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Alewife and Blueback Herring, collectively known as River Herring, are diadromous species that range along the East Coast from Maine to Florida. River Herring constitute one of the oldest fisheries in North America, but have experienced dramatic declines due to the combined pressures of climate change, bycatch, habitat loss, dams, and other stream barriers. Since 2009, River Herring have been managed under the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) fisheries management plan and ASMFC’s 2017 stock assessment update indicates that River Herring remain at near historic lows on a coastwide basis. In its 2021 “At-Risk Species, Summary Report”, the USFWS Northeast Region identified River Herring as priority...
No products for this SSP project are available at this time This project involves the development of a management strategy for oak (Quercus spp.) scrub that will maximize the long-term demographic performance of Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens). The project focuses on the Happy Creek Scrub Reserve Unit of Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, which is an area with an ecological legacy of fire suppression. The objective of this project is to determine how creation of bare ground by plowing could supplement prescribed burning to help maintain better habitat conditions for Florida scrub-jays.
Invasive wild pigs pose an existential threat to the protection, management, and restoration of Federal trust resources throughout much of the Southeastern US. Long-term studies of wild pig impacts to plants, animals, and the ecosystem functions that support them are lacking and are needed to inform management strategies and direct efforts at resources most at risk of adverse impacts. This study is one component of a longer-term, collaborative ecosystem services assessment by the project team to estimate wild pig impacts to the quantity and value of ecosystem services. Our findings will be used to estimate the benefits of baseline and intensified pig removal. Although we are using the South Arkansas NWR Complex...
Categories: Project; Tags: 2022, LCC, SSP-QR FWSR4
This SSP project resulted in a final report and two publications. The effective conservation and management of at risk mussels in the lower Flint River Basin requires a credible assessment of the suitability of specific areas (habitats) to support each species and means to assess the potential risks, such as extinction due to fragmentation and isolation of populations. Such an approach should also allow for the integration of monitoring data so that reliable information on the status and distribution of at risk taxa can be updated as data are collected. The timely integration of monitoring data also is crucial for evaluating the success or failures of management actions to recover existing populations. The ultimate...
A final report was produced for this SSP project. The general objectives to this study were threefold, as follows: 1. To determine the environmental presence and abundance of Bden in headwater regions of river systems in the Southeastern United States through water samples evaluated for the presence of environmental DNA (eDNA). 2. To determine the presence of Bden infection in fauna of these headwater regions, including larval and adult amphibians as well as other potential reservoirs of infection. 3. To determine whether any association exists between water flow rate and associated stream parameters in headwater systems versus the presence/prevalence of Bden both in the environment and infecting amphibian host...
SSP QR projects submitted to USFWS Legacy Region 4 in FY22
Managing and restoring salt marshes and mangroves requires standardized data that show which areas are most vulnerable to sea-level rise and other factors. The unvegetated-vegetated marsh ratio (UVVR) is a standard measurement that can identify areas that may be deteriorating and losing vegetation. In the southeast region of the FWS, other data identify how these areas have been keeping up vertically with sea-level rise, through SET measurements. These two measurements cover lateral (UVVR) and vertical (SET) processes, but have not been compared in detail. Our objectives are to 1) use the UVVR to calculate the distribution of vulnerable wetlands and 2) compare those distributions with trends from the SET measurements....
Categories: Project; Tags: 2022, LCC, SSP-QR FWSR4
Yellowcheek Darter (Etheostoma moorei) is a fish endemic to the Little Red River watershed in Arkansas (Fig. 1). As a result of threats, geographic isolation and declining abundance, the species was listed as endangered in 2011. Populations have declined, in part, due to intense seasonal stream drying and inundation of lower stream reaches (Fig. 1). It is hypothesized that in headwater streams where periodic drying is common, habitat selection influences Yellowcheek Darter distribution and abundance. Seasonal drought is typical in this region, and as drying occurs, individuals must move from riffles into neighboring pools, move into the hyporheic zone, migrate large distances to a persistent riffle, or perish. It...

map background search result map search result map Decision support models for the conservation and recovery of imperiled mussels Strategic Habitat Conservation for the Florida Scrub Jay at the Merritt Island NWR Evaluation of Stream Reaches for Mussel Reintroduction in the Upper Coosa Watershed, NW GA Using environmental DNA analysis to determine the presence and distribution of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Southern Appalachian headwater streams Past SSP/QR Strategic Habitat Conservation for the Florida Scrub Jay at the Merritt Island NWR Decision support models for the conservation and recovery of imperiled mussels Evaluation of Stream Reaches for Mussel Reintroduction in the Upper Coosa Watershed, NW GA Using environmental DNA analysis to determine the presence and distribution of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Southern Appalachian headwater streams Past SSP/QR