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This data release documents the spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and related water quality parameters at high spatial resolution in the North Delta in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of California, USA. The data set includes nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, dissolved organic carbon, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chlorophyll . Data-collection cruises were conducted under three different environmental/flow conditions in August, September, and October 2018 that coincided with conditions prior to, during, and following a directed flow action or pulse of agricultural return water organized by the California Department of Water Resources and California Natural Resources Agency...
A three-dimensional extreme gradient boosting (XGB) machine learning model was developed to predict the distribution of nitrate in groundwater across the conterminous United States (CONUS). Nitrate was predicted at a 1-square-kilometer (km) resolution for two drinking water zones, each of variable depth, one for domestic supply and one for public supply. The model used measured nitrate concentrations from 12,082 wells, and included predictor variables representing well characteristics, hydrologic conditions, soil type, geology, land use, climate, and nitrogen inputs. Predictor variables derived from empirical or numerical process-based models were also included to integrate information on controlling processes and...
This data release contains appendix C1 and appendix C2 for the USGS Scientific Investigations Report (SIR) titled Hydrologic and Geochemical Characterization of the Petaluma River Watershed, Sonoma County, California. Appendix C1 contains selected chemical and physical properties and inorganic constituents in samples from selected springs, and wells, Petaluma Valley watershed, Sonoma County, California, 1959-2015. Samples are presented from 66 groundwater wells, 3 springs, and 2 surface-water sites. Data samples were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), California Department of Water Resources (CDWR), California Department of Health Services (CDPH), and the City of Petaluma as part of the study.
This digital dataset contains the monthly diversions from the surface water network in the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2) for water years 1922-2019. The volume of water transported by surface-water diversions were updated in the CVHM2 from several sources, including: • The C2VSIM developed by DWR, • The WestSIM model, • Delta Mendota Canal turnout delivery data obtained from SLDMWA, • Delta delivery data obtained from Montgomery Watson. The surface water diversions are simulated through the Streamflow Routing Package (SFR2) using 571 diversion locations providing 564 semi-routed and 7 non-routed diversions. Linkages between SFR2 and the Farm-Process (FMP4) simulate the semi-routed and non-routed...
Categories: Data; Tags: Alameda County, Amador County, Butte County, Calaveras County, California, All tags...
Data from more than 75,000 community public supply wells were acquired from national and state agencies. Using the information provided by the agencies, along with surficial and bedrock geologic maps, the wells were assigned to a national Principal Aquifer (PA) as defined in USGS (2003) or a Secondary Hydrogeologic Region (SHR) as defined in Belitz et al. (2018). Collectively, both PAs and SHRs are referred to as Hydrogeologic Regions (HRs). The HR identifies the primary source of water for the well. The locations of the wells were generalized so that they plot in the center of a 2 kilometer square grid. The county information provided identifies the county the well is located within based on it’s actual location,...
This digital dataset contains the recovery pumping dataset used to develop the Multi Node Well (MNW2) Package in the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2). It includes well locations, well properties, and pumping rates for Recovery Pumping associated with water banking.
This digital dataset contains information about the farm process parameter values are used as input to the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2), which consists of 24 land use types and the corresponding monthly crop coefficient for each land use type. Land use types, initial rooting depths, and initial crop coefficients were modified from Faunt and Others (2009).
The U.S. Geological Survey collected water-quality samples from 3,199 sites between May 2004 and April 2022 for the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP). The GAMA-PBP is a cooperative project with the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The primary objectives of the GAMA-PBP are: (1) to assess the quality of groundwater resources used for public and domestic drinking water supplies, (2) to develop understanding of the natural and anthropogenic processes controlling groundwater quality and changes in groundwater quality, and (3) to improve the availability and usefulness of groundwater quality information to public. This data release...
The Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models include the Salinas Valley Surface Water Network, and the Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models. For the Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models, the Salinas Valley is further subdivided into the upper and the lower Salinas Valley; the upper region is primarily within San Luis Obispo County, California while the lower region of the Salinas River Watershed is fully contained within Monterey County, California. The Salinas Valley Surface Water Network covers the upper and lower Salinas Valley regions and includes datasets defining sub-catchments, the location of the stream network, and existing streamflow gage locations. The Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models include the Salinas...
