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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
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Potential Evapotranspiration (PET): These data represent decadal mean totals of potential evapotranspiration estimates (mm). The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named pet_mean_mm_decadal_MPI_ECHAM5_A1B_annual_2000-2009.tif represents the decade spanning 2000-2009. The data were generated by using the Hamon equation and output from ECHAM5, a fifth generation general circulation model created by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg Germany. Data are at 2km x 2km resolution, and all data are stored in geotiffs. Calculations were performed using R 2.12.1 and 2.12.2 for Mac OS Leopard, and data were formatted into geotiffs using the raster and rgdal packages. Users...
The Integrated Ecosystem Model is designed to help resource managers understand the nature and expected rate of landscape change. Maps and other products generated by the IEM will illustrate how arctic and boreal landscapes are expected to alter due to climate-driven changes to vegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost. The products will also provide resource managers with an understanding of the uncertainty in the expected outcomes.
This dataset includes Snow Depth(snod) for northern Alaska in GeoTiff format, covering the years 1980-2012. Snow Depth is defined as depth on 1 March(m). The dataset was generated by the Arctic LCC SNOWDATA: Snow Datasets for Arctic Terrestrial Applications project.The dataset is delivered in the ZIP archive file format. Each year is output in a separate GeoTiff file, where the year is indicated by the filename.Over the last 20 years, under a variety of NOAA, NSF, and NASA research programs, a snow-evolution modeling system has been developed that includes the MicroMet micrometeorological model, the SnowModel snow-process model, and the SnowAssim data assimilation model. These modeling tools can be thought of as...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AIR TEMPERATURE, AIR TEMPERATURE, ALBEDO, ALBEDO, Academics & scientific researchers, All tags...
Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) have a life-history strategy specifically adapted to the extreme climate of the North. These fish migrate to spawning grounds just after breakup in the spring, then migrate to feeding sites in early summer, and finally in the fall migrate back to their overwintering sites. The Kuparuk River is a perennial stream originating in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range on the North Slope of Alaska. Sections of the Kuparuk are periodically intermittent in that, during low flows in the system, these channel reaches appear dry. The flow varies between surface and subsurface in this permafrost-dominated environment, with subsurface flow being limited to the unfrozen thaw bulb around...
This raster, created in 2010, is output from the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Lab (GIPL) model and represents simulated active layer thickness (ALT) in meters averaged across a decade. The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named ALT_1980_1989.tif represents the decade spanning 1980-1989. Cell values represent simulated maximum depth (in meters) of thaw penetration (for areas with permafrost) or frost penetration (for areas without permafrost). If the value of the cell is positive, the area is underlain by permafrost and the cell value specifies the depth of the seasonally thawing layer above permafrost. If the value of the cell is negative, the ground is only seasonally...
The Database was built to enable data integration across sources, as well as to support program planning and observational network design. The Imiq Data Portal provides a snapshot of available hydroclimate data – a map-based view of where , what , and when data have been obtained. Users can submit a custom data query, specifying variable of interest, geographic bounds, and time step. Imiq will aggregate and export data records from multiple sources in a common format, with full metadata records that provide information about the source data.
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: ABLATION, ABLATION, ACTIVE LAYER, ACTIVE LAYER, ALBEDO, All tags...
This dataset includes Snow Free Date(sfdy) for northern Alaska in GeoTiff format, covering the years 1980-2012. Snow Free Date is defined as day of the end of the core snow period(day of year). The core snow season is defined to be the longest period of continuous snow cover in each year. The dataset was generated by the Arctic LCC SNOWDATA: Snow Datasets for Arctic Terrestrial Applications project.“Day-of-year” (doy) output is expressed in Ordinal dates (“1” on 1 January, and “365” on 31 December). Dates have not been corrected for leap years. This output is appropriate for display purposes, as it is readily interpreted as calendar day of year. It is not recommended as input for analysis, as it may produce incorrect...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AIR TEMPERATURE, AIR TEMPERATURE, ALBEDO, ALBEDO, Academics & scientific researchers, All tags...
Stream physical parameter time series files for six or more beaded streams on the North Slope of Alaska in the Fish Creek Watershed near Nuiqsut. These include time series of water temperature (pool bed and surface and channel runs) and pool stage and correspond stream discharge developed from a rating curve.
Water availability, distribution, quality and quantity are critical habitat elements for fish and other water-dependent species. Furthermore, the availability of water is also a pre-requisite for a number of human activities. The density of weather and hydrology observation sites on the North Slope is orders of magnitude less than in other parts of the U.S., making it difficult to document hydrologic trends and develop accurate predictive models where water is a key input. The information that does exist is scattered among many entities, and varies in format. This multi-year data rescue effort project brings together these scarce and scattered hydrology data sets, including high-priority datasets held by the Bureau...
Watersheds draining the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of Alaska are dominated by permafrostand snowmelt runoff that create abundant surface storage in the form of lakes, wetlands, and beaded streams. These surface water elements compose complex drainage networks that affect aquatic ecosystem connectivity and hydrologic behavior. The 4676 km2 Fishand Creek drainage basin is composed of three watersheds that represent a gradient of theACP landscape with varying extents of eolian, lacustrine, and fluvial landforms. In each watershed, we analyzed 2.5-m-resolution aerial photography, a 5-m digital elevationmodel, and river gauging and climate records to better understand ACP watershed structureand processes. We show that...
