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_____Grasslands Conservation Geospatial Data Compilation and Synthesis
______Grasslands Inventory
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The Random Forests multiple-regression tree was used to model climate profiles of 25 biotic communities of the western United States and nine of their constituent species. Analyses of the communities were based on a gridded sample of ca. 140,000 points, while those for the species used presence-absence data from ca. 120,000 locations. Independent variables included 35 simple expressions of temperature and precipitation and their interactions. Classification errors for community models averaged 19%, but the errors were reduced by half when adjusted for misalignment between geographic data sets. Errors of omission for species-specific models approached 0, while errors of commission were less than 9%. Mapped climate...
Distribution data (digitized maps) compiled by BirdLife International and NatureServe for all the world’s birds (>10,000 species, click here for further information on the taxonomy followed) are available for non-commercial use in ESRI shapefile or file geodatabase format for use in GIS mapping software. Further information regarding the attributes contained with the species distribution data can be found here, and are also included in the metadata file provided with the data. To access these data please complete the form below. Please note that this is not an automated system and your request could take between 5 and 10 working days to be processed. We will then send the download location for the data to you....
MAPSS (Mapped Atmosphere-Plant-Soil System) is a static biogeography model that projects potential vegetation distribution and hydrological flows on a grid. It simulates type of vegetation and density for all upland vegetation from deserts to wet forests. It uses long term, average monthly climate data (mean monthly temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed, and precipitation) as well as soils information (texture, depth). MAPSS has been used widely for various climate change assessments including the 2000 National Assessment Synthesis Team's report. MAPSS assumes that vegetation distribution is constrained either by the availability of water or of energy for growth. In temperate latitudes, water is the primary constraint...
The REA estimates the condition of 14.2 million acres of land in southern New Mexico. It is based on states described in “ecological site descriptions” (ESDs) and expert knowledge. ESDs have been developed by the Natural Resource Conservation Service, and they are a consistent, science and expert-based resource increasingly used by land managers. It focuses on public rangelands - grasslands, shrublands, and savannas - managed by the Bureau of Land Management, and includes some other lands as well. The REA compares current condition to the expected or “reference” condition, and summarizes the vegetation, ecological processes and restorative management options of these states. Depending on these management options...
Este sitio presenta los mapas digitales de la Dirección General de Investigación de Ordenamiento Ecológico y Conservación de los Ecosistemas. Tiene por objetivo difundir los resultados de los proyectos sobre Ordenamiento Ecológico, Conservación de los Ecosistemas y Manejo Integral de Cuencas Hídricas, relacionados con el manejo de los recursos naturales y la planificación territorial que pueden ser de utilidad para la toma de decisiones en materia ambiental. Al mismo tiempo, la cartografía se presenta a un público general que tenga el interés de conocer algunos aspectos del estado del medio ambiente en nuestro país. La información disponible se presenta en su mayor parte a la escala 1:250,000, encontrándose algunos...
Resumen ejecutivo El objetivo del presente Plan Maestro de la Alianza Regional para la Conservación de Pastizales del Desierto Chihuahuense es brindar un marco de cooperación para la acción regional para los estados que integran el Desierto Chihuahuense. Como concepto rector de este documento se ha tomado el del desarrollo sustentable, es decir, se invita a explorar y abordar las vertientes sociales y económicas de toda actividad que tenga que ver con el manejo y uso de los pastizales como ecosistema natural y viceversa. Este documento está dividido en dos partes fundamentales. La primera ofrece una perspectiva continental y nacional sobre el Desierto Chihuahuense, su importancia ambiental, económica y social;...
RESUMEN En México y EUA, los pastizales del Desierto Chihuahuense han experimentado un gran deterioro desde mediados de 1800's. Ello se ha debido principalmente deficientes prácticas ganaderas, al cambio climático, la supresión del fuego, a la fragmentación de hábitat y cambio de uso de suelo. En conjunto, se ha provocado un incremento en los escurrimientos y la erosión, una disminución de la diversidad biológica y pérdida en las concentraciones de aves, incremento en la invasión de especies no nativas y una disminución en la cantidad de forraje para animales domésticos y silvestres. La Estrategia para la Conservación de los Pastizales de Desierto Chihuahuense (ECOPAD) ofrece un esquema de cooperación para enfrentar...
iMapInvasives Arizona is an online data management tool that is a standardized, central repository of location information for all invasive species taxon. The tool facilitates data sharing and utilization by land managers, the public and other organizations. The database stores basic point locations of invasive species observations, but also allows for advanced data management, including the capability to input treatment records, survey records, and track infestations over time. Use this tool by contributing data, planning and collaborating projects, or monitoring infestations.
