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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___USFWS Science Applications
____Science Applications Region 2
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We propose to evaluate application of ammonium chloride for the purpose of removing invasive Northern crayfish (Faxonius virilis, formerly Orconectes virilis) and Red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) from aquatic systems. Adding small amounts of ammonium chloride to aquatic systems may be a cost-effective and low-impact way to eradicate invasive crayfish and support conservation of native aquatic species. We will first evaluate dosages and concentrations in the laboratory and then utilize the information derived from those laboratory studies to conduct removal of crayfish from small stock ponds in the field. A minimum of two treatment ponds will be evaluated over a season to evaluate effectiveness. This project...
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: Project, accepted
We leveraged the Land Change Modeler within the Clark Labs’ TerrSet 2020 Geospatial Monitoring and Modeling Software package to produce vulnerability assessments and land use change products for several land use land cover types (TerrSet 2020, TerrSet is an integrated geospatial software system for monitoring and modeling the earth system for sustainable development.We examined land use change and persistence across the southwestern US during an 18-yr window using 2001 and 2019 NLCD products reclassified into 9 categories. We investigated 15 potential variables to evaluate the top drivers responsible for the observed change. The targeted land use land cover categories included development,...
There are three species of non-native crayfish in New Mexico (NM) and Arizona (AZ). One of these, the northern crayfish (Orconectes virilis), is widespread and occurs locally at high densities. There is growing anecdotal information that this invasive species threatens native and protected fishes, reptiles, and amphibians in streams and riparian zones of NM and AZ, but a quantitative assessment of interaction strength is lacking. Crayfish are virtually impossible to eradicate, even at the local scale, and resources for management are often limited. For wildlife managers to make feasible conservation decisions requires information about how, when, and where to target suppression efforts and whether such efforts can...
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: Project, accepted
Fiscal Year 2021 folder to house new projects, funded research, or other efforts funded by Science Applications-Southwest
CART is a platform that enhances collaborative conservation efforts at all scales by facilitating issue-based, not geography-based, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. By connecting hundreds of individuals from dozens of organizations across North America, CART helps bridge the gaps between work at project, landscape, and operational scales. The CART Team, comprised of USDA Southwest Climate Hub, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, and Southwest and South Central Climate Adaptation Science Centers, help improve the outcomes of on-the-ground conservation by: Managing a central location for knowledge sharing based on Case Studies Co-developing tools that help diverse organizations meet their objectives...
Significant progress has been made toward the recovery of the threatened Apache Trout. Major threats were removed including hybridization, logging, and overharvest. Remaining threats are being managed and are manageable. Partners agree that it is time to evaluate if the Apache Trout still warrants protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The Apache Trout is a “conservation-reliant species,” meaning that it will need continued active population- and threat-management related to predation and competition from nonnative trout species. Therefore, a long-term CMP is essential to analyzing the species’ status relative to potential delisting. An Apache Trout SSA and CMP are both prerequisite documents needed...
Managing invasive species is both a complex spatial problem and a multi-species problem, yet we lack opportunities and tools that address both problems simultaneously. Here, we propose to meet this need through a collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) to develop a data-driven, multi-species simulation framework; our goal is to test and transfer efficient and effective management strategies that optimize control of aquatic invasive species and promote the persistence of at-risk species in the southwestern U.S. Our target species are the invasive American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) and an isolated metapopulation of the Arizona treefrog (Hyla wrightorum), a species of conservation concern in Arizona....
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: Project, accepted
The Collaborative Conservation and Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST), coordinated by FWS Science Applications and the Bureau of Reclamation, is a platform for collaborative conservation for federal and state natural resource management agencies in the West. CCAST increases communication among the conservation community to advance the development of best management practices to achieve shared conservation goals. This project will provide support for conservation and restoration of semiarid grasslands in the Southwest by establishing a grassland restoration community of practice. Numerous agencies and organizations have been attempting to restore grasslands in the Southwest for decades. However, there remains a...
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: Project, accepted
FWS, Arizona Game and Fish Department, and New Mexico Department of Game and Fish are working collaboratively to advance understanding of two at-risk gartersnake species. An immediate need is to determine where the species are occurring while advancing survey techniques in support of Species Status Assessments and future population viability analysis.There is a dearth of recent survey information throughout the range of the Narrow-headed Gartersnake (Thamnophis rufipunctatus/THRU) and Northern Mexican Gartersnake (T. eques) in Arizona. The project seeks to fill in these gaps by conducting rapid and intensive surveys in a number of sites where the species has not been detected in many years, where observations are...
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: Project, accepted
The white-tailed ptarmigan is the smallest grouse species in North America and is endemic to alpine habitat. Despite reintroduction efforts in the 1980s, ptarmigan are now functionally extirpated from the southernmost portion of their historic range, located in northern New Mexico. Due to a lack of monitoring, the causes of extirpation remain unclear, and could be attributed to climate change, geographic isolation (a consequence of being a periphery population), or other unknown causes. The proposed study will evaluate the demographic outcomes of a newly-reintroduced ptarmigan population from Colorado. The study will estimate survival probability and nest survival nesting behavior, and habitat use patterns and the...
The overall goal of this project is to provide guidance on genetic considerations that should be addressed prior to implementing controlled propagation through development of a conceptual framework and case study. The completion of these tasks will provide information that can be used to inform species-specific genetic management plans and help operationalize controlled propagation, if needed. The specific objectives of this study are: (1) Outline specific steps that managers should ask in making determinations regarding whether or not to initiate captive propagation; (2) Conduct a range-wide survey of genetic variation in Lampsilis bracteata, that will allow identification of distinct populations and identification...
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: Project, onGoing

map background search result map search result map Conservation and Adaptation Resources Toolbox Land Use Land Cover Change Products and Vulnerability Assessment (Southwest US) Conservation and Adaptation Resources Toolbox Land Use Land Cover Change Products and Vulnerability Assessment (Southwest US)