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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
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The Highly Altered Areas Mask is an input of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. For all of our input indicator layers, we use this mask to remove the most highly altered areas on the landscape from our datasets. These areas include the highest-intensity urban development, plus large roads. By removing these select areas, we help the prioritization algorithm of the Blueprint to de-prioritize pixels at the edges of the most altered areas, which in turn leads to more connected hubs in...
The Southeast Conservation Blueprint is a map of important areas for conservation and restoration across the Southeast and Caribbean. The Blueprint is the primary product of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS). Through SECAS, diverse partners are working together to design and achieve a connected network of lands and waters that supports thriving fish and wildlife populations and improved quality of life for people.
Science Applications employs mdEditor for metadata creation and editing. Metadata for contacts of other DOI agencies and centers are used frequently across the USFWS regions. In an effort to reduce redundancy and increase efficiency, SA headquarters maintains a master mdJSON metadata file aka seed file. for use across SA regions and the Service.If you would like to add commonly used contacts to this list, please contact the SA HQ data manager at
Invasive annual grasses are a primary, severe, and challenging threat to habitat conservation and restoration for sage-dependent wildlife across federal, state and private lands. Successful management solutions for sagebrush rangelands are likely to be multiphasic, involving some sequence of interventions such as herbicides, seeding of competitive natives that also create habitat, and temporarily altering land use, in an adaptive-management approach. The proposed work tests different herbicides and options for applying them with different seeding and land uses, across a gradient of climate and soils in Interior Regions 5 and 7.This research will examine the efficacy of management options for controlling cheatgrass...
Conifer encroachment is one of the most significant threats to sagebrush habitats and the species that rely on them. Removal of encroaching conifers is beneficial for Greater Sage-Grouse, but impacts on other sagebrush-obligate species are not well understood. This project aims to quantify the impact of conifer removal on sagebrush songbird abundance and reproductive success. Work has been initiated through a previously-supported (by IR5/7 SA) Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit project across six conifer-removal and six conifer-remaining (control) plots of ca. 55 ha each. Initial results suggest that conifer removal benefits both abundance and nesting success of sagebrush-obligate species (Brewers Sparrows...
The Wind River Reservation in Wyoming contains over 2 million acres of the best and most diverse and intact habitats in the contiguous US. It is home to the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Tribes. In collaboration with Tribal Fish and Game, the USFWS Lander Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office and the USGS Wyoming Cooperative Research Unit, partners have been conducting an investigation of the migration patterns of 113 GPS-collared mule deer that began in 2018. As part of our SA diversity and inclusion efforts with a $60,500 investment, this project will extend the ongoing work and engage various segments of the tribal community in the research as a means to further understanding of fish and wildlife management...
To better inform conservation efforts targeted at reversing grassland bird declines and ensure self-sustaining populations of at-risk species such as the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus), a better understanding of broad-scale habitat availability for grassland birds is needed. his project will evaluate the utility of NDVI and phenology-based metrics in estimating lesser prairie-chicken reproductive habitat quality remotely over broad spatial scales.1. Evaluate the influence of grazing, fire, and precipitation on NDVI-related metrics in the Central and Southern Great Plains.2. Identify NDVI-related metrics that best distinguish lesser prairie-chicken reproductive habitat from non-habitat. 3. Relate...
Predicted population cores (25%, 50% and 75%) of breeding Baird’s sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii) based on a range-wide random forest distribution model. We summed the probability of occurrence across all pixels in the study region to generate an index of total population. We placed each grid cell prediction in the context of the study area by dividing the individual pixel probability by the total index. Starting with the highest-value pixels, we cumulatively summed the probabilities until a given threshold was met. We set 25, 50 and 75% thresholds to delineate cores as the smallest possible areas containing the highest concentrations of predicted birds.
The US Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) has experienced some of the highest rates of grassland loss in North America over a time that coincides with dramatic declines in grassland songbird populations yet increasing abundance of most grassland-nesting duck species except for northern pintail. To provide more insight into this contradiction, we propose to capitalize on long-term databases to evaluate how a key population driver nest survival for North American ducks has responded to system changes in the region including landscape and climatic factors. Outcomes of these analyses will contribute to testing primary conservation planning assumptions for the PPJV a vital component of the PPJV Strategic Habitat Conservation...
Using a solutions-oriented, multi-agency collaboration, we propose to pilot a large-scale assessment of an alternative (herding, electric- and virtual-fence) grazing strategy designed to mimic pre-colonial grazing patterns by bison, to ascertain their value for local- and regional-scale assemblages ofsagebrush- and grassland-associated birds in Montana. A fundamental goal of most wildlife-based grazing programs is to foster a mosaic of patches that represent the broadest possible spectrum of habitat types that benefits different sagebrush- and grassland-associated birds in different parts of the landscape (for example, western meadowlarks, vesper sparrows, and thick-billed longspur in open, heavily grazed areas;...
