid sampling approach with 41 stations was sampled via bottom trawl during June (Spring) and September (Autumn), starting in 2013. This data release adds 2021 data to...
Hydroacoustic estimates of fish density are used for fisheries management in central Lake Erie. Data are sometimes collected from multiple vessels, raising the question of comparability of data collected among vessels. Hydroacoustic data were collected along three cross-lake transects in central Lake Erie in July, 2014 from three different vessels using similar equipment. Several variables derived from hydroacoustic data and fish densities calculated from those variables were compared between the standard vessel used typically for hydroacoustic data collection and two other vessels used occasionally. The data used in those analyses are presented here.
Intracoelomic implantation of electronic tags has become a common method in fishery research, but rarely are fish examined by scientists after release to understand the extent that surgical incisions have healed. Walleye (Sander vitreus) are a valuable, highly-exploited fishery resource in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Here, fishery capture of walleye with internal acoustic transmitters combined with a high reward program provided multiple opportunities to examine photographs and quantify the status of surgical incisions. Walleye (n=926) from reef and river spawning populations in Lake Erie and Lake Huron were implanted with acoustic transmitters during spring spawning events from 2011 to 2016. Incisions were closed...
This data release provides the georeferenced boundaries that delimit each spatial unit of the Great Lakes Regional Aquatic Gap Analysis Project (GLGap) Coastal Hydrospatial Framework at each spatial scale from the local 90m cell to the entire Laurentian Great Lakes system and from the shoreline to the deepest offshore waters. The U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service collaborated to design a universal framework of spatial areas that encompass all space of the Laurentian Great Lakes proper. Agglomeration of the finest units (90m cells) form coarser, broader scale units. Finer units are nested within the coarser units at six spatial scales, labeled as Local Cells, Aquatic Habitat Areas, Coastal...
These data consist of larval fish and water profile data collected with a nearshore to offshore transect approach at 9 transects throughout Lake Huron. Larval fish and their stomach contents were identified, enumerated, and measured (if possible) using a dissecting microscope. These data were used to calculate densities of potential fish prey items (what is available in the environment) and compare that to what the fishes ate for selectivity analysis. Larval fish age estimation based on daily growth rings from otoliths was also conducted. These data are in raw form. The water profile data were collected using a bathythermograph and bin-averaged at the 1 m level. Environmental prey data are available at the following...
We investigated fine-scale genetic patterns of the federally threatened Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) on a relatively undisturbed island in northern Michigan, USA. This species often persists in habitat islands throughout much of its distribution due to extensive habitat loss and distance-limited dispersal. These data are from 102 individual Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes sampled at Bois Blanc Island, Michigan and genotyped at 15 microsatellite loci. Samples were collected as part of a study to examine functional connectivity for the Eastern Massasauga. We found that the entire island population exhibited weak genetic structuring with spatially segregated variation in effective migration...
Hydroacoustic estimates of fish density are used for fisheries management in central Lake Erie. Hydroacoustic data were collected along up to four cross-lake transects in central Lake Erie July 2010 through July 2019. Software-generated raw variables used for calculating estimates of hydroacoustic fish densities are presented here.
Well-established conservation planning principles and techniques framed by geodesign were used to assess the restorability of areas that historically supported coastal wetlands along the U.S. shore of Saginaw Bay. The resulting analysis supported planning efforts to identify, prioritize, and track wetland restoration opportunity and investment in the region. To accomplish this, publicly available data, criteria derived from the regional managers and local stakeholders, and geospatial analysis were used to form an ecological model for spatial prioritization. These data include parameter inputs from external sources current to 2016. For an updated data set, including parameter inputs up to 2023, please see: Hopkins,...

map background search result map search result map Hydrospatial Framework for the Laurentian Great Lakes Condition of Surgical Acoustic Tag Incisions in Recaptured Lake Erie Walleye (2011-2016) Lake Erie Ecological Investigations 1980-2000: Benthic Invertebrate Community Analysis Great Lakes Research Vessel Operations 1958-2018: Gillnet. (ver. 3.0, April 2019) Lethality of bloom forming cyanobacteria on zebra and quagga mussel veligers collected from the Detroit River Hydrogeochemical Mixing data from Lake Michigan Tributaries 2011 The effects of North American fungi and bacteria on Phragmites australis leaves 2017-2019, with comparisons to the global Phragmites microbiome Inter-vessel comparison of hydroacoustic fish density in central Lake Erie, 2014 Hydroacoustic data from central Lake Erie, 2010-2019 Genotype Data for Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus) from Bois Blanc Island, Michigan at 15 Microsatellite DNA Loci Zooplankton, Benthos, Mysis, and fish diet data from northern Lake Huron in 2012 Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Upper Peninsula, U.S. (ver. 2.0, January 2024) Larval fish and water profile data from Lake Huron in 2017 Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Green Bay, U.S.: Degree Flowlines Lethality of bloom forming cyanobacteria on zebra and quagga mussel veligers collected from the Detroit River Genotype Data for Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus) from Bois Blanc Island, Michigan at 15 Microsatellite DNA Loci Inter-vessel comparison of hydroacoustic fish density in central Lake Erie, 2014 Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Upper Peninsula, U.S. (ver. 2.0, January 2024) Hydroacoustic data from central Lake Erie, 2010-2019 Hydrogeochemical Mixing data from Lake Michigan Tributaries 2011 Zooplankton, Benthos, Mysis, and fish diet data from northern Lake Huron in 2012 Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Green Bay, U.S.: Degree Flowlines Condition of Surgical Acoustic Tag Incisions in Recaptured Lake Erie Walleye (2011-2016) Lake Erie Ecological Investigations 1980-2000: Benthic Invertebrate Community Analysis Larval fish and water profile data from Lake Huron in 2017 Great Lakes Research Vessel Operations 1958-2018: Gillnet. (ver. 3.0, April 2019) Hydrospatial Framework for the Laurentian Great Lakes The effects of North American fungi and bacteria on Phragmites australis leaves 2017-2019, with comparisons to the global Phragmites microbiome