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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center ( Show direct descendants )

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The dataset folder entitled “SabLa” holds data structures consisting of statistical predictions of daily salinity time series for the Sabine Lake (SabLa) group, generated from the makESTUSAL software repository described by Asquith and others (2023b). The statistical methods included multiple methods of machine learning, which produced the daily salinity prediction and attendant credible uncertainties included in the data release. The geographic scope of the SabLa group includes the predictions for two locations defined using agency code and salinity site abbreviations.
This dataset is a digital elevation model (DEM) of the beach topography and near-shore bathymetry of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. The DEM has a 10-meter (m; 32.8084 feet) cell size and was created from a LAS (industry-standard binary format for storing large point clouds) dataset of terrestrial light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data representing the beach topography and sonar data representing the bathymetry to approximately 1.3 kilometers (0.8 miles) offshore. Average point spacing of the LAS files in the dataset are as follows: LiDAR, 0.137 m; multi-beam sonar, 1.029 m; single-beam sonar, 0.999 m. LiDAR data were collected August 10, 2019 using a boat-mounted Optech ILRIS scanner and...
Groundwater is a vital resource to the Mississippi embayment region of the central United States. Regional and integrated assessments of water availability that link physical flow models and water quality in principal aquifer systems provide context for the long-term availability of these water resources. An innovative approach using machine learning was employed to predict groundwater pH across drinking water aquifers of the Mississippi embayment. The region includes two principal regional aquifer systems; the Mississippi River Valley alluvial (MRVA) aquifer and the Mississippi embayment aquifer system that includes several regional aquifers and confining units. Based on the distribution of groundwater use for...
This report describes the thickness and areal extent of the Sparta aquifer, identifies sands within the fresh-water extent of the aquifer, and presents data and a map that illustrate the generalized potentiometric surface (water levels) during October 1996. The report includes a detailed geophysical log, structure contour maps, hydrogeologic sections, and hydrographs of water levels in selected wells. The potentiometric surface-map can be used for determining direction of ground-water flow, hydraulic gradients, and the effects of withdrawals on the aquifer.
The Bonnet Carré Spillway (BCS), located about 28 miles northwest of New Orleans, was constructed by the US Army Corp of Engineers in the early 1930s as part of an integrated flood-control system for the lower Mississippi River (MR). The BCS control structure consists of 350 individual bays that can be opened to divert water from the river to Lake Pontchartrain to relieve pressure on downstream levees. Lake Pontchartrain (LP) is hydrologically connected to the Mississippi Sound (MS Sound) and the Gulf of Mexico and is more accurately characterized as an estuarine embayment. BCS openings have occurred twelve times prior to 2019 because of high Mississippi River stages, typically in late spring. In 2019, the spillway...
This data release consists of the data used to develop SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed(SPARROW) attributes models for estimating loads of total phosphorus and total nitrogen in Tennessee streams. These data support the publication containing the Tennessee SPARROW models results (Hoos and others, 2019) and include model input used in the South Atlantic-Gulf Drainages and Tennessee River Basin (SAGT) nutrient SPARROW models (Hoos and McMahon, 2009; Garcia and others, 2011) as well as model input for river basins in Tennessee not included in the domain of the published SAGT SPARROW models. Also included in this data release are model coefficients, the software required to execute the Tennessee SPARROW...
This data release consists of the data used to develop SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed(SPARROW) attributes models for estimating loads of total phosphorus and total nitrogen in Tennessee streams. These data support the publication containing the Tennessee SPARROW models results (Hoos and others, 2019) and include model input used in the South Atlantic-Gulf Drainages and Tennessee River Basin (SAGT) nutrient SPARROW models (Hoos and McMahon, 2009; Garcia and others, 2011) as well as model input for river basins in Tennessee not included in the domain of the published SAGT SPARROW models. Also included in this data release are model coefficients, the software required to execute the Tennessee SPARROW...
This data release consists of the data used to develop SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed(SPARROW) attributes models for estimating loads of total phosphorus and total nitrogen in Tennessee streams. These data support the publication containing the Tennessee SPARROW models results (Hoos and others, 2019) and include model input used in the South Atlantic-Gulf Drainages and Tennessee River Basin (SAGT) nutrient SPARROW models (Hoos and McMahon, 2009; Garcia and others, 2011) as well as model input for river basins in Tennessee not included in the domain of the published SAGT SPARROW models. Also included in this data release are model coefficients, the software required to execute the Tennessee SPARROW...