Grassland loss to woody encroachment is widespread and ongoing. Mechanical removal of Eastern Red Cedar (ERC) is the most cost-shared practice to address this threat. Cost-share is provided based on acres with different levels of infestation. Delineation of the different levels of infestation is time consuming butrequired to ensure the appropriate amount of cost-share is provided and contractors are not over/under compensated. The Rangeland Brush Estimation Toolbox(RaBET) is geospatial tool that can accurately automate this process. Unfortunately,wet-meadows and other wetland features cause the tool to overestimate woody cover. This project will provide funds to finish the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). This...
This cultural resource indicator prioritizes places to create new parks that would fill gaps in equitable access to open space within socially vulnerable communities. It identifies areas where residents currently lack access to parks within a 10-minute walk (accounting for walkable road networks and access barriers like highways and fences), then prioritizes based on park need using demographic and environmental metrics. This indicator originates from the Trust for Public Land’s ParkServe park priority areas.Reason for SelectionProtected natural areas help foster a conservation ethic by providing opportunities for people to connect with nature, and also support ecosystem services like offsetting heat island effects...
This indicator prioritizes areas for new land protection within the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV) based on benefits to forest breeding birds that depend on large interior cores of bottomland hardwood habitat (Swainson’s warbler, cerulean warbler, swallow-tailed kite). The model considers core size, the amount of existing protected land within the forest patch, proximity to reforestation priority areas, and risk of conversion to agriculture based on flooding frequency. The highest scores represent drier, unprotected forest patches with cores at least 2,000 ha (~5,000 ac) that are adjacent to priority areas from a complementary reforestation model also developed by the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture (LMVJV)....
This .zip folder contains final ancillary data layers used to create Southeast Conservation Blueprint 2022 that were not included in the main data download package.
This indicator measures known and predicted suitable locations of hardbottom habitat and deep-sea corals. It combines multiple datasets from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and The Nature Conservancy.Reason for SelectionHardbottom provides an anchor for important seafloor habitats such as deep-sea corals, plants, and sponges. Many deep-sea corals form tree-like shapes and complex reefs that provide valuable habitat structure. Hardbottom and associated deep-sea coral communities support a wide range of invertebrate and fish species (NOAA 2018).Input Data South Atlantic Blueprint 2021 extent National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) U.S. Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Deep-Sea Coral Habitat...
This mapping project was a collaboration among the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and staff from the Arkansas Game and Fish and Natural Heritage Commissions. It provides general information on the potential environmental risk to species of concern and sensitive habitats from proposed wind energy projects in Arkansas. According to the Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines, environmental risks include direct impacts e.g., collisions with turbines and associated infrastructure, habitat loss or degradation from turbines and infrastructure, habitat fragmentation, displacement or behavioral changes, and indirect impacts e.g., reduced nesting and breeding densities and the social ramifications of those reductions,...

map background search result map search result map Southeast Blueprint v4.0 Assessing annual grass management effectiveness in the sagebrush biome Patterns of greenness (NDVI) in the Southern Great Plains and their influence on the habitat quality and reproduction of a declining prairie grouse Impacts of Conifer Removal on Sagebrush Songbirds Wind River Tribal Engagement/Mule Deer Migration Baird’s Sparrow Cores Evaluating patterns of long-term system change and demographic response for grassland nesting ducks in the US Prairie Pothole Region Wetland Mask to Improve Woody Cover Mapping Assessing Traditional and Emerging Grazing Strategies for Creating a Mosaic of Diverse Habitat Patches for Grassland- and Sagebrush Associated Birds Equitable Access to Potential Parks Mississippi Alluvial Valley Forest Birds - Protection South Atlantic Hardbottom & Deep-Sea Coral Southeast Blueprint 2022 Ancillary Data Download Arkansas Wind Wildlife and Habitat Risk Map Highly Altered Areas Mask Wind River Tribal Engagement/Mule Deer Migration Impacts of Conifer Removal on Sagebrush Songbirds Wetland Mask to Improve Woody Cover Mapping Arkansas Wind Wildlife and Habitat Risk Map Assessing Traditional and Emerging Grazing Strategies for Creating a Mosaic of Diverse Habitat Patches for Grassland- and Sagebrush Associated Birds Patterns of greenness (NDVI) in the Southern Great Plains and their influence on the habitat quality and reproduction of a declining prairie grouse Baird’s Sparrow Cores Evaluating patterns of long-term system change and demographic response for grassland nesting ducks in the US Prairie Pothole Region Assessing annual grass management effectiveness in the sagebrush biome Highly Altered Areas Mask Equitable Access to Potential Parks Mississippi Alluvial Valley Forest Birds - Protection South Atlantic Hardbottom & Deep-Sea Coral Southeast Blueprint v4.0 Southeast Blueprint 2022 Ancillary Data Download