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_____Conservation Adaptation Planning for Landscape and Climate Change in the Southeast
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Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Longleaf pine (LLP, Pinus palustris) has been reduced to 3–5% of its original range, but may be particularly resilient to conditions associated with climate change including drought, severe storms, and increased prevalence of pests. Despite the critical role of LLP in building climate resilient ecosystems, little is known about how landscape managers in the region have considered climate change in planning efforts. We gathered 83 publicly accessible natural resource management plans from the southeastern United States that included management of LLP ecosystems between 1999 and 2016. We used document analysis to identify how plans addressed climate change threats on LLP, considered climate change in identification...
Introduction (from The southeastern United States is experiencing high rates of population growth, urbanization, land use change, and rapidly shifting climatic conditions. Collectively, these changes present considerable near and long-term challenges to the health and sustainability of the region’s fish and wildlife populations. Employing a collaborative, forward-looking conservation approach represents a key step towards addressing these challenges and was the impetus for the establishment of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS). SECAS consists of diverse state, federal, non-profit, and private organizations, working together to identify and coordinate shared conservation goals and...
Abstract (from Science of The Total Environment): Globally increasing wildfires have been attributed to anthropogenic climate change. However, providing decision makers with a clear understanding of how future planetary warming could affect fire regimes is complicated by confounding land use factors that influence wildfire and by uncertainty associated with model simulations of climate change. We use an ensemble of statistically downscaled Global Climate Models in combination with the Physical Chemistry Fire Frequency Model (PC2FM) to project changing potential fire probabilities in the conterminous United States for two scenarios representing lower (RCP 4.5) and higher (RCP 8.5) greenhouse gas emission futures....
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...
Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria are met. This dataset contains results from a study examining the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the southeastern United States. A set of burn window criteria (suitable weather conditions within which burning may occur based on maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and daily average wind speed), were applied to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCM) under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as well as past observations for comparison. Data are...

map background search result map search result map Historical and Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States Seasonal Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 Seasonal Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States - September-November 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 Seasonal Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States - December-February 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 CSIRO Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 INMCM Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 BCC Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 BCCM Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 CAN Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 INMCM Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 MIROC Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 MIROCESMCHM Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 HADCC Historical Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 1950-1999 INMCM Historical Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 1950-1999 IPSL-CM5A-MR Historical Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 1950-1999 MRI Historical Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 1950-1999 Seasonal Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States - June-August 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 Historical and Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States Seasonal Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 Seasonal Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States - September-November 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 Seasonal Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States - December-February 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 CSIRO Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 INMCM Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 4.5 BCC Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 BCCM Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 CAN Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 INMCM Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 MIROC Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 MIROCESMCHM Monthly Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 2010-2099 RCP 8.5 HADCC Historical Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 1950-1999 INMCM Historical Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 1950-1999 IPSL-CM5A-MR Historical Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 1950-1999 MRI Historical Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States 1950-1999 Seasonal Future Prescribed Burn Windows for the Southeast United States - June-August 2010-2099 RCP 8.5