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Information about the condition of the land and related natural resources is needed at many different scales to inform decision makers. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) gathers rangeland on-site data as part of the National Resources Inventory (NRI). This report focuses on information derived from NRI rangeland data collected on-site 2004 to 2011. The findings reported here focus on key issues in rangeland science, including rangeland health, non-native plant species, non-native and native invasive plant species, bare ground, inter-canopy gaps and soil surface aggregate stability. Future reports will provide monitoring results based on data collected at revisited...
This report is volume 2 of a two-volume ecological assessment of grassland ecosystems in the Southwestern United States. Broad-scale assessments are syntheses of current scientific knowledge, including a description of uncertainties and assumptions, to provide a characterization and comprehensive description of ecological, social, and economic components within an assessment area. Volume 1 of this assessment focused on the ecology, types, conditions, and management practices of Southwestern grasslands. Volume 2 (this volume) describes wildlife and fish species, their habitat requirements, and species-specific management concerns, in Southwestern grasslands. This assessment is regional in scale and pertains primarily...
REAs synthesize the best available information about resource conditions and trends within an ecoregion. They highlight and map areas of high ecological value, including important wildlife habitats and corridors, and gauge their potential risks from climate change, wildfires, invasive species, energy development, and urban growth. REAs also map areas that have high energy development potential, and relatively low ecological value, which could be best-suited for siting future energy development. In addition, REAs establish landscape-scale baseline ecological data to gauge the effect and effectiveness of future management actions. The Sonoran Desert REA was initiated in July 2010. It has been completed and peer reviewed...
In early fall of 2015, the National Wildlife Federation hosted the third America’s Grasslands Conference – in Fort Collins, Colorado in partnership with Colorado State University and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. As a harbinger of conservation successes and lessons learnt, one of the field trips was to the Soapstone Natural Area where a few weeks later, a herd of Bison charged in to the public grassland for the first time in a century and a half. The conference centered on promising partnerships for grassland conservation and was attended by over 230 participants with diverse backgrounds from researchers and conservationists to producers and policymakers. The conference ran from September 29th to October...
En el marco del Sistema Nacional de Información sobre Cantidad, Calidad, Uso y Conservación del Agua (SINA) se desarrolló el Atlas Digital del Agua, México 2012, cuyo propósito es contribuir a la comprensión sobre la situación del agua en el país mediante la ubicación espacial de los cuerpos de agua, su infraestructura de manejo y sus diversos usos. La información se ha organizado en cinco capítulos: Contexto, Ciclo Hidrológico, Usos del Agua, Impacto en la Sociedad y Agua en el Mundo. En el capítulo Contexto se presenta información demográfica, socioeconómica, índices de rezago social, marginación y desarrollo humano, y la división hidrológico-administrativa del territorio nacional, entre otros temas. En el...
Currently in Mexican arid regions, high pressure is applied to natural resources for their utilization, principally in the form of: uncontrolled grazing omnipresent in every corner accessible to cattle, opening high risk lands up for crop production, overexploitation of aquifers, discharge of contaminated waters, riparian areas drying up, exploration and uncontrolled exploitation of natural goods: flora, fauna, oil, gas, etc., without promotion of participatory activities for resource conservation and improvement among users, which results in a poor understanding of the precarious condition of the grassland environment. Se ejerce actualmente en México, una elevada presión de uso de los recursos naturales de estas...
Most groundwater conservation and management efforts focus on protecting groundwater for drinking water and for other human uses with little understanding or focus on the ecosystems that depend on groundwater. However, groundwater plays an integral role in sustaining certain types of aquatic, terrestrial and coastal ecosystems, and their associated landscapes. Our aim was to illuminate the connection between groundwater and surface ecosystems by identifying and mapping the distribution of groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) in California. This layer includes watersheds from the Watershed Boundary Database at the 12-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC12) scale. Each watershed is attributed with summary information...
This dataset contains values that specify different types of exclusion/inclusion for OHV use. This was generated by attaching an attribute to the CBI PAD-US v1.1.
The data available through this site is for the geographic area of Nevada. The data is available in zipped/compressed ArcGIS 10.xx file geodatabase and shapefile formats. (Some data is only available as a shapefile.) * All files have metadata when viewed through ArcGIS software (or other compatible software).