Many amenity-rich regions are experiencing rapid land-use change in the form of low-density residential development. This widespread land-use change, exurbanization, has profound implications for regional biological diversity and ecosystem function. In the United States, exurban land use occupies seven times more area than land with urban and suburban densities, and has increased at a rate of about 10 to 15% per year. Drivers of exurbanization include technological advancements and increases in tele-commuting, transportation and road-network improvements, and various push- (crime, crowding, poor education systems, etc.) and pull- (affordable or desirable housing, privacy, better schools, etc.) factors. The rapid...
Springs within the US portion of the Desert LCC Boundary. This is a compilation of publicly available springs distribution data in Desert LCC. Data were imported from the NHD database, the Arizona State Land Office, the Arizona Department of Water Resources, and other publicly available resources. Additional data were contributed by Springs Stewardship Institute, Grand Canyon Wildlands Council, and the Sky Island Alliance.
Would you like to help ensure California's plants and animals are resilient to climate change, but are unsure of what actions to take? Here we present concrete conservation actions land managers can take now to help address the threat of climate change to the terrestrial species of California. This interactive map provides regional climate projections with information about topography, coastal proximity and level of habitat fragmentation to help land managers identify concrete conservation actions they can take now to help address the threat of climate change to the terrestrial species of California.
Several statistical compilations of mining claim activity on Federal land derived from the Bureau of Land Management's LR2000 database have previously been published by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS). The work in the 1990s did not include Arkansas or Florida. None of the previous reports included Alaska because it is stored in a separate database (Alaska Land Information System) and is in a different format. This report includes data for all states for which there are Federal mining claim records, beginning in 1976 and continuing to 2010, except Alaska, which only had data to 2007. The statistics compiled from the databases are counts of the number of active mining claims in a section of land each year from 1976...
The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) serves as the definitive Landsat-based, 30-meter resolution, land cover database for the Nation. NLCD provides spatial reference and descriptive data for characteristics of the land surface such as thematic class (for example, urban, agriculture, and forest), percent impervious surface, and percent tree canopy cover. NLCD supports a wide variety of Federal, State, local, and nongovernmental applications that seek to assess ecosystem status and health, understand the spatial patterns of biodiversity, predict effects of climate change, and develop land management policy. NLCD products are created by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium, a partnership of...
El acervo de información geográfica se compone de nueve accesos en la sección Temas: Cartografía urbana, Catastro, Datos de relieve, Geodesia, Imágenes del territorio, Marco geoestadístico nacional, Nombres geográficos, Recursos naturales y Topografía. Lo mismo que en el ámbito estadístico, en el geográfico los recursos normativos y metodológicos son de gran importancia, ya que nos permiten conocer mejor los datos, además de propiciar condiciones que promueven la comparabilidad de la información con la adopción de principios homogéneos: en Aspectos normativos es posible consultar las clasificaciones y los catálogos, los metadatos geográficos, así como las normas técnicas empleadas en la generación de datos geográficos....
To help resource managers prioritize management actions across large landscapes, the Integrated Landscape Assessment Project (ILAP) produced databases, reports, maps, analyses, and other information showing mid- to broad-scale (thousands to hundreds of thousands of hectares and larger areas) vegetation conditions and potential future trends, key wildlife habitat conditions and trends, wildfire hazard, potential economic value of products that might be generated during vegetation management, and other critical information for all lands and all major upland vegetation types in Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington. ILAP work involved gathering and consolidating existing information, developing new information...
