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This raster, created in 2010, is output from the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Lab (GIPL) model and represents simulated mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) in Celsius, averaged across a decade, at the base of active layer or at the base of the seasonally frozen soil column. The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named MAGT_1980_1989.tif represents the decade spanning 1980-1989. Cell values represent simulated mean annual ground temperature (degree C) at the base of the active layer (for areas with permafrost) or at the base of the soil column that is seasonally frozen (for areas without permafrost). If the value of the cell is negative,the area has permafrost and the...
This raster, created in 2010, is output from the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Lab (GIPL) model and represents simulated mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) in Celsius, averaged across a decade, at the base of active layer or at the base of the seasonally frozen soil column. The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named MAGT_1980_1989.tif represents the decade spanning 1980-1989. Cell values represent simulated mean annual ground temperature (degree C) at the base of the active layer (for areas with permafrost) or at the base of the soil column that is seasonally frozen (for areas without permafrost). If the value of the cell is negative,the area has permafrost and the...
Average historical annual total precipitation, projected total precipitation (mm), and relative change in total precipitation (% change from baseline) for Northern Alaska. GIF formatted animation and PNG images. Maps created using the SNAP 5-GCM composite (AR5-RCP 6.0) and CRU TS3.1.01 datasets.
More than 35,000 lakes larger than 0.01 sq. km. were extracted from an airborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IfSAR) derived digital surface model acquired between 2002 and 2006 for the Western Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska. The IfSAR derived lake data layer provides an improvement over previously available datasets for the study area since it is more comprehensive and contemporary. Attributes assigned to the IfSAR-derived lake dataset include: area, lake elevation, elevation in 10, 25, 50, and 100 m buffers around a lake perimeter, the difference in elevation between the lake and these various buffers, whether a particular lake had a detectable drainage gradient exceeding 1.2 m, whether a...
This dataset includes Snow Up Date(sudt) for northern Alaska in GeoTiff format, covering the years 1980-2012. Snow Up Date is defined as day of the start of the core snow period(day of simulation). The core snow season is defined to be the longest period of continuous snow cover in each year. The dataset was generated by the Arctic LCC SNOWDATA: Snow Datasets for Arctic Terrestrial Applications project.The simulation period runs from 1 September – 31 August. “Day-of-simulation” takes the value of “1” on 1 September, “123” on 1 January, and “365” on 31 August. “Day-of-simulation” files should be used for analysis (trend, mean, etc.).The dataset is delivered in the ZIP archive file format. Each year is output in a...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AIR TEMPERATURE, AIR TEMPERATURE, ALBEDO, ALBEDO, Academics & scientific researchers, All tags...
The Alaska ShoreZone program has been able to document Arctic coastal biologyand dynamic processes through high resolution aerial imagery, videography, andground assessments: a snapshot in time of the ever changing Arctic coast. Some ofthe most spectacular of these images have been collected in this volume, CoastalImpressions: A Photographic Journey along Alaska’s Arctic Coast. Glance throughthese pages, study and ponder over them , then close your eyes and imagine.Wipe away your preconceived notions of the Arctic and learn about the gem thatis the true Arctic coast.
Temperatures are warming fastest at high latitudes and annual temperatures have increased by 2-3˚ C in the Arctic over the second half of the 20th century. Shorebirds respond to cues on theiroverwintering grounds to initiate long migrations to nesting sites throughout the Arctic. Climatedrivenchanges in snowmelt and temperature, which drive invertebrate emergence, may lead to alack of synchrony between the timing of shorebird nesting and the availability of invertebrateprey essential for egg formation and subsequent chick survival. To explore the drivers andpotential magnitude of climate-related shifts in the availability of invertebrate prey, we modeledthe biomass of invertebrates captured in modified Malaise traps...
Potential Evapotranspiration (PET): These data represent decadal mean totals of potential evapotranspiration estimates (mm). The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named pet_mean_mm_decadal_CRU_Historical_annual_1910-1919.tif represents the decade spanning 1910-1919. The data were generated by using the Hamon equation and output from a statistically downscaled version of the Hadley Centre’s CRU TS3.0 observational dataset. Data are at 2km x 2km resolution, and all data are stored in geotiffs. Calculations were performed using R 2.12.1 and 2.12.2 for Mac OS Leopard, and data were formatted into geotiffs using the raster and rgdal packages. Users are reminded that the PET estimates...
