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This child item dataset contains a shapefile of locations where USGS benchmarks were installed along the Old Erie Canal. This data release contains spatial datasets of bathymetry, water velocity, water quality, and infrastructure of a 30.8 mile reach of the Old Erie Canal between the Town of DeWitt and its junction with the current Erie Canal of the New York State Canal System in Verona, near Rome, New York during 2018 and 2019.
This child item dataset contains a shapefile of the geographic extent of the Old Erie Canal. This data release contains spatial datasets of bathymetry, water velocity, water quality, and infrastructure of a 30.8 mile reach of the Old Erie Canal between the Town of DeWitt and its junction with the current Erie Canal of the New York State Canal System in Verona, near Rome, New York during 2018 and 2019.
In cooperation with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected water and bed sediment samples along Alley Creek (Queens, New York) to help determine likely sources of fecal bacteria to the creek and Little Neck Bay. Potential terrestrial sources include stormwater, sewage via combined sewer overflow (CSO) and compromised infrastructure, bed-sediment resuspension, and groundwater discharge. Host sources that were targeted using microbial source tracking (MST) techniques included human, canine, waterfowl, and general Bacteroides. Routine water samples were collected and analyzed for the fecal indicator bacteria enterococci and fecal coliform, along...
The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the Tug Hill Commission, the Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Tug Hill Land Trust studied the northern and central parts of the Tug Hill glacial aquifer to help communities make sound decisions about the groundwater resource. This child item dataset contains locations of water level contours for the northern and central parts of the Tug Hill aquifer.
Fish tissue from 203 samples collected at five locations in the Niagara River Area of Concern in 2018 were analyzed for a wide range of analytes including Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides (E1 and E2), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), organochlorine and other persistent organic compounds, metals, lipid and moisture. Over 230 analytes were analyzed in the tissue samples, including 160 PCB congeners. Fish tissues from a subset of the sites (n=40) were also analyzed for Dioxins and Furans. The data set includes a variety of laboratory quality assurance data including sample replicates, laboratory blank data, laboratory spike data, matrix spike recoveries, and replicate matrix spike recoveries.
Static flood inundation boundary extents were created along the entire shoreline of Lake Ontario in Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Oswego, and Wayne Counties in New York by using recently acquired (2007, 2010, 2014, and 2017) light detection and ranging (lidar) data. The flood inundation maps, accessible through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Program website at, depict estimates of the areal extent and water depth of shoreline flooding in 8 segments corresponding to adjacent water-surface elevations (stages) at 8 USGS lake gages on Lake Ontario. This item includes data sets for segment E - Lake Ontario...
This dataset contains raster grids of water surface elevation for 15 modeled water-surface profiles at 5 flood frequencies (50- , 10,- 2- , 1- , and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities, or 2- , 10- , 50- , 100- , and 500-year recurrence intervals) and 3 lake levels (representing average conditions, a 2-year-high condition, and a 100-year-high condition).
From April through September of 2018, water-quality data were collected at 35 locations from select tributaries, embayments, and nearshore lake locations along New York's portion of Lake Ontario in support of the 2018 Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and the Lakewide Action Management Plan. These data include environmental, replicate, and blank samples of nutrients, suspended solids, sodium, and chloride, as well as field measurements of physical parameters (temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, phycocyanin relative fluorescence, chlorophyll relative fluorescence, photosynthetically active radiation, and phycocyanin:cholorphyll...
In 2011, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Town of Newfield and the Tompkins County Planning Department, began a study of the stratified-drift aquifers in the West Branch Cayuga Inlet and Fish Kill valleys in the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, New York. The objective of this study was to characterize the hydrogeology and water quality of the stratified-drift aquifers in the West Branch Cayuga Inlet and Fish Kill valleys and produce a summary report of the findings. This dataset contains locations of unconfined aquifer boundaries in West Branch Cayuga Inlet and Fish Kill Valleys, Newfield, Tompkins County, New York.
