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The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The Protection Opportunity action map for the Upland Hardwood (Forest) habitat system ranks pixels (250-m) based primarily on the Upland Hardwood (Forest) Condition Index such that unprotected sites within healthy landscapes are ranked higher than those in very fragmented landscapes. Ranks are increased by information on existing partner interest (i.e. stated priority areas), elevated risk of change by 2060, and predicted occupancy of a majority of species identified in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Areas...
This communications strategy provides a comprehensive framework of prescribed fire issues and messages within which the East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture can identify priority actions according to their ‘niche’ of focusing on fire’s ecological benefits to wildlife, especially birds, particularly at a landscape scale. The strategy is based upon information provided in interviews of 45 prescribed fire/resource management experts throughout the East Gulf Coastal Plain, as well as guidance from the East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture staff and board members.
The Mississippi River alluvial floodplain formerly held one of the largest expanses of bottomland hardwood forest in North America. It is also one of the most impeded systems on the continent, with altered hydrology from a vast network of protection levees and most naturally occurring bottomland forests long ago converted to agriculture across the majority of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV). In the MAV, forested wetland systems include alluvial bottomland hardwoods, cypress-tupelo forests, lower flatwoods and riparian forests associated with the Mississippi River. These systems support several species of conservation concern that the GCPO LCC Integrated Science Agenda (ISA) designates as representative...
Forest Retention Index classes for the southeastern United States at 2040 were processed using the Forest Retention Decision Tree and rendered on a 30-meter by 30-meter grid. The Forest Retention Index is used only for current forestland, identified using National Land Cover Database 2011. Many datasets were used as inputs for the Forest Retention Decision Tree, and they can be grouped into five broad categories: Protected, Tier 1 Priority, Tier 2 Priority, Threats to Forest Retention, and Socio-Economic Value of Forests. Protected datasets include Protected Areas Database-United States, National Conservation Easement Database, state-maintained databases, and private datasets volunteered by conservation partners....
The vision of success for the Gulf Coastal Plains & Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative is “to ensure natural and cultural landscapes capable of sustaining healthy ecosystems, clean water, fish, wildlife, and human communities in the region through the 21st century.” The mission of the GCPO is to define a shared vision for sustainable resources in the face of change, design strategies to achieve the shared vision, and deliver results on the ground through leadership, partnership, contributed resources, evaluation and refinement over time. The GCPO’s Conservation Blueprint is the iterative social process to develop products that support the mission. The social process to develop the Conservation Blueprint version...
Ozark Highlands
Ecological Assessment material for East and West Gulf Coastal Plain subgeography of the GCPO LCC
Temporal dynamics of each GCPO priority system are recognized as important contributors to the overall system integrity. The Integrated Science Agenda (ISA) alludes to the desired condition that forest structure should be dominated by mature upland hardwood stands across the greater landscape. However, to ensure future forest sustainability a small portion (≤10% of the landscape) should be in a state of regeneration, or early forest succession. The ISA provides this endpoint as a general target, but lacks specificity regarding the desired composition of forest stand ages because there is limited literature available that assesses upland hardwood stand age from an ecosystem integrity perspective. Priority wildlife...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, Conservation planning, Data, EARTH SCIENCE, All tags...
The Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks (GCPO) Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) has conducted an ecological assessment of various landscape characteristics, or endpoints, outlined in the LCC Integrated Science Agenda. This data layer addresses the forested wetland amount desired landscape endpoint for the forested wetland ecosystem in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley subgeography of the GCPO LCC. This data was created by reclassification of the 2011 National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) to pull out only the woody wetlands class (90) from the NLCD dataset. We then overlaid the HUC12 watershed layer and calculated the total amount of forested wetland acreage within each watershed.
The Potential Reforestation Index geospatial data product is a companion to the Forest Retention Index product from the Mapping the South’s Forests of the Future project. The Retention Index describes the likelihood that existing forests will remain in a forested condition at decadal time steps through 2060. The Potential Reforestation Index describes the likelihood that a non-forested land unit will be converted to forest cover at those same time steps. We used two datasets to determine areas currently occupied by agriculture that may be most conducive to reforestation efforts: National Commodity Crop Productivity Index (NCCPI) and Potentially Restorable Wetlands on Agriculture Land (PRWAg). The NCCPI is available...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. It represents an integration of HUC12 watershed ranks across aquatic and terrestrial systems included in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). High-ranked watersheds (e.g. Tier 1) represent landscapes that are predominantly in good condition relative to other watersheds in each subgeography in the GCPO region. Low-ranked watersheds (e.g. Tier 4) are characterized by highly fragmented landscapes and degraded habitat conditions.
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. It represents a relative ranking of HUC12 watersheds according to the quantity and quality of habitat as described in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Watersheds (HUC12) were ranked by calculating the length-weighted average Management Opportunity scores within them. Action classes are different for Mainstem Big Rivers than for for Med/Low-gradient Streams & Rivers of the coastal plains and Upland Streams & Rivers, so action and overall scores for this system were calculated separately. Unlike the terrestrial...
The Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks (GCPO) Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) has conducted an ecological assessment of various landscape characteristics, or endpoints, outlined in the LCC Integrated Science Agenda. This data layer addresses the forested wetland amount desired landscape endpoint for the forested wetland ecosystem in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley subgeography of the GCPO LCC. This data was created by reclassification of the 2011 National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) to pull out only the woody wetlands class (90) from the NLCD dataset.
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The Protection Opportunity action map for the Grasslands habitat system ranks pixels (250-m) based primarily on the Grasslands Condition Index such that unprotected sites within healthy landscapes are ranked higher than those in very fragmented landscapes. Ranks are increased by information on existing partner interest (i.e. stated priority areas), elevated risk of change by 2060, and predicted occupancy of a majority of species identified in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Areas ranked as high restoration...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The Protection Opportunity action map for the Tidal Marsh habitat system ranks pixels (10-m) based primarily on the Tidal Marsh Condition Index such that unprotected sites within healthy landscapes are ranked higher than those in very fragmented landscapes. Ranks are increased by information on existing partner interest (i.e. stated priority areas), elevated risk of change by 2060, and predicted occupancy of a majority of species identified in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Areas ranked as high restoration...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The Condition Index ranks pixels (250-m) according to how well they meet the Desired State for the Upland Hardwoods (Forest) habitat system, which is described qualitatively and quantitatively in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Higher values indicate sites closer to the Desired State. Value of 1 indicates areas appropriate for restoration but currently under an alternative land use (i.e. potential habitat). Please see PDF file in the Upland Hardwoods (Forest) folder in the Blueprint Gallery at
St. Catherine Creek NWR, outside of Natchez, MS is part of the Lower Mississippi River floodplain and provides valuable aquatic and upland habitats for a large diversity of both terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Federal and state fisheries managers both recognize the importance of this floodplain habitat as an integral part of the large river ecosystem and many state partners have crafted management plans that seek to promote conservation activities that enhance and preserve this important resource. The frequency, timing and duration of Mississippi River flooding, drives the spatial extent of floodplain inundation which in turn determines habitat quality and suitability of floodplain habitats for both aquatic and...
Description of condition index value scores for estuarine tidal marsh along and within 10 km of the GCPO LCC Gulf Coast subgeography. A series of raster calculations were used in a dichotomous decision-based framework to compile a per-pixel draft condition index value at a 10 m resolution for GCPO estuarine tidal marsh based on the number of configuration and condition endpoints met within each marsh pixel. Pixels not identified as a estuarine marsh but that were identified as having the potential to be marsh were given a score of 1, provided the pixels were not classified as developed. Potential estuarine tidal marsh pixels were derived from a combination of potential estuarine tidal marsh classes in the Landfire...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, All tags...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. It represents a relative ranking of HUC12 watersheds according to the quantity and quality of habitat as described in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Watersheds (HUC12) were ranked by calculating the length-weighted average Management Opportunity scores within them. Because the 3 actions are identical for Med/Low-gradient Streams & Rivers of the coastal plains and Upland Streams & Rivers, (and because some watersheds contain both system types), we considered these systems simultaneously and calculated only...

map background search result map search result map NLCD Woody Wetland Acres for the MAV (by HUC 12) GCPO_NLCD_2011 Woody_Wetlands Condition Index Value for GCPO LCC Estuarine Tidal Marsh Integrated Watershed Ranks Grasslands Protection Opportunities Tidal Marsh Protection Opportunities Upland Hardwood Forest Condition Index Upland Hardwood Forest Protection Opportunities Mainstem Big Rivers Watershed Ranks Combined Med/Low-gradient & Upland Streams & Rivers Watershed Ranks Imputed Forest Stand Age and Estimated Proportion of HUC12 Watersheds in Young Forest Stage in the GCPO LCC Potential Reforestation Index for the South at 2030 Forest Retention Index for the South at year 2030 NLCD Woody Wetland Acres for the MAV (by HUC 12) Tidal Marsh Protection Opportunities Condition Index Value for GCPO LCC Estuarine Tidal Marsh Integrated Watershed Ranks GCPO_NLCD_2011 Woody_Wetlands Grasslands Protection Opportunities Upland Hardwood Forest Protection Opportunities Upland Hardwood Forest Condition Index Mainstem Big Rivers Watershed Ranks Combined Med/Low-gradient & Upland Streams & Rivers Watershed Ranks Imputed Forest Stand Age and Estimated Proportion of HUC12 Watersheds in Young Forest Stage in the GCPO LCC Forest Retention Index for the South at year 2030 Potential Reforestation Index for the South at 2030