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The Texas Conservation Action Plan's (TCAP) purpose is to provide a statewide "roadmap" for research, restoration, management, and recovery projects addressing Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and important habitats. SGCN include terrestrial, freshwater, and marine birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, fishes, plants and plant communities. The goal of the plan is ultimately to conserve and improve the status of these species and, as possible, prevent listings under the Endangered Species Act. The Conservation Action Plan has elements for anyone interested in conservation in Texas.
The Jornada Basin Long Term Ecological Research program, in collaboration with the USDA ARS Jornada Experimental Range, studies the causes and consequences of desertification: the broad scale expansion of woody plants into grasslands that results in more "desert like" conditions. We are interested in spatial and temporal variation in desertification dynamics, and how historic legacies, the geomorphic template, transport vectors (wind, water, animals), and environmental drivers (climate, land use, disturbance) interact with the patch structure of the vegetation to determine past, present, and future ecosystem dynamics across scales. Our study site is located in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, approximately 25 km...
This report is volume 1 of a two-volume ecological assessment of grassland ecosystems in the Southwestern United States. Broadscale assessments are syntheses of current scientific knowledge, including a description of uncertainties and assumptions, to provide a characterization and comprehensive description of ecological, social, and economic components within an assessment area. Volume 1 of this assessment focuses on the ecology, types, conditions, and management practices of Southwestern grasslands. The second volume, due to be published in 2005, describes wildlife and fish species, their habitat requirements, and species-specific management concerns, in Southwestern grasslands. This assessment is regional in...
Executive Summary This Action Plan offers a reference framework—developed through stakeholder consensus—to align, articulate and implement grassland sustainable use and management actions in the State of Chihuahua. The overall goal is not only to help in making more sustainable the productive activities related to grasslands, but also to maintain and/or to restore their capacity to provide the environmental services vital to the Chihuahuan society (e.g., aquifer recharge, carbon sequestration and biodiversity). This document represents a first collaborative effort at a State level among producers, researchers and students all with the same goal: to care, to restore and sustainably use grasslands. Those who participated...
Heritage Data Management System - HDMS The HDMS is part of a global network of more than 80 Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centres. HDMS information is available so Arizonans can make prudent decisions weighing future development, economic growth, and environmental integrity. Using published and unpublished reports, data collected by cooperating agencies, review of scientific collections, collaboration with professionals and many other sources of information, HDMS identifies wildlife, plants and geographic areas of special concern in Arizona, and consolidates information about their status and distribution within the State. Learn more about Arizona HDMS. -On-line Environmental Review Tool (ERT)....
NPS is transforming the way park resource information is managed and delivered to parks, partners, and the public. IRMA (Integrated Resource Management Applications) is the name given to the project that has guided this transformation, and to the web portal that is its end result. View or download the IRMA project brief (.pdf). IRMA is a portfolio of tools and applications, and the beginnings of a "one-stop" for data and information on park-related resources. From IRMA you can search for, view, and download documents, reports, publications, data sets, and park species lists. You can get information on park visitor numbers, park projects, and apply for a park research permit. Park staff can navigate to certain internal...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Chihuahuan Desert, English, GIS, Madrean, Mojave Desert, All tags...
El Atlas Nacional Interactivo de México (ANIM) es el marco para la integración y el descubrimiento del acervo de información estadística y geográfica del que México dispone. Como una expresión concreta de la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de México (IDEMex) en su dimensión técnica, el Atlas Nacional Interactivo de México ha sido concebido como un servicio distribuido de consulta de información geográfica en el que el usuario tiene acceso, a través de un portal web único, a servicios complementarios entre sí que encapsulan temas en capas específicas de información. Por lo que al no concentrar la información en un solo servidor, interactúa simultáneamente con los repositorios de datos de cada uno de los participantes,...