The study of the geohydrology of the Sparta Sand is the initial phase in the investigation of the geohydrology of the Claiborne Group. The thicker sections of the Sparta Sand lie along the axes of the Mississippi embayment and Desha basin. The area of maximum thickness, 1,100-1,200 feet, is in Claiborne and Warren Counties, Miss., and Madison Parish, La. Local thickening or thinning over some structures indicates structural movement during Sparta time. A sand-percentage map prepared from data derived from interpretation of electric logs indicates that the Sparta Sand was deposited as a delta-fluvial plain complex in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. This complex shows a text-book example of a well-developed...
Data provided in this release support the findings in Choquette et al. (2019), utilizing methods for evaluating water-quality and daily-streamflow trends described also in Hirsch and DeCicco (2015 and 2018a) and Hirsch (2018). The trend results and model-input data focus on 10 locations in the Lake Erie watershed that have long-term (20 or more years) water-quality and streamflow monitoring records. The trend results include the years 1987 through 2016 or specified sub-periods during this time frame. The model-input data records spanned the time period 1974 through 2016 although record lengths varied by site, data type, and trend analysis. The water-quality records were provided by the National Center for Water...
Groundwater is a vital resource in the Mississippi embayment of the central United States. An innovative approach using machine learning (ML) was employed to predict groundwater salinity—including specific conductance (SC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and chloride (Cl) concentrations—across three drinking-water aquifers of the Mississippi embayment. A ML approach was used because it accommodates a large and diverse set of explanatory variables, does not assume monotonic relations between predictors and response data, and results can be extrapolated to areas of the aquifer not sampled. These aspects of ML allowed potential drivers and sources of high salinity water that have been hypothesized in other studies to...
The Nacatoch Sand in southwestern Arkansas, hereafter referred to as the Nacatoch aquifer, is a source of groundwater for agricultural, domestic, industrial, and public use in Clark, Hempstead, Little River, Miller, and Nevada counties. Water-level altitudes measured in 39 wells completed in the Nacatoch aquifer were used to create a potentiometric-surface map. Groundwater flow direction is towards the south and southeast in Hempstead, Little River, and Nevada Counties in southwestern Arkansas. A possible cone of depression may exist in southern Clark County and likely alters groundwater flow from a regional direction toward the depression. This shapefile depicts the generalized study area of the Southwest Nacatoch...
The Tokio Formation in southwestern Arkansas, hereafter referred to as the Tokio aquifer, is a source of groundwater for agricultural, domestic, industrial, and public use in Clark, Hempstead, Little River, Miller, Nevada, and Pike counties. Water-level altitudes measured 42 wells completed in the Tokio aquifer during 2014 and 2015 were used to create a potentiometric-surface map. In southwestern Arkansas, potentiometric surfaces indicate that groundwater flow in the Tokio aquifer is towards the city of Hope. Northwest of the city of Hope, a cone of depression may exist. In southwestern Pike, northwestern Nevada, and northeastern Hempstead Counties, an area of artesian flow (water levels are at or above land surface)...
Nutrient and phytoplankton data indicate poor environmental health in four oxbow lakes in central Louisiana suggesting that long-term agriculture practices and increases in shoreline development have accelerated eutrophication. Surface-water quality and phytoplankton indicators of eutrophication were examined at Lake Bruin, Lake St. John, Lake St. Joseph, and False River Lake along an eutrophication gradient. These oxbow lakes are cut-off meanders of the Mississippi River that do not receive overbank flow from the river due to the levee system built in the early twentieth century. Oxbows have formed at various times in the last few hundred years as the Mississippi River carves a more efficient hydrologic route to...
To improve flood-frequency estimates at rural streams in Mississippi, annual exceedance probability flows at gaged streams in Mississippi and regional-regression equations, used to estimate annual exceedance probability (AEP) flows for ungaged streams in Mississippi, were developed by using current geospatial data, additional statistical methods, and annual peak-flow data through the 2013 water year. The regional-regression equations were derived from statistical analyses of peak-flow data, basin characteristics associated with 281 streamgages, the generalized skew from Bulletin 17B (Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, 1982), and a newly developed study-specific skew for select four-digit hydrologic unit...
Tags: environment
The DEM Geomorphology Toolbox enables users to derive geomorphic and hydrologic information from raster-based digital elevation models (DEMs). This toolbox contains the following tools: (1) Add Culverts, (2) Bank Slope, (3) Channel Depth, (4) Channel Slope, (5) Flow Network, (6) Rough Terrain, and (7) Slope-Area Index. Each tool includes detailed user instructions concerning data inputs, parameter settings, default settings, and output files. Please consult the DEM Geomorphology Toolbox Metadata and Instructional Guide for details.
