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We used the 1981 historical imagery of the Escalante River, Utah in ArcGIS to quantify channel area and average width and quantify woody riparian vegetation cover in two reaches of the river. Reach 1 was approximately 15 river kilometers (rkms) long and located between Sand and Boulder creeks within Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Reach 2 was approximately 16 rkms in length, extending from the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area boundary to just upstream of Choprock Canyon. We delineated the extent of active channel. Active channel was defined as the portion of the channel free of vegetation. We also delineated fluvial geomorphic features such as point bars, mid-channel bars, lateral bars and floodplain....
The “Biophysical assessment for indemnity selection of federal lands in Colorado: Indemnity Unit locations” dataset delineates the spatial locations of 89 Indemnity Units, comprising 339 parcels of federal lands. These lands, currently managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), are under consideration for transfer of ownership to the State of Colorado in compensation for federal lands not available for transfer at the time of statehood. The Indemnity Units total 23,130 acres of surface and mineral estate and 6,150 acres of mineral estate only. The specific land parcels to be transferred to the State will be finalized after an environmental analysis is completed, as required by the National Environmental Policy...
These data address experimental evaluations of dietary preference by captive brown treesnakes on Guam. Snakes were collected from the wild in areas with birds present and in areas without birds present 2018–2019. Snakes were then run through preference trials during which they were offered first live lures (mouse and finch) in snake traps on opposite sides of the arena. On the second night, snakes were offered dead carrion (baits) of each prey type (mouse, chicken chick) equal to 30% of their mass. Choices were monitored overnight using game cameras and then transcribed the following day. Individuals were classified as BIRD or NOBIRD snakes based on whether they had birds in their gut contents at the time of capture....
The NABat sampling frame is a grid-based finite-area frame spanning Canada, the United States, and Mexico consisting of N total number of 10- by 10-km (100-km2) grid cell sample units for the continental United States, Canada, and Alaska and 5- by 5-km (25km2) for Hawaii and Puerto Rico. This grain size is biologically appropriate given the scale of movement of most bat species, which routinely travel many kilometers each night between roosts and foraging areas and along foraging routes. A Generalized Random-Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) Survey Design draw was added to the sample units from the raw sampling grids ( This sampling design produces an ordered list of units such that...
The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is a key model of vertebrate toxicity. Standardized tests of toxicity in fathead minnow have been developed to support regulatory science, and much is known about the response of the species to various environmental pollutants. However, there is little data on genetic variation within the species, despite the potential influence of genetic background on toxicological outcomes. Furthermore, the phylogenetic relationships among Pimephales species are not fully established and rates of evolutionary divergence within the species and genus have not been investigated. This study examined patterns of genetic variation across the genome within a single wild population of fathead...
We present five hierarchical demarcations of greater sage-grouse population structure, representing the spatial structure of populations which can exist due to differences in dispersal abilities, landscape configurations, and mating behavior. These demarcations represent Thiessen polygons of graph constructs (least-cost path [LCP] minimum spanning trees [MST; LCP-MST]) representing greater sage-grouse population structure. Because the graphs included locational information of sage-grouse breeding sites, we have provided polygons of the population structure. We also present two results using graph analytics representing node/connectivity importance based on our population structure. Understanding wildlife population...
Flea abundance and body condition data for black-tailed prairie dogs on sites treated and not treated with “FipBit” fipronil pellets. We sampled prairie dogs at Conata Basin, Buffalo Gap National Grassland, and Badlands National Park, South Dakota, USA. We sampled fleas from live-trapped prairie dogs during June–October 2018, May–October 2019, and July-August 2020. Prairie dogs were sampled before and after FipBit treatments. We anesthetized each prairie dog with isoflurane and combed it thoroughly for 30 seconds to dislodge fleas, which fell into a plastic bin. Fleas were counted and allowed to recover from anesthesia and placed back on prairie dogs, to minimize any removal effect. We weighed prairie dogs with...
Data were collected on seed production dynamics of long-lived plants, reproductive plant traits of those plant species, and weather variability for sites where those species live. Data include the coefficient of variation in seed production over time, the variation (coefficient of variation or standard deviation) in weather over years, and reproductive traits such as pollination mode and seed dispersal mechanism. Data series were distributed globally and encompass 920 data series containing 311 plant species. Data series are all 6 or more years in length.
This data release presents observations of riparian vegetation, topography, sediment quality, and river corridor geomorphology in four river reaches of the Lower Virgin River extending downstream 62 river kilometers (rkm) from near the town of Littlefield (AZ) and the Arizona-Nevada border at rkm 119. Methods included field observations and analysis of remotely-sensed data before (2010) and after (2011-2012) a 40-year return period flood (December 2010, at the gaging station “Virgin River near Littlefield” (USGS gage #09415000)). The data release includes four .csv files related to field observations: UTM coordinates of field transect locations; vegetation and geomorphology; species codes; and sediment quality....