The LANDFIRE Data Distribution Site is the geospatial data gateway to search, browse, and download LANDFIRE data. The Data Distribution Site directs you to the LANDFIRE Viewer, where you can view the 30-meter resolution layers, metadata, and descriptions. This viewer provides assorted tools allowing the ability to interact and manipulate any data displayed within the viewer. Data extents are defined by dragging an extent or defining coordinates. All LANDFIRE data are free and available to everyone. The default download is an ESRI grid raster format with attributes and includes metadata in a zipped file. Options to specify different data formats and projections are available through the viewer's Modify Data Request...
The semi-arid grasslands in the Mexico-United States border region are relatively intact and provide one of the best opportunities in North America to preserve and nurture an extensive series of grassland ecosystems. The conference was organized to increase appreciation for the importance of the remaining semi-arid grasslands and to create a platform for expanding the integration of natural and social sciences among individuals and organizations. The conference was attended by ranchers, environmentalists, academics, and agency personnel from both nations. Main topics include grassland ecology and biodiversity, management and conservation, and sustainable borderland ranching. Endangered species management, especially...
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide the means for storing, querying, analyzing, correlating, modeling, and displaying digital cartographic data, remotely sensed imagery, and geographically referenced field survey and sampling data. In the business of managing public lands, the BLM collects and utilizes this data as it relates to or describes a piece of land and the resources on and under it. Data might be information about bird nesting sites or wild horse herd use areas. It might be legal land survey information or legal descriptions of land parcels. Real-time fire progression maps and maps-on-demand are two other customer products developed from this data. The common thread is that this information...
The Tohono O’odham Nation spans 2.8 million acres of Sonoran Desert habitat, ranging from grasslands in higher-rainfall areas on the east to desert scrub that dominates the drier northern and western regions. For the last three centuries, cattle-raising has provided a source of cash, food for community feasts and ceremonies, social status and political clout. However, cattle running in common made grazing and genetic management difficult and resulted in lower prices for livestock sold off the reservation. In the 1930s, without consulting local producers, the Nation was fenced into nine grazing districts, fragmenting grazing territories and keeping users from customary use areas. The result: resentment toward government...
Established in 1992, the Arizona Antelope Foundation is an organization dedicated to the welfare of pronghorn antelope. The Foundation’s Mission is to actively seek to increase pronghorn populations in Arizona through habitat improvements, habitat acquisition, the translocation of animals to historic range, and public comment on activities affecting pronghorn and their habitat. AAF GOALS: Acquire blocks of key pronghorn habitat and manage them for pronghorn. Participate in habitat manipulation projects to enhance pronghorn habitat. Develop additional water sources for pronghorn. Modify existing fences to exceed current wildlife standards. Reintroduce pronghorn into historic habitat....
In August 2013, the National Wildlife Federation joined forces with Kansas State University to host the second ever America’s Grasslands Conference - held in Manhattan, Kansas. Only a short drive from the Konza Prairie Biological Station, which just recently celebrated its 40th Birthday, the conference was located in an ideal spot to talk about grassland conservation and the future of grasslands. The conference was attended by around 215 participants from across the country, including a diverse group of researchers, conservationists, ranchers, federal and state policy experts, graduate students, and many others. The conference, which ran from August 12-14, featured over 65 speakers and included a riveting keynote...
What is the MAPS Program? The Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program is a continent-wide collaborative effort among public agencies, non-governmental groups, and individuals to assist the conservation of birds and their habitats through demographic monitoring. Since 1989, more than 1,200 MAPS stations spread across nearly every state and Canadian province have collected more than 2 million bird capture records. MAPS data provide insights into important questions such as: What factors drive avian population declines? Where are problems most acute, on the breeding or non-breeding grounds? What drives differences in population trends between particular regions or habitats? What is the relationship...
In 2001, through the efforts of the 3000 member groups of the Teaming With Wildlife Coalition (, the US Congress passed legislation now known as the State and Tribal Wildlife Grants Program (SWG) and created the nation’s core initiative for conserving our country’s biodiversity and thereby precluding the necessity of listing more species as threatened and endangered. Planning and actions to recover species that have become endangered are controversial and expensive. Annual spending on listed species in the United States has increased more than six fold over the past 10 years, to a level of over $600 million a year. The SWG program promotes proactive and collaborative conservation action before...