These raster datasets represent historical stand age. The last four digits of the file name specifies the year represented by the raster. For example a file named Age_years_historical_1990.tif represents the year 1990. Cell values represent the age of vegetation in years since last fire, with zero (0) indicating burned area in that year. Files from years 1860-2006 use a variety of historical datasets for Boreal ALFRESCO model spin up and calibration to most closely match historical wildfire dynamics.
The Long-billed Dowitcher is a medium-sized shorebird that commonly breeds on the ArcticCoastal Plain of Alaska. This species nests in higher densities in the western portion of thecoastal plain compared to the east (Johnson et al. 2007). They prefer wet grassy meadows fornesting often showing an affinity for sedge-willow, wet meadow or sedge marsh along drainagesor near ponds (Takekawa and Warnock 2000). Long-billed Dowitchers generally migrate west ofthe Mississippi River and winter primarily along the Pacific and Gulf Coasts of North Americainto Mexico (Takekawa and Warnock 2000). Current population estimate of the North Americanpopulation is 400,000 (Morrison et al. 2006).
This map was created by Arctic LCC staff and depicts the general boundaries of the Arctic LCC within Alaska. This map is in PNG format, suitable for presentations.
These rasters represent output from the Boreal ALFRESCO (Alaska Frame Based Ecosystem Code) model. Boreal ALFRESCO operates on an annual time step, in a landscape composed of 1 x 1 km pixels, a scale appropriate for interfacing with mesoscale climate and carbon models. The last four digits of the file name specifies the year represented by the raster. For example a file named Age_years_historical_1990.tif represents the year 1990. Cell values represent the age of vegetation in years since last fire, with zero (0) indicating burned area in that year. Coverage of this dataset includes much of the state of Alaska (but does exclude Southeastern AK, Kodiak Island, portions of the Alaska Peninsula, and the Aleutian Islands)....
The Arctic LCC has developed a Project Tracking System(PTS) to electronically manage the metadata and data associated with projects. The PTS is used to track projects throughout all stages of development, from receipt of proposals through delivery of final products. The PTS allows staff to access and manage project data using a web browser and is developed and designed to operate on open source software. The Arctic LCC is making the open source code for the PTS available to anyone wishing to develop their own method of tracking projects.
Average historical annual total precipitation (mm) and projected relative change in total precipitation (% change from baseline) for Northern Alaska. 30-year averages. Handout format. Maps created using the SNAP 5-GCM composite (AR5-RCP 6.0) and CRU TS3.1.01 datasets.
There is a great deal of interest in whether and how Alaska’s precipitation is changing but little agreement in the existing peer-reviewed literature. To provide insight on this question, we have selected three commonly used 0.5° resolution gridded precipitation products that have long-term monthly data coverage (Climatic Research Unit TS3.10.1, Global Precipitation Climatology Centre Full Data Reanalysis version 5, and University of Delaware version 2.01) and evaluated their homogeneity and trends with multiple methods over two periods, 1950–2008 and 1980–2008. All three data sets displayed common broadscale features of Alaska’s precipitation climatology, but there were substantial differences between them in terms...
The White-rumped Sandpiper is a small shorebird that is a relatively rare breeder in ArcticAlaska. They nest in coastal wetlands between Barrow and Cape Halkett on the Arctic CoastalPlain of Alaska
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) drew upon its existing Canadian network to coordinate with potential Canadian partners on behalf of the Arctic LCC. TNC addressed the Arctic LCC’s need to identify specific overlapping goals, objectives and geographic interest between the Arctic LCC and those potential partners. TNC provided information about the Arctic LCC to potential Canadian partners; initiated contact and helped build relationships with those potential partners; they summarized current and planned climate-related work and other areas of overlapping interest with the Arctic LCC, and identified the top six to eight most appropriate potential Canadian partners with which the Arctic LCC should engage.

map background search result map search result map Arctic LCC Boundary Map, Satellite SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Free Date (year) SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Depth Annual Precipitation Maps - RCP 6.0, Millimeters Arctic LCC Alaskan Boundary Map Linking North Slope of Alaska climate, hydrology, and fish migration Imiq Data Portal Reconciling precipitation trends in Alaska: 2. Gridded data analyses IEM-CSC Factsheet with Supplement, 2015 HydroClimate Data Rescue Factsheet Stand Age Projections 2080-2089 Active Layer Thickness 2040 2049 Drainage Network Structure and Hydrologic Behavior of Three Lake-Rich Watersheds on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska White-rumped Sandpiper Fish Creek Watershed Data Potential Evapotranspiration 2040-2049: ECHAM5 - A1B Scenario Long-billed Dowitcher Historical Stand Age 1910-1919 Fostering Collaboration Across North America's Arctic Linking North Slope of Alaska climate, hydrology, and fish migration Drainage Network Structure and Hydrologic Behavior of Three Lake-Rich Watersheds on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska Fish Creek Watershed Data Arctic LCC Alaskan Boundary Map White-rumped Sandpiper Long-billed Dowitcher HydroClimate Data Rescue Factsheet Fostering Collaboration Across North America's Arctic SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Free Date (year) SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Depth Imiq Data Portal Reconciling precipitation trends in Alaska: 2. Gridded data analyses IEM-CSC Factsheet with Supplement, 2015 Stand Age Projections 2080-2089 Active Layer Thickness 2040 2049 Potential Evapotranspiration 2040-2049: ECHAM5 - A1B Scenario Historical Stand Age 1910-1919 Arctic LCC Boundary Map, Satellite Annual Precipitation Maps - RCP 6.0, Millimeters