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Our mission is to develop and maintain a cost-effective, central information source and inventory of the locations, biology, and status of all threatened, endangered, rare, and at-risk plants and animals in Nevada. We use the best available biological data to continually evaluate conservation priorities for over 700 native animals, plants, and vegetation types, focusing on those that are at greatest risk of extinction or serious decline. As a non-regulatory, independent resource for scientifically objective data, environmental review, and technical assistance and expertise, we support the needs of diverse planning, conservation management, research, education, and economic development activities in Nevada. The...
Texas is home to tens of thousands of native animal and plant species. These species form the fabric of over 800 habitat types, from bottomland hardwood forests, big tooth maple canyons, to black grama grasslands. Hundreds of these species occur only in Texas and nowhere else in the world. The Wildlife Diversity Program works to conserve this fabric for the benefit of current and future generations. Our team includes experts in botany, ornithology, herpetology and invertebrate biology that provide leadership on the conservation of rare species and areas with high conservation value across the state. Regional diversity biologists provide a local resource for landowners as well as leadership within local research,...
Actualmente, el tema del agua reviste gran importancia por su escasez, degradación y riesgo que representan las avenidas de ríos, deslaves e inundaciones ocasionadas por lluvias intensas, además de considerarse un asunto estratégico para las políticas de los gobiernos. En este sentido y dada la necesidad de proveer información vectorial a mayor detalle como apoyo a lo mencionado, el INEGI generó la Red Hidrográfica escala 1:50 000 la cual modela el drenaje superficial de una cuenca hidrográfica, así como esta aplicación que permite a los usuarios consultar y analizar dicha información.
NPScape is a landscape dynamics monitoring project that provides landscape-level data, tools, and evaluations for natural resource management, planning, and interpretation. The target audience for NPScape spans the range from GIS specialists who will benefit from the geospatial products, to ecologists and natural resource specialists who will be interested in the landscape metrics presented in a local and regional context, to park superintendents and other land managers who can incorporate the maps and graphics into reports or briefings.
Renewables in the Mojave Desert This map shows the result of an analysis to characterize the distribution of conservation values across the Mojave Desert Ecoregion. Solar Energy Development in the Western Mojave Desert (July 2012) This assessment identifies areas in the West Mojave Desert where human activities have degraded the land’s conservation value, making them potentially low impact locations for solar development. Authors also describe a comprehensive mitigation program that aims to produce a net improvement to the conservation status of species and habitats in the West Mojave Desert. Publication: An Approach to Enhance the Conservation-Compatibility of Solar Energy Development (January 2012) Mojave...
The response of vegetation distribution, carbon, and fire to three scenarios of future climate change was simulated for California using the MC1 Dynamic General Vegetation Model. Under all three scenarios, Alpine/Subalpine Forest cover declined, and increases in the productivity of evergreen hardwoods led to the displacement of Evergreen Conifer Forest by Mixed Evergreen Forest. Grassland expanded, largely at the expense of Woodland and Shrubland, even under the cooler and less dry climate scenario where increased woody plant production was offset by increased wildfire. Increases in net primary productivity under the cooler and less dry scenario contributed to a simulated carbon sink of about 321 teragrams for California...
The Sevilleta LTER supports a long-term, integrated, interdisciplinary research program addressing key hypotheses on pattern and process in aridland ecosystems. Sevilleta LTER research includes studies in desert grassland and shrubland communities, and riparian and mountain forests emphasizing pulse driven processes in space and time. Key drivers (e.g., climate, fire, water, resource availability) govern dynamics in each landscape component. Our focus on how biotic and abiotic drivers affect spatial and temporal dynamics of aridland ecosystems allows us to conduct long-term research that addresses important basic theories and yet has significant relevance to regional, national and international priorities. The...
This report provides an analysis of the geothermal energy sites on public lands that represent the best opportunities for near-term development. Excerpts from this analysis were published in Assessing the Potential for Renewable Energy on Public Lands, a report from the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Department of Energy prepared by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The assessment report, which focused on the opportunities for electricity generation from solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal resources, was released in February 2003.
Grasslands of the Sky Islands region once covered over 13 million acres in southeastern Arizona and adjacent portions of New Mexico, Sonora, and Chihuahua. Attempts to evaluate current ecological conditions suggest that approximately two thirds of these remain as intact or restorable grassland habitat. These grasslands provide watershed services such as flood control and aquifer recharge across the region, and continue to support dozens of species of concern. Prioritizing conservation interventions for these remaining grassland blocks has been challenging. Reliable data on condition and conservation value of grasslands in the region have not been systematically summarized. State and national boundaries further complicate...
In response to concerns about rangeland fragmentation associated with exurban development, ranching families, agency representatives, and conservation groups have organized to address management concerns through the Malpai Borderlands Group (see: This group promotes large acreage conservation easements throughout the region as means to promote rangeland connectivity. Shrub encroachment and long-term loss of grass productivity are primary natural resource concerns. Fire, which is facilitated in areas free of exurban development, is a key conservation practice. Additional practices include mechanical brush management, prescribed grazing, and erosion control structures. The conservation...
This map shows the grasslands priority conservation areas (GPCAs) within North America's Central Grasslands, an ecosystem considered among the most threatened in the continent and the world. GPCAs are defined as areas of tri-national importance due to their ecological significance and threatened nature, which are in need of international cooperation for their successful conservation. In 2004, 55 GPCAs were identified by biodiversity experts through research and a workshop co-organized by the CEC. Details of the initial selection process can be found in North American Grassland Priority Conservation Areas: Technical Report and Documentation, and the CEC publication Grasslands: Toward a North American Conservation...
El límite fronterizo entre México y los Estados Unidos actualmente presenta a lo largo del área geográfica barreras (para vehículos y peatones), como medida de seguridad para disminuir la entrada de migrantes indocumentados y estupefacientes. El muro fronterizo ha fragmentado los ecosistemas presentes en la región, pudiendo influir en la pérdida de la conectividad de poblaciones de fauna silvestre entre ambos países. Ante tal situación nuestro objetivo fue identificar las áreas más importantes de conectividad para 19 especies que se distribuyen en la franja fronteriza dentro de los estados de Sonora y Chihuahua y los principales impactos que puede tener la estructura asociada a la frontera. Los sitios de conectividad...
El Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico General del Territorio (POEGT) es un instrumento de política pública sustentado en la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la protección Ambiental (LGEEPA) y en su Reglamento en materia de Ordenamiento Ecológico. Es de observancia obligatoria en todo el territorio nacional y tiene como propósito vincular las acciones y programas de la Administración Pública Federal que deberán observar la variable ambiental en términos de la Ley de Planeación. Al Gobierno Federal, a través de la SEMARNAT, le corresponde establecer las bases para que las dependencias y entidades de la APF formulen e instrumenten sus programas sectoriales con base en la aptitud territorial, las tendencias de...
Planning in the National Park Service guides informed and insightful decisions that provide relevant and timely direction to park management, and informs future decision-making for each national park system unit in accord with its stated mission. Planning also provides methods and tools for resolving issues in ways that minimize conflicts and promotes mutually beneficial solutions - solutions that articulate how public enjoyment of the parks can be part of a strategy for ensuring that resources are protected unimpaired for future generations. The National Park Service prepares a variety of planning and environmental documents to help guide management of park resources and visitor use and activity. The Park Planning...
SUMMARY This publication is intended to provide a framework for tri- and binational cooperation between Canada, the United States and Mexico that promotes the conservation and sustainable use of central North American grasslands. It does so by providing a trinational overview of information about the central North American grasslands and the conservation issues faced in the region. This contextual framework seeks to move the conservation agenda forward to the eventual development of a conservation strategy for the grasslands of North America that will integrate, build upon and enhance individual initiatives found in the three countries of North America that could complement each other. RESUMEN El propósito de...