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (Department) recently revised its State Wildlife Action Plan that provides a framework and information to assist in setting conservation priorities for the state’s wildlife and habitats. Data gathered for Arizona’s State Wildlife Action Plan represents myriad sources and extensive public comment, and is used to support the Department’s efforts to develop proactive conservation goals and objectives. Much of that data (more than 300 data layers) is compiled into a single model of wildlife conservation potential, the Species and Habitat Conservation Guide. To ensure the State Wildlife Action Plan information is accessible and useful to everyone, the Arizona Game and Fish Department...
Use the tool to inform your management about the effects of climate change on nearly 70 bird species found in Northern Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. With this tool you can: View spatially explicit projections of climate change impacts to 67 bird species Explore regions of high conservation priority Analyze changes in bird habitat and bird communities Identify new monitoring locations which can improve our understanding of climate change impacts Download our model results to use in your own analyses Utilice la herramienta para informar a su gestión de los efectos del cambio climático por casi 70 especies de aves encontradas en el norte de México, Arizona, New Mexico, y California. Usted puede: ...
Sky Island grasslands of central and southern Arizona, southern New Mexico and northern Mexico form the “grassland seas” that surround small forested mountain ranges in the borderlands. Their unique biogeographical setting and the ecological gradients associated with “Sky Island mountains” add tremendous floral and faunal diversity to these grasslands and the region as a whole. Sky Island grasslands have undergone dramatic vegetation changes over the last 130 years including encroachment by shrubs, loss of perennial grass cover and spread of non-native species. Changes in grassland composition and structure have not occurred uniformly across the region and they are dynamic and ongoing. In 2009, The National Fish...
BLM’s Resource Management Plans (RMPs) form the basis for every action and approved use on the public lands. The BLM prepares RMPs for areas of public lands, called planning areas, which tend to have similar resource characteristics. Planning emphasizes a collaborative environment in which local, state, and tribal governments, the public, user groups, and industry work with the BLM to identify appropriate multiple uses of the public lands. Plans are periodically revised as changing conditions and resource demands require. RMPs are used by managers and the public to accomplish the following: Allocate resources and determine appropriate multiple uses for the public lands; Develop a strategy to manage and protect...

map background search result map search result map HabiMap™ Arizona New Mexico Rangeland Ecological Assessment (REA) Integrated Landscape Assessment Project Geografia Springs in the Desert LCC Mine claim activity on Federal lands for the period 1976 through 2010 Actions Likely to Increase Plant and Animal Resilience to Climate Change Ecological-Threat Mapping The MAPSS (Mapped Atmosphere-Plant-Soil System) Model BirdLife International Data Zone Empirical analyses of plant-climate relationships for the western United States Estrategia para la Conservación de los Pastizales del Desierto Chihuahuense (ECOPAD) Plan Maestro de la Alianza Regional para la Conservación de los Pastizales del Desierto Chihuahuense 2011-2016 Sonoran Joint Venture Climate Change Impacts Tool/ Herramienta de Evaluación de Impactos del Cambio Climático de la Alianza Regional Sonorense DGIOECE Cartografía en Linea U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Land Use Planning National Land Cover Database (NLCD) iMapInvasives Arizona Sky Island Grassland Assessment BLM New Mexico Statewide Spatial Data / Metadata Sky Island Grassland Assessment New Mexico Rangeland Ecological Assessment (REA) HabiMap™ Arizona iMapInvasives Arizona Actions Likely to Increase Plant and Animal Resilience to Climate Change Estrategia para la Conservación de los Pastizales del Desierto Chihuahuense (ECOPAD) Plan Maestro de la Alianza Regional para la Conservación de los Pastizales del Desierto Chihuahuense 2011-2016 BLM New Mexico Statewide Spatial Data / Metadata Springs in the Desert LCC The MAPSS (Mapped Atmosphere-Plant-Soil System) Model Integrated Landscape Assessment Project Geografia DGIOECE Cartografía en Linea Sonoran Joint Venture Climate Change Impacts Tool/ Herramienta de Evaluación de Impactos del Cambio Climático de la Alianza Regional Sonorense Mine claim activity on Federal lands for the period 1976 through 2010 Empirical analyses of plant-climate relationships for the western United States U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Land Use Planning National Land Cover Database (NLCD) BirdLife International Data Zone