Oral sylvatic plague vaccine baits (SPV) and placebo baits were distributed once annually from 2013-2016 on treated and non-treated paired plots from 2013-2016. Black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD) were live-trapped and permanently marked with passive integrated transponders and ear tags on 4 pairs of plots each year from 2013-2017 to provide capture/recapture data for use in estimating BTPD survival. The first data set (CMR_SPV_RAW_CAPTURE_DATA.csv) lists all captures and associated covariates with each line representing data from a single prairie dog. The second data set (CMR_BTPD_WEIGHTS.csv) lists the weight and associated information for each prairie dog at each handling. The third data set (CMR_FLEAS_BY_HOST.csv)...
Note: this data release has been superseded by version 2.0, available here: We developed habitat suitability models for invasive plant species selected by Department of Interior land management agencies. We applied the modeling workflow developed in Young et al. 2020 to species not included in the original case studies. Our methodology balanced trade-offs between developing highly customized models for a few species versus fitting non-specific and generic models for numerous species. We developed a national library of environmental variables known to physiologically limit plant distributions and relied on human input based on natural history knowledge to further narrow the variable...
This data release contains the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sampling Grid at the 5 km x 5 km scale with biologically relevant covariates for NABat analyses attributed to each cell of the 5 km x 5 km grid frame for the continental United States. It was created using ArcPro and the 'sf', 'tidyverse', 'dplyr' and 'exactextractr' packages in R to extract covariates from multiple data sources following the 10 km x 10 km attributed grid process as well as adding additional covariates. These covariates include the habitat characteristics such as percent of wetlands, forest, deciduous and coniferous forest, dominant and subdominant oak types, the number of tree and oak species, topographic features...
Data on body condition and reproduction of Utah prairie dogs at 5 colonies on the Awapa Plateau, Utah, USA, June-August 2013-2016. Utah prairie dogs were live-trapped and sampled on 5 colonies. We recorded the age (juvenile/adult) and mass (nearest 5 grams) of each prairie dog and marked its ears and body with metal tags and passive integrated transponders, respectively, for permanent identification. We measured each prairie dog's right hind foot length (nearest millimeter). We indexed each adult prairie dog's body condition as the ratio between its mass and hind-foot length. Prairie dogs were allowed to recover from anesthesia and released at their trapping locations. We indexed prairie dog reproduction, by colony...
The rasters in this dataset represent modeled outputs of potential fire connectivity and relative flow patterns in the Great Basin. We define ‘fire connectivity’ as the landscape’s capacity to facilitate fire transmission from one point on the landscape to another. We applied an omnidirectional circuit theory algorithm (Omniscape) to model fire connectivity in the Great Basin of the western United States. We used predicted rates of fire spread to approximate conductance and calculated current densities to identify connections among areas with high spread rates. We calculated the cumulative current density as well as normalized cumulative current density, with the outputs included here as raster data.
We investigated population dynamics in chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculata) relative to extrinsic (air temperatures and snowpack) and intrinsic (density dependence) characteristics at 2 sites in Colorado, USA. We used capture-mark-recapture (cmr) data (i.e., 1 or 0, provided here) and a Bayesian model framework to assess our a priori hypotheses about interactions among covariates and chorus frog survival and population growth rates. Files include: Cameron_Lily_cmr_NOV2020.csv, Cameron_Matthews_cmr_NOV2020.csv, and Cameron_covariates_NOV2020.csv. Data associated with paper by Kissel et al. 2021.
Nocturnal visual encounter survey data conducted by 29 searchers over 17 transects obtained during a Brown Treesnake rapid response deployment to island of Saipan in 2016. Surveys took place in the vicinity of the Saipan airport and Dandan village (ca. 15.127°N, 145.735°E) from 06 January to 13 March 2016, 6–7 nights/week but with a break in surveying from 26 January through 21 February. During Brown Treesnake searches over 386.8 kilometers, we collected data on selected vertebrate taxa (lizards and small mammals, both potential snake prey) recorded from survey transects with similar vegetation structure (secondary forest dominated by the introduced leguminous tree Leucaena leucocephala; emergent trees were partially...
These data contain the supplementary results corresponding with the journal article: Using mobile acoustic monitoring and false-positive N-mixture models to estimate bat abundance and population trends by Udell et al. (2024) in Ecological Monographs. These results contain the findings from the North American Bat Monitoring Program's (NABat) "Summer Abundance Status and Trends" analyses which used mobile transect acoustic data for three species (tricolored bat, little brown bat, and big brown bat). Data from the entire summer season (May 1–Aug 31) were used in the modeling process. Here, tabular data for each species include predictions (with uncertainty) of relative abundance (and trends over time) in the summer...
