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This project will use more than 10 years of monitoring data to develop biometric habitat models for 9 of the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s species endpoints within the open pine woodland and savanna habitat type. This project will also evaluate desired ecological states as defined in the Integrated Science Agenda for their ability to predict species occurrence and identify habitat attributes that can be manipulated to create suitable habitat conditions for these species.
Tidal marsh ecosystems are predicted to change significantly over the next century in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Sea level rise will inundate current habitat, erosion and accretion will build new marsh elsewhere, and saltwater intrusion will change vegetation communities and habitat structure over much of the region. For tidal marsh endemics like Clapper Rails (Rallus crepitans) these environmental changes create uncertainty in their future distribution and abundance. Complicating the issue further is our incomplete understanding of Clapper Rail life history in the northern Gulf of Mexico—in particular, our lack of data for adult and juvenile annual survival rates. To understand how changes to tidal marsh habitat...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. It represents a relative ranking of HUC12 watersheds according to the quantity and quality of habitat as described in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Watersheds (HUC12) were ranked by the presence, quantity and quality of the Upland Hardwood (Forest) habitat system (includes upland hardwood, oak-hickory, mixed mesophytic, southern mixed mesic, and maritime forest types) within the 5 sub-geographies of the GCPO LCC region. Once ranked, watersheds were classified (e.g., “Top 10%”) based on the proportion of...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The Condition Index ranks pixels (250-m) according to how well they meet the Desired State for the Upland Hardwood (Woodland) habitat system, which is described qualitatively and quantitatively in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Higher values indicate sites closer to the Desired State. Value of 1 indicates areas appropriate for restoration but currently under an alternative land use (i.e. potential habitat). Please see PDF file in the Upland Hardwood (Woodland) folder in the Blueprint Gallery at
The GCPO LCC assessed landscapes within the broad vegetative class of grasslands at a spatial resolution of 30 meters using a national database of existing vegetation type (LANDFIRE) combined with various high resolution data layers obtained from the states of Oklahoma, Texas, and Florida, and from researchers, non-governmental agencies, and state agencies for Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Missouri. This process identified over 32 million acres of the grassland vegetative type (broadly defined) and just over 1 million acres meeting the more restrictive definition of prairie (Figure 1). However, none of those areas identified as prairie were shown to meet all four of the condition endpoints assessed, and only...
The Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks (GCPO) region is, to a large extent, defined by its mainstem big rivers, with eight of the largest ten rivers (by discharge) in the lower U.S. terminating here. Those rivers are the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Tennessee, Mobile, Atchafalaya, Red, and Arkansas. Whilethis assessment focuses on rivers of the MAV, the analysis has also been extended to big rivers throughout the GCPO.People have historically altered large river systems through the construction of levees and floodways, channelization, and dredging to support agriculture, navigation, commerce, and to provide greater stability and protection from flooding. Many large rivers in the GCPO are, in fact, part of theinland...
The Potential Reforestation Index geospatial data product is a companion to the Forest Retention Index product from the Mapping the South’s Forests of the Future project. The Retention Index describes the likelihood that existing forests will remain in a forested condition at decadal time steps through 2060. The Potential Reforestation Index describes the likelihood that a non-forested land unit will be converted to forest cover at those same time steps. We used two datasets to determine areas currently occupied by agriculture that may be most conducive to reforestation efforts: National Commodity Crop Productivity Index (NCCPI) and Potentially Restorable Wetlands on Agriculture Land (PRWAg). The NCCPI is available...
Standing dead trees, or snags, are an important habitat element in any forested system, and provide diurnal or seasonal shelter for many LCC priority species. The ISA landscape endpoint for snag density in upland hardwood woodland and forest systems targets one large (≥16” dbh) snag for every five acres of forest (or approximately ~0.2 large snags/acre), reflected by cavity-roosting habitat needs of the silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) and ample other avian, and mammalian species that require cavities in snags to carry out their life history. We used USFS imputed density of large (>16” dbh) snags data (USDA Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Center, personal communication) extracted through...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, Conservation planning, Data, EARTH SCIENCE, All tags...
Mainstem big rivers were selected by the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks (GCPO) Adaptation Science Management Team (ASMT) as a priority habitat system within the Mississippi Alluvial Valley subgeography. Mainstem big rivers are dominant feature on the GCPO landscape - eight of the largest ten rivers in the lower United States by discharge terminate in the GCPO. The goal of this project is to use geospatial data and analysis to determine the amount, configuration and condition of key habitat features of the mainstem big rivers of the GCPO.
Our assessment defined medium-sized streams and rivers as free-flowing streams with an average annual flow of 10 to 6,000 cubic feet/sec (cfs) and sitting at an elevation <=130 meters according to the National Hydrography Dataset (v2). Our Condition Index showed a majority of medium-low gradient streams in the region are impacted by land use, with most of the higher ranking streams in the pine belt. Most targets cannot be reliably assessed with existing data because appropriate spatial datasets are severely limited.
Limited midstory density was also identified in the Integrated Science Agenda as an important component of upland hardwood systems in the GCPO geography, with midstory coverage ≤20% indicating a healthy additional vertical strata in the system. Midstory is an important habitat component for several ISA priority species, particularly those avian species who require midstory structure for nesting such as the wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina). We again used plot-level Forest Inventory and Assessment data imputed at 250 m resolution across the GCPO LCC to assess tree density. The USFS imputed tree density data product provides raster maps for the conterminous U.S. generated using 250 m resolution MODIS satellite imagery,...
This layer was created by selecting classes relevant to conservation of the grassland-prairie-savanna broadly defined habitat from the LANDFIRE Existing Vegetation Type (evt) spatial data product clipped to the boundary of the GCPO LCC. The layer was generated as in input layer for the Draft Grassland Condition Index raster data layer in support of the GCPO LCC rapid ecological assessment of the Grassland-Prairie-Savanna Priority Habitat. In selecting vegetation types, “grasslands” were defined as any landscape dominated by grass, excluding classes considered to be features of other priority habitats, such as marshes, dunes, glades, woodlands, and pine savanna. The 44 selected grassland classes included pasture/hay...
The Potential Reforestation Index geospatial data product is a companion to the Forest Retention Index product from the Mapping the South’s Forests of the Future project. The Retention Index describes the likelihood that existing forests will remain in a forested condition at decadal time steps through 2060. The Potential Reforestation Index describes the likelihood that a non-forested land unit will be converted to forest cover at those same time steps. We used two datasets to determine areas currently occupied by agriculture that may be most conducive to reforestation efforts: National Commodity Crop Productivity Index (NCCPI) and Potentially Restorable Wetlands on Agriculture Land (PRWAg). The NCCPI is available...

map background search result map search result map GCPO Grassland existing vegetation type from LANDFIRE Density of large snags (>16") per acre (GCPO geography) Upland Hardwood Forest Watershed Ranks Upland Hardwood Woodland Condition Index Density of Midstory Trees (trees/acre) in the GCPO LCC Potential Reforestation Index for the South at 2050 Potential Reforestation Index for the South at 2060 GCPO Grassland existing vegetation type from LANDFIRE Upland Hardwood Forest Watershed Ranks Upland Hardwood Woodland Condition Index Density of large snags (>16") per acre (GCPO geography) Density of Midstory Trees (trees/acre) in the GCPO LCC Potential Reforestation Index for the South at 2050 Potential Reforestation Index for the South at 2060