Heavy rainfall occurred across Louisiana during March 8-19, 2016, as a result of a massive, slow-moving southward dip in the jet stream, which moved eastward across Mexico, then neared the Gulf Coast, funneling deep tropical moisture into parts of the Gulf States and the Mississippi River Valley. The storm caused major flooding in north-central and southeastern Louisiana. Digital flood-inundation maps for Cross Lake near the community of Shreveport in Caddo Parish, LA was created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to support response and recovery operations following a March 8-19, 2016 flood event. The inundation maps depict estimates of the areal...
Heavy rainfall occurred across Louisiana during March 8-19, 2016, as a result of a massive, slow-moving southward dip in the jet stream, which moved eastward across Mexico, then neared the Gulf Coast, funneling deep tropical moisture into parts of the Gulf States and the Mississippi River Valley. The storm caused major flooding in north-central and southeastern Louisiana. Digital flood-inundation maps for a 13.5-mile reach within the community of South Shreveport near Wallace Lake in Caddo Parish and De Soto Parish, LA was created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to support response and recovery operations following a March 8-19, 2016 flood event....
The dataset folder entitled “FloCo” holds data structures consisting of statistical predictions of daily salinity time series for the North Florida Gulf Coast (FloCo) group, generated from the makESTUSAL software repository described by Asquith and others (2023b). The statistical methods included multiple methods of machine learning, which produced the daily salinity prediction and attendant credible uncertainties included in the data release. The geographic scope of the FloCo group includes the predictions for ten locations defined using agency code and salinity site abbreviations.
Airborne geophysical surveys were acquired in March 2018 and May 25 through August 7, 2021 using a helicopter-based platform. These surveys were collected along 10,706 line-kilometers (line-km) within selected areas of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) and the Chicot Aquifer System in the southeastern United States. The airborne geophysical surveys include electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric sensor data collected in rivers and levees throughout the two areas to evaluate groundwater and surface-water interaction, riverine ecosystems, and infrastructure. This data release contains three child items that provide: Minimally processed (raw) data supplied by the airborne contractor (Xcalibur Multiphysics)...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: "Geomorphology"], "Hydrology", "Sedimentology", "Stratigraphy", "Water Resources", All tags...

map background search result map search result map Wallace Lake Flood Map Files Cross Lake Flood Map Files Tokio potentiometric contours.shp SW Nacatoch study area.shp Lake St. John Flood Region B Nutrient and streamflow model-input data (1974-2016) and trend results (1987-2016) for selected Lake Erie tributaries Names of 10-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC10) watersheds in the state of Tennessee Shapefile of stream reaches used in Tennessee SPARROW models Structure Contours of the Base of the Sparta Sand from Plate 3, 1968, from Hydrologic significance of the lithofacies of the Sparta Sand in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas (Payne, 1968) Structure Contours from Top of Sparta Aquifer from Figure 2, 1996, from Hydrogeology and Potentiometric Surface of the Sparta Aquifer in Northern Louisiana, October 1996 (Brantly, Seanor, and McCoy, 2002) Machine-learning model predictions and groundwater-quality rasters of specific conductance, total dissolved solids, and chloride in aquifers of the Mississippi embayment Scenario calculator for Tennessee SPARROW nutrient models Beach topography and near-shore bathymetry of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 Prediction grids of pH Benthic Algae and Phytoplankton Community and Toxin Data for Selected Stations in the Mississippi Sound, 2019 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric surveys of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain and Chicot Aquifer System, March 2018 and May - August 2021 FloCo SabLa Beach topography and near-shore bathymetry of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 Wallace Lake Flood Map Files Cross Lake Flood Map Files Lake St. John SabLa Tokio potentiometric contours.shp FloCo SW Nacatoch study area.shp Benthic Algae and Phytoplankton Community and Toxin Data for Selected Stations in the Mississippi Sound, 2019 Structure Contours from Top of Sparta Aquifer from Figure 2, 1996, from Hydrogeology and Potentiometric Surface of the Sparta Aquifer in Northern Louisiana, October 1996 (Brantly, Seanor, and McCoy, 2002) Flood Region B Nutrient and streamflow model-input data (1974-2016) and trend results (1987-2016) for selected Lake Erie tributaries Structure Contours of the Base of the Sparta Sand from Plate 3, 1968, from Hydrologic significance of the lithofacies of the Sparta Sand in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas (Payne, 1968) Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric surveys of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain and Chicot Aquifer System, March 2018 and May - August 2021 Machine-learning model predictions and groundwater-quality rasters of specific conductance, total dissolved solids, and chloride in aquifers of the Mississippi embayment Prediction grids of pH Names of 10-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC10) watersheds in the state of Tennessee Shapefile of stream reaches used in Tennessee SPARROW models Scenario calculator for Tennessee SPARROW nutrient models