The Aga, also known as the Mariana Crow, is an endangered endemic crow of the Northern Mariana Islands, a Commonwealth of the United States of America. The only known population currently extant is on the island of Rota and has been in decline over the past two decades. Unknown pathogens are among the factors that may be contributing to this decline. To support metagenomic and transcriptomic analysis of potential disease agents, a reference genome was generated and gene features comprehensively annotated. The methods used and data availability are described. This data release consists of: 1. Gene annotations for the endangered Aga or Mariana Crow, including summary statistics, that are available from the National...
Characterizing genetic structure across a species’ range is relevant for management and conservation as it can be used to define population boundaries and quantify connectivity. Here, we characterized population structure and estimated effective migration in Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Our objectives were to (1) describe large-scale patterns of population genetic structure and gene flow and (2) to characterize genetic subpopulation centers across the range of Greater Sage-grouse. Samples from 2,134 individuals were genotyped at 15 microsatellite loci. Using standard STRUCTURE and spatial principal components analyses, we found evidence for four or six areas of large-scale genetic differentiation...
Data were collected in 2017 by researchers at the USGS, USDA-ARS, and University of Wyoming on the food webs of plants, prairie dogs, arthropods, and birds in the Thunder Basin National Grassland. Data were collected from 87 sites in order to parameterize a structural equation model linking prairie dog impacts to changes in vegetation, arthropods, and birds. Abiotic information such as topographic wetness index, terrain roughness, and soil characteristics were estimated at the same set of plots in order to account for abiotic variation across the landscape.

map background search result map search result map Biophysical assessment for indemnity selection of federal lands in Colorado: Indemnity Unit locations A polygon shapefile of bottomland vegetation cover and geomorphic features of the Escalante River, Utah mapped from 1981 aerial imagery North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame Visual Surveys Rapid Response Saipan 2016 Riparian vegetation, topography, sediment quality, and river corridor geomorphology in the Lower Virgin River, Nevada and Arizona, before (2010) and after (2011-2012) a 40-year return period flood Data on prairie dogs, plants, arthropod biomass, and birds for Thunder Basin, Wyoming in 2017 Flea abundance and body condition data for black-tailed prairie dogs on sites treated and not treated with “FipBit” fipronil pellets, South Dakota, 2018-2020 Data on Utah prairie dog body condition and reproductive success, Awapa Plateau, Utah, USA, 2013-2016 Black-tailed prairie dog capture data from plots treated and not treated with oral plague vaccine from 2013-2017 in Montana INHABIT species potential distribution across the contiguous United States Chorus frog density and population growth, Cameron Pass, Colorado, 1986-2020 Data on dietary preference by brown treesnakes on Guam Microsatellite data, boundaries of subpopulation centers, and estimated effective migration for greater sage-grouse collected in western North America between 1992 and 2015 (ver. 2.0, December 2022) Greater sage-grouse population structure and connectivity data to inform the development of hierarchical population units (western United States) Genomic variation in the genus Pimephales: raw sequence data and single-nucleotide polymorphisms A reference genome assembly for the endangered Aga or Mariana Crow (Corvus kubaryi) Circuit-based potential fire connectivity and relative flow patterns in the Great Basin, United States, 270 meters Supplemental Results from: Using mobile acoustic monitoring and false-positive N-mixture models to estimate bat abundance and population trends Attributed North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) 5km x 5km Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame Chorus frog density and population growth, Cameron Pass, Colorado, 1986-2020 Visual Surveys Rapid Response Saipan 2016 Black-tailed prairie dog capture data from plots treated and not treated with oral plague vaccine from 2013-2017 in Montana A polygon shapefile of bottomland vegetation cover and geomorphic features of the Escalante River, Utah mapped from 1981 aerial imagery Riparian vegetation, topography, sediment quality, and river corridor geomorphology in the Lower Virgin River, Nevada and Arizona, before (2010) and after (2011-2012) a 40-year return period flood Data on dietary preference by brown treesnakes on Guam Data on Utah prairie dog body condition and reproductive success, Awapa Plateau, Utah, USA, 2013-2016 Data on prairie dogs, plants, arthropod biomass, and birds for Thunder Basin, Wyoming in 2017 Biophysical assessment for indemnity selection of federal lands in Colorado: Indemnity Unit locations Circuit-based potential fire connectivity and relative flow patterns in the Great Basin, United States, 270 meters Microsatellite data, boundaries of subpopulation centers, and estimated effective migration for greater sage-grouse collected in western North America between 1992 and 2015 (ver. 2.0, December 2022) Greater sage-grouse population structure and connectivity data to inform the development of hierarchical population units (western United States) Attributed North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) 5km x 5km Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame Genomic variation in the genus Pimephales: raw sequence data and single-nucleotide polymorphisms INHABIT species potential distribution across the contiguous United States Supplemental Results from: Using mobile acoustic monitoring and false-positive N-mixture models to estimate bat abundance and population trends North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame