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This data set provides a table of length, weight, sex, and estimated fecundity of Silver Chub Macrhybopsis storeriana in western Lake Erie from 1979 through 1987. These data are potentially useful to those studying recovery and restoration of Silver Chub in Lake Erie. These data were collected as part of routine trawl surveys in western Lake Erie. Other data associated with these data can be found in the Great Lakes Research Vessel Operations 1958-2018. (ver. 3.0, April 2019). A drawn map, originally packaged alongside the hard copy data sheets, is included in this data release. This map guides users in identifying specific locations of capture. Due to the legacy nature of these data, location data is estimated...
The data release includes part of the bottom-trawl and gill-net survey data collected between 1952 and 1962 from the research vessel R/V Cisco. The bottom-trawl dataset includes tables for fishing operations and effort (BT_OP.csv), fish catch (BT_Catch.csv), and individual length-weight-sex-maturity (LWSM) records (BT_Fish.csv) for only a subset of species (details below). The gill-net dataset includes tables for fishing operations (GN_OP.csv), fishing effort (GN_Effort.csv), fish catch (GN_Catch.csv), and individual LWSM records (GN_Fish.csv) for only a subset of species (details below). Two reference tables, BT_Spec.csv and Species.csv, are used for bottom trawl specifications and fish species names, respectively....
Assessing the distribution and abundance of both predator and prey (forage) fish species is a cornerstone of ecosystem-based fishery management, and supports decision making that considers food-web interactions. In support of binational Great Lakes fishery management the objectives of this survey were to: provide estimates of densities of key forage and predator species in the western basin of Lake Erie, to assess seasonal and spatial distributions of fishes in tandem with water quality information, and to assess year class strength. A systematic grid sampling approach with 41 stations was sampled via bottom trawl during June (Spring) and September (Autumn), starting in 2013. This data release adds 2020 data to...
Data included are from a series of field sample collections from Lakes Michigan and Huron, and laboratory mesocosms targeting the round goby fish (Neogobius melanostomus). The round goby is a benthic fish that has heavily invaded four of the five Laurentian Great Lakes. Because it inhabits a variety of substrates, including coastal breakwaters, traditional methods (e.g., trawling, trapping) are inadequate to quantify overall population size. Environmental DNA (eDNA) may be a viable option for improving detection and quantification of the species. Field data include number of round goby caught and associated ambient conditions of the aquatic matrix (temperature, pH, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen). Mesocosm...
During 2018, uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs or 'drones') were used to collect spatially referenced aerial imagery from 20 management units (sites) enrolled in the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework, a collective learning program developed by the Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative. Management units were located in Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin (USA). Invasive Phragmites australis (hereafter "Phragmites") had been managed at each management units some time previously by the landowner or land manager, and aerial imagery was then collected to create cover classifications distinguishing live and dead Phragmites from the surrounding landscape using object-based image analysis with training based on ground-truth...
This data set includes site characteristics and fish catch rate information for gill nets deployed in Lake Erie. Catches of walleye (Sander vitreus), clupeidae, and moronidae are tallied by mesh size and net type at each deployment site. More detailed information about net construction and methods is provided in the accompanying Fisheries Research article. Kraus, Richard T., Vandergoot, Christopher S., Kocovsky, Patrick M., Rogers, Mark W., Cook, H. Andrew, Brenden, Travis O. Fisheries Research. 2017. Reconciling catch differences from multiple fishery independent gill net surveys. 188: 17-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2016.12.004.
This dataset is part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative. This data represents the location of dikes within the Lake Ontario Restoration Assessment (LORA) study area. The GLCWRA initiative identifies coastal wetland areas that have the greatest habitat restoration potential. The data model uses seven parameters to identify and rank wetland restoration areas, resulting in a composite index raster that can be used by ecological managers and planners to assist with the selection of wetland restoration sites. The parameters are Parameter 0: Mask, Parameter 1: Hydroperiod, Parameter 2: Wetland Soils, Parameter 3: Flowlines, Parameter 4: Conservation...