La regionalización implica la división de un territorio en áreas menores con características comunes y representa una herramienta metodológica básica en la planeación ambiental, pues permite el conocimiento de los recursos para su manejo adecuado. La importancia de regionalizaciones de tipo ambiental estriba en que se consideran análisis basados en ecosistemas, cuyo objetivo principal es incluir toda la heterogeneidad ecológica que prevalece dentro de un determinado espacio geográfico para, así, proteger hábitats y áreas con funciones ecológicas vitales para la biodiversidad, las cuales no hubiesen sido consideradas con otro tipo de análisis. En México han habido diferentes experiencias al respecto, dentro de las...
Meeting the Emerging Environmental and Biodiversity Conservation Science Needs for New Mexico We provide current scientific information, research, and education on the conservation of New Mexico biota and natural resources to government, business, land managers, scientists, and the public. New Mexico Conservation Information System Find data for over 600 rare or endangered plant and animal species. NHNM Conservation Science Programs Get information on our conservation research, monitoring, and inventory projects across New Mexico and the Southwest. Ecology Zoology Botany
¿Por qué es importante para usted como ganadero preocuparse por las aves del pastizal? En términos prácticos, las aves del pastizal son indicadoras de la condición de sus potreros, ya que la abundancia de aves de pastizal le dice a usted que sus potreros están en buena condición para sostener su actividad productiva. Además, las aves del pastizal cumplen funciones que ayudan a mantener al ecosistema del pastizal. Aparte de los beneficios que proveen las aves del pastizal, éstas son parte de nuestro patrimonio natural y cultural que enriquecen la vida diaria de los habitantes de los pastizales mexicanos. Por este motivo, hemos elaborado este manual que contiene recomendaciones generales de manejo de pastizales para...

map background search result map search result map Priority Conservation Areas: Grasslands, 2010 Malpai Borderlands Portal SIATL: Simulador de Flujos de Agua  de Cuencas Hidrográficas NPScape Sevilleta LTER Sustaining the Grassland Sea Nevada Natural Heritage Program Opportunities for Near-Term Geothermal Development on Public Lands in the Western United States Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico General del Territorio (POEGT) Áreas de Interés Binacional para Mantener la Conectividad de Poblaciones de Fauna Silvestre Compartida con Potenciales Afectaciones por la Construcción del Muro Fronterizo Bureau of Land Management California GeoSpatial Data Downloads Response of vegetation distribution, ecosystem productivity, and fire to climate change scenarios for California Papel hidrológico-ambiental de pastizales nativos e introducidos en la cuenca alta del río Chuvíscar, Chihuahua, México Regionalización Grasslands: Toward a North American Conservation Strategy/ Pastizales: Hacia una estrategia de conservación para los pastizales de América del Norte National Park Service Planning, Environment & Public Comment (PEPC) Natural Heritage New Mexico Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Diversity Program Compartiendo sus agostaderos con las aves de pastizal Papel hidrológico-ambiental de pastizales nativos e introducidos en la cuenca alta del río Chuvíscar, Chihuahua, México Sevilleta LTER Áreas de Interés Binacional para Mantener la Conectividad de Poblaciones de Fauna Silvestre Compartida con Potenciales Afectaciones por la Construcción del Muro Fronterizo Sustaining the Grassland Sea Natural Heritage New Mexico Nevada Natural Heritage Program Compartiendo sus agostaderos con las aves de pastizal Bureau of Land Management California GeoSpatial Data Downloads Response of vegetation distribution, ecosystem productivity, and fire to climate change scenarios for California Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Diversity Program Opportunities for Near-Term Geothermal Development on Public Lands in the Western United States SIATL: Simulador de Flujos de Agua  de Cuencas Hidrográficas Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico General del Territorio (POEGT) Regionalización Priority Conservation Areas: Grasslands, 2010 National Park Service Planning, Environment & Public Comment (PEPC) Grasslands: Toward a North American Conservation Strategy/ Pastizales: Hacia una estrategia de conservación para los pastizales de América del Norte NPScape