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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Conservation Planning along the Colorado River in Utah > Reach Information > Dewey Bridge ( Show direct descendants )

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_ScienceBase Catalog
__Conservation Planning along the Colorado River in Utah
___Reach Information
____Dewey Bridge
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This short (4 km), slightly sinuous (sinuosity 1.1) reach flows westward from the downstream the mouth of the Dolores River (Bkm 175) to Bkm 171 (near the mouth of Buck Spring Wash). Within this reach, the river flows along the south side of a broad, asymmetric valley underlain by very gently dipping Navajo Sandstone and flanked by very gently dipping sandstones of the Carmel, Entrada, Curtis and Morrison (Salt Wash Member) formations. Average gradient is approximately 0.08%. Over half of the vegetated area within the Dewey Bridge reach is occupied by agriculture and non-native herbaceous cover. Knapweed is common (6%). Cover of woody vegetation is a nearly equal mix of willow, tamarisk, xeric shrub species...