These data show grass crop and model species response to toxic chemicals (Arsenic (As)) and humic acids. Experiments were performed by collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey, Rutgers University, and Rey Juan Carlos University. A series of individual experiments investigated beneficial effects of endophytic bacteria on grass crop growth and resilience to known plant toxicity.
This data release presents catch and effort data for Cisco Coregonus artedi and Lake Whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis commercial gill net fisheries in State of Michigan waters of Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron during 1929-1970. The data were used to determine if Cisco and Lake Whitefish relative abundance (commercial gill net catch per effort) were correlated (positive and negative) during the historical period. The file is in .csv format and contains columns for: (1) lake (LAKE); (2) commercial fishery management unit (MU); (3) year (YEAR); (4) gill net material used to target Lake Whitefish (WF_MAT); (5) gill net material used to target Cisco (CS_MAT); (6) gill net conversion factors (multipliers) used...
This dataset is part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative. These data represent the flowline network in the Upper Peninsula Restoration Assessment (UPRA). It is attributed with the number of disconnections (e.g., road crossings) between the reach and Lake Ontario. The more road crossings on a flowline the more disconnected that area is from the lake and the less suitable it will be for restoration. These data help identify the condition of hydrologic separation between potential restoration areas and Lake Ontario. Low numbers represent fewer disconnections, such as culverts, between the reach and the water body requiring no flow network modification...
These data tables contain data collections from field experiments of Phragmites australis (ssp. australis) treated with known fungal endophytes. Tiller counts, tiller diameter, and tiller height measurements were taken every two weeks over an eight-week study period. Clones of Phragmites plants were collected from three different locations: Sandusky, Michigan; Bloomington, Indiana; and the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge near Oak Harbor, Ohio. Additionally, data collections from a similar experiment of Phragmites australis (ssp. australis) treated with known fungal endophytes performed in a growth chamber are included. Tiller numbers and tiller heights were measured every three weeks over 15 total weeks for the...
The erosion and active transport of legacy mine tailings (called “stamp sands”) are impacting native fish species and aquatic habitats on a shallow water rocky reef complex along the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan called Buffalo Reef. Stamp sands are spreading from an old mill site at the Town of Gay and settling on the reef. Multiple surveys have documented the underwater migration of toxic, metal-rich stamp sands and progressive burial of areas of hard/complex lakefloor, such as cobble fields. The finer-grained, muddy fraction of the mine tailings has been winnowed by waves and currents and transported to unknown locations in deeper waters offshore. High-resolution geophysical mapping of the bay in 2018 revealed...
The erosion and active transport of legacy mine tailings (called “stamp sands”) are impacting native fish species and aquatic habitats on a shallow water rocky reef complex along the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan called Buffalo Reef. Stamp sands are spreading from an old mill site at the Town of Gay and settling on the reef. Multiple surveys have documented the underwater migration of toxic, metal-rich stamp sands and progressive burial of areas of hard/complex lakefloor, such as cobble fields. The finer-grained, muddy fraction of the mine tailings has been winnowed by waves and currents and transported to unknown locations in deeper waters offshore. High-resolution geophysical mapping of the bay in 2018 revealed...
This data release includes zooplankton data collected from a collaborative effort for Environmental Protection Agency’s Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI). Zooplankton surveys were conducted during the growing season, from late April to early November, in two Lake Michigan transects in 2010, two Lake Huron transects in 2012, eight Lake Michigan transects in 2015, and nine Lake Huron transects in 2017. Zooplankton samples were collected by whole water-column tows at two or three stations in different bottom-depth categories (i.e., shallow, middle, and deep) in each of the transects. Due to the difference in bathymetry, some transects did not have a deep station. The shallow and middle stations have...
This dataset records results from a bottom-deployed upward-looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP, 600 kHz Workhorse Monitor, Teledyne RD Instruments, Poway, California) deployed during the summer of 2019 (late June until early August) near Hammond Bay, Lake Huron (45.5948 degrees north, -84.1542 degrees east). Data were collected in support of nearby Cladophora and benthic algal assessments, as well as to validate hydrodynamic modeling.