REAs synthesize the best available information about resource conditions and trends within an ecoregion. They highlight and map areas of high ecological value, including important wildlife habitats and corridors, and gauge their potential risks from climate change, wildfires, invasive species, energy development, and urban growth. REAs also map areas that have high energy development potential, and relatively low ecological value, which could be best-suited for siting future energy development. In addition, REAs establish landscape-scale baseline ecological data to gauge the effect and effectiveness of future management actions. The Sonoran Desert REA was initiated in July 2010. It has been completed and peer reviewed...
Our Mission & History Volunteers in the Tumacacoris. Photo by Trevor Hare Sky Island Alliance is a science-based conservation organization. We are dedicated to the protection and restoration of the rich natural heritage of native species and habitats in the Sky Island region of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. We work with volunteers, scientists, land owners, public officials, and government agencies to establish protected areas, restore healthy landscapes, and promote public appreciation of the region's unique biological diversity. Sky Island Alliance pioneered landscape-level conservation planning by integrating the science of conservation biology with grassroots organizing and on-the-ground...
La complejidad de los procesos sobre los cuales incide la CONANP ha requerido del desarrollo de las capacidades de seguimiento y evaluación, para conocer el grado de efectividad de las acciones en el cumplimiento de su misión. Es por ello que, en el año 2002 inició el diseño del Sistema de Información, Monitoreo y Evaluación para la Conservación (SIMEC) en la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP) con el objetivo principal de "Contar con un sistema que incorpore Indicadores Biológicos, Geográficos y Sociales, que permita dar a conocer los resultados sobre la efectividad e impacto en la aplicación de políticas públicas en las Áreas Naturales Protegidas de ámbito federal y otras modalidades de conservación"....
Los instrumentos que determinan las estrategias de conservación y uso de las áreas naturales protegidas a nivel mundial se han conceptualizado como planes o programas de manejo, programas de conservación, programas de conservación y manejo, planes rectores, planes directores, etc. En México estos instrumentos se denominaban planes de manejo, programas de trabajo, programas integrales de desarrollo, programas operativos anuales y/o programas de conservación y manejo. Con la publicación en 1988 de la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y Protección al Ambiente (LGEEPA) en la cual se mencionan como programas de manejo y en la modificación de 1996 de la misma se enuncian, en su artículo 65, como programa de manejo....
Recent research and species distribution modeling predict large changes in the distributions of species and vegetation types in the western interior of the United States in response to climate change. This volume reviews existing climate models that predict species and vegetation changes in the western United States, and it synthesizes knowledge about climate change impacts on the native fauna and flora of grasslands, shrublands and deserts of the interior American West. Species’ responses will depend not only on their physiological tolerances but also on their phenology, establishment properties, biotic interactions, and capacity to evolve and migrate. The volume is divided into eight chapters that cover the topics...
The Product: A Binational Database and Synthesis We are applying a comprehensive set of climate adaptation planning methods across a region encompassing the western United States and Canada, excluding Alaska. Such a binational analysis is timely because habitat required for meeting species habitat and connectivity needs, and for maintaining ecosystem processes, spans the boundary between the US and Canada. Planning efforts such as the LCCs are increasingly recognizing the binational scope on conservation challenges. The project will result in written products comparing and synthesizing methods, and mapped products integrating priorities from different methods. Mapped data will be available for download and via...
La estrategia para el área focal trata de abordar la necesidad de sostener los flujos de servicios ecosistémicos que sustentan la productividad de los sistemas agrícolas y pastizales. Este enfoque es coherente con las conclusiones de la Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio, que identifica el cambio de uso del suelo, el consumo de recursos naturales y el cambio climático como las tres principales causas directas de la degradación de ecosistemas terrestres. La Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio recomienda inversiones en la prevención y control de la degradación de tierras en zonas de medio y alto potencial de producción, que son esenciales para el sustento de los pueblos, y en las zonas afectadas donde...