This folder contains the raw and processed TEM data and inverted soundings showing resistivity (in ohm-m) with depth for all survey sites that were part of transect 1. In October and November 2016-2017, transient electromagnetic (TEM) data, also called time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys, were acquired at 120 locations in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, in New York, in order to characterize the subsurface resistivity structure in support of a U.S. Geological Survey groundwater investigation. The TEM data were collected as part of a project to evaluate geophysical methods to characterize the valley-fill sediments, underlying bedrock, and salinity of the subsurface. TEM data were collected using an ABEM...
A digital representation of closed depression features overlying and adjacent to New York’s carbonate-bedrock aquifers. Includes closed depressions that are both natural and anthropogenic in origin. The features were derived from a digital contour database obtained from The original contour dataset was generated from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) and the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) in a fully automated process. The process is described in U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5167.
Macroinvertebrate samples were collected from streams tributary to Honnedaga Lake and from the Middle Branch of the Black River during 2012-2016 and analyzed for methylmercury concentrations and for stable isotope ratios of nitrogen and carbon. Macroinvertebrates were identified in the field, and the level of taxonomic resolution varied from order to species; most taxa were identified to the family level. Specimens were field-processed into composite samples, field-frozen, and submitted to the mercury laboratory for freeze-drying and analysis. Subsamples were then submitted to the stable isotope laboratory for analysis of nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios. This database contains the resulting data and associated...
These data represent mercury (Hg), filtered total Hg (FTHg), filtered methylmercury (FMHg), particulate total Hg (PTHg), particulate methylmercury (PMHg), total mercury (THg), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations in surface water samples collected on Bad River Tribal lands. Several samples were collected at multiple locations on the Bad River and Tyler Forks Creek, and one location on Bull Gus Creek. Additionally, one sample was collected at each of four unknown locations on four Bad River tributaries and two samples at a lake of unknown location. All samples were collected during 2006 to 2016. Neither the collection of water samples nor the Hg analyses were performed by the...
In October and November 2016-2017, transient electromagnetic (TEM) data, also called time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys, were acquired at 120 locations in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, New York, in order to characterize the subsurface resistivity structure in support of a U.S. Geological Survey groundwater investigation. The TEM data were collected as part of a project to evaluate geophysical methods to characterize the valley-fill sediments, underlying bedrock, and salinity of the subsurface. TEM data were collected using an ABEM WalkTEM unit (acquisition software V 1.1.0 and newer) using two transmitter loop (Tx) sizes, 100 by 100 meter square and 40 by 40 meters square, a center-loop receiver...
From May 2017 to November 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted bathymetric surveys of New York City's East of Hudson Reservoirs. Bathymetry data were collected at Kirk Lake during June 2017. Depth data were collected primarily with a multibeam echosounder. Quality assurance points were measured with a single-beam echosounder. Water surface elevations were established using real-time kinematic (RTK) and static global navigation satellite system (GNSS) surveys and submersible pressure transducers. Measured sound velocity profiles were used to correct echosounder depth measurements for thermal stratification. Digital elevation models were created by combining the measured bathymetry data with lidar elevation...
From May 2017 to November 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted bathymetric surveys of New York City's East of Hudson Reservoirs. Bathymetry data were collected at Lake Gleneida during May 2017. Depth data were collected primarily with a multibeam echosounder. Quality assurance points were measured with a single-beam echosounder. Water surface elevations were established using real-time kinematic (RTK) and static global navigation satellite system (GNSS) surveys and submersible pressure transducers. Measured sound velocity profiles were used to correct echosounder depth measurements for thermal stratification. Digital elevation models were created by combining the measured bathymetry data with lidar elevation...
Static flood inundation boundary extents were created along the entire shoreline of Lake Ontario in Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Oswego, and Wayne Counties in New York by using recently acquired (2007, 2010, 2014, and 2017) light detection and ranging (lidar) data. The flood inundation maps, accessible through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Program website at, depict estimates of the areal extent and water depth of shoreline flooding in 8 segments corresponding to adjacent water-surface elevations (stages) at 8 USGS lake gages on Lake Ontario. This item includes data sets for segment B - Lake Ontario...
