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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative
____SRLCC Landscape-scale Planning Projects
_____Four Corners and Upper Rio Grande Adaption Forums
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Climate and land-use change are major components of global environmental change with feedbacks between these components. The consequences of these interactions show that land use may exacerbate or alleviate climate change effects. Based on these findings it is important to use land-use scenarios that are consistent with the specific assumptions underlying climate-change scenarios. The Integrated Climate and Land-Use Scenarios (ICLUS) project developed land-use outputs that are based on a downscaled version of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) social, economic, and demographic storylines. ICLUS outputs are derived from a pair of models. A demographic...
The Surface Management Agency (SMA) Geographic Information System (GIS) dataset depicts Federal land for the United States and classifies this land by its active Federal surface managing agency. The SMA feature class covers the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and the Virgin Islands. A Federal SMA agency refers to a Federal agency with administrative jurisdiction over the surface of Federal lands. Jurisdiction over the land is defined when the land is either: Withdrawn by some administrative or legislative action, or Acquired or Exchanged by a Federal Agency. This layer is a dynamic assembly of spatial data layers maintained at various federal and local government offices....
Adaptive Capacity Fields: Count_: Number of mapped karst formations in watershed, 0 - 112 Count1: Number of springs in watershed, 0 - 25 PctNatCov: Percentage of watershed covered by natural vegetation, 18 - 100 PctGAP1_2: Proportion of watershed managed to maintain biodiversity and a natural state 0 - 1 Karst_code: Indicator that karst or pseudokarst is present in watershed, Count_ > 0 = 1 Sprin_code: Indicator that springs are present in watershed, Count1> 0 = 1 NatCo_code: Indicator of high native cover of watershed, PctNatCov ≥ 95% = 1 GAP12_code: Indicator of land managed for biodiversity and a natural state, PctGAP1_2 ≥ 70% = 1 SumACCode: Sum of coded adaptive capacity indicators, 0 - 4 ACscale: Reclassified...
Exposure Fields: Sum_MAch20: Number of stream segments in watershed with projected decrease mean annual flow volume between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0 - 68 Sum_MSch20: Number of stream segments in watershed with projected decrease in mean summer flow volume between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0 - 75 Sum_CFMc20: Number of stream segments in watershed with change in projected center of flow mass timing date between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0 - 79 RVD: Ratio of remote-sensed to predicted riparian cover, used as an index of departure from natural conditions, 0 - 1052 Count_: Number of major dams in watershed, 0 -...
The ecologically-relevant geophysical (ERGo) landforms dataset is a comprehensive classification of landforms based on hillslope position and dominant physical processes that covers most of North America. Four hillslope positions form a natural sequence of topographic units along the catena: ridges/peaks (summits), upper slopes (shoulders), lower slopes (foot slopes), and valley bottoms (toe slopes). The position within each of these hillslopes as a function of solar orientation to reflect how ecological processes (especially soil moisture and evapotranspiration) are influenced by insolation. Also included are very flat (i.e. areas <2°) or very steep (i.e. “cliffs” >50°). We provide these data here at 30 m resolution,...
Adaptive Capacity Fields: ColdTemp: Presence of streams with projected August water temperatures < 9o C during the period of 1993-2011, 0/1 Count_: Number of springs in watershed, 0 - 25 Count1: Number of mapped karst formations in watershed, 0 - 112 Sum_SHAP_1: Area (m2 ) of groundwater-supported wetlands in watershed, 0 - 20,000,000 Sum_BeavKm: Kilometers of stream segments with capacity for beaver dams, 0 - 84 PctGAP1_2: Proportion of watershed managed to maintain biodiversity and a natural state, 0 - 1 Wtemp_code: Indicator that stream segments in watershed are currently too cold for ideal trout habitat, but may become ideal (9-11 C) with future warming, = ColdTemp SpWet_code: Indicator that springs or groundwater-supported...
The Land Transformation Model (LTM) is hierarchically coupled with meso-scale drivers to project urban growth across the conterminous USA. Quantity of urban growth 10 at county and place (i.e., city) scales is simulated using population, urban density and nearest neighbor dependent attributes. We compared three meso-scale LTMs to three null models that lack meso-scale drivers. Models were developed using circa 1990–2000 data and validated using change in the 2001 and 2006 National Land Cover Databases (NLCD). LTM and null models were assessed using the mean difference 15 in quantity between simulated and actual growth measured at multiple spatial scales. We found that LTM models performed relatively well at spatial...
The Forests to Faucets project uses a GIS to model and map the land areas across the United States that are most important to surface drinking water sources, as well as to identify forested areas important to the protection of drinking water and areas where drinking water supplies might be threatened by development, insects and diseases, and wildland fire. The results of this assessment provide information that can identify areas of interest for protecting surface drinking water quality. The spatial dataset can be ncorporated into broad-scale planning and can help identify areas for further local analysis. In addition it can be incorporated into existing decision support tools that currently lack spatial data on...
Current data layers were created from data originally produced the USGS(LULC and Carbon projections), called 'CONUS_Historical_2005' and 'CONUS_A2_2050'. Source of original data: Sohl, T.L., Sayler, K.L., Bouchard, M.A., Reker, R.R., Friesz, A.M., Bennett, S.L., Sleeter, B.M., Sleeter, R.R., Wilson, T.S., Knuppe, M., and Van Hofwegen, T., In Press. Spatially explicit modeling of 1992 to 2100 land cover and forest stand age for the conterminous United States. Ecological Applications: To create the current layer, NLCD classifications within original file were reclassified as follows: 1=Developed (2), 50=Mechanically Disturbed (3,4,5), 101=Agriculture (13,14). All other values converted...

map background search result map search result map Upper Rio Grande Ecologically Relevant Landforms Urban Growth 2050 Forests to Faucets: Percent Threatened by Development Population: Projected Change 2005 - 2050 Impervious Surface: Projected 2050 Landownership Land Use/Land Cover: Projected Anthropogenic Disturbance Change 2005-2050 Sagebrush Ecosystem Adaptive Capacity data and scores for the Four Corners Region Final Version Sagebrush Ecosystem Exposure data and scores for the Four Corners Region Final Version Sagebrush Ecosystem Vulnerability scores for Four Corners Region Final Version Sagebrush Ecosystem Adaptive Capacity data and score for the Upper Rio Grande Region Final Version Riparian Corridors Exposure Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Riparian Corridors Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Pinyon Juniper Ecosystem Exposure Indicators, Four Corners and Upper Rio Grande, Final Version Sagebrush Ecosystem Adaptive Capacity data and scores for the Four Corners Region Final Version Sagebrush Ecosystem Exposure data and scores for the Four Corners Region Final Version Sagebrush Ecosystem Vulnerability scores for Four Corners Region Final Version Upper Rio Grande Sagebrush Ecosystem Adaptive Capacity data and score for the Upper Rio Grande Region Final Version Landownership Forests to Faucets: Percent Threatened by Development Population: Projected Change 2005 - 2050 Ecologically Relevant Landforms Riparian Corridors Exposure Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Riparian Corridors Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Land Use/Land Cover: Projected Anthropogenic Disturbance Change 2005-2050 Urban Growth 2050 Impervious Surface: Projected 2050 Pinyon Juniper Ecosystem Exposure Indicators, Four Corners and Upper Rio Grande, Final Version