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The Yellow Lampmussel (YLM), Lampsilis cariosa, is a medium-sized freshwater mussel occurring from Georgia, USA to Nova Scotia, Canada (>50% of global population within the Northeast Region). The species is declining throughout its range, is designated as vulnerable by the IUCN (Bogan & Woolnough 2017) and NatureServe ( and is a Northeast Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need. It is locally designated as endangered, threatened, or a special status in 6 states within the USFWS North Atlantic-Appalachian region (CT, DE, MA, ME, NJ, WV) and 3 additional states (GA, NC, SC) outside of the region, extirpated in NH, vulnerable to apparently secure in NY and PA, and unknown status...
Current statuses and distributions of Cicindela dorsalis dorsalis, C. d. media, and C. puritana: The northeastern beach tiger beetle (Cicindela dorsalis dorsalis) is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Historically, the northeastern beach tiger beetle was a common inhabitant of coastal beaches from Cape Cod, MA to central NJ, and along the Chesapeake Bay, from Calvert County, MD south through VA. The beetle is now considered to be extirpated from RI, CT, and NY, and a majority of the Atlantic Coast no longer supports suitable habitat. The only known extant populations in the northern range of the beetle are in MA (Martha’s Vineyard and a translocated population on Monomoy National Wildlife...
Shorebird populations are in serious decline worldwide. Effective management of highly migratory shorebirds requires identifying and protecting crucial networks of connected staging and stopover sites between breeding and wintering areas that support vital habitat resources. Coastal beaches and estuaries are among the world’s most productive ecosystems and are disproportionately important to shorebirds. These ecosystems face myriad threats, including climate change and increasingly strong storms, development, human disturbance, and invasive species. Habitat loss to sea level rise and human development is a particularly dire threat. For managers to reverse population declines, it is essential to prioritize crucial...
Categories: Data
This page contains information on the SSP/QRP projects funded in the Northeast Region (R5). Projects are sorted into folders based on the fiscal year in which the project was initiated. The folder for each fiscal year contains the Request for Proposal (RFP) for that year and a folder for each funded project. Each project folder includes a brief summary, points of contact, start and end dates, and any documents or products associated with the project. Documents and products are grouped together by type, described below. Individual projects may not have all four of the categories below depending on the products identified in the proposal. Proposal and Budget: original proposal and budget submitted as part of the...
The objectives of this SSP project were to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based habitat model for the state of Louisiana and to develop a tool for evaluating the potential effects of various land-use changes on Louisiana black bears. A habitat model previously developed to assess habitat impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the coastal black bears in Louisiana (Murrow et al. 2012) was used as the starting point of the analysis for this study. That dataset was augmented with telemetry locations collected from 1993 to 2010 to extend and modify the original coastal model which was based on the Mahalanobis distance (D2) statistic. The goal was to then use that model to develop an estimator and user-friendly...

map background search result map search result map Identification of previously undocumented Florida Grasshopper Sparrow (FGSP), Ammodramus savannarum floridanus, occurrences on public and private lands, and confirmation of the current population status and distribution A habitat assessment tool for the Louisiana black bear A habitat assessment tool for the Louisiana black bear Identification of previously undocumented Florida Grasshopper Sparrow (FGSP), Ammodramus savannarum floridanus, occurrences on public and private lands, and confirmation of the current population status and distribution