This virtual flora and fauna was created to serve as a gateway for the environmental research community, as well as the general public, to access and contribute to a growing collection of specimen records and observations. These data represent the products of MABA research expeditions as well as historic data from herbaria, museum collections, and scientific literature. Sky Island Alliance's MABA project is a visionary initiative to catalog, protect, and restore one of the world's premier biodiversity hotspots - the Southwestern U.S. and Northwestern Mexico’s Madrean Sky Island region (Sonora, Arizona, Chihuahua, and New Mexico). MABA is committed to inventorying the wildlands and wildlife of these Sky Islands —...
This Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) was written to guide management on Cabeza Prieta NWR for the next 15 years. This plan outlines the Refuge vision and purpose and describes how Cabeza Prieta NWR will contribute to the overall mission of the Refuge System. The plan provides an introduction to the Refuge, an overview of the CCP process, management alternatives, the affected environment, and environmental consequences. Key planning issues include: wildlife and habitat management, endangered species, desert bighorn sheep management, predator management, visitor services, and public use.
¿Que es el Programa MoSI? El programa de Monitoreo de Supervivencia Invernal (MoSI) es una red internacional de colaboradores, cuyos miembros coordinan esfuerzos de anillamiento de aves en América Latina. Estos aportan información sobre el estado poblacional de muchas especies que se utiliza para definir estrategias de conservación. MoSI es coordinado por el Instituto Poblacional de Aves (IBP), una organización sin fines de lucro. Desde el 2002, el programa ha contado con la participación de unas 200 estaciones en 15 países, y ha logrado obtener información para contestar: ¿Cuáles factores influyen la persistencia de individuos durante la época invernal? ¿A dónde observamos los efectos más graves, durante la época...
Acerca del INECC Misión Generar e integrar conocimiento técnico y científico e incrementar el capital humano calificado para la formulación, conducción y evaluación de políticas públicas que conlleven a la protección del medio ambiente, preservación y restauración ecológica, crecimiento verde, así como la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático en el país. Visión Consolidar el liderazgo del Instituto en la generación e integración de conocimiento científico y tecnológico, como referente nacional e internacional, que contribuye a la toma de decisiones, formulación, conducción y evaluación de políticas públicas en las materias de ecología y cambio climático.

map background search result map search result map Inclusion / Exclusion for Off-Highway Vehicle Use Sonoran Desert Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA) Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment (MABA) Project Sky Island Alliance Assessment of Grassland Ecosystem Conditions in the Southwestern United States: Wildlife and Fish, Volume 2 National Resources Inventory Rangeland Resource Assessment Mapping Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in California Climate Change in Grasslands, Shrublands, and Deserts of the Interior American West AdaptWest - A Climate Adaptation Conservation Planning Database for Western North America Madrean Archipelago Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA) MoSI: El Monitoreo de Sobreviviencia Invernal/ Monitoring Neotropical Migrants on Their Wintering Grounds SIMEC: Sistema de Información, Monitoreo y Evaluación para la Conservación Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático Estrategia del área focal de degradación de tierras Programas De Manejo De Las Áreas Naturales Protegidas De México Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan, Wilderness Stewardship Plan, Environmental Impact Statement Value, Condition, and Alternatives for Improvement of Grasslands in Mexico/ Valor, Condición y Alternativas de Mejora de los Pastizales en México BLM Nevada Geospatial Data Atlas digital del agua México 2012 Madrean Archipelago Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA) Sky Island Alliance Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment (MABA) Project Sonoran Desert Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA) BLM Nevada Geospatial Data Mapping Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in California Value, Condition, and Alternatives for Improvement of Grasslands in Mexico/ Valor, Condición y Alternativas de Mejora de los Pastizales en México Assessment of Grassland Ecosystem Conditions in the Southwestern United States: Wildlife and Fish, Volume 2 Climate Change in Grasslands, Shrublands, and Deserts of the Interior American West Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático Estrategia del área focal de degradación de tierras Programas De Manejo De Las Áreas Naturales Protegidas De México Atlas digital del agua México 2012 SIMEC: Sistema de Información, Monitoreo y Evaluación para la Conservación AdaptWest - A Climate Adaptation Conservation Planning Database for Western North America Inclusion / Exclusion for Off-Highway Vehicle Use National Resources Inventory Rangeland Resource Assessment MoSI: El Monitoreo de Sobreviviencia Invernal/ Monitoring Neotropical Migrants on Their Wintering Grounds