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__Alaska Science Center (ASC)
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This data set contains selected information about U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages in Alaska that had at least 5 years of daily streamflow record through September 30, 2017. The goals for developing this dataset were to identify USGS streamgages that had at least 5 years of daily streamflow that responded mostly to seasonal meteorological inputs, that had a definable drainage basin above a minimum size from which basin characteristics could be determined, and that provided streamflow data not similar to another streamgage record in the dataset. Streamgages meeting these criteria for at least part of their records constituted the dataset for a study investigating seasonal flow regimes and streamflow drivers...
These data are in three tables relating to a series of ponds, visited weekly over the summer of 2013, in the Chipp River Basin on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska. The tables provide: 1) location and description of each of the ponds, 2) physical information on pond characteristics (area, volume, and temperature), water chemistry (electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonium, and total dissolved phosphorus and nitrogen, chlorophyll-a, and ash free dry mass), and 3) invertebrate counts. Four pond types were studied, including large and small thermokarst troughs, low-centered polygon ponds, and larger coalescent ponds. The ponds included a control group, and three manipulated groups, one heated...
The dynamics of the linked river systems draining Exit and Paradise Glaciers have been dependent on glacial and fluvial controls since the 1800s. This data release contains maps of historical Exit and Paradise creek and glacier positions, 2013 channel survey and particle size data, and a 2012 digital elevation model and orthophoto for the Exit and Paradise glacier forelands, Alaska.
Categories: Data
This data collection of U.S. Geological Survey data releases provides the source data and results of flood frequency analyses and annual exceedance probability estimation for selected observed floods in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada. The data include streamgage information, PeakFQ input and output, flood frequency parameters, flood frequency estimates for selected annual exceedance probabilities, and annual exceedance probability estimates for selected observed flood events.
This data release includes tabular surveyed and interpolated elevation data, the processed computational mesh, and model output data used in scour evaluations. The methods of deriving these datasets and using them to calculate scour are described in the associated Scientific Investigations Report "Scour evaluations and conditions at selected bridge sites in Alaska, 2016-2017”. This is a cooperative project with Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities.
This dataset includes information on the carbon samples that were collected from organic and mineral soils, streams, algae, invertebrates, and fish in the Arctic Network Parks.
This data was produced as part of a subsurface tracer experiment performed on a boreal hillslope in July, 2015. The data is separated into three files: 'Well Data.csv' includes the location and depth of well screens, concentrations of the bromide tracer in time, saturation state of the subsurface at the wells, ground cover at the wells, and depth of the organic-mineral boundary which controls shallow flow. 'Probe data.csv' includes thaw depth, gravel presence, and vegetation type within the well field. 'Breakthroughs.csv' includes solute concentrations in time from wells that displayed robust breakthroughs. The data includes electrical conductivity and bromide measurements, and a column that combines these two solutes...
This data release provides the source data and results of a flood frequency analysis and annual exceedance probability estimation for a flood that occurred on June 22, 2020 in the Fortymile River Basin, Alaska. Data are provided for two streamgages that had at least 10 years of peak-flow record. The data include streamgage information, PeakFQ input (.txt and .PSF files) PeakFQ output (.PRT, .EXP, and .JPEG files), flood frequency parameters, flood frequency estimates for the 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities, and annual exceedance probability estimates for the flood of interest. These data were intended to support investigations of streamflow in the Fortymile River...
This data release includes remotely sensed lake and lake chemistry and water temperature data collected from 2011 to 2014) from a series of lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. Most of the data is from two sites within the Chipp River Basin.
This data set includes 15-minute interval data on stream temperature, stage, and discharge from an upstream and downstream gaging location on West Twin Creek, a first-order tributary to Nome Creek in the White Mountains of Alaska.
These data include water chemistry from headwater streams to large rivers that have recently turned orange and reference rivers that have not. These samples were collected in two national parks in Arctic Alaska: Kobuk Valley National Park, and Noatak National Preserve.
Meteorological data was collected from two locations in the Agashashok River Watershed, one high in the drainage located on tundra (67.5440 N, -161.6828 E) and a second on a rocky knoll near the watershed mouth (67.2821 N, -162.5841 E). The data contain information on air temperatures, rainfall, barometric pressure, relative humidity, incoming and outgoing radiation, and wind speed and direction. Data collection was discontinued due to equipment failure and substantial demolition of one station by a bear.
Daily mean discharge is needed for water resource management of selected streams in the Fortymile River Basin. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, developed a technique for estimating seasonal discharge at two short-record streamgage sites in the basin and evaluated the accuracy of the estimated records. Daily mean discharge values were estimated for May 15–September 30 for 1976–82 and 2006–18 for the U.S. Geological Survey streamgage sites 15330000, North Fork Fortymile River above Middle Fork near Franklin, Alaska and 15331000, Middle Fork Fortymile River near mouth near Chicken, Alaska. Relations between discharge for each study streamgage and an index streamgage,...
This dataset presents boundaries and attributes of mapped geomorphic features in the lower 7.5 kilometers of the Taiya River valley bottom in and near Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park near Skagway, Alaska. Geomorphic surfaces and off-main-stem channels were delineated from 2003 lidar elevation data and updated using 2017 and 2018 aerial orthophotographs at eroding riverbanks, such that the dataset generally represents 2018 conditions. Interpretations of geomorphic surface age primarily used 2003 lidar data and aerial imagery from 1948 and 2003. Mapped geomorphic surfaces consist of the 2003 active main stem (Taiya River and West Creek wetted channel, bars, islands, and major sloughs), additional areas...
This dataset includes locations, pressure readings, and baro-corrected water surface elevations from three submersible pressure transducers deployed in the channel and floodplain of Snow River during the 2019 glacial lake outburst flood.
This data set includes 15-minute interval data on stream temperature, stage, and discharge from low-order streams in the Yukon River Basin in interior Alaska, collected during the summer months. The depth of the water and temperature were determined using a combined pressure transducer and temperature sensor that was deployed through the summer months. Different sensors were used in each stream and year, so a file is included detailing the stage and temperature accuracy for each year and stream. Discharge was derived from the stage data by creating a rating curve relating stage to discharge measured during site visits.
This dataset consists of survey data, plots, photos, and a photo index from a cross section survey of the Eklutna River at the Glenn Highway bridge in Alaska. The cross sections were surveyed in 2016 and 2017 using a total station, then adjusted to match datums for a Municipality of Anchorage orthophoto and Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities bridge as-built elevations.
This dataset includes soil data collected from various landscapes adjacent to thaw ponds on the North Slope of Alaska between 2012 and 2018. The landscapes include ice-rich polygonal ground found on basin uplands, as well as bluffs and lake edges. At each site a visual description of soil type and texture was performed, and a permafrost probe was used to determine a 'depth to refusal'. Given that the soils are mostly fine-grained and there were no obvious rock strikes, we believe that 'depth to refusal' indicates the thaw depth. Field-saturated hydraulic conductivity was determined in most locations using a Guelph Permeameter.
These data include stream water chemistry from headwater streams to large rivers across three national parks in Arctic Alaska: Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park, and Noatak National Preserve.

map background search result map search result map Eklutna River at Glenn Highway Bridge, Alaska Cross-Section Survey, 2016 and 2017 Chemistry of Orange and Reference Streams in Northwestern Alaska Eklutna River at Glenn Highway Bridge, Alaska Cross-Section Survey, 2016 and 2017 Chemistry of Orange and Reference Streams in Northwestern Alaska