This dataset contains rasters that represent mapped habitat suitability indices for 8 shorebird species, a raster that represents mean habitat suitability indices for all 8 species, and a raster that represents the number of species in which the habitat suitability index exceeded the selected threshold value for each pixel. The shorebird species used for this modeling effort are American Golden-Plover [AMGP], Black-bellied Plover [BBPL], Dunlin [DUNL], Long-billed Dowitcher [LBDO], Pectoral Sandpiper [PESA], Red Phalarope [REPH], Red-necked Phalarope [RNPH], and Semipalmated Sandpiper [SESA].
The Spectacled Eider is a medium-sized sea duck with males easily recognized by their striking“clown-like” head plumage. This species was listed as threatened in 1993 under the EndangeredSpecies Act as it has suffered severe population declines in western Alaska. The Arctic CoastalPlain population may also be declining. In Arctic Alaska, breeding Spectacled Eiders use riverdeltas and wet tundra habitats, including drained-lake basins, flooded wetlands, and islets withina matrix of thaw lakes for both nesting and foraging (Petersen et al. 2000). During the breedingseason, their diet consists primarily of both adult and larval aquatic insects (Petersen et al. 2000).Alaskan breeders spend their winters offshore in...
To elucidate these potential “bottom up” effects of climate changes to Arctic ungulates and evaluate the trophic mismatch hypothesis, the Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (ALCC), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Teck, Inc., and the National Park Service provided funding in 2012-14 to incorporate the calving and summer range of the Western Arctic caribou herd (WAH) into an ongoing inter-agency research and monitoring effort to examine the influences of climate change on the nutrient dynamics of caribou forages. This work is leveraging existing projects on the North Slope of Alaska that are primarily funded through the USGS Changing Arctic Ecosystems Initiative. Field...
Our overarching questions are: (1) How much of the river water and water-borne constituents (i.e. sediment, nutrients, organic matter) from the Jago, Okpilak and Hulahula rivers are coming from glacier melt? (2) How do inputs from these rivers affect the downstream ecosystems? (3) How will loss of glaciers affect these ecosystems? The study will help elucidate how inputs from glacier-dominated arctic rivers differ from unglaciated rivers, through a combination of ground work, boat work, and remote sensing. In Phase One of this study, we intend to explore the relationship between glaciers and coastal ecosystems. Our goal in this phase-one study is not to answer these questions conclusively but rather improve our...
More information is needed about species composition, abundance, or distribution of the microfauna and meiofauna living within the interstitial spaces of the littoral zones along the Beaufort Sea coast. Shorebirds depend on meiofauna for food for pre-migratory fattening and these organisms make important contributions to bioremediation of oil spills.The information obtained from this jointly-funded research can contribute to development of mitigation measures and strategies to reduce potential impacts from post-lease exploration and development. This information need extends to the lower trophic levels forming the base of these complex food webs and the biochemistry that influences these relationships. Their contributions...
The USGS and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Staff operate and maintain a streamgage at Hulahula River near Kaktovik, Alaska. Data from this station is necessary to complement glacier mass-balance studies and provide information necessary to project stream flow regimes under various scenarios of climate change. This project includes operation, acquiring real-time data, analysis of the data, and internet access. The gauge continues to operate as of 2017.
LCC funding for this project helped maintain a network of hydrology monitoring sites in a representative watershed of the Arctic Coastal Plain. The work was conducted within the context of climate change and impending oil and gas activities in the region, the latter of which is the impetus for focusing on the Fish Creek watershed. The project included two monitoring components:1) Beaded Stream & Lake Hydrology Monitoring (dominant habitat type within the watershed): in 6 stream/lake complex watersheds (Redworm, Hannahbear, Blackfish, Crea, Oil, and Bills creeks), continuous water level and temperature (in lakes, streams, and confluences), discrete discharge measurements, and continuous water quality (specific conductivity,...
