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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > Northwest CASC > FY 2015 Projects ( Show direct descendants )

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As the impacts of climate change amplify, understanding the consequences for wetland dynamics will be critical for their sustainable management and conservation, particularly in arid regions such as the CP ecoregion. However, the data to model climate impacts to wetland ecosystems has been hampered by the lack of accurate maps showing their spatial distribution and data on their historical hydrological dynamics. Though these data may exist for particular wetlands, there are no wall-to-wall consistent datasets of wetland location and long-term hydrological dynamics. Climate change has emphasized the growing need to plan conservation actions across large landscapes and at a longer-term time scales. As such, consistent...
This project is an effort to understand the projections of climate change on the Northwest's climate,hydrology and vegetation.
The Northwest Climate Conference (formerly called the Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference) is the premier climate science event for the region, providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to share scientific results and discuss challenges and solutions related to the impacts of climate change on people, natural resources, and infrastructure in the Northwest. Conference participants include policy- and decision-makers, resource managers, and scientists from academia, public agencies, sovereign tribal nations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. More information can be found at the conference website: The Sixth Annual Northwest Climate Conference...
The annual Northwest Climate Conference is the region's premier opportunity for a cross-disciplinary exchange of knowledge and ideas relating to climate impacts and adaptation. The conference brings together hundreds of researchers, resource managers and policy makers from academia, public agencies, sovereign tribal nations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector, to share the latest climate science, challenges to infrastructure, industry, environment and communities, and adaptive solutions. The conference also provides a forum for scientist, manager, and practitioner collaboration and discussion of emerging challenges, policy and management objectives, and information needs related to regional climate...
This product is an archive of the modeling artifacts used to produce a journal paper (Van Beusekom and Viger, 2016). The abstract for that paper follows. A module to simulate glacier runoff, PRMSglacier, was added to PRMS (Precipitation Runoff Modeling System), a distributed-parameter, physical-process hydrological simulation code. The extension does not require extensive on-glacier measurements or computational expense but still relies on physical principles over empirical relations as much as is feasible while maintaining model usability. PRMSglacier is validated on two basins in Alaska, Wolverine, and Gulkana Glacier basin, which have been studied since 1966 and have a substantial amount of data with which to...
The Integrated Scenarios (IS) of the Future Northwest Environment project resulted in several datasets describing projected changes in climate, hydrology and vegetation for the 21st century over the Northwestern US. At the conclusion of the IS project in August 2014, it was recognized that many data users would be challenged to use the IS data due to 1) the sheer size of these datasets (~ 20 Terabytes of data), 2) the specific file format (netCDF) of the IS data, and 3) the unfamiliarity of appropriate methods for analyzing climate scenarios. To address these issues, the Integrated Scenarios Tools project was funded with the aim of creating a website for the IS project focusing on providing: 1) information on and...
These data describe the water year (October-September) precipitation and summer (JJA) NDVI for the riparian areas along four creeks on the Silvies Valley Ranch. Each of these creeks had a series of rock checkdams installed between 2006 and 2011 to stop incision and raise the mean water level. Data in this file are used to examine the relationship between water year precipiation and summer NDVI in these watersheds and how that relationship may have changed with the installation of the dams.
The increasing threat of drought to the productivity of US rangelands is a socioeconomic and ecological problem that needs pragmatic solutions. The urgency of this issue has fostered partnerships between private landowners and public natural resource managers to find solutions. The use of North American beaver (Castor canadensis) to increase surface water in arid landscapes is one pre-emptive measure that is gaining interest because of the remarkable ability of beavers to impound water. In places where beaver are no longer present, some landowners and managers are installing artificial structures made of rock and wood with the intention of mimicking effects of beaver dams. Although this ecosystem engineering is...
The goal of the Available Science Assessment Project (ASAP) is to synthesize and evaluate the body of scientific knowledge on specific, on-the-ground CAAs to determine the conditions, timeframes, and geographic areas where particular CAAs may be most effective for resource managers. We have derived a methodology that utilizes literature reviews and interviews, an expert elicitation process, and extensive engagement with natural resource managers and scientists from federal, state, tribal, and private entities in Washington and Oregon working to address sea level rise. We will convene a Scientific Expert Panel to provide independent scientific advice and recommendations to guide the project throughout its lifetime...
Glaciers are a central component to the hydrology of many areas in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. Glacier melt plays a crucial role in the movement of nutrients through a landscape and into the ocean, and the flow of water into streams that sustain many species. As air temperatures rise, increased rates of glacier melt may have significant impacts to the hydrology and ecology in these areas. This project aims to broaden our understanding of the role of glaciers in the hydrology of Alaska and Washington state and incorporate this knowledge into two types of models that simulate past and future scenarios of water flow. The project team aims to develop a public web portal to allow users to explore content, access...

map background search result map search result map Support for the Sixth Annual Northwest Climate Conference Understanding the Impacts of Glaciers on Streamflow in Alaska and Washington CP_Wetlands Map Package Test Silvies Valley Ranch Stream Restoration Sites, 1983-2016 Silvies Valley Ranch Stream Restoration Sites, 1983-2016 CP_Wetlands Map Package Test Support for the Sixth Annual Northwest Climate Conference Understanding the Impacts of Glaciers on Streamflow in Alaska and Washington