This portal is a web mapping platform managed and curated by members of various programs and cooperator groups within the Pacific Southwest Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is designed to showcase spatial information for particular geographies, topics, projects and administrative offices. Various searchable topics and data layers presented on this site include subsets of the data available across the Data Basin system. Members and visitors can use this portal to use or share existing maps or create their own custom maps.
This New Mexico Statewide Resources Assessment, Strategy and Response Plan intends to guide long-term Division management, but as importantly, to provide useful information to our many partners who work together to create and maintain sustainable forests and their many benefits. The Forestry Division's central purpose is to promote healthy, sustainable forests in New Mexico for the benefit of current and future generations. This mission is accomplished by working with partners interested in improving the health of the state’s forests and watersheds. This document helps the Division meet two directives: the New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Plan, completed in 2004, identifying the need for an all resources...
These map products of the North American Land Change Monitoring System (NALCMS) are a collaborative initiative between Canada, Mexico, and the United States to monitor land cover - the observed physical cover on the surface of the Earth - and its change over time. These maps represents land cover in 2005, 2010, and land cover change from 2005-2010 based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery monthly composites at 250 m spatial resolution. Nineteen land cover classes were defined using the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) standard developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations. The NALCMS was developed to depict information about land cover and...
Las colecciones del Observatorio Ambiental se encuentran conformadas por documentos y referencias de publicaciones enfocadas en las problemáticas de medio ambiente sobre el estado de Chihuahua y sus zonas aledañas, tanto dentro del territorio nacional, como con Estados Unidos. El proceso de administración y manejo de las colecciones consiste en la búsqueda, selección, clasificación y catalogación de la información pertinente al estado de Chihuahua.
NatureServe ecologists lead efforts to develop internationally standardized classifications for terrestrial ecosystems and vegetation. One classification approach is terrestrial ecological systems, mid- to local- scale ecological units useful for standardized mapping and conservation assessments of habitat diversity and landscape conditions. Each ecological system type describes complexes of plant communities influenced by similar physical environments and dynamic ecological processes (like fire or flooding). The classification defines some 800 units across the United States and has provided an effective means of mapping ecological concepts at regional/national scales in greater detail than was previously possible....

map background search result map search result map LANDFIRE Data Distribution Site Atlas Nacional Interactivo de Mexico Integrated Resource Management Applications (IRMA) Jornada Basin Spatial Data Catalog Assessment of Grassland Ecosystem Conditions in the Southwestern United States, Volume 1 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Web Mapping Gateway, Pacific Southwest Region Terrestrial Ecological Systems of the United States Plan de Acción para la Conservación y Uso Sustentable de los Pastizales del Estado de Chihuahua 2011-2016 New Mexico Statewide Resources Assessment MAPS: Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy For New Mexico Texas Conservation Action Plan Land Cover and Land Cover Change/ Cobertura del suelo y cambios en la cobertura del suelo Bibliotecas del Observatorio Ambiental Arizona Antelope Foundation A Range Management Curriculum and Participatory Planning Project for the Tohono O’odham Nation Bureau of Land Management Arizona Geospatial Data and Metadata Arizona's Natural Heritage Program Jornada Basin Spatial Data Catalog A Range Management Curriculum and Participatory Planning Project for the Tohono O’odham Nation Arizona Antelope Foundation Bureau of Land Management Arizona Geospatial Data and Metadata Arizona's Natural Heritage Program New Mexico Statewide Resources Assessment Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy For New Mexico Plan de Acción para la Conservación y Uso Sustentable de los Pastizales del Estado de Chihuahua 2011-2016 Bibliotecas del Observatorio Ambiental U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Web Mapping Gateway, Pacific Southwest Region Texas Conservation Action Plan Assessment of Grassland Ecosystem Conditions in the Southwestern United States, Volume 1 Atlas Nacional Interactivo de Mexico MAPS: Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship LANDFIRE Data Distribution Site Terrestrial Ecological Systems of the United States Land Cover and Land Cover Change/ Cobertura del suelo y cambios en la cobertura del suelo Integrated Resource Management Applications (IRMA)