Baseline (1961-1990) average winter temperature in and projected change in temperature for for the northern portion of Alaska. For the purposes of these maps, ‘winter’ is defined as December - February. The Alaska portion of the Arctic LCC’s terrestrial boundary is depicted by the black line. Baseline results for 1961-1990 are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS3.1 data and downscaled to 2km grids; results for the other time periods (2010-2039, 2040-2069, 2070-2099) are based on the SNAP 5-GCM composite using the AR5-RCP 8.5, downscaled to 2km grids.
The maps show baseline (1961-1990) average air temperature and projected air temperature for the decades spanning 2010-2039, 2040-2069, and 2070-2099. Temperature is expressed in both Celsius (у) and Fahrenheit (ц). Baseline results for 1961-1990 are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS 3.1. data and maps for future time periods are based on a composite of projections from five GCMs (CCSM4, GFDL-CM3, GISS-E2-R, IPSL-CM5A-LR, and MRI-CGCM3) under the AR5-RCP 6.0. Data courtesy of Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning.
Baseline (1961-1990) average air temperature (degree F) for Alaska and Western Canada. This zip file contains three GeoTIFF rasters. The file names identifies whether a file represents an annual mean or a seasonal mean (i.e., summer or winter). Summer is defined as June - August; winter is defined as December - February. Baseline data are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS 3.1 data. CRU data courtesy of Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning.
Using a bioclimatic envelope approach, University of Alberta investigators project how the distribution and abundance of boreal forest birds across North America will respond to different scenarios of future climate-change. Investigation emphasis is on mapping and quantifying potential range expansions of boreal bird species into Arctic and subarctic regions across Alaska and Canada. The final products demonstrate a broad continental-scale overview of potential shifts in avian distribution.

map background search result map search result map Fish Creek Watershed Hydrology Monitoring Hydrologic Monitoring of Glacier-Influenced Watersheds (Hulahula Gage) Shorebird HSI tiff format SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Up Date Climate Effects on Arctic Food Resources: Predictive Models for Surface-Available Invertebrate Biomass Arctic Impressions:  A Photographic Journey Along Alaska's Arctic Coast Arctic LCC Boundary Map - PDF Western Arctic Coastal Plain, Lakes and Drainage Gradients Evaluating the 'Bottom Up' Effects of Changing Habitats: Climate Changes, Vegetative Phenology, and the Nutrient Dynamics of Ungulate Forages Mean Annual Ground Temperature 2030-2039 Mean Annual Ground Temperature 2020-2029 Summer Temperature Maps - RCP 6.0, Fahrenheit Temperature Projection Maps - RCP 6.0 Baseline 1961-1990 Average Air Temperature, Fahrenheit Annual Precipitation Animation - RCP 6.0, Millimeters Potential Evapotranspiration 1910-1919: CRU Historical Dataset Spectacled Eider Integrating studies of glacier dynamics and estuarine chemistry in the context of landscape change in the Arctic Refuge Modeling avifaunal responses to climate change in North America's boreal-Arctic transition zone Shorebirds and Invertebrate Distribution on Delta Mudflats along the Beaufort Sea Hydrologic Monitoring of Glacier-Influenced Watersheds (Hulahula Gage) Integrating studies of glacier dynamics and estuarine chemistry in the context of landscape change in the Arctic Refuge Fish Creek Watershed Hydrology Monitoring Shorebirds and Invertebrate Distribution on Delta Mudflats along the Beaufort Sea Western Arctic Coastal Plain, Lakes and Drainage Gradients Evaluating the 'Bottom Up' Effects of Changing Habitats: Climate Changes, Vegetative Phenology, and the Nutrient Dynamics of Ungulate Forages Shorebird HSI tiff format Spectacled Eider Arctic Impressions:  A Photographic Journey Along Alaska's Arctic Coast SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Up Date Mean Annual Ground Temperature 2030-2039 Mean Annual Ground Temperature 2020-2029 Potential Evapotranspiration 1910-1919: CRU Historical Dataset Climate Effects on Arctic Food Resources: Predictive Models for Surface-Available Invertebrate Biomass Modeling avifaunal responses to climate change in North America's boreal-Arctic transition zone Arctic LCC Boundary Map - PDF Summer Temperature Maps - RCP 6.0, Fahrenheit Temperature Projection Maps - RCP 6.0 Baseline 1961-1990 Average Air Temperature, Fahrenheit Annual Precipitation Animation - RCP 6.0, Millimeters