Documentation associated with these data that are not being shared publicly. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Lake Erie walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) recruitment fluctuates annually and depends partially on their diet and growth during their first year of life. To determine how age-0 walleye have responded to changes in prey species and abundance, larval and young of year walleye were collected from western Lake Erie in 2019 and 2014. Larval and young of year fish stomachs were extracted and dissected, with prey contents removed for later identification. All prey contents were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level using a dissecting microscope and counted, with up to 20 prey items from each taxa per fish measured (0.01 mm) using a digital computer image analysis system. Zooplankton prey items were identified...
This dataset records Cladophora and associated benthic algae, collectively Cladophora community or submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), biomass collected during the growing season of 2021 at stations located along the U.S. shoreline of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. It also records a variety of supporting data collected at Cladophora measurement stations. These supporting data include: - seasonal time series of light, currents, wave action, temperature, specific conductivity, turbidity, pH, phycocyanin, chlorophyll, and dissolved oxygen from moored sensors at a subset of stations; - measurements of Secchi disk depth and water chemistry; - water column profiles of PAR, temperature, specific conductivity,...

map background search result map search result map Gill net catch data in Lake Erie, 2010-2013 Historical Length, Weight, and Fecundity of Silver Chub (Macrhybopsis storeriana) in Western Lake Erie Round goby eDNA survey, evaluation, and laboratory data in Lakes Michigan and Huron 2016-2017 Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Lake Ontario, U.S.: Dikes Lake Erie Fish Community Data, 2013-2020 Bottom-trawl and gill-net data from the Upper Great Lakes, collected by R/V Cisco, 1952–1962 Data collected to support research on grass crop growth promotion and biostimulation by endophytic bacteria Catch and Effort Data for Cisco and Lake Whitefish Commercial Gill Net Fisheries in State of Michigan Waters of Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron During 1929–1970 Land cover classifications and associated data from treatment areas enrolled in the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework, 2018 Effects of fungal endophytes on invasive Phragmites australis (ssp. australis) performance in growth chamber and field experiments 2010-2017 zooplankton data from whole water-column tows in Lakes Michigan and Huron Multibeam bathymetric trackline data collected from the Stamp Sands of Lake Superior using a Norbit iWBMSh multibeam echosounder during 2021 (Esri polyline shapefile, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83) High-resolution (1m) backscatter from the Stamp Sands of Lake Superior collected using a Norbit iWBMSh multibeam echosounder during 2021 (GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Upper Peninsula, U.S.: Degree Flowlines Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data collected in near Hammond Bay, Lake Huron, 2019 Cladophora biomass and supporting data collected in the Great Lakes, 2021 Larval and Young of Year Walleye Diets in Western Lake Erie during 2014 and 2019 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data collected in near Hammond Bay, Lake Huron, 2019 Multibeam bathymetric trackline data collected from the Stamp Sands of Lake Superior using a Norbit iWBMSh multibeam echosounder during 2021 (Esri polyline shapefile, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83) High-resolution (1m) backscatter from the Stamp Sands of Lake Superior collected using a Norbit iWBMSh multibeam echosounder during 2021 (GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88) Historical Length, Weight, and Fecundity of Silver Chub (Macrhybopsis storeriana) in Western Lake Erie Larval and Young of Year Walleye Diets in Western Lake Erie during 2014 and 2019 Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Upper Peninsula, U.S.: Degree Flowlines Lake Erie Fish Community Data, 2013-2020 Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Lake Ontario, U.S.: Dikes Gill net catch data in Lake Erie, 2010-2013 Land cover classifications and associated data from treatment areas enrolled in the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework, 2018 Round goby eDNA survey, evaluation, and laboratory data in Lakes Michigan and Huron 2016-2017 Cladophora biomass and supporting data collected in the Great Lakes, 2021 2010-2017 zooplankton data from whole water-column tows in Lakes Michigan and Huron Bottom-trawl and gill-net data from the Upper Great Lakes, collected by R/V Cisco, 1952–1962 Effects of fungal endophytes on invasive Phragmites australis (ssp. australis) performance in growth chamber and field experiments Catch and Effort Data for Cisco and Lake Whitefish Commercial Gill Net Fisheries in State of Michigan Waters of Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron During 1929–1970 Data collected to support research on grass crop growth promotion and biostimulation by endophytic bacteria