This data release is a subset of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) flowlines covering the Russian River watershed and the Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM). The majority of this metadata was modified from the source metadata. Abstract from the NHD metadata: The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. NHD data was originally developed at 1:100,000-scale and exists at that scale for the whole country. This high-resolution NHD, generally developed at 1:24,000/1:12,000 scale, adds detail to the original 1:100,000-scale NHD. (Data for Alaska, Puerto...
This data release is the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) databases covering Mendocino County, Eastern Part and Southwestern Part of Trinity County, and Sonoma County California. This data was downloaded in 2014. This data set is a digital soil survey and generally is the most detailed level of soil geographic data developed by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. The information was prepared by digitizing maps, by compiling information onto a planimetric correct base and digitizing, or by revising digitized maps using remotely sensed and other information. his data set consists of georeferenced digital map data and computerized attribute data. The map data are in a soil survey area extent format and include a...
Tags: Alderpoint Quadrangle, Asti Quadrangle, Bell Springs Quadrangle, Big Foot Mountain Quadrangle, Bluenose Ridge Quadrangle, All tags...
This digital dataset contains the climate data used for the Salinas Valley Hydrologic System, including the Salinas Valley Watershed Model (SVWM) and the Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models (Salinas Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model (SVIHM) and Salinas Valley Operational Model (SVOM)). The climate data include spatially distributed daily precipitation, maximum and minimum air temperature, and potential evapotranspiration for the period from 10/1/1947 to 9/30/2018. This data set includes the following files: raster of the extent used in the Salinas Valley Hydrologic System; shapefiles of the input climate stations and daily gridded climate data for daily precipitation (PPT), maximum and minimum air temperature...
This model archive summary details the suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) model developed to compute 15-minute SSC values from 15-minute turbidity data for the period October 01, 2017 through September 30, 2020. The methods used follow U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) guidance as referenced in Office of Water Quality Technical Memorandum 2016.10 (USGS 2016) and USGS Techniques and Methods, book 3, chapter C4 (Rasmussen and others 2009). A WY is defined as the period from October 1 of one year through September 30 of the following year and is categorized by the year in which it ends.
This dataset provides crop coefficients from the Sonoma County water agency. Crop coefficients are used to estimate the water requirements of different crops and are essential for efficient irrigation management. The data in this dataset can be used by farmers and water managers to optimize water use and improve crop yields in Sonoma County.

map background search result map search result map Assessment of water-quality in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during a North Delta directed flow action: August - October 2018 (ver. 2.0, September 2021) Public supply groundwater wells associated with Hydrogeologic Mapping Units Data for Machine Learning Predictions of Nitrate in Groundwater Used for Drinking Supply in the Conterminous United States Water use information for sites sampled by the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP), 2004-2021 (ver. 3.0, October 2023) Selected Chemical and Physical Properties and Inorganic Constituents and Time-Series Nitrate in Samples from selected wells and/or springs, Petaluma Valley watershed, Sonoma County, California, 1959-2015 Monthly Diversions from the Surface Water Network of the Central Valley Hydrologic Model Version 2 (CVHM2) Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): The Farm Process Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): Recovery Pumping Model Archive Summary for Suspended-Sediment Concentration at Station 11185185 – Upper Sensor; Suisun Bay at Mallard Island, California – Water Years 2018-2020 Salinas Valley Hydrologic System: Regional Climate Data Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Watershed Streams Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Watershed Soils Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Agricultural Fields Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Crop Coefficients Model Archive Summary for Suspended-Sediment Concentration at Station 11185185 – Upper Sensor; Suisun Bay at Mallard Island, California – Water Years 2018-2020 Assessment of water-quality in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during a North Delta directed flow action: August - October 2018 (ver. 2.0, September 2021) Selected Chemical and Physical Properties and Inorganic Constituents and Time-Series Nitrate in Samples from selected wells and/or springs, Petaluma Valley watershed, Sonoma County, California, 1959-2015 Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Agricultural Fields Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Crop Coefficients Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Watershed Streams Salinas Valley Hydrologic System: Regional Climate Data Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Watershed Soils Monthly Diversions from the Surface Water Network of the Central Valley Hydrologic Model Version 2 (CVHM2) Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): The Farm Process Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): Recovery Pumping Water use information for sites sampled by the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP), 2004-2021 (ver. 3.0, October 2023) Data for Machine Learning Predictions of Nitrate in Groundwater Used for Drinking Supply in the Conterminous United States Public supply groundwater wells associated with Hydrogeologic Mapping Units