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THE DESERT CONSERVATION PROGRAM - The Clark County Desert Conservation Program (DCP) manages Endangered Species Act compliance on behalf of Clark County and the cities of Boulder City, Henderson, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Mesquite and the Nevada Department of Transportation (collectively, the Permittees) through implementation of the Clark County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) and associated Section 10(a)(1)(B) incidental take permit. The DCP was established in 1990 through a collaborative forum of local government representatives, public land managers, private landowners, interest groups and individuals. Clark County serves as the implementing agent on behalf of the Permittees and the DCP...
The Nature Conservancy's Center for Science and Public Policy in Arizona was created to engage stakeholders and expertise in applied science and policy to develop new information, ideas, and tools that can help solve some of our most pressing challenges affecting people and nature. Arizona faces critical challenges in preparing for a prosperous and sustainable future. Solving pressing challenges about water supplies, how we grow, where we build our transportation and energy infrastructure, how we sustain our environment and improve quality of life will require strong, creative leadership, institutional capacity and public support. It also will require new information and tools to help problem-solve and enable...
The Nature Conservancy's New Mexico Conservation Science Program works with public & private agencies and institutions on ecological management, conservation planning, and scientific assessments to further its mission to “preserve the plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.”
About DRI Welcome to the Desert Research Institute (DRI), the environmental research arm of the Nevada System of Higher Education. DRI conducts cutting-edge applied research in air, land and life, and water quality across Nevada, the United States and on every continent. With more than 500 employees and two main campuses in Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada, DRI generates $50 million in total annual revenue. DRI’s faculty members are nontenured, entrepreneurial and responsible for their own salaries from external grants and contracts. This blend of academic rigor and private-sector pragmatism has earned DRI a reputation for delivering rapid, high quality environmental science in a businesslike fashion. Our Mission We excel...
The SWRC operates the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed in southeastern Arizona as an outdoor laboratory for studying semiarid rangeland hydrologic, ecosystem, climate, and erosion processes.
California’s State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) is a comprehensive, statewide plan for conserving the state’s fish and wildlife and their vital natural habitats for future generations. It is part of a nationwide effort by all 50 states and five U.S. territories to develop conservation action plans and participate in the federally authorized State and Tribal Wildlife Grants (SWG) Program. The purpose of the SWG Program is to support state actions that broadly benefit wildlife and habitats, but particularly the “Species of Greatest Conservation Need” (SGCN) identified by the individual states. Each state has prepared a SWAP that assesses the health of the state’s wildlife and habitats, identifies the problems they...
NatureServe worked with several federal, state, and NGO partners in the United States and Mexico to conduct a climate change vulnerability assessment of major natural community types found within the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. The project focused on ten major upland, riparian, and aquatic community types, including pinyon-juniper woodlands, Joshua tree-blackbrush scrub, creosote-bursage scrub, salt desert scrub, Paloverde-mixed cacti scrub, semi-desert grassland, desert riparian and stream, riparian mesquite bosque, and desert springs. This effort piloted a new Habitat Climate Change Vulnerability Index (HCCVI) approach being developed by NatureServe, as a companion to an existing index for species. The project...
Natural grassland ecosystems across the United States are diverse, shaped and governed by a range of floristic, edaphic, physiographic, and climatic factors. North American grasslands, which are between 30˚ and 60˚ latitude and include the grasslands of the American Southwest, are considered temperate grasslands.
A Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) provides management direction for a refuge for 15 years. With input for the public, the Service forms a vision of a refuge's desired conditions and the actions needed to achieve it. A refuge's vision may include improved habitat conditions and expanded public use programs that are compatible with resource conservation.
La Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP) ha desarrollado en los últimos años una herramienta primordial para la toma de decisiones en el manejo de las diferentes Áreas Naturales Protegidas del país: el Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG). El SIG tiene por objetivo integrar y mantener actualizada la información geográfica en materia de áreas naturales protegidas federales. Como parte del proceso de regionalización que ha venido impulsando la CONANP, desde el mes de noviembre de 2004 el SIG se incorporó a la Dirección de Evaluación y Seguimiento, integrándose al Sistema de Información, Monitoreo y Evaluación para la Conservación (SIMEC). A partir de esa fecha la Oficina Central del SIG opera...
El cambio climático es un problema con características únicas, ya que es de naturaleza global, sus impactos mayores serán en el largo plazo e involucra interacciones complejas entre procesos naturales (fenómenos ecológicos y climáticos) y procesos sociales, económicos y políticos a escala mundial. Dada la importancia del tema, el Instituto Nacional de Ecología, como parte de su misión de generar y difundir información científica y técnica sobre problemas ambientales prioritarios solicitó a un grupo de especialistas de diversas disciplinas que contribuyeran a este libro aportando y compartiendo sus conocimientos y experiencias sobre los aspectos científicos, sociales, económicos e institucionales del cambio climático....
The purpose of this Integrated Natural Resources Plan (INRMP) is to guide and document the manner in which the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground (USAYPG or YPG) sutains the military mission on the installation while managing the ecological health of our natural resources area. The INRMP will ensure sound land management, environmental stewardship, and compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and applicable state and federal management plans, are consider during mission and project planning activities and that no net loss of mission capacity results from meeting our stewardship responsibilities. The INRMP is consistent with military requirements and the Sikes Act and associated amendments. Management of natural...
