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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___USFWS Science Applications
____Science Applications Region 1
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Modeling and prioritization support for development of a climate-smart, implementation and management plan for nearly 200 species on Maui, Moloka’i and Lana’i. This project will produce iterative development of models and scenarios for planning process, a report of analysis methods and results, summary and interpretation of their use in planning. All relevant scripts and datasets will be supplied to State and other cooperators.
This project’s key goal was to identify and understand community adaptation responses to major flood and drought events in He‘eia, O‘ahu. Floods and droughts were identified using stream gage data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and rainfall data from Dr. Tom Giambelluca and the Rainfall Atlas of Hawai‘i. Both He‘eia rainfall and stream gage data were used because the major events would likely overlap, thus strengthening the identification of flood or drought events. Community adaptability was examined by utilizing various media including primarily community elder interviews and newspaper articles. Historical research revealed that there was no mention of community adaptability as a result of major droughts...
Adaptation summaries identify key mechanisms to reduce vulnerabilities for each resource on each island using options generated at the workshops and supplemented by literature. Each report presents a summary of possible adaptation strategies and actions for habitats on Oʻahu, and consists of stakeholder input during an adaptation workshop as well as additional options from the literature or other similar efforts. Stakeholders identified ways in which current management actions could be modified to reduce habitat vulnerabilities as well as future management actions that are not currently implemented but could be considered for future implementation. The adaptation actions are also assessed in this report for their...
This project has provided baseline information on mosquito distribution and avian malaria prevalence in birds within a key portion of kiwikiu and ʻākohekohe range. This will help evaluate the immediate extinction risk for these two species in this area; the results are promising that this portion of Waikamoi has not been inundated with mosquitoes yet and may for some time provide habitat for the endangered honeycreepers. MFBRP will be replicating this study in the Hanawi Natural Area Reserve in 2022. In addition to this work, with TNC and partners, we have been collecting mosquito distribution and malaria prevalence samples across the windward slope of Haleakalā, where kiwikiu and ʻākohekohe are currently found....
The Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis produced the following geospatial data layers for American beaver (Castor canadensis): (1) a vector dataset of core habitat depicting areas of high concentrations of suitable habitat, (2) a raster dataset depicting the landscape’s resistance to movement, (3) a raster dataset of cost-weighted distance depicting the permeability of the landscape for movement between core habitat areas, (4) a vector dataset depicting the least-cost paths between core habitat areas, and (5) a raster dataset depicting the least-cost corridors between core habitat areas. The data layers are provided in multiple file formats that include: (1) an ArcGIS Pro file geodatabase,...
On May 3-4, 20221, 107 people participated in an online workshop sponsored by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to discuss important considerations the FWS should take into account when making decisions on conservation introductions (CI). The geographic scope of the workshop included Hawaiʻi, American Sāmoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.CI are translocations of populations or species outside their known historical distributions for conservation purposes. Most frequently this action is considered when an endangered species is viewed as unable to recover within its known historical range (assisted...
Title:Western Grebe Ecology Abstract: Western Grebes have experienced a 90% decline throughout their range and are listed as imperiled by the State of Idaho. We are investigating threats to the breeding population of Western and Clark’s Grebes at the three largest breeding colonies in Idaho, including Lake Lowell at Deer Flat NWR. Early results are in using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to monitor grebe nests and estimate nest survival, contaminant analyses of eggs, and detailed brood surveys. Award ID: PR 40403668 Amount: $43,000 Start Date: 08/31/2019 End Date: 12/31/2020 Funding source: USFWS Recipient: Lead organization: FWS Point of Contact: Jim Unsworth Project Leader name and contact info:
The goal is to develop adaptive management strategies for the dynamic rocky intertidal ‘Opihi (limpet, Cellana spp.) fishery based on the natural carrying capacity of the habitat, and to develop a sustainable fishing model for both Hawai‘i and the rest of the world. The results will help create recommendations for sustainable harvesting and management using an indicator-based approach. Understanding how these habitats shift both seasonally and under a rising sea level will help the community maintain and care for the existing areas.This project will produce a final report that summarizes:• Monthly Productivity and Carrying Capacity surveys and community engagement.• ‘Opihi habitat model reflective of 1) seasonal...
From 2020-2021, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) partnered with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to design a qualitative research study that would describe the perceptions of USFWS personnel in the Pacific Region across many aspects of conservation introductions so that the USFWS could use this information in the planning and development of an internal decision-support framework for conservation introductions in the Pacific Region. The resulting report found that, overall, USFWS employees feel that conservation introductions is a necessary tool that will be indispensable in certain situations, but also feel that there is more risk associated with this conservation management approach than more traditional...

map background search result map search result map American Beaver (Castor canadensis) Geospatial Dataset American Beaver (Castor canadensis) Geospatial Dataset