Static flood inundation boundary extents were created along the entire shoreline of Lake Ontario in Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Oswego, and Wayne Counties in New York by using recently acquired (2007, 2010, 2014, and 2017) light detection and ranging (lidar) data. The flood inundation maps, accessible through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Program website at, depict estimates of the areal extent and water depth of shoreline flooding in 8 segments corresponding to adjacent water-surface elevations (stages) at 8 USGS lake gages on Lake Ontario. This item includes data sets for segment G - Lake Ontario...
From May of 2015 through September of 2018, velocity data were collected along 7 transects from select tributaries, embayments, and nearshore lake locations along New York's Lake Ontario waterfront in support of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the Lakewide Action Management Plan. These data include: depth, velocity magnitude, velocity direction, navigational data, ADCP temperature, and channel profile.
This child item contains ground penetrating radar (GPR) data collected over a small alpine wetland between Mogul Mine and Cement Creek located near Silverton, Colorado. Mine-impacted water is transported to Cement Creek via surface channels and groundwater through this wetland. The GPR method transmits radar pulses into the ground and measures the returned amplitude from these pulses over time. Variations in subsurface electromagnetic (EM) properties (dielectric permittivity, electrical conductivity, and magnetic susceptibility) affect the timing and amplitude of returned radar energy. For example, variation in water or mineral content are physical properties that often influence the EM properties that are observed...

map background search result map search result map Water surface elevation (NAVD 88) for flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York Digital Contour Database of Closed Depressions Mercury Concentrations in Surface Waters, Bad River Watershed, Wisconsin, 2006-2016 Lake Ontario Nearshore Nutrient Study (LONNS), 2018, Lake Ontario, New York Time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017) Methylmercury and associated data in macroinvertebrates from tributaries of Honnedaga Lake and from the Middle Branch Black River in New York. Aquifer boundary (unconfined) in West Branch Cayuga Inlet and Fish Kill Valleys, Newfield, Tompkins County, New York Benchmark locations along Old Erie Canal Edge of water boundary of Old Erie Canal Lake Ontario Velocity Transect Data 2015-18 Transect 1 time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017) Geospatial bathymetry datasets for Kirk Lake, New York, 2017 Geospatial bathymetry datasets for Lake Gleneida, New York, 2017 Organic and Metal Contaminants in Fish Tissue Collected from the Niagara River Area of Concern, New York, 2018 Segment B - Flood inundation map geospatial datasets for Lake Ontario, New York Segment G - Flood inundation map geospatial datasets for Lake Ontario, New York Tug Hill Glacial Aquifer Water Level Contours Assessment of fecal contamination sources to Alley Creek, Queens County, New York: Results from a sediment resuspension experiment, thermal imagery, and additional sample collection, 2020-2021 Segment E - Flood inundation map geospatial datasets for Lake Ontario, New York Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data collected in a mine-impacted wetland near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Geospatial bathymetry datasets for Lake Gleneida, New York, 2017 Geospatial bathymetry datasets for Kirk Lake, New York, 2017 Water surface elevation (NAVD 88) for flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York Assessment of fecal contamination sources to Alley Creek, Queens County, New York: Results from a sediment resuspension experiment, thermal imagery, and additional sample collection, 2020-2021 Time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017) Transect 1 time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017) Segment E - Flood inundation map geospatial datasets for Lake Ontario, New York Tug Hill Glacial Aquifer Water Level Contours Benchmark locations along Old Erie Canal Edge of water boundary of Old Erie Canal Segment B - Flood inundation map geospatial datasets for Lake Ontario, New York Segment G - Flood inundation map geospatial datasets for Lake Ontario, New York Organic and Metal Contaminants in Fish Tissue Collected from the Niagara River Area of Concern, New York, 2018 Mercury Concentrations in Surface Waters, Bad River Watershed, Wisconsin, 2006-2016 Methylmercury and associated data in macroinvertebrates from tributaries of Honnedaga Lake and from the Middle Branch Black River in New York. Lake Ontario Velocity Transect Data 2015-18 Lake Ontario Nearshore Nutrient Study (LONNS), 2018, Lake Ontario, New York Digital Contour Database of Closed Depressions