Mapa Digital de México es un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), desarrollado por el INEGI, que integra información de los elementos naturales y culturales que conforman el entorno geográfico del país y permite relacionarlos con información estadística. Se ofrece en dos modalidades, que buscan atender distintas necesidades de los usuarios: Mapa Digital de México en línea. Facilita la consulta de 168 capas de información sobre cartografía urbana (carreteras, localidades e infraestructura en general) y recursos naturales (ríos, lagos, montañas, vegetación, etc.) de nuestro territorio, y permite búsquedas rápidas. Mapa Digital de México para escritorio. Es una versión más amplia y desarrollada para instalarse...
The human footprint map focuses on shrubland ecosystems and combines models of habitat use by synanthropic predators (“top-down” effects) and the risk of invasive plant presence (“bottom-up” effects) to estimate the total influence of human activities. Humans have dramatically altered wildlands in the western United States over the past 100 years by using these lands and the resources they provide. Anthropogenic changes to the landscape, such as urban expansion, construction of roads, power lines, and other networks and land uses necessary to maintain human populations influence the number and kinds of plants and wildlife that remain. We developed the map of the human footprint for the western United States from...
We combine climate and soil properties with a mechanistic soil water model to explain temporal fluctuations in perennial grass cover, quantify where and the degree to which incorporating soil water dynamics enhances our ability to understand temporal patterns, and explore the potential consequences of climate change by assessing future trajectories of important climate and soil water variables. Our analyses focused on long-term (20 to 56 years) perennial grass dynamics across the Colorado Plateau, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan Desert regions. We found that climate variability has negative effects on grass cover, and that precipitation subsidies that extend growing seasons are beneficial. Projections of water balance variables...
About: The beneficial management practices found in this online tool were compiled by experts involved in the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s (CEC) North American Grasslands: Management Initiatives and Partnerships to Enhance Ecosystem and Community Resilience and Catalyzing North American Grasslands Conservation and Sustainable Use Through Partnerships projects. Around one hundred beneficial management practices were identified through a meta-analysis of publications, reports, and documents regarding grassland stewardship from ranchers, ranching associations, conservation organizations, government programs and academic institutions published between 1993 and 2013. While practices range from the use...
Metadata:, 69,967kB, 11 March 2008. Feature type: ArcGRID. Completeness of data: 100% of Nevada plus edges of adjacent states. Currency of data: various, up to winter 2007/08; updates are expected in the future. Scale at which data are believed to meet National Map Accuracy Standards: 1:100,000 in most areas. Key attributes: International Vegetation Classification (IVC) types at ecological system, alliance, and association levels, with additional fields indicating the IVC level, IVC code, and origin of the data. See the accompanying documentation on our Library page. An ArcGIS layer file is included for convenient display symbology. The data table is included as an Excel file as well.
In the border region between Mexico, Arizona and New Mexico, a little known landscape supports a unique mix of temperate and subtropical ecosystems, the likes of which are found nowhere else in the United States. The Sky Islands are an area of more than 40 separate mountain ranges isolated by what was once a sea of more than 13 million acres of grassland. It is one of America’s hotspots for wildlife diversity, hosting more than twice as many mammal species as Yellowstone National Park and supporting the nation’s highest diversity of reptiles, bees, and ants. Additionally, these grasslands are a key connecting landscape between the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains to the North and...
The following plans are in various stages of preparation, from early pre-planning to complete. The list includes the name of the National Wildlife Refuge, location reference, type of plan being prepared, general plan status, name of planning team leader, and planner's contact information including a clickable email link. The plans are arranged geographically by the four states of the Southwest Region: Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
A bi-national team was convened in 1998 to compile and analyze biological and ecological data for the 55-million acre (22 million ha) Sonoran Desert Ecoregion, which comprises parts of Arizona, California, Sonora, and Baja, California. The objective of this project was to use a science-based approach to identify a network of Conservation Sites throughout the Ecoregion that, with proper management, would ensure the long-term persistence of the Ecoregion's biodiversity, including rare and common species, native vegetation communities, and the ecological processes needed to maintain these elements of biodiversity. The technical team convened to compile and analyze data included staff from The Nature Conservancy, Sonoran...

map background search result map search result map The Human Footprint in the West Mapa Digital de Mexico Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Strategies for Natural Communities New Mexico Conservation Science Online Data Access, Southwest Watershed Research Center Sistema de Información Geográfica CONANP Clark County Desert Conservation Program California State Wildlife Action Plan An Ecological Analysis of Conservation Priorities in the Sonoran Desert Ecoregion Cambio climático Desert grassland responses to climate and soil moisture suggest divergent vulnerabilities across the southwestern United States Grasslands Beneficial Management Practices/ Buenas Prácticas de Manejo de Pastizales Center for Science and Public Policy U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Refuges Southwest Region Plans in Progress & Completed Plans U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Refuges Pacific Southwest Region Comprehensive Conservation Plan A Synthesis of Vegetation Maps for Nevada Sky Island Grasslands Draft Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground Online Data Access, Southwest Watershed Research Center Draft Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground Clark County Desert Conservation Program Sky Island Grasslands Desert grassland responses to climate and soil moisture suggest divergent vulnerabilities across the southwestern United States Center for Science and Public Policy New Mexico Conservation Science A Synthesis of Vegetation Maps for Nevada An Ecological Analysis of Conservation Priorities in the Sonoran Desert Ecoregion Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Strategies for Natural Communities California State Wildlife Action Plan U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Refuges Pacific Southwest Region Comprehensive Conservation Plan U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Refuges Southwest Region Plans in Progress & Completed Plans The Human Footprint in the West Mapa Digital de Mexico Cambio climático Grasslands Beneficial Management Practices/ Buenas Prácticas de Manejo de Pastizales Sistema de Información Geográfica CONANP